*w inder, the by effeeV _ d in tin *§** eoona ingfettow given I lea, who: jdelborn, thf ; itment lit tk*i Alter being ta*« '" StrlnfWlotf r. and Id of th# and gave Thureday ccordlns • v' »xand«r wet* la ^tiii^'i iehlna; tfc#« fight* k^k'li^5kitu^ I M i<W«' H m && >fel:v :'l8^fti| l^iftiliilii ^<t* thtto **mw*^ to l*fftliiP^ to ^|pii flchotil* V ^v^W^b*^^1-J-'^^flPffW*. $iK§iiP^^ cryetal tpUt p*alle?' Weigh* Stiffii^^ let* dwiHi*^*^ l«^lcul«riy **rtitttal *t plfht It Jm»; »M«rt ao yWW6 flaw« Wit*** tligbtiy toatr in ftw>Bg dayllgbt j tmttn«t9 iit sem» !â- long the ceaet JMh*Mp44fc* JPW**' flft*^ ll^fM^ £y hi iift 18i4 liMiili fjjj$ aubject ^Midex*^ faotor in our ao^al and moral bettor iss ptte«4l* rjjf^PR ?•*â- "» by 0«tfie ohanlci, 'jfjiiiâ„¢" i'«i!.-:Vii; »i.iliiS *rj*>4s?>.*Miv£ $^RS3SS5! ehirk the xeei>o^ blind if she doe* not see It ...... 1 VTfe# woman of eocial standing a** oUture-la eonetantly witbJn the ri»k?n ^ji|;^Of|e^,^l^^ "Other women note her action*. and jftyfig!^^ li^-ve^d^^wMfeK^ .'^:^w:':'-â- •'â- ;.:/. ;#: morale and m laah^na. vfihe ehoiUd opera eaata ha? eye* about her. She natunUfy b^ ari an^iUon jU» b^^ •f Wrnna^i^ WheWTO th«re Iwiilliaai aacitlon tbnr» lir a,: " tioiia wh^iw a*»e beeti made, and the »i»rt» |*1^^ wete Jnat tw>n*me««a^ " mefita in ^avid«toe, the f4» • greM dart mo^, and they have «|a|^^ttli^^^^^ itaji laaMi i1 y I will do th« committee wm worfe It hi* l»en obawted by th» mem-. nefa that the floor* of aome of the ^ biwittBaa plaoea a» kept m aiiythlnf ^ bat Vaaaitary oo^ Mi|pi^ ..... igiiai^:,:^ ttdr0:*' atotea atiU pel "' mdy wttn tht