Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 May 1912, p. 3

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f^^*mÂ¥*90»m**i >♦>.♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ in Wilmette he Tuesday club met at the home til Mm. Joseph it Kelly, Central ave- khere will be a New Trier subscrlp- i dance held at the Kenllworth As- i bly hall on Saturdayâ€"evening, 25, a fi§7-;il IMS"':" '^j^S^^I^^IB^S^Wffi Phe first division of the Ladies' Aid ety of the Methodist church held apanesetea at the home of Mrs. S. Daniels, 1135 Elm wood avenue, Monday afternoon. A fine pro- m had been arranged and a most s: is jjoyable afternoon.. was..spen^||'gM^;? birthday dinner will be given Ider the auspices of the Ladies' so- )ty of the Congregational church on iday ' evening for the purpose of fsing money to defray the expense furnishing the basement of the irch. The Sunday school has grown numbers that the need of more )m Is very necessary and the ladies taken this means to raise the >ney. The chairman of the commit* having the matter in charge is rs. Ives, assisted by Mrs. James D. )lt and Mrs. John Segsworth. There 111 be twelve tables representing the ferent months of the year, and each ible will be appropriately decorated represent the month. Mrs. Ira itch will be hostess at the January Jblef Mra. H, K» Snider, February; frs. John Stevens, March; Mrs. tVIl- im Mann, April; Mrs. George A. in Dyke, Mayj Mrs. Ralph Potter, me; Mrs. Richard Mul vey-^tJuly; Era. Roy flowers, August; Mrs, C. C. leron, September; Mrs, J. H. Clen- ?nin, October; Mrs. Benjamin Gage, >vember; Mrs. B. E. Hyde, Decem- sr. W% daughter"'of Mr. M. C. Beynjer, 622 Hill street, has scarlet fever!', â-  "81 The Washington Avenue circle met at the home of Mrs. rra A. Jones of Washington avenue on Monday. 7:;r77 Miss Margaret Hart of Milwaukee, Wis., is the guest of Miss Juliette Gates for a few days this weekfr'^" r^^fr. Paul Cassey, who has been in The south for the past eight weeks, it turned to his home on Sunday7#' A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Laurence W»g€olllns of Edgewater, fcrmeriy ot Wtf m©tt^7 on7 Monday, Miss Louise Fatch and Miss Irene Gould attended the Pi Beta Phi formal dancing party at Champaign 111,, this last week, 77.f:"B^W1M^WM^S^B^: Mr. anUTMrsv WV C. Shurtleff, Lake avenue, have gone east and before re- turning will visit inr Washington, p. C, and Richmond, Va. 7)^»7^-77: A number of the young ladies of the Zeta Beta Psi sorority attended the conyfintion§iluncheoni - lield^~at Blackstone hotel this "last Saturday. At a recent contest in extemporane- ous ^peaking at New Trier High school, of the five boys taking part, Van Pope .of Glencoe won first place and Lewis Bruch of Wllmette aflnnnd place. The day following, five girls competed for the same honors and Daisy Howe won first place and Jeanette -Tuthill secondâ„¢ placeTfeSelec- tJons from Dickens, George Eliot and Stevenson were read.; The winners of both-of these contests represented New Trier, Friday, May 10, in a simi- lar contest between various high schools and academies held at Lake Forest. ^ir. A, O. Wenban, who haa been 111, is convalescing. "'v"^::-' â- â-  """.-,., ,^ Mr. E. W. McCullough spoke before the Ouilmette council, No. 1107, Royal Arcanum, on Monday evening, on :^The High Cost of. MvinfcMll -£':: Mr. H. Ringllng of Rlngllng Bros.' circus has recently moved into the house formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Church Todd, corner Elmwood avenue and Eighth street. IfitlllSi The Tennis club have recently elect* ed George T. May, Jr., president, and Roy Osgood, secretary. With a mem- bership of twenty-two and the courts in splendid condition, the club looks forward to some good games. . In the play, "Under the Trigonome- J;ree/' given by the boys of the^NoriJi- western freshman class, at Ravinia theater on Saturday/ John Page took the leading lady's' part in the role of Mrs. JPrig and Leland Pelrson was one of the girls in the chorus.^;§i|5ii| At the district oratorical contest, held at the McKinley school recently, New Trier High BcttoOi WOll iii'Ut plane through its^Tepresentative^ Holbrook Poucher, whose original essay on "The New Patriotism" won for him that honor. Mr. Poucher will represent e~fofew Trier at the state oratorical"?' test, held at the State university at Champaign the latter part of the month, â-  7 ,v 7:^s^ch-:7d0^^ J A number of Wilmette ladles will go to the Esther Falkenstein home on the northwest side this Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Falkenstein, who spoke at the Commonwealth class on Sunday week dlflierwol^, ^Invited all those~raterested3o~ visit her at this time. Mrs. Falkenstein started about fifteen years ago in a very small way, opening her small flat to the young people in her neighborhood, and now about 1,200 people are helped by her each year, and all done by voluntary contributions, V;7-i& WILMETTE 620 Davis Street TMs. 3414, 2415, 2416 * CentralAve. t&J 2th St. _i Tels. 310^ 511*51^ SPECIAL S ALE MAT^lof 173^18 PRICES IN FORCE ON THESLDAYS^NLY; ORANGES ^â€" California Navels were never better 777than they are now, and these are of the best. 7I3717G size. Doz7.v7; 7\77.777.77. .:.77v...... .77.28c -150 size. Doz....... 7.,..____............ ...33c 126 size. Doz...,.,..., 7..7.........._____..38c FLOUR. i^.^ bbl. 777Barrel-.:~ Pillsbury, Ceresota and Gold Medal. .....................____..'.......... ,83c . .,..r» -â- Â»-.-• ^^J*-*-*-*-*-*.-.-. 'â- -»-,,-. -+-.-*-,-. ..... . . . . .$L65 fr Ifili Buckwheat. N. Y. Pure. Lb. | IpEverready Buckwheat. Pkg. Ijv^fSwansdown. â-  Pkg. .. .'7^,.....'. pSfelGraham. 1Q lbs, ............ pi < Colonial Pastry7;i 10 lbs. ^7. â€".- llgFranklin Mills* Entire Wheat* 1-16 bbl.... ECO Sâ€" Selectsresh^TDoz^,'.,7~r.>......7 *7. "'"PSIi" [olland New Laid. T doz. carton.......7. ^jrescent wew Laid^fl doz. carton.:-...... ita7Clara,^0-30 size. Lb.... .-^h^^^^-M'^iSe inesr==Santa €lara\r^R^50= liAprieots; Fancy California. Lb...;. ...7. .7.20c feyfeiPeaches. California Unpeeled. Lb^7i...... .7.17c CHOCOLATE â€" Walter Baker's Premium. I SJ Lb........â- -------..................... 7..... 32c p?#:sWalter Baker's German Sweet. 4M& Jb. cakes 24c plplWhitman's Instantaneous, r lb7can........ .70c IgfUM. lb.. can.•...,7.,,7,;^ .7^7^7?,,,^.,:7,a^7j38c If^ilMenier. Pastilles. Box77.'7777.7.. ;7w77v:7.'.26c ps^fenier.^Croquettes. Box,.â- '.!.-.... .7v.......25c COGQA^TWalter-Baker's. ^ lb, can '7.7.. 7^20e puyler,s.7_%: lb. can^.Www^w^;;;.^^ hilltps'. % lb. cm;.77;7v.:-X^^;-;.7^.7.:.;36c' Bensdorp's Royal Dutch. 5 oz. can.':.. ^^r CRISCO^â€"Made by Procter & Gamble.,^© be U8ed 1n^ookln«in Place of biitte^or lard7rfagan^23c ^Hoheysuekleri-^utk;"^Lh..... Honeysuckle. 3 and 5 lb. pails. Lb.! COTTOLENE â€" 2 ib. pan... SNOWDRIFT ~3 lb;-pail... .7 ...... COCOANUT â€"Schepp's. %71b. pkg ^^Schepp's. % lb. pkg............ .v.. CRYSTALLIZED GINGER ft Crosse A Blackwell's. Importe t^Are 7llJteE~Wtelch's0 'B|pfiWelch'a.:-;Concord.;' Pt.- ^v. ;vrrv:n, ^Stfeler's^Concord/' Qt.. f^ -.7-;77 i-; '^|Meier'sJ^onccflrd7 .--Pt............J,.^, ^armonr*s......rConcord. 'Qt...;v^7|IS7 SLnnour's, 7Concord. ..Pt.«>7*;•?•>.:«7 /Meier's^ Catawba. JQjU^. ,_77^i7v 7Meier's. Catawba. Pt.. .71^77ilv rr;i5c 7.....16c :^....:..'27c ...; i36c ..;...7c vv7.12J4c 35c .7.. 22c 'L .^^45c v. .25a SOAPâ€"American Family; Jas. S. Kirk 7 C6 bars in box........ i.-.?^-rv\ ......... ^:""10 bars:!**7f.y.'. 7.7 COFFEE-Roast Blen Very Cubanii»<"*Bull value >inson' CE EALS/Rc 5 lb. cai 7 Creain /^Wheat. Pkg.. Pettijonn's Breakfast FoodL^griMtg. Shredded Whea^g^jpwsfc^Pkg... 7$ Puffed Rie"e7 Pkgr.;i.... v..... Puffed Wheat. Pkg........... Malt Breakfast Food. Pkg... 7, 7. ^Jnele-Sain-7baxative^Fbod7-^kgv7Tr;r MOL ASS ES â€" Palmetto. Open kettle, r-rnfancy â€" Llghtrâ€" Galâ- erixr^zxi^^xzrvrr: 77 Bell wood. 2 nxcauT^Light. CanTT.Tr7; tte~ 'Horsey ?. 2 *fa M ACKERS L Block Island Bloaters. Fancy 7 fat fish. About 1% lbs. each. LbT. /.. 7.".,... .19c MATCHESâ€"Orocer's Noiseless: ,s Chips. Pkg. ................. 7..'.._.. Best and Cheapest, Pkg. >r.»...... 7| Vulcaii Safety. 4 pkgs. APPLE BUTTER TO quality. Can ..... APPLE SAUGE^=Taonarch.~Np. ^^ canT Put ft-upwhen apples have all their flavor. Can.... 20c MAGNOLIA SKINLESS FIGS 77 Carpenter's. No/1% can. ?^^aris^-dBuf,Eh«nfc« & *7^orrill*s^r cele7 brated Maine Sweet Sugar Corn. Can...... .11c y Dozen ....... ^...... > 7...... v.... ♦... .,.*..-• .$1.30 PEASâ€"Lakeside Extra Sifted Early June. Can 20c Dozen ....'... .jf ...,................ .$2.35 77 Sweet SlftednGiant Telephohe7cCan..........14c 77 Dozen ..;'..................;..........â€". ..$1.65 French. Extra Fine. Can......... 7 â-  > â- â€¢.. i-*.T-*..... 18c Frenchv ^A9i~"^m^rrjprir£mi^^z^% â„¢^v14c TOMATOESâ€" Savoy7 No. 2% can^TCanJTlSc Dozen .-----...........^v..._.^~,_^...... .$1.75 Angora. No. 2% can. Can............-----r-14c Dozen77....... .7..................... ~â€" .$1.60 ;? Both solid pack, good color and fine flavor^ MUSHROOMS â€" French. Extra small, £ Can. ,.......,_____..... ,.#.-... .--»-rrTTT*-.;^v"^S2c- s^TPi^nchv First choice. Can.â- Â».-.-.-.-W^-.-.-.v. .24c AGENT _ _• -Si ;-,-ggs; ali'sP wm in Evanston andtP^IImette SJiBliB^BplpsaS* ~r. and Mrs. C. H. Klemm attended a family dinner at the home of rela- tives in Chicago Sunday. The announcement to made of the engagement of Miss Bessie King of Harvard. 111*.. to Mrv Fjrapk Collyer, 524. Hill' streetiil^B^S ^' *^y~\ â€" r The' midweek prayer and social meeting of the Presbyterian church will be held at Mr. Kerr's this even- ing at 8 p. m. and the topic of the evening will be, "What Hath Been Wrought in Cuba and Porto Rico." The Review of Reviews has an inter- esting article on Porto Rico and what has been accomplished there. Visi- tors are always welcome to all the services, of the church|lii|lipi|Ii P m. Official board meeting, first clety meets flrpt Thursday of each month. The W. F. M. «. holds a meeting the second Thursday «f,each tr$Lz~^z. Ilfpl: C'H UIICH n'otices. Puff; ^^'Stj^ugustine's • EpIscopaL v Rev. H. B. Heald, rector. Holy com- munion, 7:30 a. ni.(frrst Sunday In month, 11 a. m.); morning prayer, 11 a m.; evening prayer, 4:30 ^-mr Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.; Saints' day (hbly cdmmumon); 9 a. m.;Sff W:0W^: First v Congregational. â- â- '. Corner Wttmette avenue and 11th street. R«v. Roy B. Bowers, pastor. Services: ^Sunday school, 9:46 a. public worship, 11 a. m.; common- >^f wealth class, 12 to ,1; vesper servlce,^^^ 5 p. m.; young people's meeting, •:!$ ^^K p. mil Ladies' society meets on, the 4*J**^ second Friday of each month. miMm Presbyterian Chureh..,,.^,,,,,,,,,,^ w â- 7Woman'a Club building, 10th atreet p|§ and Greenleaf avenue, Rev. James .^:.u7 Marquis Wilson, .minlstjerii' Sundajt-.:^^ Bible school, 9:45 a. m.\ public ,wor^:;:f^ ship and preaching, 11; evening «erv- ive at 7:45. Wednesday prayer meet-_ nrTrt^e-home-of^ members. 8 p. nfa Strangers 7 and others without a church home most wel â- m^&&^'First Methodlst.^;^7Si^v.7 Lake and Wilmette avenues. Rev. L. L. Hammitt, pastor. Services: Sabbath school, 9:30 a. m.; public worship/ 10:45 a. m.; vesper service, 5 p. m.; young people's meeting, 6:15 SSI W4#^tp^s^s^iaS7 Flrat Church of Christ, 8elentlst Hwnta street ^nd Central avenue. l[ervjfce«:7 Sunday, 10:45 a.m^ 7:46 Pi: m.;. Wednesday, 8 p. m,t Sunday school, 9:46 a. m. First reader, 0or- don B. Chase, 1311 Ashland avenue; second reader, Miss LIHiam N.Star? reth, 225. .Ninth - street."" «S-^*^ M$£ti â- ffii^;i;-£f «ill§llti^:77. -mt', 'V..:

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