Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Aug 1912, 2, p. 15

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Mrs..% f. ;*^J*K nue, has moved to '.J$8% Miss 2^fp||f;;|||P»C| avenue, is ;*£;$!s^$afc .,..... _..........-r.v Mrs. J. H^W^ U visiting at$^$«^ Mr. and m>im%*$#$!JM..$0- family, lJ^M^f^^^ and Mrs! Dr. and Mr« Jctfan ^Idlon, tornwHt of this city, art at th«lr fWM»«r b#ny in Newport, M^r^U^iW^::'^0i^^: Robert- B.'.-1' -#iiiidMt■;.^iipr.^^iiiiiSHH'1 home from hl§ Taoation whi<Jb wm spent to' tlol«W^^^:i^^j Mr. R. L. BMreridge, 18 avenue, has as Ms Ifcests nis and famiursi;ipypi^ Mr. ^. B. Billow and acm, 8J8 WAaU. ii^ttitre^haye returned fr^ljm- derV Wyoniiii|;f .W v.^§>^ffl:'--^v<;-?: Harrisim street, are spending two Mis* JoaepWne Stockton, lOOr^Clnh man avenue, • hat returned tromiMgi water Club,-St.-:36*-Wto*^**Z':'}&%' Mr. Walter M. Anthong,9B8Jihimaa avenue, has gone on 4 tnrw iocmtha' busfneaa trip/f&Ifesj Yorlc. !"■ ':,. *' Miss Margaret Tewltealrary of Clete- land, Ohie, ia* visiting Mis* LiHian Johnson, 1005 Sheridan road* ;v( V Mrs. Edward Green of Indianapolis, iud., is visltitfffher b^lie^JH^ How- ard Carter, 726 Forest avenue.v-"'**-'.'- Mr. Ralph Woods, 1«8$ Chicago ave- nue, has gone to South Dakota, where he will be on a farm until fall. ?:'; Col. C. H. Ketrfdge has returned to this city after having spent a few days wftn bis nephew mt Kewanee. Mrs. Charres B. Harris, 716 Michi- gan avenue, is receiving a visit from Mrs. B. L. I-iowe of Muskegon, Mich. Mr. and Mr* €. B. Coon, 1814 Main street, have as their guests Mr. and spending the sutnmer st Three Fines inn, Frankfort; i/^^^X.,^:' m.i^M»^Mm JCW&Stor of this cW/ attnoo^ce th* e^ of daughter, Josephine, to Mr. W«l- avenuev was elected president of the Commercial Law League of America In session 4mMor$p Springs last weelj. Mrti*aJ§" M«: Garo^^ Read and iamilyi«§ Greenleaf itreet, expect i|b ,-eturaiEJiirtBay^ laud, MWfc^here theV af# their vacation* Miss Jessie ..£w Ydrk. She will sail for Europe the third of August, aid will loin «lt Washington „..„...„ %$0$P t Anna BeH* Ulster of Onarga, kee,'Wis., left Sunday for his home, navingb^an^ei^ '#x)^t/s\;.*giiai^^^ B«ss:jkiU#.Joh|isoa4 3106 HawUoa et, returned Saiurday.from a two weeks' visit in Saugatuck, Mfch. Mrs. b; '|& Jenks of Chancellor street lias as her guest Mrs. Smouse and son, Wilbur, of Marseilles, III. Mr. Stewart V. Ayars, 2419 Lincoln street, has returned from a three days' automobile trip to Oconomowoc, ^ ,,-,*.,■■ Miss Ethel Stadtler, 2676 Stewart avenue, has returned from a short visit *» the guest of her aunt in Mor- gan *%rk. _ Mr. and Mrs. A. B Dale, 2827 Cen- tral street, and family left Wednes- day for a month's outing at One- Bime Lord, Gordan Ross and Wil- liam Ailing, all of Maple avenue, have ■0&VJ&-#ftupacay Vile., for several week's vacation. "-'-• r Mrs. J. Butcher and daughter, Lil- lian, have moved from Bloomlngton* Ind* and are now living at 2608 West Railroad avenue. Mr. John H. R. Jamar and family, 2623 Harrison street, have gone to Fairview Resort. WbHehalL Mich.,, to spend their Taxation. U '•,..<?.-, »„*.■•. i Mr. Aubrey Williams of Morgan Park spent Saturday and Sunday the gtrest of Mr. wd Mts. Frank F. Cor- by, 164$ Wesley avenue. ** Mr. and Mrs. James R. Smart aad little ^»as^ter^aO%^Hi|pttfc»ven^e, Mastir. Arthur and Stewart Bob- ^ erts^^OICTarMlin^'atree^iilve |<k 2824 Hartaell street, accompanied t)y sslli^Uisit'f^^ fiuirrlson slre^, spent Sunday"*t the Pesplaines camp ^0i^A^:^"^\-' '^^^K^W^f^ mia"t^pi|^irten^ m^^ti^rV*^ Alig;-;,fOTtiierlf Mtts Florenee Stryker, a teacher ffi the'CentraliiMhool»;/w;>:.>;-. ..■:, -i'";v. street, has gone to Mississippi on a short business trip for the purpose of inspecting some lands owned by him down there. He is expected home ill id WAAk . Mr. and Mrs. Philip Blaisdell and daughter, Dorothy, have retnrned from Bnclianahr Mich/, Mr, William Blaisdell of Waahington, D. C, is via- lting them. He is Mr. Philip Blais- dell's brother. Mrs, William S. Mason, Greenwood boulevaTd and Ridge avenue, has as mt guest her cousin, Mrs. David Sell- ers, wife of Lieut Commander Sellers of the navy. Commander Sellers has Architect Contemplating^ .« psfe^?? i'ii "W Plana are being completed to the artistic ideas of Daniel H. Burn- hi^^^^tTea^ place of the Ircmteefc'■"•-. [%^r';-!-iu_,, '"', . ;i ▲ small wooded island In the midst of the lagoon of Graceland cemetery is hetet censtdere^;M^fefel!g family and close personal friends and admirers as a fitting place in which to bury his remains. Negotiations Now Being Made. Negotiations are now being made which will probably result in the pur- chase by the family of the island. Until a few days ago the istehd was not accessible from the cemetery. Re- cently a rustic bridge was completed connecting it with the mainland. WW Be Burial Place. That this Island will be the probable bujlal place of the famous architect and designer of the "Chicago Beauti- ful" plans was admitted by members been assigned to San Fj»ncisco~w4tt^ ©t the Bnrnham family. Mrs. J. C. Agnew, 807 Greenleaf .<reet, has gone on a visit to different points in Michigan. She will go frit to Muskegon, and will later join her nether, returning home in two or three weeks. ,,<-\} -' *%."■'-.; Mr. B. H. Lapham and daughter, miss Helen, 822 Sherman avenue, re- turned Saturday frian Bjetroit, Mflch„ where they had oeett for a week. They left yesterday morning for W&ite Lake, Mich., for another week's vaca- tion ' , Mrs. Agnes V. Palm and daughter, Martha, ,2607 Prairie avef ue&returnfed a the tmrd of Augusi, ana wm aw^rrr^^. TT Z^&¥L \JL- i.e. mother and sialers in SJurope, wbl fcnlini |M^ I*3cre th** a« to be aA-oad for aboht fom?monthsJ iP«nt Ihd'weekend^ on a ifnmi; mmm BilUofl|^tpol||rs ftre t|ansacted evW in bus th bank checks. ■■■■ ' u yon ari repositlng monies Cnd checks witftjbet && Jf% tional Bank and paying bills and attention. :/T' The Rev. F. W. Bamum and family, ^33' Chicago avenue, retnrned late Monday from Glenmere, Mich., where they have been for the past month. Mr. and, Mrs. Albert F. McCarrell and daughter, Miss Helen, 1202 Maple avenue, are expected home tomorrow from Michigan, where they have been spending the summer. ' ,, Mrs. Alexander Clark and children, 930 Judson avenue, left suddenly about two weeks ago for a vacation stay in Northern Wisconsin. They will return Saturday. Mt. and Mrs. J. Ralph Wilbur, 1235 Maple avenue, returned Saturday from a lake trip. Tb.ey werf gone two weejw_ and visj[te| Pnlnth, IBackinny Island afld other cities on the lakes. The North Shore Advisory board of the Illinois Children's Home and Aid society will bold its monthly meeting at the Evanston Home, 826 Ridge ave- nue, Monday morning. August 6, at 10:30 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wilbur, 716 HJn- sstan avenue, expect guests Sunday, ^etfflbur-s W*to> -Isfr** T. T. White of stochestflfr, N. ¥., and neph- ew, Mt. Paul ^erof(^boiU|aleFa., will jpeach here Sunday. % M The members of the Irigssa Alpha Musical sorority of Nor^western anl- versity were entertained^ Thursday at a porch party and luncheon at the home of Mrs. Oliver Perry,. Jr.. 911 Michigan avenue. Next Tuesday the members of the sorority will be guests «f Mrs. h D. Bwett, 706 Hmman ave- tne. *■'■'■■' ",/■- Mr. George A. lCi^redg» and fam- Illy, 412 Grove street, have joined the ***** Km**"*9 *& *0ile to k m am*1* * af«•, a^ to****1 Miss Dorothy. ti6T |Uog* W* ««• 4 |«*^*w^*J^11 .'■£,*' •JW4 the Pan-American exposition for three years. '„ ;... . Miss Bessie Hahn of this city is touring to Eagle Lake, Wis., where she will Join the house party of the Misses Margaret and Marie McCaba The ;othe* guests will be the Mleses Cre* sfda Weber, Marie.^W^iriorenceMe- Cabe, Anna McCabe and Marie Pox of Buena Park. Mrs. Wirt B, Humphrey, 2129 Sher- man avenue, and her sitter, Miss Flora N. Hay of the Evanston public library, joined her slater, Miss Mary Garrett Hay of New York at the hem* *£ an- other sister, Mrs. H. C. Durbin at An- derson, Iud. They will also visit Charleston, Indianapolis and Louis- ville, r, ■■:.:*, "'! ■ -y %' Mr. and 'Mrs. J, B. Corby and chil- dren, Sidney and Bettlbrlght, of St Louis, Mb., are expected at the end of the week to spend Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Prank F. Corby. 1462 Wesley avenue. They are going to their sum- mer cottage Itt Lake Side, Wis., for the remainder1; of the summer, and will stop here en route. Tomorrow evening a social will be given on the lawn of the Christian church under the auspices of the Sun- day school. The grounds will be pret- tily decorated and lighted by Japanese lanterns, luring by, their mystic light fortune tellers who will look deep Into the future and tell their patrons of things to come. A musical program has been arranged. Throughout the evening different kinds of refresh- ments will be on sale. The Woman's club of Evanston is already carrying forward plans for a busy year. A new feature contemplat- ed In their departmental work Is the conducting of classes for the study of the French language by one of Chica- go's best teachers. Also a series of lectures to be given In French on lit- erature and the drama for more ad- Tanced students of the language. This will be a rare opportunity and those wishing to Join these' classes will do well to send their names at once to the president, Mrs. C. B. Clifton, 581 [ Ingleslde park, or to Mrs. John W. Thomas, 2609 Pioneer road. "We have been negotiating for some time for the purchase of the island," said Daniel H. Burnham, Jr. "The deal, however, has not been completed as yet. We are now awaiting the re- turn from Europe ot Bryan Latbrop. "Th* deal will probably be completed shortly after his return to Chicago." VVIFl COMPLAINED. Cornelius Guinane, 505 Hlnman avenue, was arrested Priday on the complaint of bis wife, who says he does not provide for the family. PLATES ssoo . s.oo . A.OO . ff.OO . 1.00 „_.,_....._. _______________.....60 'Op«nSuncUy«* 9t0 12; Evening* till7 DBS. MrCHESWET A BBOWK, Inc. 8. E. Cor. Randolph and Clark 8U, Chicago Our Standard 8 Foil Set T«eth, Twin Without 1 H«ttvyQoldftnd , White Tewth...... jrieboite..........■• ItM (oar specialty) • Ul Other Crowns. Pin. Gold Fflljn* and R*«nanwUntf v - • Conaaltation *roe. Painleee Extraction ^ft§S WILL ARREST PERSONS WITH UNTACCEO DOGS Harry Davis, 14 years old, wis ar- rested Friday *> OnTcer Hughes as lie was leading an vnlicensed dog in Brsnstoft The tad was released L J when » Mefcnssws»s^ei[W% ■$ .,■%■■ >" flii ^ic#*»ii4 to hnveerery dog •wner cemply with the law and se- evre a lkwnee. AOirersons foond with -■-■■■■- ^^njv. yuiiailOB flcidcttiv Eva/stmi, II. the directiasM^ffe Sisters of ntation. Asnnsututic<n of super* racter and equipment. The most personal attention given the and interests of every student. ____Jemic Course. Preparatory Course, Primary Dept.t Music. Art, Languages. Building new. sanitary add s»it^ote% £reprool f ■ Ask the ice-in^n^ He. •■knows; wfcii handles the best purest ice. business and, if For fiirdter'inforsiatkm call on or address The Sister Directress the kind of ice t--to order frotiil W. Ho POWERS Distilled Water Ice Co. 1932 RMg« Ave. PHONE NO. 7 Manufactured in Evanefcm

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