Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 May 1912, 2, p. 8

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THe'lSe ^^ NEWS. WEDNESDAY. MAY 15. 19X8. - tflMff^f|^'^vlPS«^S jr?~?;" LakeShorelSIewsWant tate for Sale, Wanted, Apartments or Houses for »« • .„ fce taken for If 88 7)4 cents ale, Wanted, Apartments or "W"»J* „,,"-'♦, ^n be taken for less per tee for each l««^*^£S5^dEi-. A* ** ** than 15 cents if paid ta •*«M**lf^3|tS" News office, 526 Davis Street,, sertion in any week's issue should reach »»"* 7 Telephone 585, not. later than noon on Tuesday. REFUGEES OF HELP WANTED WANTED â€" GIRL FOR GENERAL ho&Hwork in family of three; no , washmg^ir ironing; wages $6. Apply Mrs. A. B^^rvin, 1228 Elmwood- av. WilmettejrHione Wilmette 699. T ./ ••BUY A HOME" TT^-flat buildyig; new; fine loca tii^ in North'#vansto.n/\Will take pan pan vacant; $ GARRIS Phone £272. ltc TER 1607 Sherman-av. â- *N WANTEDâ€"A MAN; _J[INGLR; PRE- ferred. Apply Garage, 2929 Sheri- -ttp" i*OR /iSENERAL iing\ 2525 Lin- -ltc ^EADY 18 -Hamil- 27-2tc WAN^ED-^GIRL ho/sework; no WANTEDâ€"WAIJMAK posljnWâ€"A^JNv/ro tojr i^ " LNTED â€" GIRL F0R~GENERA4, &work; excellent home^nigh ..yfnona 199. Itp WANTED â€"_4^PERtWEM(5ED GIRL far housework; wages $7i*e^eek; "* " ' 620 Library-st *•**" WANTEDâ€"TWO years old, t steady work Electric Gara Evanston. siTUAw mmr TOW^MAN WHO IS FIRST-C - -cook wisntSSHfKjgJtion injprttttte fam- ily; can furnisJS^SSG^references. AddressIMWti, Lake Sh CURTAINS WASHED, COLORED an# mended^Tjrst-chrf\ work; qpled for and ritz, 1620 Darr tf#5v!^ Teton.', R. Mo 339. 6tf TfflFME FOR SALEâ€"UPRIGHT-^ first-class condrt+on, bdrt jpiano, nfahajgan ^ finest tone, oam*Jt Bros., 1522 Sfferman-av. SALEâ€"GOOD GIRL'S cleT^N^ap; also good oakhaxfroom set. 2029NyLaj>le-av._y^<^'^ Itp FOR SALEâ€"N __gon. nq^xm JVERY WA- hone bE--HORSE iving, weig safe ai&fwhere; ru die" and bridle Can be seen at th# PalaceHfoarding: ^- StBtole7^1Un~TIInTEan-av. (rear), J. ftV%g&re£-" ltc FOR RIDING to 1,000 lbs.; ren^to ride arifels, sad- ith *r fargaln. FOR SALEâ€"SEWING MACHINE IN .perfect sewingjiWtoer, Ifi; also Wil- ckr£ Qlbbs sejjpng pia\hine, $15 • Guaranteed, WANTED p^t^.lT^ BD â€" SBCOND- bring bic Sindler, 630 Dtfvls-Jt. ^STATT^Tor FLORIDA Fapef ruit and Orange Groves, Fruit, Vegetable and Farm JLands, JBeautiful-±Bay Homes in/the fw^oui Sar; District Jt Manatei Gulf Coait of Soulh/Florlda. WRITEJ FOR FREE SARAfcOT OFFICE. MARQUETTE BUILDING, CHICAGO. Residence, 1939 Sherman-av. SALEâ€"ASBURY-AV., FIVE- lhouse; 55 ft. lot^fret water c light^HfwOO. . ' "' 0-rooiH house-; near to n; mfttornr WOO. builtjjnodlbrn bungalow, RENTâ€"APARTMENTS IN "THE SHERMAN" •nil information give* upon quest. FOR RENT-ROOMS ^jqrâ€"ren^T^ROOM-TN^ ATTOpr tiduse near campus and "L" station. 715 F"d»i^r-st. Phone 385pX^ Itp FOR RENT â€"-O^E. CARGE AND one small furnWed room; near hoth rtapnfH. B37 WesKfiajlroad tp av,, MISCELLANEOUS leautlfuF home with all onveniences; large grounds; make offer. Rosalie-st., vacant, $20 per foot. -r~ 139 N. Clark-st. Evanston Phone 3934 EXCHANGE FOR OLD IMPROVED \ o/ flats, choice^vacant, 2Mt feet "Hoi lortliwest gan; 370x2 Ridge, fro sts. Scheurma Phone 538. house or small impr -dress^ Main «nd Michi- west\front on to .W*hington- 805 WRmigan-av., tf HOME WANTEDâ€"FOR BEAUJJEKL weTTtrarire^^kitten^^btecli white feet. vest,...wh?sT?ei»j~«4a& months.. Phone Wilmette 363. ^^'^-â- Itp /1A.SH P-AUX--FOR SECOND-HAND suits/nd over£«ats. Eva^Wn 1 ant- atuxrfum. Phoneil9 ' if ^SU| fE YOUR SI fhe month. %*„.+- _ Evanston Pantatonum. ^/^ MON MAS On Evanston 1B80 Whole Familv Made Homeless by Flood Along Mississippi^ RiverAre Being Cared for by Evanstonians TWO CHILDREN WERE LOST Fatigued, worried and almost dis- couraged by the loss of their home and property a family of flood refu- gees from MississTp^TlirrTveaTnTvT anstoh Wednesday. They are now ^ ^ a hospitai% Mrs. Jenrick se4 being cared for by sympathetic Bv-._COTed-Hrrangement8 fox her at^ St / LET US SHOW YOU Ch^e building lot on Hartzell-st., .i#xl50; south front; a bargain; $1,000. Pioneer-rd., .3 lots, 33x150, e large shade trees^pSS. Hartzell-st, 7 roJri|hous hardwood through/ui^* lot I "|4,00C£:".- ::_ Judson-av., 10 rlFoms, ?t front, .fA'nac®. 50x150, fee,'-- lot TieaullfuJ and shade iieFTeavmg^cTty7 $8,500. OrringtorfajL, 7 and 8 room apartment buildM^brick, hardwood floor and trij^f hot water heat, lot 40x200, evffything first-class, pays big inter- est on the investment, only $12,000. Milburn-st., bungalow, 6 rooms, hot water heat, hardwood throughout, best stucco and concrete jgmstruc' HOUSES AND APARTMENTS FOR ....."â-  'â-  RENT.â€"___^â€"-l*e FAMOUS ATHLETES TO GATHER TOMORROW Tomorrow the influx into Evanston of the best athletes of tfie^cbuntry to participate in the try outs for the Olym- pic games, which are to be held in Stoekholray-Swedenr from June 29 to July 22 will begin. For the first time in history the tryouts will be held_on Northwestern field, as a track central- ly^located is desired and that at Chi- cago is not considered nearly as fast nor as well constructed. The tryouts tomorrow will be slightly different from those which will take place on May 23 and 24. tomorrow every contestant will par- ticipate in every event to determine, ThlTTteinridfar^^^ The-latter" dates the men will com- pete only in their respective classes. The events scheduled for the first day are: Running broad jurrfp, jave- lin throw, 200 and 115 meter running events and the discus throw. On the two latter days will be held tryouts in running broad jump, shot put, 100 and 400 meter races, running high jumpr 110 "ffiefer^igh hurdle race, discus throw, pole vault, javelin throw\ and LaOO-naetet^unir-------'~~~~~~~~ McCALLUM <8fc CLARK 1615 Sherman-av., Opposite City Hall. FQfcSALEgfflllSES ^r7 sa£e^-£retty, Ruse, in gooc rooms; hardi light; modernj vacant; JLED seven electric rht trade J00-__Ad- ^ttvr AGE, ON Inter, 807 ~4tf fcS^BLRENI FOR KENTâ€" FR/fME COTTAGE. 7 vrooms and blrni double lot; for Vjftte people r^j/ aAljJ^/ons-st. 9-tf -^TWO" FIV&ROOM $15 an blocyf^est of the ifTme; near littbold's one block west Phone 829 Ey- anstonians who were touched by their pathetic story. The family is that of John F. Long, ^tv^d^-oTr^^faTnT~ergnteen miles from Vicksburg, Miss. With him is his wife and two children of tender ages, Edward, five years old, and Catharine, two years her brother's junior. The story of their escape from their home whenrthe rising torrents of water swooped down into the val- iey^and fiiirxounded their little home is thrilling. No Chance to Escape. So quickly did the river rise and the water rush over the banks and spread toward their home that they had no chance to escape. Almost ^ithojfttJKaj^liig=^e^W4»(tefrs«r^^UB^ed their horrie. The only place of safety they could reach was the roof of their home. For twenty-four hours they clung to the roof without food, water or sleep. Whilel-iniprisoned there the mother tenderly cared for the little girl while the father tried his best to comfort the boy. Their~otbeTTwo children, a boy and a girl, were drowned earlier in the day while the father was trying to remove them to a place of safety. __ â€" ~ Tells Own Story. 7^ Here is the way little Edward ex- plains the loss of his home: "The water washed away our cows, horses and pigs "and"we"cllmbed on top of the roof: I think my little brother and sister were lost also, as_XJiav& not seen them since." The parents have not as yet explained to the chil- dren the death of their brother and sister. Finally after many hours of waiting and grayer the family werojrescued ~by~W^mrty whcTwent in search of them In aTJcanoe7~ They were » re- moved to the county- fair grounds, which is located upon a bluff. There they remained for several days sleep- ing on th*e ground with nothing but blankets to protect them from the cold of the night. With them were hundreds of refugees of every class and color. =Just â- -â- befoii&'-iiicrTnilftla'iaTr^tfdj they managed to 'escap%^fc0 Dyeraburg, Tenn., where they secured trans^iT tation to this city. Arriving In f* anston they got off at DavlB strwt They came to this city believing theyt would here And one of their rel*-5 tives. An investigation proved the' relative had moved away a number; of years ago. .....'^v^"M^i Were Given 8helter. /.',-.ij -jt That night they were given sheltfcrr at Fire Station No. 1, the member* of the department securing warm food for them. Theiiext morning thf- firemen telephoned to Mrs. Paul Jett-j rick, 909-Chicago avenue. Mrs. Jen-l jrlok was formerly a trained nur8e| and their appeal to ^iier received^ ready response. She instructed thenv; to send the family to her. 1 Mr. Nelson of Chapln & Nelson' livery sent a carriage^o_tbj and conveyed the family to the Jen| rick home. There it was found the| ^mother-was in such a weakened con#l| dition it was decided best to take' Francis hospital. Reports from the| hospital state she is progressing ag| 4veU^as c^uldrjbe^expeeted cdnsidering^ the experience she has gone through.^ Wants Work;~ ' Through Mrs. Jenrick the father secured employment as an express- man. The children are being well cared for. Fireman Keppler is car- ing for the little girl at his home^ while the boy is happy at the home; of Mts. Jenrick. Any "person desir- ing to assist the family can do so by notifying Mrs. Jenrick by telephone. Mr. Long's position with the express company is but a temporary one. He is anxious to secure work at odd jobs. He is a carpenter by trade, but as he ^^So^Tn^nlber^fThTmiibn and has not the money to secure membership he is badly handicapped in securing employment at bis trade. REV. LA. THOMAS The public installation bf Rev. I. A. Thomas as pastor of the Second Bap- tist church, 1717 Benson avenue, Ev- anston, was held Friday evening. The serviceVwere attended by a repre&en- tatTve congregation of tb** fogi â„¢u ored people and by many prominent ministers. Since the Rev. Thomas has been at the head -ofâ€"the-loea gregation has increased and Work has been going oh better than it has in soum years: •___ . • ~ZIZ^~-â€"C The services were opened with prayer by the Rev. S. H. Johnson_and after remarks by visiting ministers and members of the congregation the lle^T^tbmas^n^ade^a short^talkVwhich was followed by an informal recep- tion. .... _/_^_^__ii^;ii:â€"zz±rirrzi The^ltowing toofc^part in the pro- Jl2 each.jjsrani;. Bessie JWortey,MTST-Effie Set- «ersrj£ Ji. Gill, Rev, W H.~ Fletcher, Rev. H? S. Graves, D. D., Dr. W. F. Garnett, S. J. Cannon, Rev. Dr. S. L. M. Francis, Rev. Dr. J. M. Stiller, Hev. Dr. E. J. Fisher^RevvlDT^W. S. Brad- dan and You Jkve either got to^cpnquer ?L troulileior stand it. or The Family Washingâ€" Wfsh, Madame, Wash! There^ More to be Saved By Doing the Washing. It Doesn't Pay to Bakel Let the Baker Bake for You? JOHN ERICSSON 2003 Maple Avenue phone 1^74 North Evanston House lTas~se rooms Wecano ^rffice^rJc5-o 000.0a Quintan-& Tyson 631 DAVIS SIREEJ1 yf-^Â¥â- fe^4^:'r,â- *:,^^^^^

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