j *#§',.. The first i^mn^^ watch 1?lay in classes A, ^:^/^^fmM^&i Saturday Gordon GO scoring ^^mpjpiHH.. H. PrentistV*tjpj^g^ 6. Ctos»IsjB#v#^^ ome in 38, his ot ... 0 if :n ..., 5 * 1*4 The next made by H. A. Northwestern eated Will «OW*a S ary of the claas play Class Aâ€"Gordon Oopeland deteat- d J. h. pjan^^^ Wilmarth mm:ft0i^:^MiOi^^ iefault; Temple Wlllimni* deleated K Small. 8 and «;O.J^ Miller ^deieat- ?d w.vi^^-i^i^^i^^' ' lefeate£^1&i#i:^H^^ loyd defeated-E. L,/Davis, » and 1; ^ordoit Wl^ won from C. H. Town* v defa^ *^ ffiBl- HOwei^^ia^^ Clasj^l#|g£^^ , " "'IPfciiiii Jsssiiii^ _______ r%i$r|m%;^* vr»jr leieated â- %-Pi/^i^:;^^f^^ti ^Ml be made to i^r^in^v bi& MSWi $g^pb^al§^^ waeka ag^tb* Turlington annoi ...... changes in its suburban service calou- 16 furnish better transportation facilities for suburbanites. A number of tmBroT6ments also have been made planned hy the Northwestern wiU of trains. y default; ^i^Bai« defeated M. Cv ihepe) 5 an^^i AHhnr BJdToea de- led w. a. b* iMw^..«ife|5:'-^ Thomas defeated W. a. Struggles. and|l; H. P. V^-M&&^&$i. unter by defattl^',""^'-:"'i::^V-^|:' Class Câ€"R. B. Whitney and Jacob Schnur both detaiatedr lr% C. Wood lefeated fc\ 1^1^e# frand 1; >scar Remmer won from Henry T. Smith by default; W. H. King defeat- id E. W. Beach, $ vi$; N. H. filatcn- ford defeated W. 8. Warren, 5 and C. W,AHaon defeated P. H. Stan- be completed in about four weeks. It ^U;t*$P^^ bS> lasting/and ##$0^^ #*« eliminate dust and assure a firm foun- dation for the operation of fast and '||o^ it 'fe jji^" &;': $$^;;^^ ijWPplant'gra^elf^ ©tovation after* the foundation has ^ro^hly ^ Northwestern officials the ballasting will not interfere with the operation The latest north shore town to elect W^on^tew^ organisation of the Ravinia club and to aid hi ^:$ymfaM:^fi^' »*?* ^^^^,-^m^mt ^Hows: Mre^; Sidney' BJastmlh (chairman)* Mrs." Truman Bropby, Jr. (vice-chairman). Miss Dorothy Sears (secretary), Mrs. C. K. Blackwood, Mm Roscoe B. Glfc? key, Mrs. Herman A. Kasten, Mrs. James Keith, Miss Alice Keith, Mrs. j. S. Klem, Mrs. M. K. J. Klein, Mr* ley, 3 and 2; F. W. Preeton defeated E. Haupt, 2 up; % S. Main won from the Rev. B. R* WiUiama by default. Class -V^-&$m*4^^^ Kirk by defanltr J. It IMckmson won from{%"fcTiyl*:iy*:d1^tf^ Dale defeated a- ». Shipman, « d 5; W. J. McAlleff defeated G. W. Tracy, 2 up; G. H. Scribner defeated w. b. aitt^MM^^M^S^9, bye; W. G. Bnglar defeated R. W. Hall, 2 up; W^iils^^Mi^ WheeWck by default. "â- * ; - Next Saturday""""'^ longing to the Weatarn «olf associa- tion will compete for tbe Tom Morris lemorial':' '^^^0^^:-^i^gl^ Players from eaclt ohj^ playi over >ts. own courso againrt tlie par of the sourse. ^^^M^W^^^^-^^ lumber -m^^^-^^i^^g^i^ dinner. The folkwin* tt>^ Play for tlelfttftfJK^^ Percival ^JjjilaM^ Fleager, U J. Hopkina, Gordon Bib- ley, Will Howell, N. Landon Hoyt, S. Wilmarth* /ii* 1* *fc >a$0#**tid t^ The alternatea are as fodowa: Douglas Smith, Frank E. Miller, A. Mcuordte, :M* Paal Noyea, ;*>-.& ****. J. C* Murray, Dec. I-loyd, C. • FoeH. â- w,^ ,^§, >, :;>â- ;; • :.-,';; Mrs. WUling Kirk entertained a 'rty of twenty at dinner Monday syening. .a-^4^^^^^^,^)^^^^' â- Guesta. of the club during the past «ek were: :&&#ij&ft.tf£4g&* «ch.; JtMS^Sft .....;' "*........ ^rker, Wfr&it^^ N; c. T,. iUgar, Bvansi #1 Jhl- way, Mr». Victor ;C. Sanborn, Mi$i Helen Sears, Mrs. Wallace Serrell, ;:Mra> mei^k:#tarr»h-Mts, Riitni and Mrs. li. X it. fnlla. "" A defective chimney on the home of Dr. Macauley, 820 Lake avenue, Wilmette, Friday morning caused the fire department to make a run. The blase was soon extinguished. The fire was discovered on the j-oof and slight damage to the shin- gles was done by the flames before the arrival of the lire fighters. r â- IHii^ili; Sim " â- •â- The *neeting Mtit*. |^fe:;^|^,«Jop mercial ?^iMq^|«^^j^ M have been held Monday evening in Glencoe, was postponed until next Monday evening owing to several ar- raagements that could not be made In time. The meetlni *raa called tot Ine purpose of getUng the Glencoe busi- ness men interested in the associa- tion, and will take in all pf New Trter townahtp. The Glencoe men are more Otan anxious to be paid * vlait b^ the members of the association, and from all present indications the meet- ing Monday evening will be a most successful one. Some weeks ago a similar meeting waa held in W1nnetka> the Wilme|ti members of tie association going to that place tor the meeting. It was .berof thecongres*t^^ jttcularly appropriate as Flag day was " obaewed in th« evening. Among the decorations wei^ 4Wenty-fonr flags of different nations T*e slhgiiig^ (^ ^fnaUonal hymns of Germany, England, â- ** 'lijaioev^B^. was highly enjoyed. ;;^0§gmM^ ,i-^n«' paator;-lte^^^;,li^ffi^^ speak next Sunday st 11 a; m. on "Da- vid, the King^ Tested as by* ^1# l»i *i T:|& the third to the series Of planned to ^1^ finnetkana-^^s^^Jss^ ;s^Ma^;g^^^i«ss^ what ball been done by the organiza tion and what its policy was. The Winnetka men became so en- Ithueiastic that an even doien ot them Joined the association during the evening, and the prospect of more handing in their names is very bright. â- Many people have formed a wrong idea as to the purpoie of the organ- isation, aa they believe that it is to better commercial interests alone. Thfe is only one phase ©t the wprk that the society intends to do. Any matter relating to the north shore within the limits of the town- ship will be taken up by the associa- tion and boosted. That is, if it is for the good of the general public. The Wilmette men who founded the organisation are moat optimistic in M. B. Papke, Mrs. Edward Parmlee; _^^i Ut^^m^^VmmUtB. SfcanMlidt! W^:-*^^-**^^1^*-?^ tion because of the -nterest that baa been shown so far. Many business men prominent along the north shore will give ahort talks at the meeting Monday night in Glencoe. The meet- ing will be held in the village ball. •'Christ' Among Men and %*omen,'t en- tttied^'^i^:^^ : feature of ;t|ieK::eye^ing:;ai^^ Men'a chorus. Sunday night they will sirig "P^^ |#lect )p^^m^m^ tiim Fort; for f nmliJ^ing^ ^ :$%*?. ^^'w^i^^^^k^Um ottne^iiii5 posed new cbapel, which has belli on exhibition at, M*v Solder's drag store, has e)lcite#JJrnch favorable comment. league, a trip through the Illinois tun- nel under the city '^\.dalcav/-':i|i^pi' day, June 8, was participated in by^ over forty persona. All came back ex- able tunnel and what they saw in the sub-basements of Marshall Field's re- tail store and Steele-Wedeles Co. f yi. Hubert p. Herring, secretary of the Home Missionary society of the Congregational church in the United States, was in Wilmette Monday and called on the pastor and-hia wife expressed much admiration for the neW chapel building. ?0£WM0&ii$ brother-in-law of Dr. and Mrs. Wilaon. and Mason hV&Mlbee cated in b>at Boa^ott; demit to booomo tf ill........ a member of â- â- Con$fe|EsJ^m^-:^;; ;ebttrob^':':^iwit ' ^niembll^o^S^lSe^^....... .. bis late residence on Thursday First Congregational church O ated. The aei^ices at Rosehill cenie. tery were conducted by the Wilmette at Is Way to Make The Maoris, inhabitants South Sea islands, found once <!$â- . .t^pioMM^^icItt^-.isiC^viBjr" :M|ssi#||^*^ITs :y* ;e»^;f|§m1^ea*^#^ :aiaea^b*yI,CMtai«:,tbia|^ shoes wijiiBifjjr -f: "'^^©sgaiti* 'Dseelve'ii*^lS^» 11^ n*a^v?b« phones that he has to remain at the office evenings do you ever think he is deceiving you? â- â- UtU.Wm^0gMm - he thinjs &m^m-: HP^?^^0m Two of the local games played in the North Shore Baseball league Sun- day were close, although heavy bit- ting featured both battles. The other was a walkaway. -------â€" •'-- • The Olympics defeated the Ramblers 15 to 14. These teams are made up of members of the Olympic club of Bv- anston. The Foster Cubs downed the Ashlands 9 to 8. Gross Point was no match for the Clovers, the latter win- ning 27 to 1. Next Sunday two games will be played at the field on Dewey avenue and Dempster street while anotheT| - will be played at Noyea street and East Railroad avenue. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm*mm*mm*m. ........ ::^^m^g |ilitlii|.lfAs^^ "4': .•;', ^ '}< SJSSiSP^^bvSt West Railroad Avenue "The two beautttudee of life are do- ing and becoming,*' said the Rev. Wil- liam T McBlveen, pastor of the B>vans- ton Congregational church, Sunday, while delivering the baccalaureate tA- dress to the students of the University of Illinois at Champaign. "Browning gaid, 'Man partly is and wholly hopes to be.* Compare the ltjng span of hu- man life and the slight degree of Tbei^ -jare boundless opportunities in life from now on. op- and socUl :iervieei'* ;â- ;; hV.^M^kJ&? The luiademic parade, beaded by President James Edmund James, and Dr; McBlveea, entered the auditoHum in ths presence of many alumnir rela- ^ir'intf'/frienda^ "^^gr«^ii%g, university band played seyeiml se- For some time there have been no arrests made of drivers of heavy traf- fic vehicles on Bvanston boulevards, but starting this morning all drivers violating this ordinance will be ar- rested. -'.â- , '^f. • Chief of Police Fred Shaffer said that a close Watch would be kept on Sheridan road and Ridge avenue and ill drivers would be arrested. The large auto trucks from the downtown department stores are t»e worst of- fenders. ~r.~^jmmimii* The police have rounded up a band of a do*en young lads who for the past;.wee*.'â- bare.^b^n^sp^adip their time breaking windows in Bvanston. The m^ijpl^^^li have to: pay --tlw-^din%|e^Mil:^^^ An last week reports were n»adej to the police of the wholesale win- dow breaking in different parts of the city ^^^}^r.4^-^^"if^^l started: .a-;«sa^<;;3^i^^n1br^ â- > sAowit to abont windows We will make you a set of teeth thatjjou will wear â€"tthat you can use is teeth " guarantee them for tea years. Regular f 15.00 T Teeth extract ofgasorcoc Youcanhav out pain and .... ^ . >dandfillcd itipefynk r led, crowned or extracted with- »th time and money. C#mc In e will give you an estimate ii)d ] Mgr.t TUJonm Bldg.y till WOmmttA^. pirn