Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 May 1912, 2, p. 7

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■'■'■Wtfi &£j i»^ii vitrified pavin* brick, to be laid on present macadam foundation, us- ing a aand cushion and , & gaud niter) at $1.29 per Si 11,610.00 A LarCe Said Of "Vivian Of work ls t0 *• done, may, within ten n J-HLR------,-- • •-----^^^-----^-- days from" the date hereof, elect to Jackinac," by William TJ7 Levere, Forces Publishers gte Print More VoUpes|g S)5rw^,MficjiiQi!V|D I it will Interest Bvansion folkf to know that Forbes & Co.,-the publish- ers, are sending to press a new edi- tion of William C. Levere's novel, "Vivian of Mackinac'f ^ The story has had a fine sale since it appeared last fall, and its recep- tion by the public generally may be judged by the following press no- tices it has received: The story is haunting in interest. --St. Louis Post Dispatch, One "of the good novels of the year^--Detroit TimesT"""^™--r-- It has an original plot and rapid action It is written with great lit- erary skill, and the events are so dramatic and exciting that the book holds the close interest of the reader--Louisville Courier Journal. ^2 A book with enchanting surprises. ^Nashville American. Visitors to Mackinac grateful to William C. this delightful should Levere novel, be for the writing scenes ot which are laid on that beautiful isle.--Detroit Free Press. The beautiful illustrations alone afford %ufflcient excuse for anybody to buy the book, but inadditionto this value the book affords delightful feadfll--The Fine Arts Journal. ^ A bright story of the romantic ad- ventures of a young girl. Brought np on the island of Mackinac, she had little worldly experience, yet, when the quarrel of her brother led him to flee rather than be tried for mur- der, she rose to heights of heroism. She left the island secretly, and kept her identity hidden,^nieeting many romantic ad ventures before her lover found her and the real murderer con- fessed and exonerated both of them. --The Stylus. The plojt^tb this_ storyis not old and threa^are--^ is an unexpected development at the end The action is rapid and inci- dents thrilling. Vivianlived for a time a strenuous life, but found good friend? in her extremltyr~LettIe Ma- nette was devoted and true^and made j Total . m. ..........t. v.. .$1^,810.00 The owners of a majority of the frontage of the lots and lands upon said Chicago Avenue, wherein said to take said work and enter into a writ- ten contract to do said work at ten per centum less than the price at which the same has been awarded^; Board of Local Improvements of the ' .f^City of Bvanston. ::^^^Or^-^ AN ORDINANCE lained by the City Council of City of Bvanston: n l. ""i That It shall be unlaw- ful Mr any person, firm or corpora- tiotMouse, or to cause or permit any of his, or its, agents or employes to use any wagon or other vehicle in the transportation of persons or property upon the streets, avenues, al- leys^ or-publte-places of tbe^Cityof Bvanston, unless such wagon is li- censed, as hereinafter jBrovided; pro vided, however, that Jlls ordinance shall not be const the streets, avenues or alleys of the said City unless such plate is attached thereto; provided, however, that) it shall not be necessary for Owners of automobiles to have the metal plate bearing a number, provided for In this section, attached to their auto- mobiles; and provided, further, that it shall not be necessary for any wagon or vehicle to have the afore- said metal plate attached to it ex- cept when actually In use upon the streets, avenues or alleys*ot the City;, and, provided, further, that it shall be the duty of the applicant for li- cense to^ tricycle upon the streets, alleys, or avenues of the City, to affix such plate oh the rear mudguard of such vehicle, in such position that the number thereof may be clearly visible from the rear, and it shall be the duty of the applicant or person in charge and control of such vehicle rrhvhen the same is in use upon the streets, alleys or avenues of the City, to keep" such metal plate clean from mud, dirt or other substance. Sec. 5. That any person, corporation violating any of the pro- visions of this ordinance shall be fined not less than five dollars ($5.00) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each and every offense, and each day, any wagon or vehicle to street cars rails, rt Sec. 2: applying metallic corporation d such wagon application wit a form to be provid forth the name and ad applicant, a .description per^ypr nrnv or a license fojprny ide shall wb an City Clap; upon by' setting Iss of the the wagon ■ ■■'■ «■ firm or Is used upon the streets, alleys or avenues of the City without having procured a license and without hav- ing complied with the provision of this ordinance, shall be considered a separate: and distinct offena«. ; "yf Sep. 6.--That nothing contained in this ordinance shall be construed as in any manner repealing any provi- sion of the Revised Code of the City of Bvanston, aa amended and now in force, relating to any particular busi- ness now being licensed by the City of Bvanston wherein wagons or other vehicles, are being used upon the Btreetsr avemrer and alleys of the City, -nf 'm- ' '■" "..■■■ t Sec. T^Alf Ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 8,--That this ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after the first day of May, A. T>. 1912, fol- --MOSSLER CO. ClSthes for Men and Yonng Men 19 Jackson Blvd.--East A*25 Showing for Which the license is d the place Where such vehicle, is usually kept jase, also the number,and wagons or vehicles kept- plicant at such place, ir information as -may such application shall be trahsmitted"~t5 the^TBiayor, a upon the payment by the applicant of the license fee hereinafter- provided i to the City Collector, the Mayor shall issue Or cause to be issued a license which shall be attested by the City Clerk authorizing the use of such wagons or vehicles within the City, until the expiration of such license.. Sec. 3. That the license fee to be paid annually to the City Collector follows:^ -;~7 ^- -fz ample ame: The theatric lightfully war -ous. The Btory . closely in every trations, taken rongdoing. le met are de- parted and gener- holds the interest chapter. The illus- from nature, are "eh¥rmih]girhd add much to the pleas- ure f in the book--The Milwaukee ..Journal.:.'..-." ; '-'-:'ry^~~^'~^~^^ini^^ - STREET GAR AND ^--At 6i30--a^--m^--Sunday--a milk wagon belonging to the Borden com- pany and being driven by Olaf Mell was struck by a street car at the cornerofSherman avenue and Grove street, wagon. The on from the Mell was thrown He escaped uninjured, -v milk wagon was going nortJh Sherman avenue and in turning joft. on Grove street it passed in front of the~~car7^ The mbtorinan" tried; to stop but' did not have time. * BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS OF THE CITY OF EVAN8TON. Notice of Awarding Contract. City of Evanston, 1 to Dempster the 6th day Co. bein' Ifible bidder the SfSto said M. Fol of MayT^19I2, who ^worTt^aa'a ll^i,5UU-cu~ yds. ►§§§ 80c per cu. ydV.... of nd responsi- awarded the 6th day is -for the n"d~ljora^foil on bid .-...% 1,200.00 sq. yds. of TTrick pave- TOnt^^on^tstinJT^r^ -aa- One horse wagon or vehicle....$ Two horse wagon or vehicle... Three hbrse^ wagon or vehicle.. Four horse wagon or vehicle.., Six or more horse wagon or vehicle 3.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 Automobiles and motor vehicles of 35 Horse Power or less, used in the transportation of persons ....;;■• •......• • •-------- Automobiles and motor vehicles more than 35 Horse Power, ^ used for the transportation of: persons, exclusive of motor Hrttcks and motor driven com-«T 10.00 mercial vehicles 20.00 Jifotor bicycles orator tricycles^ 3^00 Automobile trucks, coaches and busses and motor driven com- "^m^nrtat~vehicles-^-r;yvT^r^rT-rnr- Automobile delivery^:: wagons used* for light delivery for: carrying loads of less than 30,00- J r^^^OO : one ton in weight...-----,_____ All such licenses shall expire the thirtieth day of April following thei date"of lssueV=a^d^heirisHue(Lfor a period of less than one year, the fee to be paid for the unexpired license period shall be the propor- tionate part of the annual rate fixed by ther ordinance, but no fee shall be less than one-fotttth of the annual ratev-T ~-------'---"--~--^"".'" /.v.-,-'.----;;;----- Air^ revenues derivedr from such license fees shall be kept as a separate fund and used only for pay- ing the cost and expense of street improvement or repair? ?. Sec. 4. That upon the issuance of ^ity ClePk^hall de^ ^tfie applicant a metal plate bearing a number and the name of the class to- which said, wagon or vehicle belongs and^tlwr year ^or which said license is issued and it shall be the^uty^of such appTrcahTlo affix such plate Jn a conspicuous ace--^ipon the--right- ^and^side- ot said wagon or^^vehicle where it can readily be seen -and ^t shall be un- lawTuT^r ahF wagon^or vehicle, al- thoughrdtriy^licenB^^ Let tte tell you of these isplendi4 styles---we are simply outdoing our- selves!--'in- ^this wonderfuLsliowing at $25. They are the beautiful grays, tans, 4>luesand the pia-stripes ^that are so popular. * $25, $30, $35, $40 -$SaSuitS--eackgarjnentaspeci- men of style--fabric and quality that few tailors can produce. ^ ^ If you do not know H<Mossier Clothes" this will give you an opportunity to try them. Come Today! Every size to 50. Conservative and English Styles! be ing suf- tlyhigh II showing original designs To be, e: placed ticientti class wo We *xm _ _ „..,___________^_ of modem ideas that we would like you to inspect. W&^M^ffmWiB, . Send for Designs and Prices. % ^»9r. j: bairstow«^ IstabUsbed 1869 7847-51 N. CLARK ST. At Btfward Avenue, Chicago lowing Its passage, approval and lication according to Iaw. Adopted by the City Council of City of Bvanston on the :Apiii,':A, r>.inz. ■v-^--^ ■¥'■■■:■ ife ifiittiiFoIliii r'ft •m mr 1 i.MniiriAfirn " ■-. S?T A ja^gS^^pffgSilffS Every 4>peratHaAde^m where it shonldJSeV-under the op- -. erator's hand/YoL don't have to reach all oyejfthe nmohine. Even the line-spaoft and caYriage release lever is operated without taking hands from#orrect key l^ard position fHE NEW MODEL Ft L C. SfTH & BROS. TYPEWRITER f With Mil Bearinsrs throusrhttit and f': all Uufwritinar always in Bifirhmmeas- i urea MP »t every point-to-the Mflrhest J ' le (Of modern business neeb. |||^ work and more oHtyiireateg- - Incy ihrongh and throngh, the 3mith & Bros. Typewriterls ten in the lead. The writingyna- le that's ten years ahead is* iting machine for yon. Send1 ^^a: the Book and read it. C. SMITH &BR0S. TYPEWRITER CI 123 ttrtl^afrlw,. Chicigi, tlj ^BiB Mm LECTRIC FANS FANS € FOR RENT andp BD AND ENTS FOR- ypc Tungsten Lam ■^wf^ "MP? ^%^: ";-'-:"^%S' LADIES'"TAILOR It wilHREX you to co specialties! in $30 S and wodKnanship gu "W« aire Making Linen Suits at Complete 1912 Central St3 near Prairie Ave. Phone 1829 sjfetafe: <6nl M With a view to securing an appropriate name for my sub^ iXn^est, t:o6k C6>iit^, Illinois, the following offer is - River 50.00 m 25.00 in - For t 100 Acre gi*Kl*£o£ of contestants th ]yii$ between CJifcago Bou fen mi1eslwe«tt d>f the Chimg-ACgpr years tliisl^operty has JW" 1*M^fir* most beajrtiful subdivj^f^^ ih the cou been planfla^ undej^rlie (firection of e a strati kon&aflpofMQt les§ than ioo , mitted *to be builf upon each lot. Building usually'prevailing in subdivisions will be pnrpnngcth self lots onlyito^those whojarilL Gold3j>^*S^c second bes| Gqlmtor the third best ^fttffis so ji^en in th mile preparation ^ith th ^ousalTdsjaifc^ls and~a idscape iiftmects and s of them 200 fe< The --subdivision- -.consists::;ef|j||| 'northerly part of River Forest, ||^ of Oak Parkr-'Fof twenty^^' lose of making it one of the ^^ Sstnnnumerable shfHibs^have4|§ ardeners. The lots will haye||||| one residence will be per- bcauty and charm of the landi:an3 surroundpgsl _ other restriflliB^rmiin^ngJhe ujsjghtly conditions^^p refully planned and rigidly observed. ;:< TtlsThie 'owner's^g ^ild homes of an artistic quality--haT^onizing^ith The following simple rales will govern in fie selection of a name: All names suggested must he typ«written||^ and accompanied hy a separate sealed envelope Containing full name and address of contestant-^ot morejnan twof| names may be suggested by one contesiani._JManuscripts must contain no name, mark or other^ineamvor ^^t^Jfe tion. The sealed envelope will be given the same number as the manuscripr^ana^will be-i>pened only after aee* UionJs_jnade. „Inthis_ way, entire fairness is assured. Merit alone will govern in deciding the contest. vJ«me Wfegp^ consist of one or more but hot exceeding four words and preference will he given to those suggesting- the beauty and^p the appeal of nature. Short explanations or arguments may accompany names offered, but these are^ not reau^ea^» and in ho event shall they exceed one hundred words in length. Prize winning names to be owned hy me4M^» ~ Airsugges^dBs^uStThe jnalle^ on oV before July ^gtj^Jll^ §h4^|h^ conjej^wfflj^ decided and awards paipg immediatelyj-:t*ereafter^^^ife^^M^^ *""ri":':""'"15,rV -;:flsSl^^&s^^t*:^s* ' :^^-SM^SMsms^mm^^

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