&â- : l*odm eoHtJtw; a%op. bnhtnee tftct ^~^ â-º house, tnajgtol- bed rO^fo** SOxltt. homo; is and â- rater heatj^flne .1 Price tMflTO. if ft l^ffiln inr a b j&sjmett and Mo- >4f toutb. Price A fine reatdenoe corner lot, 100x165. West exposures. Price $100 per ?Mjm $ '"*' 1&80 Shormhn-av *Wa»aton» 111 ltc FOB OLD IMPBO choice vacant, M^feet corner yMn aqjl Mlchi- 100 J*4j^^"H on nrmann.f866 MlksJlm-av., **«. I tf lto RAT A NOYBS PlVfi- opjfralgfjot^nust tell; [flcejfcyreaeSa^© price FOR RENT-HOUSES RENT â€" FURNISHED, 1003 l-av., nine rooma^^irbed- rooms, Bt^kS^v^ffTnlce yard, two or thre^wnffflPr^(|hlng ma- chine, ^tm\ references. ^"Bhime S lfi*r>* :«* m? 'AX-ST., NEW 7- bouse; lot 50x170; near to ay tyy; $5,000. TOcmmrm 50x175; *»** aoiglboriftod; 24,25| I v^a«tAt on Abury-aj||-#?2o per ft lit N. Clark-st., Chicago. *'*"< Res* Phone 3034. 30tf 4^*V«T U* fHOW VblT ' at., near University, new *;|l^^ti^»W«nd- etucco house; 10 large ^fMjK H. W; throughout; chambers *TOAe^ in white enamel; 3 JfthB > Â¥iitorfaat *nd sleeplnsuporclalsl hot â- | w»t*r neat; lot 6ttM AJbaAain, MOD THBSB NE#JOMBS. |fd^^f*f 28*150; *â- *!>... .JJpW*0 Si raeWA, 1# 16x150; snap^P^OSO 2^x160; \^m... 2,500 »m b*galow; H^. heat.. 5,000 >lfax, near Sherman. 4,500 TOR BflNT. |#M» Llat of Jf * Houses and Apartments ^ McCALLUM <fe CLARK %«* Bheraaan-av. Opp. City Hall MP- I JOTAL ESTATE FOR S icco bungalow^ittr^ttacco its. Will ac "oletvr YaSsWsislpayaient; de are P fA^JP--BT pwfrfBR, ON YOUR own Is^lui:" Large 7-room house; liaak pare<rf BtreaJAjpall im- fpaM, -m mS^Mtrom Ig^iap* *)•#«>*» 60J175.... ,w?jj75 Qaktof 38xl7j-sB*^00 Monro^sslMmr.,. 900 CeaMwU pmd McDanlel, 60x176.... 750 IRiarette* 3 blocks from station, ^rOOded, and paved, 40x178..... 650 ntV WHEBLER, 834 Madlson-st 14^"' Chicago office, 1210 Cham ^.Cbiiimerce: Main 1010. " M^-A^ARTIIBNTS IN >ater. heat; janitor ^ictYUATB BEACH, ltc &ALBâ€""Brierley"â€"26 JfUes in; safer and chpfrming sh; golf, temdC at Oar io CopBnial home tfrom jptfe sea in an hedge 198 ft. [tnrnished, piano, tibs; liot water ^•toTo, larjge atf cdnr^lences, 14 rtrafcu in aeasoil fro $11,000. Apply to Sarab J. Rich, *not »6 Mass^ or Phone riffffK *'\x&&mF-. JR # RENT â€" SjX-R O O M FUR- fd house f*2& JuljsiaAp Oct. 1, transpotfy. f- A| Buck, 1215 Lake-Ai$DprimeVsp*Tll. ltc RENTâ€"FURNISHED Uge^tr?^€y$nwoodJBppMtT^ Lahe Geneva, near^ivieti^heap for June; good nlAtfJ^o rest. FnoBs*4afi8-J. FOR RJ5NTâ€"Bugalow, corner of Col- fax^Tand Pioneered.; eyellently fi/ished; mqjstl^^eigjISS; will also rent unfirmehea^ri Address Qulnlan ft Tysan^-/ L/ ltc For Rentâ€"Aptmts. FORyAENTâ€"APARTMENTS IN V^ "THE SHERMAN" Full inforalail/i given ^j|pon re- quest. Phone 354. 631 Davis-st. 24tf RENT â€" APARTMENT â€" FIJ g and alcove. Call 800 SUhp- Bon-s^ Phone 364 2-L. »jr-»tyv FOR REto â€" FIVB-ROOMyFLAT with bathr\hot water hfpft; clean and reasonably 1933 TlV]siIey-av. ltp FOR RENT â€"FUl June 20 to Sept. In Evanston; hax tatlon; near [ED â€"FROM six-room apt., to^ll transpor- lakeXjvell fur- nished, screeajSd porch. P^one Ev anston 367^6. Main 165. \ ltp FOR REN|fâ€"FURNISHED APl^lT meat Or bIx rooms, moderu con\\nl encegf from middle or tweutieth Juaft unUl nrst of October. Apt. B: fereford-bldg., Phone 3783. lti :r-x "\b i,m 'fyfHWi #. All Phones 1991 807 Davis Stfe?£ yritTaV."?'- NORTH EVANSTON JowciteSoumt Thursday, Ju d Saturday, 7 and 8 V V New Potatoes "**â- Large, 15 pounds to the peck, per peck . RENT-R80MS >R RHNTâ€"NICELY FURNI8 >m, with or without board; young preferred. 1313 Oregary-av., Wiflhette. f ltp FOR Rfil^râ€"LARGE MODCRN FUR- nished ^poms; oueyf small one. Phone 30lV 1831 gBLcago-av. ltp FOR REN1: 907 Foster-st IISHED ROOM, icar L station, ltp FOR REN^-ONET^RONT ROOM, first ffarf; one front room, second floors pleasant, central; one light housekeeping room, second floor. 1731 Orrington. Phtfa^ 633. ltp TO RBNTâ€"TO siyfble office ipfcm; must , The WilmeM mette-i PHYSIC^ft, DE- reception Address L211 Wil- ltc râ€"nich cooi rooi 2019 ex< !LL- ient table Phone 80tf [irrf rTTTfrnftninr tr^ ^'" Ight house/ K»62-LV BIS W*WTE0-T0 BflY SD^-A TWO-PA8SBN0ER ^100 to |200. AddrcM Oflg^Tos- terW Ira Cribb. 'jf*- ltp WANTEt^A BABY good conoHLon; Phone 2348. *'ii i-vm ^irn^N-Rooj iM~^£k^f&h ni (m WAI LIAGH, IN bo' cheap, ltp â- a 7V& Wmmimm^ka^tmB: Lak* Shore NntiV 4.7 ^ -Cv.ifc*' i.? WANTErJTO RENT WITH PRIVI lese ft purchasln*. eighA to ten- roinyhouae in go<|d i^ps#\eaoiiern conjp^niences; near jtbellan; be- tween Rogera ParljbJ ^j|»iworth. Possession wanted \sjswber 1. W. K. Allen, 1408, 72 West Adanisnat, Chi cago &0-2tc ~ LOST AND FOUNP THE PARTY WHO FOUND ircel, containing a pair of JHd glomes and a silver turse, ojfthe elevfllgd ,train, between SPjsfier-et and wUmette, Monday j^ernoon, veill return the same m Mrs. H. Park, 826 B^liiiflt., H^nston, will receive a reward, w ltp MISCELftNEOUS DON'T LET JTICB HAX UP YOUR valuable Jftultry when^s so easy to get jta of them. ConWy'i Lice I, Lice Liquid and Hmd Lice Ointment are guaranteed to^to the t quickly. Get a practical\pul- book free from Peabody Churchst. 28-3 CAMP GOOD WILL CAN 0£&dKLD camp furniture, UsffajswKs, baby carnages, iwe ofTtiig qjd\pfrlger aiors. '}â- ' Telephone " PIN k NELSON. Evanston 163. 304tc 'OiJliMrliSbr/Uk^ CASH^fctttTFOR - mH» asi« vr* atortam, Ph( OR SALE m*m k A ve. Property, near Dempster St Lot 50x135. Nine R«^jLfcif%. Improvcm^m^are wohhjJoOOO Is worth $2,750^00^ tnorized to oliU "Ibis r a sacrifice price of i. â€" â- â€"â€"â- -«»»â€" »!^ â€"-» Quintan & Tyson 631 DAVIS STREET I uSSi & MAS On Evanston *X^" â- '•'iJ5*^***--•*»**-x K^3 ^, #isMi* i^fi^ifc^ -. j?S â- ~&zri£y?': &-â- *- - â- â- l£**^^?r,?&5 ifef3 itisti^s^^^^i^^^^^^i Mmmmmm^m^l^fflMgtfMI§. \<: â- i^sMiMMMSM MMM