ffffHP!^^ mmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmm m mr- â- • w in liii! 'iii- !.'Â¥â- '.• p»lWjtf»»|i»iiil?ilLiEriiiii|il|i|pi^illii|iui THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, WEDNESDAY, MA? 15, 1012. ^ s A Great White Wajrf or the Central Business District Is r Assured by Action of Com* | mittee in Charge, WILL INSTALL POSTS SOON and Church street, in some manner similar to that used in the lighting situation a'year ago. â- â- W^^^-^M^ It is the plan to have this system as well as the twelve ornamental posts in position ready to turn the lights on -during; the time of ther-ft- linois estate I Mayors* convention, which is to be held here May 28 and 29. The new Ways and Means com- mittee, under Mr. Colwell, is actively engaged on the plans as outlined and it is believed that their hope, will be fulfilled a week or more before the end of this month;:'.+ ***&.*•<â- :â- .â- â- * BOYS' CLUB IN m ,:nv SHORT MEETING â- T: SpS)i:. 'Ornamental illumination on Davis street in the immediate future and of all the other business sections in Evanston within a year is probably now an assured fact. v â- zz=z$m0&y±r application was made to the city council for a permit to install twelve lights on Davis street, Which, with the Chandler light on the corner of the North- DECORATION DAY liKJOBE Decoration Day will be observed again this year in the usual manner in New Trier township by patriotic citizens of Wilmette. ± Gross Point and Kenilworth. ::^:-5tirV^v..^---:vv^ The_pj^gram,„jytiich has been fol lowed for the past twenty-flye years and has the approval of the G. At R., consists of a parade from the Wil- _____ mette station to St. Joseph's cemetery item^^onfoetionery-andâ€"the-light Ion ^Wge ^arenue^WHmetter^where in front of the State Bank of Evans-|tne graves of a dozen or more of the â€" - '-1 ' â€"â€" ' veterans are located, ^-^ â€"^ _ Because of,.Jthft^jJiOTtness: x»f time very little was done at the meeting of the business men and boys interested in the new Evanston Boys' club, which was held in the rooms of the Commercial association Thursday night. - ,â- â€" • James R. Smart reported" that quar- ters in the city hall had been granted by the city and the organization was sure of a first-class home. J. R. Duthie, who has been in charge of the investigation for equipment, re- ported that suitable pool and billiard tables had been found and the other furnishings were also Sing looked for.; ,:> V-r-,^ .'.â- /'/â- â- ;';<.•'•â- â- . H. E. Chandler submitted a tenta- tive set of rules and by-laws, but as it would have taken all evening to go over them they were -referred to the meeting which will be held this evening. At this time the final ar- rangements and a permanent organi- zation will be perfected. ^:"^~p Intoxicated Gamblerâ€"Certainly they are!! Sso'm I.SSFair for one as 'tis for the other! â- ^â- â- â- ^^i$^^(^% IfKlSl ton, will make seven on each side of Davis street between Fountain Square and Chicago avenue, with the end posts in each Instance at the corner of the sidewalk and the five other posts divided in approximately seven-1 ty-flve foot spaces between the corner Members of the G. A. R., with the assistance of the Spanish War Vet- erants will conduct services and dec- orate the graves. The funds for the celebration are FAIR ^OR BOTHT^ Kind-hearted Strangerâ€"See friend, take my advice my those dice alone. here, my advice and let They're loaded. posts. Only Temporary Posts. it is true that these posts are being erected temporarily only by Mr. G. M. Howe, of this cityrrep- ] resenting a South Bend, Ind., firm, t they will he placed at permanent sites and the temporary overhead wiring, which will probably be strung from post to post, will be taken down and underground wiring substituted there- for. â- %^£::l'^-',y::^::C^y^:."^^C^M^- â- ypSach post isi of heavy iron construc- tion, weighing upward of 600 pounds, f^nd carries at the apex five lights^ ^j0ow- Inverted siity watt Tungsten |pbttrners inside * whitei^paqttel globe, I surmounted by one one hundred watt IgfEungsten burner J inside a larger 3 globe, jofâ€"the^sajne^faaracter. '3iU'&££. Have â- 'Many. Contract»|:^;)|f'j '%; Thf Ways and Means committee ^f the Commercial associationr-under the able and energetic direction of Mr, W. M. Colwell, the chairman, raised by public dbnation_ajjd^ as ex penses are high/ all public minded citizens are urged to donate liberally. Subscription lists are in the hands of the following gentlemen: ^Wilmette:â€"-Postmaster ^dwih Drury, John H. Schaefer, cashier Wil mette bank; J. B. Riming, Wilming pharmacy. ;â- â- X^TTT - C Kenilworth: Postmaster W. T. Robinson. &^-:'i: Gross Point: Postmaster Paul ^Cap^alnTj^^P^ers, 1616 Charles street, secretary of the Memorial Day committee, will also receive subscrip- tions. I^Detalls of the parade, etc., will be announced next week. >==^ W Wm have already secured many contracts from both property owners and ten- ants, and It is believed and hoped the demonstration* to be made with- in the next ten days, will so con- vince owners and tenants, who have lyen holding out; 6t the desirability and value of the ornamental lighting sbace that they will immediately agree to bear their portion of' the ex- Dense, ^jrv^' p| The Ways and Means committee also has under way plans for other ornamental lighting about Fountain I Square and probably fronr the North- -western railway subway oh Davis ^street to Chicago avenue, probably Including Orrington avenue and Sher- man avenue, between Grove street Association of Evanston Charities It is necessary to warn the people of Evanston a second time in regard to a woman who gives her name as Mrs. Brown, and. who has been carry- ing on a successful system of begging for over a year, probably much longer. It was not until last • week that we^suec«ed«d-ln-iden«ftang_he^ as a woman whose real name is not Mrs. Brown at all. As this woman has been imposing upon generous per- sons for, a long ti&e, we feel justi- fied in giving a detailed description of her. She is between 65 and 70 yeard of age; has gray hair, blue eyes and usually rather a rosy color in her cheeks. She is rather below med- ium height and is lame. For the past few weeks she has been wear- jgJLa Pink gearf ov** her jteadr-and usually wears a blue "~ wouia your daughter look in ithis dress? Watch her eyes sparkle whea she sees/the preifc r^r^^aH^teoSeir* ares^sj^rj^wn %bove, A combination bloomer md dress that will .olve the evyy-dsy dress problem for manyâ€"-•--*' • ..â- â- â- - ".V/:"Ati examination will1 City Hall at 1 id*) ^M- "positrons" of" male Permit ~ Works and for Stenographer T&pp1!ication blanks may ounoil Chamber of the r9nt Ma^lStlit_fbiLths^ Hepartment of Pnblio City service^ 'j::-';-"'SJ!!:S" )e had of the Seorefary;:'• â- ';^ vJT JR. PAIJL, Index Office!: ___»'jUfiM* a ehlld can comfortably clad. Skirt, waist^aJl bloomers all joined to fS^fi .Jh«fe ••«•»> Just inside the belt to hold the stocking supporters- the bloomer? are concealed by the full plaited skirt. coat and black skirts Hat Money, suit blue â€" JAia woman^Js Jcnown to have sufll cient money to make begging entire ly unnecessary. Her calls frequently Come at night. Sometimes she asks for foodf ooiH.M,,,^ ^-^n ------ Jor money, saying that she is going to be put out^t her room becayse-she cgn not pay her rent Sfiellso^cals in ,thl mo^M^^t_breakfast_lime, ask- . ing sometimes for breakfast, some- times ^or workrbut evidently expect- ing to get a meal. Unfortunately her visits have been reported to this of- ficerafter ttis too late to take action HThe police have been notified of her real name and have been given/ her description. rr;" -t-a; i.^lr^h...^. The qulckelt way^1o handle the sit- uation would be to call up the police station^ telephoned, the moment the woman appears at the house. Other- wise " --------- They are made of chambray., percales and gioghami,-stunning little models, every one^f them-the selection of patterns and colors ia extremely wide to the two beautiful styles illustrated- all latest effects and most remarkable values. Ages 2 to 8 years. *rKM,lc Price ran ores $1.75 up, _ from $1.25, $J.50 *H% a, Percale Dress. 2 to 6 yenrs, made iii^Cgood^tyle witb lamTjmrsteeves ahe wiinjeable to make her escape an^continue her impositions â- «b- she Tias ^been doiSg for over a year. If this woman really needed help we should see that she received it. Since she does not, we feeLJusti- gedpBI^aafcijjg action, of 4he above -^Tiddv^resses iiT^hiteTtrllmmed with blue7edUa^wi^wlHte st^tpesr erabroidiBred anchor on shield niz- e§| to 14, Price $3.50. ft , ' mAn attractive itodel An pink or bine poplin, has allover enibroiderv collar, sleeves and peplum and wide patent leather beltnizes 6 to Bress M ^hitOordur1>y pique sadorcollar with heav^ linen lace ^dge, low necTrT red velvet bow at fteck and waists Sizes 6 to 14 She^YvVre-goo<! ^len you like my newJiai?__ H«^ Neighbor^Wnyftiot ioo4 friends? = i â€"~â€"" Fouqta|n Square 'ii'lii '^t-'M. w&t* § 161 r|Ben sort' ^ii:n"iiIr:EvkiillliS; Telephone 93 S§M3