Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 May 1912, 1, p. 7

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pB^i5WJfJwfB \mvmmMiimmimm\un\\miy mm 'US --- HORE NEWS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1912; [ l^w%uiljdln^ aii3 Remodeling ot^(M44)nes^Mean$ Many ■ Important Changes in Business districts KEY OF LOST BY PHARISEES Modern Application of Jesus' • Words by Pastor Russell doctrlne."^i<Jcbii vtt, 17.) It to ttite consecrated, conscientious Bible study that is lacking today-that la being discouraged today by the great teach- ers an<T Doctors of Divinity.' Everything calculated to help Bible study, to get rid of the darkness of the creeds and superstitions of the past, is opposed--but not openly. But, oh> what weeping of disappointment, and what a chagrin, and gnashing of teeth will come shortly---to the .-'/false- shepberdar" TWO FINE NEW BUILDINGS The central business district of Ev- anston is being greatly improved. New buildings are being erected and many old ones are under course-of remodel- ing. With their completion the dis- trict will have an entirely different appearance. r ~--on Shermafi avenuertwe'of the-most ■handsome business blocks in the city have been erected and will be entire- ly completed within a few weeks. Both the new Mason &J3mart building and that Charles E. Wightman are great improvements over the buildings that formerly occupied the sites of the two structures. The first of next week the Anal in- side work on the Mason & Smart -building-will be started and^within ^^ weeks the place will^e ready for, the real estate firm to move its offices on the first floor. On the second floor there is but one office, the rooms fac- ing the front. In the rearoL the of- fice, which has been leased by Dr. RLcMrds^is a gentlemen's apartment ' consisting of two rooms. Mason & Smart will occupy the entire ground A00*- ,, The new building erected by Mr. Wightman adjoining the Evanston theater is fast nearing completion. "Wo« Unto You, Doctors of Divinityj ^« Hivi Taken Away the Key of KnewledgejYe Entered Not In Your- ^jMlves, and Them That Were Enter- Ing Ye H indered> " - Brooklyn, N. Y., May_5.rr?he„Aca4i. emy of Music, was crowded today to hear Pastor Rus- sell's discourse on *The Lost Key of Knowledge." Tak- ing his text from Luke xi, 52, he said:-- In the New Tes- tament the word laicyer has a very different me a n I n g from our general usage. It applied to those religious teachers of the Jews who made special professions of sanctity of heart and earnest desire to know God's will, as expressed in the Mosaic Law, and to teach the same to the people. The corresponding classof toda jrare desig* nated Doctors of Divinity. Our text, therefore, with this correction, reads, to the Key-hiding Doctors of Divinity, when they find that with all their en- deavors to bolster up shams and super- stitions in which they themselves do not believe, the entire fabric of Church- lanlty„wjULcollapse. as the Scriptures lassified Busi nessl List **' §ip TORNEY8-AT-LAW MALCO New Yo LaSafle Phones: Cut RRETT w#. Chicago SOOeV Evanston 164 predict! imsiasmSM) Y.tH PLANS A BUSYSUMMER The Evanston Y. M. C. A. will con- duct a big program of outdoor sports this spring and summer. The plans call for track meets and relays that will keep the many members busy for much of the time. On May 10 there will be a big boys' department relay with the North End department. The Central department will run to the North End building and the North End department boys will atempt to reach the Central building first. The big race will require the fourteen best runners in each association and there will be a try-out to decide the best «*Woe untaTOu; Doctors of Divinity, 4>oys^o^run -verto be done but this will take^buM^ charge that the same-tfrfng 'cv w " Anr* XTrvf nnlv xxrafa fho .Tat short time. - ^ Hayes~^Hayes~BMsy 1 Sherman avenue is not the only street to have improvements/however, ^as Davis streeTIs ^o~sha*e--in^tbe work. Hayes & Hayes have secured a long time lease on the buildings at 803 and 805 Davis street and the work of remodeling is already under way. Ex- tensive improvements will be made on ' both buildings. New copper fronts will be put in. It is also understood that other buildings adjacent tethese will install copper fronts in the fu- _jur<&________„;__;__:___._____:_____:____T......_ Hayes & JJayjesjw ill not occupy the new location for two years as their lease on- their present location does . not expire until 1914. The stores will be rented to Mr. P. O'Flaherty and Mr. Ullrich until that time. The building formerly occupied by the Muno Bakery company is being im- proved by ^having the first-floor brought to the level of the sidewalk. The improvement ofjhese two build^ Inss^wTir^an important one tTTDa- vis street. -^-- K.-E. Chandler Remodeling. ^_^ HE. Chandler has the contractors working already on the remodeling of his place of business. The two buildings occupied by him will both be improved. The two story building will be improved with another story, making it the _same height as the other building occupied by Mr. Chandler. The wall between* the two stores wilV^e cut out fo^iome-Jiistance back and-V large entrance in the center will be built. Large show windows on each side of the entrance will furnish ample, room "for window display. Mr. Chandler will occupy the threo^floors-of the two buildings, for ye have taken away the Key of Knowledge^ ye^nterejtnotjoLJ[our^ selves, and, them that were entering ye hindered." When the common people heard Jesus gladly they Inquired, "Have any of the Scribes and Phari- sees believed on Him? Have the Doc- tors of theLawendorsed HIST?""~~" The Key of Knowledge Buried.----- "In^bur TextJesus cTialrged'th^ Jeiv^ Ish Doctors of Divinity with the re- sponsibility of having taken away the Key of Knowledge, refusing to use it themselves to enter into the great ap- preciation of the blessings then due, and hfding it from the common people, CARPENTER*CONfRACTOR T J.L. CARPE Wants r- Call hi 166, or 609 Davit RAY ONTRJlCTOR, line, umber atT " s/snetoftt ■*'* NITURE not buy a fcwtx fore/ Evanston as we havj __ ture at v hand furnitife. 908 Church St. xcbange furnl- prices. ^_ ir second ■::SM':-^-- """■: tone 1676. mm ■ WM GENERAL MERCHANDISE House Tel. 174-W, Wllmette. CLEANING AND PRESSING On May 16 at 7 p. m. there will be another big race with the NorthEnd association. This run will be open to students eighteen years of age and under. As with the boys* relay this race will require fourteen boys who will relay the distance* The route will be from the Evanston Central Y. M. J2,; rA7"ld~Sh¥rldah™rtoad and Davis street, follow Sheridan road to Cen- tral street and thence to the North End department building. On May 11 the annual boys' depart- ment field meet will be held at North- western field at 9:30 a. m. This will 3E THE NORTh WESTERN Clothes cleaners '^ Men's Suits/Cleaned and Press- ed, $1.25; Sponged addressed, 35c. WomeM's Suite (flesped and Pressed, *.2*r\ SplndM and Pressed, 71e.# GV>d*S«led for -- and delive____ 1620 Shermairws., Just South of Postofflce. Telephone 1980. ICEI :s Fine fruits--^n 4hd out of sea- son--always fc\m a part of oar large stock of/setect and Fancy Groceries. ffakens 8teel Cut Coffee Is Good. Q E O . M . W\N T E R DRUGGISTS _^'The bestM& \/go Into o 1 medicines tain. NORTHWE _____Telephon est Ingredients ions and la Foun- fARMACY J564 and 565.____ day. Not only were the Jewish people typical of- spiritual Israel, and their . >ical-of-thls^4ge, and their Har- vest typical of the Harvest or closing time of this Age, but additionally, now ; f as then. rMjed's people perish for-4aek^ of knowledge."--Hosea iv, 6. Xt is this matter of misleading the people, deceiving them, sthat constitut- ed the basis of Jesus' charge against the Doctors of Divinity of old, and we-|nu^ie' believe that His judgment is very sim- ilar today respecting the Doctors of Divinity of Clirlstendom--"Ye have taken away (ye have hidden) the Key of Knowledge; ye have not entered In yourselves, and them that were enter- ring-ye-hindered-- -- ----•*--Necessity^ For knowledge.------*-- Knowledge of God, the Bible de- using them all for display rooms The work on all of the buildings is being rushed. Mr* Chandler "expects his to be completed by the middle of June. ■" • '-:-■ - WILL GIVE CONCERT. ;£The Girls' Glee club of Northwest- ern universityZwill glye^a concert for the benefit of the Music department ' oT^he^orthwesterh Settlementr"at Fisk hall, this evening, at 8 o'clock., ^An excellent program is promised. ^iYances -BerdBoudres--will--beu ^the reader, and Miss Louise Wheeler; soprano, and Miss Edna Pendletdn, the soloist. Miss Maurine Bally will also give her "Children's Songs" in as formerly. Class A will be open to boys sixty inches and over, class B to boys under sixty inches. There will be ten events in ^lass A-and seven in Class B, as follows: tr5^-yard dash, ^OO^yard dash, 440-yard run, 8-lb. shot put, pole vault, running high jump, running broad jump, baseball throw, 120-yard low clares, is indispensable for the attain- ment of the great prize- of the High Calling. Thus Jesus said, "This is life eternal, that they may know Thee, the only True God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." (John xvii, 3.) We are not Jo undersiand this to sig-^ nify that anyone who has merely been made acquainted with the fact that there is one Creator, and that Jesus is His Son, is on account o^thjsjmpwk edge to be granted everlasting life. £1 Our Lord's^words do not refer to a ^cnWtedge^ about God, but to a knowl- edge or personal acquaintance with God and His Son. And such an inti- mate acquaintance is not obtained merely by an introduction, but by com- panionship; It signifies an Intimacy of acquaintanceship, a familiarity. Thus Jesus prayed for us. His fok lowers, "Sanctify them through Thy Truth, Tby Word is Truth." Any who neglect the Divine Word will fail of the sanctifying power and thus fail of the acquaintanceship with God which alone guarantees everlasting life. To those who have come under the sanctifying influence-of His^ Word our Lord says today, as He said to His Jewish followers eighteen centuries ago, "TO you it is given to know the Mystery of the Kingdom of God, but toall outside these things are spoken in parables and dark sayings, that On May 18 there will be a big dual meet between the North End depart- ment and the Central department at 9:30 a. m., at Northwestern field. There will be two classes in the vari- ous events and some lively sport-is~ex- pected. Details of ^he* meet will be given out next week. The tennis men will get busy the ^omingrweefcr===T^er^=wUl be-tourna- menta^or tl^varlous^ classes and some good workjaexpected from this department. ~ Class B, 50-yard dash, 75-yard dash, pole vault, running high jump, run- ning broad jump, baseball thrown The high pomt winner in each diyi: sion will secure a bronze medal. Rib- bons will be awarded to the others fin- ishing first, second and third in the various^vents. ELECTRICAL C0NTR ACTORS Quality/ and not QuanlUy--the best fior the money--is oot mot- to, your large stock of grooirles Is Always select, and Fresh FnUts id Vegetables a specialty. S. VAN DEUSE^ =F= HOTELS tfi AVEN Private Sunday D HOUSE Phon si COMA>ERCIAL elect«+^Ahop Every^ 615 Davis Street "Shop. trfal llephone 773 rnston Office, 1574 Sherman Avenue Telephon* Evanitej 166 erican Wpivs. >ACffTCO. ialVj/ Kid Glo^p^t Fancy Cleaners 3141-43-45 Wabash Ave., Chicago JEWELERS aAjoust RODELIUS \,jucceesor ■ toytodelius A Roeen. Expert Watc/maker andeSptician. Repairing of IcompllcapdVatchet --and clocks.! Mjeg y< _honses?___ Phone 2632. 827 Davis Street. MEN'S WEAR Ready Made--Clothj»r to OrderKfackard Shoea-for Men; So- jls^^fies^Jer* Ladies and Children. ^Smiemen'B Furnish- ing Geods. [JFAYBS & H hearing tbey might not understand, and seeing they^^j^hJLnot-pe^ceive." The outsiders--the Doctors of Divinity--are not permitted the Key of Knowledge. "Even so, Father, for so it seemeth good in Thy sight."--Matthewjxi, 25,26. What Constitutes the Key? „: The Key of Knowledge consists'oT the-^atthf^stu^y^rf-God^s-W^i^r^w^ an honest purpose, to know the things that are freely given unto us of God. This- implies a consecration-^of heart* ^Or-noner others would really-deslre that they might do the Divine will. And this implies also a faith in our. Lord's promise that "he Inat doeth the will of My Father.shall know of the ; Nakutitt Best References Furnished 0 808 Dempster Street -- Telephone^58 -r3ieostunie. J^ S9fe it will Ever mate rectly a Hair not fade, shad* ted cor- We make ialty of Dyeing. Maxime Crest Ladies' Hairdresser (m Twstd.) lOd North State Street gtewirt Bldg., Booms 938-33. Chicago heeler eyT&on. W»- iake> of maehlhes. Tel. 654 1522 SfrtfMI All UPHOLSTERERS # ANNOUNCEMENT [haveopened an whjtoterer's shopat^ Chicaso Ave. Slid ** be pleaBed||p have ^01 my old pattons Jb well as jafJSy new ones, call or tel _^^ _ 1-0 N Window^'Shades linet Work._____...__ Phone 147- G . C TJpholsterl _ ,-.. ,^__and_Ci 928 Chicago Ave. MORRIS CR.O -he-Hi^fbes^Mees^Paidrl "ti'dld" G6dds^^New~and^I 10CUW 006 Emerson St*. fel/SsjT EvonsLon, III. .i FllTnf tiixe- and ^trrcr^xlotise^ lirnitwerCarpets^Stoves and Household Good^Bottgh^old^nd Exchaoged. ^SucceaaorltoJE Sheet Metal Work Estimates Furnished . C. NELS moral Repairing SHERMAN AVE. f^SiMi^f§slfe^* \- ^•^£Sff**SS.

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