FourPhysi '^ Restore mi ' Wat The EMpplte doctors ing. three.; ter of Mrf Inc, 1004 m*tte, Sunday af After were a4|^;^$jj^^ summer^iiife'fl^^ * little ;g|f|l^^^ shore, w|jgtft^1^^ the: honM JU^flCp^,^,.^% people on 5tli^ ;p<m>b;tte walkedT to the en^.^'^fli'|fcS>^^^€11:': 'â- *. Althoughjiov^ne i»» her tall, ft is ahce andfeirfi^ the end of ^ The ^hage bo^ met Monday ef enliig, but nothtn« ottt of the re^ulAr routine of business was U^uieacted. The meeUn« ww Ute to •farting an* for th*t rewon It wm mWni«ht before the idloM »d- " Because of there beinr Ave Tuea- " in thU month the nejtt m«tin« wiq not be held until, Aug. «. During the^watm weather the village fathers have no obi««**oni to a long lapse be- |ween :-tiH$$Jsiii^ ,|. 8 shown by the anncJunceme Two .n.ith# and %m$, Hccoj*; ha- e $*â- â- F^-ncTT^r^ T^.,^â- Tltfa,o^"hot $bp1^io^wnii(i.,w>i»»r JHlff3^*^4^^^^ rand :viaW';" uosrv d^> VfTW- ;,:; »:--ij£i £. ;*& me#ia§Mt' wemen^tsiOsifc^as â- mat ^r* ^Imfiaio^ite^e;^!^ ^fli^P^tt^^kiii he':Pb*eicaiiy^ 9teb^#niftBf';"40#' Applicant* ™«i«^ _M-le^;,;^si; $^ ;o^hath 'vHwionNiiBet and four inches in height withr a*^ the l*$e, out ix>ot* or 'shoes. They must not .; very *2flfort known to those' work- , o^erccft 'd** hat. - ;.... ••'; ^ /; -f .(â- • a, over4b*^ffi4as ipe^^nwl *W$et Intormattoi^ and apolUja- iei.,ptS"y^«»elÂ¥S^: ThW^ff^^ika for the e^amliiatteii. an failed. ^^Apfe^yrfclans, liy-fWc& MJfcB c^rj^fflyrilfflt isftn se- in;, Aes^ilii^A^ilWu^ sain* bT wrlpg to Jliss Jennje made heroic efforts to restore her, but the^wa^^ite:^-:^'*"""" ' -*V Frantic, whea ^ali efforU hud failed to restore' •!$i^fi^.fa^^t#n Mr. Moulding. .iifc|^||^^l6n|^,; distance wished iQ biwOt he^^eng«geil«mt la him, Joseph KratOehvUihot and Wtie4 tie' • gtaiSid: ;:||8|^ toa%^ ;Wi ^tt?^ wmm ^m___.^r,..^w„.________^, lis^pi^^ ing, •'-..â- .â- >"!(!;•' :.'„ , "'"""^' , â- :jira,"^;^;Tttid«# 'ttiug|t^^|^y;.,aaii'; :|^lc1^:'i«|^l th» taUl shot* and runnlnr to the rear ,:|i$&v i^'^j^i^ former lovers laying on the ground. ' BhorUy before the^ imt^Aw Trude had been in ilia kitchea to get a giaf • *f allfc Ittiry Vlk, anotfcer young woman and Joe were in the' room and there ||er#siio «!«»» *otT:* quarrel. »ttvw*s but|i" 'fef "iniiiut^ According to tiii ^msat wo>ii# present, Joe went to the back door and called to Mary. Wben the young woma»^w»»t to tbav door aa bar and pitted her out of the house. Sh« crta^l «id hi a moment the echo of the ravolv4r shot* p^e^e^ the fltftl :.ttlg^'|^" \ p^^^-^-(^i f:^- ^"^^j^^'^^im:â- < ' a*,,â- One of the Trude girls, after haW attractfte p1ace% on the north shore. why this In bulld- i„ streets,' stores and for that reason a more up'to-date <or residenoes cannot be found, toucfei' atJ:;'la^:1 |ne roadways, walka and btttldlngs, plenty c»f t?see lend a great effect, while the inter- esUng kke front and Skokie views make it most dealrable. The ^ae feature of the pretty streets is tha^T til of the parkways are care- fully alttended. Where there is a va -â- ^* lot the families Uvlng on either . 10"• aW%;flt *$&: 'thafp&fciW to ipite^ife' Jtt\ t&Ii wajr the uneven ^li?|p*sj^^ao often seen, It* entirely SSc'Sw&"^' eh*,lt,Bi' secretary of board of. cdvll ' service examiners, Wllinette. telephone :"|in1i'^a£^ wtalth BJdisott oo^anjr^' rush its puimotor to the lake.' ^^.^itchliie was put. Jb' an,aato and rwflied to the Norchwesie^"*fe$jl^ catch the special Lajteqeaeva train. ' The train is one dlf tte fastest on the line, leaving Cnlcago at 3:40 in Various instructions are Issued in the-way of running automobiles, but as usual it takes the original inven- tive genius of WMmette to find new and .tfnique methods of motoring.A Messrs. Jack Schaefer and Harry the aaern€Km,^too^^io pltii^D» M"8"0? ***• recenUy purchased a i: to Williams bay, arrivlug there at 5:30 o'clock. A waltingv automobile took the machine and began the ***t lap of the race in hopes o| being in time to sa^th5;g|il^'l^'-| J-j-,(. â- U arrived teOflafe. ^ When the,.auto putted up 1» few#of ^lax^Mmti the oxygen^pajgig^^ beyond saving;b>^Jay ifce&ns known t0 man. Alter,a heroic ftmr-bour fight to , save, gave up. Besides lb#'girl** parents. >othcr and sister, the effort made to •ave her. waa wito^sse4 by three fam- ilies of^her re^veaf^^^aila Mra J. arontte, luttith. Mr. prefWoot of "cftssr^'lir^iili^ IlAyaicians W. Mofidin ChfckglJ; smith and T. c. if the Thomas of the larg county, had gbni lo^la-^^-^^- â- - Hie funerat «* l«k-ib«fcAi»ili4 4 ftmaraj'^;^ WILMETTE YOUNG MEN â- " .i'-ii; >>ifj|<igi,'i new automobile and took their first tour TOuSu&y. Musson conceived the idea that ap- plying the emergency brake before starting out would save all necessity of applying same in case of danger of collision. The brake was accordingly set and a run to Chicago started. With the brake off his mind there were on- ly the throttle and gear changes left for Musson to think of while Schaefer ably engineered the horn. . U^^^'^thiii that the employment Of a competent chauffeur will elimi- nate these many difficulties. Many anxious feminine hearts await the nex^ appearance of the bachelor engi- neon. ' Qnethipg remains certain that if fhey wilfr start out o» reverae gear neat thne they will bo sure to get back. . â- -;.--#*• â- i.b, RIDER AftRE«TPO. Albert Ream wto atw-fl W**»*> day ft* .tiM^ftii Wrd» oa,ltoo »$df aaaaafPUrffU i QK' ""4a«w^t.^BSB9B^w^BR^ JWjMar' i^au Jjysjn -.^m^m^mm^i'y^ '»w .t^-.â€"w------- *, ***â- • **.^. ..::.;>r-_,i*^.<-.,,^>,T^??.^,- ^. ^^^g^.g^; WctcJo Hde» t* aa «f- neighbors and within a few minutes there were mora than 100 people at the scene of the shooting Marshal John siegel took charge of the bodies until the coroner's inquest Thursday morning. At the Inquest it was shown that the murder was a premeditated act, Joe having gone to the Trude ho««e to either win the girl's consent to marriage or to WU her. Two letters left 07 him, saying good-bye to #§, relatives and friends, proved beyond doubt he had carefully planned the shooting. Joe fired but one shot at the young The village allows no dumping with- in the limits. This; together with the dayev a for Oxe lake i ;Tn^ fs the outgrowth of ing throughout the temporary commltua other meeting within a week :at whloh tane the pernS*tt^ .|wtib#w^41#>i^^ii| ;' The meeting Thurainijr closely -.-Mu^^ri^^ifil^M evening to the Wilmette trtiateea.......... Uka. <*erfriia*:1*^ ^atte;"";llrt;' 1f^imtMt0l0i^M' the leaders in to^e frar agaiiiat Tloa, gave;iiianr i*a|||ip^ii|iS" :tage fathers and withheld man} ^„. ;thaf e«$jM':i|^^^ same rap^fi'w^:tii^r' •Tnn*»oat,"o«|li^^ ing found the bodies, ran and notified! fact that all of the residents take as woman, the bullet entering the right 0f the temple and resulting in Instant death. He then turned the revolver on himself and fired a shot into his right temple. Both were dead when Mra. Trude and her daughters found them. Were Engaged. Miss Vik and Joe had been on very good terms for a long time, and a short time ago they announced their engagement For aom6 unknown rea- son the young woman wanted to break the engagement, and when ebe told her sweetheart of It he became an- gered. He went to sae the girl Wednesday to get a definite answer, and when she refused to marry htm he carried out his plans, the double killing reuniting. Joe was the only name he waft known by. It was learned at the in- quest that he was a tailor in Chicago. He had always been kind to the young woman, and that their quarrel should end In a tragedy was a shock to those who knew of the broken engagement 't'i iâ- ;t . r i According to the oftoial meat of the Chicago arohdtwjaaa ol th^Ronton »thoH^church, anew aa- much pride in their back yards aa they do In their front, creates a most pleasing impression on a stranger. Beautiful gardens are to be rouna all over the village. That the great Advantages to be found In Hubbard Woods have been appreciated Is shown by the amount of building that has been* done in the place during the last year. The new- Northwestern depot is not so large that it is unsightly. On the other hand, it lends an attractive ap- pearance to the village. The new buildings in the business district have also improved the looks a great deal. Durifta Wilmette, ...,*â€"â€"* ^^ ...-â€"-^-j*-**^ Grtencoe and on o^ier^nr*"1 the paali winls* the new Maynard building and "the Linville building weTe *oth et^ct'ed. The old Llnvllle buihling has been remodeled so that It bhows favorably with the new structures. New Residences. In the residence section, however, building is going on rapidly. Last summer L. B. Kuppenfceimer erected a beautiful home, one that ranks, with the beat in Hubbard Woods. Among the other residences built are the Laird Bell bungalow on North avenue and die Chatfield houses on Ashland avenue. There is building going on. continually in the vMlage, and the growth of the place is rapidly increasing. . . â- These aro a f e^ 0 the reasons why a desirable residence place on the mko shore. The sloe from 1he city is not far enough to fatigue one, and many who formerly lived in Chicago are fast learning this. Esel, recently ordained, has been ap- pointed Kev. Winiam Netatraeter-s *â- -*< ^.v ,p||sa^;^rfcirfva^^ap- POmfl|^|„.»>?it|^^^ Bftcelwaa J'^....... Rev. John OU has they^o^ire'«o-iol^'>s^^ The associaUon will have a of directors made up of Vuree uentaUves ftom'"eaf^'.^':thl^1!lltt^^ The object of the. organisaUon la <fe 1 promote :a1«il:|peanm the children ^ons; the laa> ahote to fight all conditiona that are ~ • !?,?'ajS» mental to the nioraL mental and , physical welfare of the «h^e^;3/^?lf The association will M^'^mmM the" tew" is enfdrced in et^':|ii|^||| where some one. contributes %'$$*&*<%& pendency or delinquency of any The organisatton wW aleo copper* with alt other child ireifar^ tions and do everything power to help wherever possible. > Wilmetu Man Chalrmaiw Ralph R. Lounsbury of WllmetU if .chairman;: of the temporary commitr| tie, ahd': iiw^Mortw Greeley •i-iite::^-J| nkka is a««reiar7.---TlitF:a^^;-g|a^.^"'" hers of the committee present at th#4f ^, meeting last week were: Mrs. Ira C, ^ Wood and John R. Montgomeryâ- 'offm Wlnnetka, Mrs. Gertrude Brlttou and lira. Shelby Singleton of Wilmette, Bdward J. lnielps, tit.' €ma^*l||i«*^,^| wen, Thomas Lawndale and Mrs. ;^^|:iAi Ham Zimmerman of Kenilworth, B-Uj fanwlch, Qeorge B, Dean,aad^W^m, ahall8ampsell of Highland Park, ajk^ of R. Barnett, Sherman N. Banacftt* J T^ C. Orcott and H. R. Winiama of | Giencoe. i( , .> . , _" -:"^ Those taking, an active part to the f Hubbard Woods ranks at the top aa ernaade against the wmdittona aro^ prominent people along the iaka,; ahore. PresidenU of both'men's and" women's cluba are, playing an iap<ir- 4 tant part' The flrat tiSpg to be dona 1 hf the neir wiB ha--W$flS â- tart agitation o^er fonns of _l^n<ial amusamant tot the yonng ***-- I VIOLATtft hldward f", Knaoieka < aid; n>en, fef* ar- for driving hemvy ttaJSa vahided e» h»eA* h^a^ar^ waa aJeo anfaa^ed far drtv^ ^^ite^ss^fc" j.:jj^M:^*M&±^^^£*im^^^