' 'Mid MrpJtfbK4h9Pw$& daugh- ** tf -"' spenc ay""' t&e Lii Orange, Itt^,^ _ nf« Janf"' *"" bi •><» her^n*.^ fl jr new ,^«^ l^# ^ ' Mr. an# "fi'~ *" ':--,is-"*** ;-...^^-«^«£-«^.. 2^7 Hm^^w^illi^m^ w11mette aventiegr^'^"' ?*: aft;.".*-*- j^'iS ^rs. John Si l-ft WecwesdayVtori^Be^^ Mrs. Qeorge^;rB«tl«tTeiBp^"|Pf week from the east wbefe she has t^een for the iM&'&on^^^' ' "^ * ^m» Mae Daia^^f JWcai) ig ' ing the week %ioi<lff8: £<mri Softl *en,l465 Wllmett avenue. Nebraak* an4 Mrs. Kan., gp^nt last ^C|^p^rf|^.'W sister, Mrs re#<*nd;i*tfty;. Boy,, Scouts Moail*y; for Crystal Bakey Mich., I ^^0^0b!Q>^m,' been p^'hjfctn^^ Miaa JBJthel Strlcklin of Chicago #penMt«o^ we#k-enfl at-i9ift ^Uome of $ff*s.r ;^al$e«? Austin, Oakwood aw; Ibne^'-V: '. v*v -",.,.; :;;v.:' Mr. and Mrs. E^A^ Deutsche and, ^WjJfcgjWj^^ • voting;' Miss EgeiWtt ~S*le*rJeItj C H-| i^trojt,. Mi*, wh©« »^%0i «P4d i^*^;,*^^^^;^!-^ ***j 2S cent*. a month^rt^h3^ Mr. ia> i445 W#B«i^jp8^.;>^ . visitlnr|h^^^^|^?^ir.?41s- - leanor ^^diey^^ Moiiday far Mich,/;^^i^^|^|expeiets to jl venue; Jeft Jpasldajr, igpaptf r Bummer home in Wiscpnflla: Fred Crt>i^."j^^^;:|ailS6s; 1','^Bai. â- â- ^l|^i*^*i^-'*,,,ati' ingB, and particularly *th» Eii^ioiie -of ,;th^^tWD^ '^tirt ^^^â- ^"^^^; ';-'• Work on the tiew aa ^raptoly^ir ^i»iSkl»jo^:ii":ifilBl^ CJhrlgtuii^. a£ **e farthest, ;/#£â- ,i#$ : ia«tt«v$rel^^ . The ^WwS^oC^SS#fejN«iflfS per v®l J^oj^e^ serrlce^*; ^u' jfiibjr-". ^^||gpA:J# the <H$iatiliffi-"faH^^ Me Jm^^G&i^ym^%:i 3$e midweek prayer and social m68Uiig THit b^ hekv at the* home of Dr. 'iiS^a-'-Ha^pt* ^ic^btsc^b^Eoft^'- esx â- c^bmSm^ leaf ayehue; J^ne^^ 8 p.':m..-" .^' - 4- V*^"; :^;';v.'l;'^ The church and Suatjay school pi^- hic will teke; place Saturday, July 13, at the splendid" gi^^^in^dfeito- Ifouth of the^aaM a|w|^ ti^e|||j trie line and the Northwestern, about threes miles, abo^e Lake Forest. ^' people wttt gather at the Woman's club building-at 10 a. m. and start on a special car on the electric abont 10:80,^ •The r^und ^fip for "*&$$*& 50 cental and children under 12 years V'^3-.' to- 8pei^^=4*oWth iS^h ^their The meiT' are expected to capae their places of business. The games jgq&ii^l^^ conain; 5; Sleipner athletics^, 2. and . Oeorger-ehaw rf North western uni- in <^rl^;;hit«wre|i^ 11 feet 4.mcheg.j«^ tb> pole and »n the hurdles oYertook and passed Bur- "â- Hfrtfrji H^aolih^ 0;fe^st before clearing ^:J^':3mrd|Bt4, â- '-•^ ^'r- ; The HuU House band of Boy Scouts of twent^-fl^ *iec68 played ragtime and^ther lively airs and imparted a .id vveek for^'ti^^!iWa|^pi^s|^a......... . . . „ i,i. id and «b^T«S6i(Ki^\^ planning a thrimng â- , M J. R^>^n8PPt%' J**^?^**! P«n^ series of events, and oiMMjfetae piew, j..ys with_her^i^:^tef;J16ili \*(!«lS?^r\^V'â- â- •*./-;*;" ""'v', -r â- ? uree-of'the day wfU-be a visits ^ It 1BT61T pleasing *o BoteVvthat ^lj ^ narat traming^ school an4l to wtt^ y- ness the drill of the naval cadets. detects in pavements on the recently paved atreets^on the vest side are Mrs/Joseph Licliner and little son; jdpent- Sunday J^th her mother and^ |atb^r^|^-ai^:?Mra..A, '1^-144^ ^il5^i:;aie1ttu1^* . >p^ajj«l "%&t9f; Cunaee^; afid> Lynne Smith jare attending a Pi Beta JPhi house party for two weeks at Lake 6&. J t i i Kdw^rtf7; ill-^^pnipelS9' and fron> a j^iojetL#tt -M?$$&& lVanfe A, of Washington s onilding^ a -l^aK-:.:honife M ^r^ da3rs lft^ ****• * venujB^v. -^i^^^^i^ti^'yia^- H. H. J|owi% aiJd daughter, of. im^^^S^ i#m he, "tiie; Johnfp|^|IS^';;||e5^- W^ avenue, '^iit^rtatoed *ef' sister, t Chicago Jai^r ^veek. ,.airs. Clark and Minnetonka, Minn. ' I ^ Mis^ Agnes McCormick entertained severajUof her Httle frfends at a cele- j^tio^^*Bw^w:h^ Wh. birthday, Saturday. ~* "" A^^tt4i^i|..aehjBrt Btgi ard and " pQjfjjjityS '"a^enne "U^ve #eek Wt tn|ir"»|tt^CQW fib^e'at tfcr Thousand Islands. -. Mrs. Louis "Kempe of Chlcaro visit- ed Tier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W;' 'feite, ^l^West avenue, kor sev- Thls will be a basket ^icuic and all who can are Invited to go. ^.. „ ^ > The church music of Sunday, June 30, ~ in honor of Independence daV, solos', duet» chorus and congragationaj singing, deserves speciar recognition. 'J3EVi^'iAU»cC^^Mr/|Atfred'- O. yreeniaai the music committee and the singers are |b he* congratulated; fa^icu% attention js paid to the^P^fl?a^^ii:. singing and every Sundays night anJ" int^relrt^nl ^r<^rajp*^M Tbe""""^' '0 :- "The"' inmtftarieBVr;. '• •' • '.' '"'"/ > â- \. Tfwp hundred^ aid twenty-yafd dsAh ^cA. ^Wlajfd, a Ai A,; flrtt; H. Slater, Vtig: vBe«%*niv:^ i^rtoh. Plf^RSegiment At E; third Timef 0:32 4-5, I\»lt Vaultâ€"Or Sh^w, unattached, first; J. Mercer, Li CL, second; H; JS&ball.X ^ri^^^^l Hfelght, 11 .ffct'in.; '*" â- '/v ,.-: Sixteen-pound shot putâ€"M. Pierce, I. Al-8j.^tjvJ^fi6ke|:t'0.'£ A., sec- ond; T. Phelan, Illinois Gaelic A. A„ third. Distance, 39 ft. S% in. .Two^m^M«f~if ^^|^ Wfm aity of J^alonii^'firll^ *.A tpnto, ^||^^A.,^«*^d;: C, " -Mi1ietpftei Jk 0., third. Tfanevla:^ 1-5; i; ; One hundred and twenty-yard Jiigh hhrdle*H*} 9«»geB8# t. A. C, flrstr -JP I*, dahitl, unattached,- second'; A; Cttppihger, d^ &?**Z tWra\ Tinier • J teer ^chorus, take the deepest !irf^jffa#^.-^/"::"^::;:?': ^ *•â- -'-â- ^* ; L One-mile rairt Bradish, I. A. G., ^ - 'totrr% mage-lfA. a, secondT:a ?Ghristen«enfc i31elpner A. O., tiiirJl. ...... .;:^*^^^:'f «?tei^ A tuneW* 'l^^X:--^:i"«i!i^^^^ -J "AneVtn? 'jipofe^-'lp^S^lS > ^! ttire makeifrr* $?. -'^'" -^Wfel^S '-â- "'ittviihs|oi£;iruhe ilj%«!Wflft.^;-:"p^^^ .„ Th* self-made i ' netlecfed to begin by laying in ord-Herald. :;" • >â- ' â- **&'>"*bt\'%K&#&^M Mrs. Edward Niemeyer and Mrs. Wi^iam Niemeyer of Chicago were the gueats of Mrs. C. H. Klemm, 420 Wjest Avenuev Tnesday. - M%1 «nd â- ».». David Dickensoh of;' Hammond. Ind„ and Mrs. Fifer of Splceland, %ere the, guests of Mrs. J. ATting; 413 West avenue,'last week. Mr. Roger McCuHoiigh; 923 Blmwood avenue, wJiL leave Monday for Rock- ford, IJJ^wneipe he has secured ajpoa^ lion with a large inMiu^turiur^iB- Jfcfr& J.;^B^ Greiner, 631 Lake ave- T(li|^tg^e"ai;lnncheon in honor of tht> ifiiSfti^if;4tofc-: Joe 0avhij Mrs. 3ames 'Sttith, and Mr. Norman Crampton's jnother, Friday ,afternoon. \. fScuf hundred. *ifd fortyyiird rtipâ€" Oshoni, .nnat^tched,' first; M» iftockel- iman, C. A A., second.' ^. Irons, r'"-"", :J#rift$. Lutheran. (Jerman -Lutheran church of Wil- mette, vC03^erTj&;klfa j^ James Td like to make that proud mmnf bite the d^ist^ "Thin whTTId^t >«b| get your maid to swe^ the pavement! some morning when, he'e oo il«Bgr*r ~ i> *• • • .-i,i .,"Ti'..'.-l,-. â- l»'ii1iCll^tel "for Marryino 4*a# «ghty«^oid J^berC: wl» 1M|| gh ways imagmed |ums.elf a verr |^,«^t|^fa^ tag the ^e-uty s^^iciatetlauette^f *** ri1 ^i:4 Realizing the danger of allowing hC. A. A.; tnlrd. Time, 0:51 a-B dogs.to run the streets nnmttzzledi - RiHfnfhg high Jumpâ€"H. F. Porter, has led Robert gtevehsoii, Jr., presi-,; C. "A. A, firat; B. Nirfbn, €. A. A*.,-«ee- dent of the Winnetka vfflago board, ©rid} F. Degenhardt, <3. A. A., third; to issue a piochimation calling for the; iHelgnt.^ ftr^fr^te^ miM»lijftg of the canines. â- '.-". I Baght hundred and; eigh«y-yard run Beginning Saturday- all dpga al-i lowed to run on the" street must be muzaledr, if they are not accompanied. Unmustled dogs will be impounded and a fee of $5 will be charged the owners for redeeming them. $f 3 pets are ndt. redejjned liey Wflt|be disposed of»" ^e^ )?rocfan^l)^^^li( be in efiect until further noticek H\j /".yvjg.V" .UvGiaiiilg 1013 Orrington Avehue ft. M. C. 1. Building i !!31 Grecnletf \venue WILMETT1, ILL,