ttpsnHWMIM1 jTOi^W\(Ih......>,.......... >fflfiK^?^ .li^iatt^ iKISl 'â- ' "' '•"•'"' ".,1*4 \x r' ijl.t'iljifli. ,......._ . .,.,....... Xt^ *m *eeoaa«X*u mtd%*r **&• t& UlVat the po»toflk» ;a&fr«f* ,^~* jotted i»^^ I* 1ST*. - tpfffoS^^^i^j.;-â- ";;"-ifT'V<iii?l',il'- i' • • â- â- -\.T+ir^rffflpSr unnt â- MiTVi'ijni 1^1 *K* *#.•&« P^S'fi^eiai^.'\*&<$fi^:kB*mi&-for it,'â- W iliae^^i>«fewi^e:to those ^ iMp;^^^ «N* P|| maintain «*«..# fllp**^^ 13^ *#1^ are &**ng piliif|$I?ieel^aninmer, bmVit almost awells ihe^a^%n of eota-- VA"^^^Ip;$$$tiiif point to designate their i^'clifcip- af it school. |^^l#»ttsaiiris are attending.the great simonjer schools of £& ."sn<£ Gambia. In the sou% Hue c|»npiia of tjiefniveiaity inesaee looks li^e a^seetion_ol« woMd'aJnir#i$h §smnmtudeof *^::-|^gfSaBBit^-4^iifiDgi^«r w^.^irr'Ui^49d[. sraniner attrac- v^-i?^mmw^^^0^'w§^w^eeolhe the great weale***j*»ter of aum- jdncation, This should be a question of immense concern to interests here besides the university. For insl^nee, what do our M': ci |»,t|^aii|ri^-itoe& blue blanket ^ f lo ^6n*JtJct a saloon, yet #nen a|>proached about* the of a hotel worthy the oity, declare that such a hotel would a financial success, because it would lack that great agent of ""' "&rS#^lfe.b^-.liy^ thinkt;hat the very sight aroused an unquenchable thirst for real liquor. And so ttf s.,.,. ^ lii^aj m\wdritif£ i^0 riise the bar. Is the position a correct *'â- **:'T^^Â¥'^W^"B'w^' ^'<^^ to mak^ money, have a highly polished board with a white aproned gent and fiinety-nine hundred gallons of pink benzine behind it! There are communities in this country yhere either prohibition or local option lams obtain as well as here. It is within the bounds of probability thai these hotels succeed in mg^y:!j$m&tog in fate monetary returns or ^iey wbttld not continue. Are Ip^tjieie any such?' ^Te might begin by calling attention to the Asbtiry ^ Park hotels in New Jersey. Few hotels in this country have ever been [ fc" WiH^e: icuslJornily successful than these and they have no intoxicanfeon «»ttago ^rove Jine, mmm^ ;*1 fc^Jajftlid their proprietors even boast of this fact and use it m tti^lf^1^*^^^^^**,.^ ^^ _ _ stajl^iiB at the f^-piv^^j0^C" Pl^j^K^ anyon^ew get a Mi^th^f^fea: bW it^was of ^»r« yfcii*/^m^-M*0t p ^ ip^^agd!^et the Rickeb brothers have grown distressingly rich with ^0%-p^fAe^Mii'ha^, What hotel has had a more desirable success ^0::,wbfc?$ke^"^Jhalfonte at Atian$cfCity or The Linden at Lincoln, Neb., ^fha Algonquin at Norfolk, ^a.^ or The Touraine at Spokane, "Wash., The second annual Iowa state pl<?- nfc w0\ he held onder tae auspices of the Hawke^e Fellowship club In Jackson park, »ert Saturday, July 87, ic 2 Pr «|^ iNstilfeen: |,<S^ $9$ 8,000 Iowans and ex-Iowana attended the picnic last year %vA It is expect- ed that this number will be greatly increased next Saturday. A contest for the largest proportionate attend- ance from any one county will be one of the1 features of the picnic and a banner offered by LeVerne ^[oyee will .be; the prlw rtn* the whining county ' organiaaUon., WaShiijgtOA county won the ..banner' last yfar biit Clinton and Van Buren counties-are each working to bring out enough people to take the banner away from Washington. John W. Seita, presi- dent of the Clinton county organUa- tlon, predicts that h|s county will be victorious. Van Buren county leaders deny this and even Clay county repre- sentatives express hopes of winning the banner. The picnic will lie of the old-faahioned basket variety and the Hawkeyes will gather about the band stand which is west of the Qer* man building and south of the Field museum,;"..; almost doe â- ' east /^^^ Pifty-nlneth street entrance to the park. Those attending the. picnic will take the Jackson park cars on the Cottage grove "line, getting off at aretrn chBcklhg acco^^i any ^: v<ei*an^^ â- ".'â- â- â- â- b&mAii&b^ :;r;;r-'<3ttardian,.fri^ ij .ii. t .- .....i',,,, u--.;â- >.,. ,,y- --*.v .3*1. .'â- .sj»i? ,v\'.'. YAi'S.fjir mm K^£»T ^^m| W&i'-M Ife^ f^^^^p gjjjJI^'**'-, â- '7*sfR§| l^'l if^Ssji P$£V>.;'- i'^^H PyiTi Kerch ictka Sif&^'fej^^i^ <w*^E^sai»«;sfci^^ HS^ Kr Jtuffner at Charlestoo, W. Va., or scores of others in every •^:^:§^M'Me^GGmatry and these are hotels, which have lived and pros- p2^;3Nr^^thout bars. The prohibition states are foil of hotels tot ob^ ^5^i|eve the law and wax fsftvjt is not even true that a bar in a hotel '^.^?^adx«(Bf4l^.â- i^jpggpiQQDiiB wall bring ^a?ther prosperity. There are a large p|v; number of people in this decent republic of ours that prefer the,quiet pj^ |^||^^ei^ jybe or4frlx conditions and the general Jbd^ tone that enr p^pp^Bvawon. Let those who like tHe smell go somewhere else. '-M â- ' M BOLTERS HAD AXES TO GRIND I action of the committee which met in Chicago to call the state] ivention of the third party was almost entirely in accord with th^ put forward by thia nifewapaper almost idSya,#Jiavi£^ "ticket in the state and county field, but to limit the of Illino^ to the ele^iOn of electors who will favor Cglonbl k true thai »n*ml>er of toe n^ conference lettc contests, including the chase of the greased pig, also contests for the ladies, under the supervision of Guy Guernsey. In case it is raining as late as 11 o'clock on the day of the picnic the ^t»tXk^^Qw^:^';:"^b^^ poned to the following Saturday. North Shore residents who are prominent members of the Hawkeye club are: From Bvanston, R. H. Aishv ton, F. B. AnnstponA:;^>h^^:;|^...... sen, Itfard O. Collins, -Wal|a^i^ Lane, John Lee Mahin, A. A. McKin* J^WW* .............w......m„..r are cordlalTy Invited ^^_. -------.. _-----...«..,............ m*P' &MBM ;?S ij&^rfe*' ^#fMl^l --,-:**-! ";> *4$*s Pi«SS & Many Bvan^nimnsTare planning tt [rnd.r Sunday, Augua 4, thU oeteff1 ji)a^;-|^jihi^^ blgexcurs^iuidpicj^;^ t%e trip wmoe made on the--rbei W&fth'*' ii:iliiWi n« ^c-: Ited as soon as they realized that it was going to be impossible to the nomination ojf a complete ticket in the state, legislative, eon| ional and county tickets, but it is at once illuminating and amus% &â- ;&&& justv who these belters are, aiid what have been their ltw« uitne party ^recently*'.-1 r '/:!'"/^ *::â- '•-"•' '--:' â- â- . â- • v. - •-"€â- wnO OOiieul V'Jri. 'â- J fCvffV >, "" -^. " â- â- £ Clyde Jonto, so-called progressive candidate for gov| >r, wno was^^y e^erwWmm^^^ prima:" for many years ardent advocate of state primaries for nominatio ....... ..... ......^«p** &«,>.'â- ?• " â- â- wtrtgira,-|-e:;f s!-r;;* â- v"*-^.?* *; ^.,; â- 'i'.-.'i-- • . . 'â- ".•â- â- .â- â- â- ^•^ K>Wtn^ ^. TfiismAM, leader of tne MterAK-xfoNBB progressives, a week ago combined witii the^BooBiw^*rxaNs. J, â- ;*-'â- y-.vr.* Simon pf the n^th congressional district, Chicago, a promi^' ive and. defeated candidate for assessor at the h*^lBg5W*jp. ,«^d« ttot,..i«% ley, Henry Meyer, Geo. B. BeynoldS and Carl S. "WimB^i^$^^l^r0^ bright, the well Imown arUat ot Hub- bard Woods; &}C±£iti^^ €K ^Olson. B. % ^mhfk, d WOMette; Brnest H. Dalbey, p. C. Gill, Fred M. Sargent, of Glencoe^ and W. Harry Davis, of Winnetka. & -\ ;â- %â- ,:â- ,£$ The picnic comniittee is as followt: â- |fc'- L>. Hotton,' elAfr^(|l^|^^ nister, H. W. Md»#it^--â- '•;*â- :;..-r':/^ :A'.ft; ;tffi}%bK$&. Sft*' "'^*5^: ?^f;:;.iiCV^A£*^ is^l ilM ^Sl^ EST ->'â- *^Sfej Sfl- li?; '*?4^ !$i lA#^ *3<F' ^ra'./flrt 'i'wrf=%'K^« 3C£fc%i: 1 §&&$!*%&,â- £$£% 'JMisgl m? S^slf?P»l! pifl5 tm I^S^-jJS^uaflLi. fe3 v^ :SftS'"- Wi&#i 'ill ?^ KU^g^pMjJ^ ll'SsESfi p^iMi^ ifeifc«.<i Pi^Vk " --t^ir"-'i;*-^-:'.%-:'iTJ:«