Hotel bustoees%J|: ^>~ tl^^^^^.,".;'rff| Mr, ■ :^iKli^»^|^|yti^v bis 'l«^B^^i^i|^^^^|ittE|^i^ on •ctt^^j^^iSfl^l^l^^lftS Miw Aiina Marto Mte^ daughter of Sergeant Mid 1ft*. £»ocb ins al^ o'cleek to fh* ^ ersj£lft^p^ nelfus John C* :\cj*sjb@£ abont two himdrtd %rl^i|i^|b^^i «tU PatMamentoi!HJghl«idP^rfet*nd wir^t****^ the *«i*er«ii^^ t**;*?t I student ..............,........, jW^^ittt home to Olney, ill. **.* ■,. ijo|^||rw^ to it£'\Fjro^ terne^ Mr. «ld M«. Mtoley ^HWiifBiffiii^liiR.......... of K^ppiK»PpdQwnma»m<IMr/Ma^ l>er o£ in Mtl and a fliexn- avians^ _........____..... ^ seized ^Mit JM^ JteUa^r^ color* wr^fWi^jtf ftojT " ^ """^" carried^ "*"■*"**' -5!,:a*"-' being? _ satiii'::;i(i^i^^]^^* ^* chajroeiw© |ao% j»ettf|i. tened with a Jnlletcap «ndJiliai<rf the valley: She carried a idiowerlMNi- quet of UUi^ of the valley and g*eeVpjjsjg|t^^ fj^HfelMgW chlfltm «ow» orer silk- rpfp^,^^,^ Canel|g£i||^ Miss* iSto'^iBb^ >f Clereiaiid, Ohio, cousin of tlie ^%fid& aa tirideainaJda. -VMF&mr, gM, looked Terr wore frocks oxer:Mm0mi^m_.^______^__ ____..-._„.....,- ...,..*. queta^©*:i£^ i^Tfed din, tie little ......."" ".....*— . ^ -....„ _.....~ *-.—-. sw of peaa, tied tilth_ Colgrov« aTChica^ eemd tuiC: wwe m cap of lrfa]i laoe. T«e- maji. Mr/George ^ a^t^jffe^esst^;* the In^ and afc Fran^ C^ brother of^the groom, Moiiei)n£i*jS<|s^ __jt*«^ wUte etobroidered gown of TOfle trf»- ffied te^^slr^ mother wore fala^ Cttantffly tocS over halftsMr^dtftl and Played the din* Mrs. aanajyttMi! whiefc""'^'^" :-" a'"* fnl rtmtmAn^t^mntW^m^^» _ most pi^pKI|penC^^wJtiek<. wi0f-W&- •!■■. n^jf ef a tttt csg*^.^^.^ ^ ^'^^^ftif Dls^ers. SmaU contain- the fa* neT,429 erftfnonoTOtl<ia4fiteU^ ##*er:.^ ery June 'J&f&f^ti^^ : -enta, • ifcC asd^ffifci^^ 6321 Soutbport sve^ue, W«ewater. 0e#oi*towji;*'iisa^ :vTI!storsonne£lfe^ S^NS1*!1^^^ ^ jfttt.....„„_____,,... ^ the national conventic ■ ^, teJ6 & Unit gtiat whi<* ab<mt twenty young people to rt:"^ypi|||i^of':^^ and Mr. Blaine Kirkpatrfck wllh take place Jane 26, to Beloit Wia. itkft Margaret >telieson of Rushville, HL Announcenient was made this week of the marriage of MIbs Marion Cor- ^evell, Jr., gon^i |^l|ii|}i^ .f^ ||is||iici.Jl!^^ ||| ytrnng ootiple a home near hte «^^ __________„______ to Patrick wmH^n°mft to Sbuth^B^ street, entertained Sunday in honor of-her birthday, to* dinner. Miss Ida ^Conne^-^.'::!^^^ Kathertoe Ilegaiklda Jatsoii Voelker; Kornian Eastoe, and Mr. Heben and Mr^ Clar- of lAncaster, given _^,':ne^;.s1irteiv Mlas Jffi^ a HebeH of ^swego, DL, as as best man. XltUe BdiUi and Oliver of tluf bride, were tiie o? white lingerie over a soft pink and *nis bride»s gown waa lace over white 'crepe de Feden^on of ^inen^^clab»at San Francisco, June, 20 wfll he a member of the department of Uterature and library extension, Oilrnth McBwen, 1703 Chics- go avenue/wm also attend, the conven- tion as a member of tl^ |4visoTy com- 0^jbs^^} i|e^©^d^[egar tiOT from {flilcw leave llmrsday on s special trsto inivor th« Chicago and^ Nprthwe^ The tratowJU go directly to Salt Lake €3^, where;"|^ m& atop only loos enough to receive the welcome which the women's clubs of that city wfll «r tend to toe legates, and then on tc San Francisco* arrfvto* there the 24th. - The marriage of Miss Bdna AnreW De* Mars and Mr. ChaHea Cttnton Henderson took'pUco at high noon on Saturday to the First Congrega ptoee by orange bloaswaw She carried a slkower bouqwet of Wies of the vat ley a»l wntte sweet ^>eas. Her maid sf Imidox wnre white voile over white ' naaslLOf i^nk>and la b^ hih- " ... &&&*&£& The brtde was on*^.ths Oba«*n school tes<^ffs. was caught In- tkmal church of Wihnette. The Bev n iiiiiiiifim nf Th fa Theta Pi fjaUfsOij. A smali iiiforniai reeeption nl tt« k<sn^ of thie bride's in profn- The table te swtta«onlsv Mr. Teik, Boston fl*^ ^w-^ s^'^',^-'lB&'*jmffi~iffl&mz tm Bans (_____reet is one of the directorsVof the Pto4 wai- formerly ;'J3tofi|--M% His medical department of Gads Hill Ceu- wm receive the proeeeds of housekeep tog there thto w^eek. Mr, Bowers, pastor, read the copal service. The bride worn a gcwn of white 4 eJumneose antto trfinmed with Irish lace, n JnUe veil elnght wito c*ang* Mo«eowis. and car- and aspsragis fern- Miss of Chicago, the best mniL The bride was precedMI by eigirteen gbto si New Trier.B^a* school, in wnkb Mrs, tlie liOtengrin dhoros; and by aeted aa Bower glrL Miw. Neflto Brs«h- Ito Pli»er c€ Davwdporiv ta^ of the bride; and Ibnfttom, of Bnvenport, PoOowtog tfio at a bensnt performance of "Officer <6«, to be given this evening at the Grand W.^Bavte and family, ittifc lfttfi*jatrs«^: vittt #«^ ^^snin- mer to Ms^'^jb, Wia: Miss Helen F. Davis, who has been attending the University of Wlaconsin. is kerf itor *>4s^-«S^kilie,--«;-* f^*« and 1om her sis- ter. Miss Norma J. who did not re- turn to Evanston at the end of the school year. Grant street, who will be married June 26 to Mr. August Toungnuist. 2322 Harrison street, was the nappy victim of ^a sur- prise stag party dedded upon by her girl .frtsnds Thursday evening. Sev- eral showers have also been given to Mhw Peterson's honor, among tiiem one given by Mrs. Segred and Miss Helen Carlson* and one last Ssturday evening by a sister of the prospective groom, Miss Sophie YoungQuist, and the Misses Clara Helm and Esther Hawser; .""., /:^;* ■ * .\ ".,- ' Miss Miriam Dean, 2«08 Park I^nra Parss of K^aBston was toe , maid of honor; Mr. <^arles I^Jtonse place,, nnfr father, ^r & Beanr-of _ i^r .-.^r~>±»-r-^- .a^-_ ^—^ Green lAke, iSlswrfotmerly of Bvans- ten. wUk^^mSL- t todejr ftom Mew -■&■*- on &ub stessttsbip "*Prtoee erick Wtttelin.- They the snmnwr in Norway and Sweden. ~Wai>- Margaret Paden of CamdenJ vistting her sc«t Dr. C. It '^ ^ ^alfciuec day night Mr. Paden entertained to TJr.Viisst SM». l«wreBee KeBEFfl Ibt and: satsvijsll'^ THilgfVPff>>.f>M eagot and'MR and Mra. W. a. Paden to :|b»'ojeJ I? •^t<*<^ v^ fc^tr their care these *vi*i& iFrvm - $5.00 up