w pif^^«8^^ '•Hi :â- ;â- â€",.â€"- ~7 ^f^"";*^^ >Y ?;â- V-i â- * t^^f^ Â¥?$?K/*> rt#lt~*' >"* T:.y^; XtJ:|j , ;r?- -•â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- *..' :^'^^^$^§0mm^,^ fe«.. his e*$iwhu^; r^|j^ i^'-^WW|;:P»^Sbi ijitj^^ article News: +â- .:*#. >-<'*.p:ty '.â- '•â- •H;"^'-?'*".'#s..v5:.^ *„* .m^**, SiiiB Kbws is not given toboasting, nor do»s it claim to hare been circulating in Wtlniette and the other north shore towns for y^rsvb«t it is willing to put up a forfeit of flOO, tiM&$&$^^ another of thA^me Jutoi^M^wl^^ today we hate more honafideactualsubscriberis i^ Wilmcitte thin has-:.^i# Evanston Index: the cohtefltt to he eettled bj the^ostmester at Wilmette and ejr the uie^f n^ifoffiee making rec^ipte, whfoh hAt:h napprs am pjPodiioevand with which, being postmaster, Mr, Chuds is already probably :,I1 â- ^ ..i.;tV' f'i' ^3 )»«t ....,t|e?;^sue%if 'tHe-'^fetn^ton Index and North Shore Saturday Night" pub- 'â- $30 l^t ^tird^i iio ansvv^r j^as rhade to our challenge, nor was any published ^Mliiili^^ to.have the poor babies who need ice ^r% our conditions were not sufficiently liberal to attract MRr^ST^ASTER CHILDS, or to induce him to risk a com- parison iof postpffice reebrds. Then we ^ill change them. We now ofter to MR. POSTMASTER CHILDS the following proposition; If he will deposit Fifty Pollars^$50.00). with the cashier of the Wilmette State Bank, we will deposit with the same official, the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00). Both sums 6f money to be held by him until he and the Wilmette postmaster, acting with the first assistant postmaster of Evanston as a comrhittee of three, shall have determined the relative number of bonafide Wilmette subscribers re- spectively of ♦'The fvanstpn Iftdex and North Shore Saturday Night" and the Lake Shore News. Then, unless the actual Wilmette subscription list of the, Lake Shore News shall prove to be TWICE as large as the Wilmette subscription Hut of the Ittdex, MR. POSTMASTER CHILDS' deposit shall be returned to him and the deposit of the Lake Shore News shall be paid by the bank cashier to the chan- ties associations of Evanston and Wilmette, one-half of the amount to each, to be usei by them for purchasing ice for the poor, or foi any other purpose which to them seems best. On the other hand if the Wilmette subscription list of the Lake Shore News SHALL prove to be at least TWICE as large as that of the Index, then the deposit of MR. POSTMASTER CHILDS shall be paid to the charities associa- tions!^ the manner already described, one-half to Wilmette and one-half to Evanston. In the event MR. POSTMASTER CHILDS shall lose in this contest, how- ever, only half of the forfeit put up by this newspaper shall be returned to it, the other half to be" paid by the bank cashier to the charities association, in order that the full sum of $100.00 shall be paid to them, no matter who shows the largest sub- scrintion list in Wilmette. '"Come, MR. POSTMASTER CHILDS! . . Meet our conditions like a real man, or take the misleading name offyour title page. »•*-; 'if' â- >' * ,'f,l The LafcShore New$ ' 'r^'^i^i.^-.^ &M^&?£*$&tM â- â- %&*?â- F f0