iftlSiy,dKC!l£BI!aiMBHSHB^ jjiftjj^jrtjjff^ W w t.......MM. inWinaetka r* Burglar, the Most Des- perate Criminal Ever Known to the Police, Caught Saturday Night. RIFLING HOUSE A battle Saturday night, In which red pepper, revolvers and billy clubs played an Important part, resulted in the capture of George Williams, the most desperate criminal the Evans- ton police have had to deal with in years. The man was caught while burglarising the home of Dr. N. R. Marshall, tiff Ridge avenue, Evans- The man, who is colored, was cap- tured only after two policemen had been disabled and he himself had been knocked unconscious by being Struck a blow on the head with the butt end of a revolver. - The thief gained entrance to the Marshall home early Saturday even tag while the family was down town watching the student parade. He climbed to the roof of the front porch and raised one of the windows. |gi Found by Doctor. || Dr. Marshall returned home about j" » o'clock and discovered that some one ,: was in the house. He jumped into bis ig^aiitomobile an4 started for the police Mrs. Lowell Copeland of Winnefcke will be matron of honor at the mar- riage of Mist Janet Stebbins Warrendanghter of James A. Warren of Win- netka, to Roswell B. Mason, which will be celebrated Saturday evening, June 29, at 8 o'clock, in the First Con- gregational church of Wlnnetka. There will be four bridesmaidsâ€"Miss Edith Mason, sister of the bride- groom; Miss Grace M. Dudley of Chi- cago, Miss Margaret Copeland of Wln- netka, and Miss Emily Lee Culbertson of Paris, Tex. Mr. Mason will be at- tended by Henry G. Miller, Jr., of Bv- anston as best man and Maurice Ma- son, brother of the bridegroom; David M. Warren, the bride's brother, of Warrington, Va.; Benjamin F. Cable of Washington, D. C; and George T. Adee of New York will be ushers. A {small reception for relatives will fol- low the church service at the home of the bride's father In Winnetka. CHURCH NOTICES. Christ Episcopal Church. Rev. Frederick G. Budlong, rector. The church is on Sheridan road, at Humboldt avenue. The rectory, par- ish house and chapel are at Linden and Oak streets. The holy com- munion is celebrated In the chapel at 7:30 a. m. every Sunday except the first Sunday in the month, when the service is held In the church. Sun- day school at 9:45 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon in the church Sun- days at 11 a. m. Holy communion on the first Sunday of the month. Week- I day services as announced. m Hundred and 8lxty Pounds. Jackâ€" What did her father say when he entered the parlor and found his plump daughter sitting in your lapT Tomâ€"He remarked that I had taken a great deal on myself. station. On the way he met Officer Patrick Menihan, who was traveling that beat. ^ ; ii The policeman hurried to the house while Dr. Marshall went to'the sta- tion for more policemen. Sergeants Dickinson and Pestka and Officers Paaach and Robertson were taker* to ||>'(|he bouse. I^fy1 On arriving at the residence they surrounded it while Sergeant Pestka t; and Officer Paaach entered the build- f- lng. As they reached the foot of the ft: stairway they heard the man coming down the steps in bis stocking feet ; ^Phey drew their revolvers and or/ ; dered him to throw up his hands. The â- man obeyed. %;A He was marched outside and turned % over to Officer Menihan and Constable I Henry Witt, who happened to be pasa- lug the place. The other policemen then returned to the house to see If were- any Threw* Red most solid comfort one can fall back upon, is the thought that the business of one's lifeâ€"the work at home after the holiday is doneâ€"is to help In some small nibbling- way to re- duce the sum of Ignorance, degradation t and misery on the face of this beautiful earth. â€"George Eliot. HOUSEKEEPING NECE88ITIE8. Fine Art of Giving. "If one waits to find perfection ft his friend he will probably wait long, and live and die unfriended at last The fine art of living, Ipdeed, Is ta draw from each person his best"â€" Lilian Whiting. P«PP«f. the man mt&wM'-wimint the man Officer |' Menihan turned his bead for an ln- MyfaifrUfc* that moment the negro II^^WII bwof eyee I 'ot both Witt and Menihan. He then | grabbed Menlhanis club and struck II $*?*?** * hl*w m **• ***** knoc»> -'?â- â- $â- To many some of these may come under the head of luxuries; but most of us are able to do without the neces- saries if we can have the luxuries. Seasonings, spices and herbs of all I kinds, Including cayenne pepper and paprika. , Catsups and piquant sauces. Small cans of vegetables, meats, traps and fish. ; Extract of beef and bouillon cubes. Canned tweet peppers." Salad dressings. Jar of grated cheese. Crackers and cans of condensed milk. For utensils, a double boiler or two, several wooden spoons. Wire whisk and Dover egg beater, frying basket and Individual baking dishes. Coffee percolator. Zinc covered table. Meat chopper. Bread mixer. These are a few of the lndlspense- bles in a well-ordered household. Hot Chicken Salad,â€"Mix a pint of cooked chicken cut' In cubes with a cup of cooked peas, half a teaspoonful of salt, a little red pepper, a teaspoon- ful of enlon juice, a sweet red pepper cut fine, a teaspoonful of lemon juice and set aside to season. Make a sauce of a fourth of a cup of butter, the same amount of flour, seasonings, a cup of cream, a cup of chicken broth; add the other Ingredients and let stand over water to become hot. This Is good served from a chafing dish. A pretty luncheon biscuit is made by putting three small biscuit, in each of a set of patty pans. They will look like a clover leaf when baked and are called clover biscuit LIHDrTllj IE TINNER Wi ta, 111. 2%e*f*H#*4&* 'ti/piK^. n**fini9 bttf returned to. the ^â- >||{;|Wi*» beard,the noise and ran to the â- -M§m of their fellow officer. They ar- p rived just in time to catch the negro. Jr Williams was not to be taken without S;-1 a flght, however, as he glappled with â- v-^-iflloi-thein. ' Ppff After several Wowa had been •true* .-^ J^SA, "j!L „„-«. 4m '^•^ ^^ thfroyeter is faWi0&^^^^'«W.n**m\ Tea, sir. Do yon want to Mil It y and knocked him unconscious. He I with your fork or shell I get a ham- 'mfX:Mm§th9n ukwi *• to* Police station in I «wrr ^^"piehetrbl wagon. I^mmmd rings, a diamond pin, watches and cash amounting to about t4©0 were found on his person When parched. Dr. Marshall identified the articles as his. s f^s fa the moat daring man that we ever had to deal with,** said Chief of pWtee Shaffer today. "I think that be a paroled convict and that the fight he put up was prompted by vfeieas of a long stay on his re- to the penitentiary,- continued Marrying Among the fHfgrlms. The Pilgrimsâ€"of Plymouth Rock fameâ€"did not believe in living single long after the death of a wife or hus- band." says Rev. Mr. Doran, a New England pastor. "The mother of Peregrine White, the first while child born in America, was married to Gov. Wfnslow when she was only 12 weeks a widow and he eight weeks a wid- ower." • Peterson SO 10rth La Horth Shore Phones: Byanftoii 1039â€"WUBMtte djacent to Your Tei We arc prepared to extend our usual quick any of the following country dubs at ing during the summer. Country Club of Evanstoi Exmoor Club Qlenview Golf Onwent Skokie We alto receive a same serv Telephone Evanston 3638 You As Your^m^ri xpress Office hip to all points in the United afites; gt the city, allowugtimefwtfiMportai CLEANERS.. SOQDpvis ______ Evamtontl DYERS life- '•â- Tfi*'?** â- : Mloe Rewarded. | This morning the police received a ^eek fior fSi, sent4>y Dr. MarshaS. w^'et was a note thanking the po- lice for the e^ and good work done by Uem m the mi^ere et the burglar. Is* doctor stated that the eawek wai to abx> w tW the work wee e»pre<^at .......eeold be 7 .^yWW*WW^*1tWjg*' It 1 It fa difficult to «1etaelf.< and an empty puree to travel 3eC iJ%*M*;m . Js>e^ra We«ldArrenfe1t. ^>e gei an horn* or two to snU wfab 1 keew what to deV "Jnet | eTvera^ est BfixWB-ho^tsM new baby -3 &SL ' tUBgtt~ i^Sllli » weeld have mere ceiling mm ------rv"'^- "..-â- â€" ".â€" It's a good investment for restaurants, groceries,, barber shops, meat markets-for stores and factories of almost any kind. It makes the place more comfortable for customers and that's a bid for favor. Besides iLhelps settle in the wide air currents the fan creates.' :::: CeUtoeiana in all coimiu>nH»i slsea. from S23.2S to aaejtn "**^. % i"f^ . *±£5fK 0-, m^W& â- Nr: NORTHERN l^iV^^j . KifcBS?^'^; < ,::ife* -'JM&VI