m^mmm Wmmm TOTLAK* PHOMi i^ffe ^*£t« its ^ The S^'v- 5*J- e*^; r. and Mini. Levett art spending vacation at Saugatuck, Mich- John W Cullen, 1231 Oakland oe, to spending a few weeks to 'n&Qst-.-* â- > -â- -â- â- â- â- * George SpringeT am recently rned f rom a montt's visit in F*. 8. J. Brlce of Philadelphia ia daughter, Mrs. J. Parker for the summer. ;Mr. Iftathlas Blocks is having a foundation put under his resi- w^» at 1416 WUmette avenue. Miss Loclle Drake of West avenue ted a Ifew of her friends at heon Wednesday of last week. irs. Locksted of Chicago spent a days with her daughter, Mrs. N. If Mtergenthaler. 504 West avenue. ^The B. E. Allen Real Estate com- y is moving its offices to the new building on Wilmette avenue. Â¥ Mr. Hubert Schwall, 1418 Wil- IJhette avenue} who has been ill for several weeks, is very much improved. ||Mr and Mrs. Geo. K. Rix, «S3 bln- d*n svenue, will leave in a f#w days ||r a several weeks' trip in the moun- tains. Mtb. Boy Shaw and children of 1244 Hill street are spending a few weeks at Osknloose la*, with Mr. Shaw's fjirenln, Potluck Luncheon club held eir midsummer meeting at Lincoln park Monday. They had a very en- loyable day. %The dntce of X>r. H. M. Leaf, over |hhning'B drug store, Wtlmette, will be closed for an indefinite time on ac- count of illness. Roland P. Williams, 919 Central avenue, went last week on bis motor* tycle to Columbus. Ohio, where he Will remain for a few days. Mrs. John L. Skelton, 911 Lake avenue, is spending a few weeks with |irs. W. G. Glover at Mrs. Glover's Slimmer home, Paw Paw Lake. J. R. Gray, 419 Washington street, WUmette, and family have gone to Gray Lodge, Waupaca, Wis., where they will remain until Sept. 9 §M&l Samuel Cohen, 1228 Gtegory premie, entertained Mrs. Ca> berry of Chicago and Mrs. Koch and daughter, Florence, at a luncheon Monday. Smith ft Duee Furniture' company have moved their office from Central avenue to their warehouse on Wtt- flsette avenue, west of the Northwest- ern tracks. " Mr. and Mrs. C E. Bar**** 1539 _;e avenue, entertained a number their friends Tuesday evening at a party in honor of their wedding Iversary. The OullmeUe Country club will a bridge card^party. tomorrow at SO p. nv» and on Saturday they will tve an informal dance at 8 o'clock, children are welcome! will be served. I ^Mr. and Mrs. Frank N. Williams of tral street, and Arthur Taylor to Lake VlBa and 9*a Late returned They had an Interesting ex- on their return " ^ "--.., *** tswnspeopte, are in the *as*e*ttte entertain- Miss Hope M|ler retnrned this week from a.1^t1in,.B^V%.:iniik. Mrs. C. E. Btenneckar and daughter, Margaret, are visiting in the east. There will be a dance at the Ouil- roette Country club on Saturday even- ing. --1.^1 Mr. arid Mrs. O. G. Corns of 1218* For* est avenue announce the birth of a son on July 18^ â- * Mrs! John Ling of 1112 Gr*n^ood avenue entertained theTuesday Bridge club this week. Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Wiliams of Cen- tral avenue took a short trip to Fox Lake over the week-end. Mr. Vaughan Lavery has recently returned from a three weeks' visit to Montreal and New York. Mrs. Wm. A. Mann of 1112 Green- wood avenue entertained the Friday luncheon club on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Mason of 1025 Thirteenth street announce the birth of a daughter on July 16. There will be a bridge party at the Ouilmette Country club on Friday aft- ernoon at 2:30 for the ladles of the dub. > Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Webster of For* est avenue, left last week for a shorj cruise In their yacht on the Great Lakes. Mrs. Frank Cutler and daughters, Frances, Elizabeth and Margaret, re- turned Monday from Whltelake, Mich., where they have been for the past month. Mrs. C. N. Roberts, who has been spending the past month with her son, Keith Roberts, in Golden, Colorado, is expected home this week. Mrs. James Pope of. Chicago, who has been visiting her niece, Miss Hel- en Skinner, left Tuesday for Seattle. Wash., where she will visit her brother, Mr. Robert Hale. Sometime during the middle of Au- owc gust there will be another "Open CI& 10^ Aged California Educator flafms Anwricaij? JPJi Ipg Before Their TinieJDW#- SH0UL0 LIVE 150 moderation would have to be ob- served. What Shortens Life. "As thirty years are redutred for a man to reach maturity, then, under natural conditions, he should live 'to be 150 years old. So yon can »•» race is dying in what migjrt be termed ••childhood" in comparison to House" given by the ladles of the I this century and a half Woman'R club to which all the women | of the village are cordially Invited. - ' The young men's class of the WU- mette M. B. church Sunday school gave a lawn party to about fifty of their members and friends, Tuesday evening, July 1«, at 8*1 BUnwood. The lawn wat> beautifully decorated with Japanese lanterns and the young folks entered heartily Into the games previously planned. A bountiful sup- ply of ice cream, wafers and lemon- ade ended the evening pleasures. Rarely is a class of young men found in a Sunday school of the ages of these young men, and the attendance at the class, which: meets Sunday mornings at 9:30, often exceeds twenty in numbers, Mr. BL G. Bent- ley is teacher, whose winning way* and interesting teaching is largely re- sponsible for the success of the class, .Line of ^T.^jtfKar istfu Vim Sim a specie m lllfl^^ :: |^ live All rrfty :s lour rriri ireytte, save Los Angeles, Cal., July 25.â€"Mem- bers of the human race should Urn 150 years. This IB the way the longevity problem Is fiiured by l»rof. Maria L. Sanford, for thirty ythrs connected with *e tfni^rsUjr of Minnesota. Prof. Santerd* Who now Is 76 years old, ^retired on a C&-negle pension. She visited in Los Angeles as the guest of Dr. Rowley and his family. following active |MttiMifc$on to the sessions, of th© Gef^^Bsderatmm of Women's clubs at' there yt**^ffW^^^^%Â¥^ â- mental brlllWiicjr 1ii#4^ •1 believe tm'W&'yjl**-"** young," she said. "I have heard it said that among the animals the time of life is Ave times that re- quired to reach maturity. I oa1"10* see whyJmankind should not come ^^......................^_„__ under this same law of nature. Of g^m^^ COrn<^ sh«rid«n R«»d «nd course the laws pt common sense and W^^^^Sffl^b*^q| POH#tE M , "ifce jiew Kerttiwestem JSleipied >«rmiu»] at Unden Avenue j B«j Mf leforc Prices Go ligher Ysttvtn Strt^. new H31,100x300 f«et; !>«»«: . tttal Siapto tr^« witt divid*. •,**?|jyjg^ L.ittd«n Av»«u#, ntsr Sheridan B&£ feMj wooded: «tr«t mâ€"mmmtfMm Prie« per toot- vt*# of lak*. Pric* iaappHc Laor«l Av»u««, nMr Bbwrkda . Prio*p«rfoot>.....Ui-^"- Mi«lilK*a At* "' 'ssil ____ ma. twâ€"Btw^jnfhwnM. _^_^ . C«ei»^ Afwaqp, ;sr. fm^k-B^A,- rftfisijsw" ~ â- ».**.» • •â- ♦ •â- •â- •••• *>.â€">*«» |Ss.ftO ps_1>e> "fcss.ee 'k&l *V^ â- v-. ,-v.i. â- â- W- m s#P tnee 771 m rVvi sfiMoyrtit. -â- .5s£*e.' SI*** wj failed vm MURDERER IS TAKEN TO THE COUNTY JAIL Under heavy guard. De Witt String- teUow. confessed muxderer ot Thomas Alexander, was taken to the county. i*U Friday afternoon- He wfll M held there until his came !• disposed oi in 'the circuit court. his arrest, which was m few minnten after he had kffied his roommate Thursday StringfeDow has-been entirely as not once did he down. When beittg grilled by the poUe» and tn teUtns: of the details of the shooting; he sesssed lb mtle regret for his Our artificial manners of living probably are deterring factors. My advice' is to keep the brain actively employed: That assists in retaining physiciat energy^ - "Kipling's poem *ir is to m© the epitome of life and those who< m •the unforgiving-minute 'with siafcr seconds' worth of; distance run' will find life slips hy too onickly for growing old. By helping others w^ help ourselves.'*'. Prof. Sanford offers the unusual statement Umt the difference between the wise man and the fool is danger- ousiy little. ' ^ , ii ~ • - Deliver* f4|enjf ^%a*^ffl*%.»" jj-, **The tine between genJus and in- Banlty is so finely marked that unless there is good common sense and strong physical vitality tM balancing power iaf tiabie to ^sl^5ii*^ial«> -When the talaneing power slips nerves are crossed, and irritath» and then frteOosi foBow." Prof! Sanford considers that Ameit. lean art is Tn*fc<«g wonderful strides, and that we are not copying old world ideas, but developing American ideas in art, and wfll stand as a na- tion on individual merits In thai fine. American-mural painters, she de- clares, are in the lead now, and havn rivals of other tries. Choice Bargains 125 .Huston Clark Street imndoiph 2604 DR.E. <j»%j *;:^^ Si \.i>4 <t-â„¢ri&-% rjfel mm â- ^% >fe: and Dyeing *K§,'^S!?- rAHAH, Heurologift CkRRWtBCaBMB ct COM adnhM ftattBoail np««s*-is «S*" i, wsy i jftfttrfjiniiq rui':. -::/^: ,.<"'";',. W 609 West RtUrotd Avcnu( 0 LADIES' 1 It wilt »atocomeia Suit*, ibip WeateMakuif Linen Sait* at .