Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Aug 1912, 2, p. 15

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i^gjjpjji^n^^^ in if!f^f?ips|i rosM* Dr. L. Dy||pg^ 'rota his ity, Mis! 8 now visi^fir^ I k Bu8tt,,^iM.iMMM4i"' 'w'"""" " *Mlss Myrtle rude Hefl^oiii| ■eturned from taditi^pollf, ^ MissEyel»| itreet, eDtemd^^m^^M^MrB^ I Wends at.a Wrtlidar lay Wn Mill li' & MtesJ ivenue,"is rteltlng ins, Colo:,' ak&^l}!^^ tvellowstone .l^^^|^f|^»| || Mrs. W. I^^g^ avenue^.., fceeks visiting among tives. m 'wm ■ m......"...... Muurt* Whseler, 63* Fores* Mr", nn^1 «Xi *#;. j bury avenue, ID id die of ttl wis., to jim Stuart. wy Nurtem?«w»iiinr pago, is spen< Marlon Br j |:lub cottar | Mr. and.Mrs. w. M. H|tcne : Harrison street, will Spend t .; tion at PoltA""A^§JPpM^W& Island, Mich., retu m**/ pp»w: Jw** ■••■ «i^ f»»iiy, low si'"'"" iMH WWPii*^ ?, 5y^ Ml *an|| ily, 1224 Oak avenue, leave the Jast of Ihi* month to niake thel^ ll&e to Seattle, Wash. ...,'■'.'■;;!:'[>:*:";•';*^.'.^ lo^de^'daughter, 216 /tmPt^o^rt arenue; mve gene tdTTtir L«kC of September. • Mr. Alfred Scbofield, 524 i Itreet, and ^on/^ficd^ . attle, Wash., to be gone MTeraJ week*. ■ Mrs. Schofield has Just returned from ' a short ▼|s^.J^:'jiQpNtpk-- MdTlyi^^ijfi^;^1- ^>;^"'=;: Mrs. E. Mathis and daughter, Edith, 2427 Central etreet, for M^iKiqrW or $hree |*w^tt*EfrL:J -"* an a&d two sons, ■l|or^^fl|si;|Foih^ return'ab^itlthe m|i , M^JO^?^""" 3505;" relatives Brandon, Ev- nlgh>< .nesonv 1|l Min ahWille • Mr. and tjy, 2512 Hftrt«irirsi i. viraves and n'angfcter, (Wtrude, 210^ Colfax strei at W'W*#WtelMr **^^ and d»ltaH|teri 811 Lincoln i£reet, lefF last »dar for Michigan, where tbey two weeks, a Helen Church of Tucson, Arix,, s^sj^ding^ thejjummer with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W." BTCnnrch of ^^|e^(^;|«p||r^^tii Js-A . ." ; ; ] ^■^.,j^vyo^;.^^j^|»f 913 Elm- wood avenue, left' Friday for Dixon, 111., .where he will attend the Rock River assembly, returning home'111 ial>6#^w«e*i«/---v^^-*^;- * - ■ >■ ^*? •<^"' Elisabeth, returned last week Wis, where $0 have h*en ■--■--v«- -.-.- I&» city aa- 'Pr^ttiM* ^-f^^^.^^k^^^"^.^^- "-140. Sifter, Mrs,.A.L. Sprinkle, 2028 She^ mill ,jlrfil|»%:": ^-^Xif ^!^&>4 ■; ..,^*^H^p dreii, Lincoln street and Elm avenue, b^^|i^rj|<i| from a month'g trip to Tlbrtfy feceH XHtt«y^ Oils w Hiss. I ^rleanS," i;5ome of ■kiddW, i3'(j[7 Jhursday ftd* fheodora Oi Mrs. Jame^^^i|kt|l4%||w^^ ilevardrChJ(»gOi*«idil&miIy, have ten the residence of R. ^.Whitney, (5 Asbury Avenue* where Ihey have all sunimei^ ^ey'sJso occupied td-attend the ^'" SI Miss Anna Ryan of Chicago andl| P wen me flrtt^prise at the Forest 4he ^aamrock Dange club, w f Hlng ti^ U and hie famiir;«tr. returned W her * home 4 Whitewater, yria. (. She took ^Master Esterly, Jier grandson, hpme with her for a visits MIbs Eleanor Spry, daughter1 of l|r. and Mrs. ^fdhn C. $pry» -110l'::Wowbt w;^eiub Wednesday | p. F. Day, Ife ||^r. and Mrs.Fn )fp**. G. J. Murch^ 1 Murray, Mr. and| "^. and:HriC'^ M; Mifle :Bm$8 tii&ot the debu- tantes of the season.' Mies Mary B. I4ndsey, who was fe- Mr. and Mrs. elected secretary at the annual elec- R. E. Moody* 'ArndVMr.and R. S-Dutton, and «&: |p. Armstrong; "" " *, ::Mr. an ^ana.Mrs; If'"** 43 f^^6e;h~ortf ral o: and Mrs. fcvy;,o. ^Winiam avenue, is in Mihneapolis, Minn., |f is resi4eficej4ii^|elt IIQps Marfiret OiU^tle, J?*. and-Mra...^^iWiijtney arel^afe jiffieiM^.i#Efe^ Arthur iill. ;^rth'Lake;'Wsv">^>.:: ■-- ' *T*:i<*Ji-iCT:i ;--^*--■■■■■ -■ -*- §|^ho8e..who^iil»rtalned "at tabkf: f-hote dinner ^|^|hr^^ Gymnastic chws ^ot?:w-^Sa^rday pfternoon claa^ii^^^ii^^^^ |«istration «ar at Canf^ 'fining. :>*^*;-^**^ P* of afreet __ ^^ ^juitain •malSl^^So^piiil v|^**anceg |;:|gabash. . ba|n try danll! ^•t^fealB^ tlon of the board of directors of the Bvanston public Ubrary held Friday evening, will leave next week f<jr, a trip to Lake-Geneva, Wis^ where she ^l-rlffliaai^ahon^^^^ -T.- Wh«e- Br. A. C: fl. Clarke, 881 Hin- man ayenue, is out of town the Se<f pBed as follows; August 18 a^d 28, by the «eV. Huston W. Lowry, pastor t Akron, Uts and Mrs. A. L. Sprinkle, 2021 Mr. and Mrs. A. a Dale and fam- ily 28n ^entor# airoet, left, last week; for a month's camping outing at pnekama, Mich. / ' _ ■ }_ " Miss May Mathews has returned to her hpme on Bennett avenue from the Bvanston hospital after an iUness for the past two weeks. 'M*^W**T&M*Wi Sherman avenuej has as her guests her mother and sister, Mrs. Strouse and Miss Strouse of Qreenview, 111. Mr. A D. Mortenson, 2218 Central street, left today for a ten days* visit at the home of his sister, Mrs. Geo. Perham, in Hverletn, Minn. The Misses Kathryn and Jane Rose, 2410 Park place, have returned from j a v^mtfe-^*^:^ as the gOests of Miss Charlotte Kent ' ^Mr. Robert Edgerton of Chicago re- turned Sunday to the home of Mrs. £L W. Youngquist, 2322 Harrison street, and will spend the week there. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Phillips, 2718 Stanley aTenne, an4 ohiHren, left list nwflt tor tneir eottago at Clear Lake, Ind., where they will spend the month of August. The Rer. F. W. Barnum and family have returned from their summer out- ing. Rev, Barnum preached at his church, the Hemen way MB. church, Sunday morning. . Mr. and Mrs. Tnowas Bates, 2112] Orrington avenue, are- expected home about the seventeenth. They have been gone since July 4; spending the slimmer at Turner.. Maine. During the absema of Mrs. S. G. Phillips, the superintendent of the primary department of the Covenant M. B, church, Miss Edna Betts, 2219 Central street, will take charge. The Misses Gertrude Green and Re- becca Blair gave a lawn party Thurs- day evening at the home of Miss Green, 2828 Central street. About twenty-six guests were invited and an enjoyable time 4s reported. Mr. and Mill. Ralph Hobart and lit- tle daughter, Mattie Belle, 1112 Grove street, left Saturday for Atlantic City, where they will Join Mr. and Mrs, Al- len P. Houston, 502 Lake street, at the Marlborough Blenheim hotel. Hi r^ppw| isitt Jnyder of WocMliawiii p^iiiiSlS^ iPlsi;^ ilaWlo'learlii^ ffl •'ft^'^-'A K Mass.,will this week., 822 Main -street^ Hiss Helen |H^brook, Sherman avenue, with the Misses Ida and Harriet Deere of Jacksonville, IIU as their gues^ returned Thnrs- trfp ttTougn ^ east vThey motored tnrough the Berkshire Hills in Massa- 's Hton J chusetts and the Adirondack moun- tains and visited many princi- --0jfr :cnanigg^|ildi^ ig^'fiiidvtn^'^______ Mrs. Mary Caldwell Main has just returned from Hastings, Mich., where she spent a month with her niece, Mrs. Mary Grigsby, whose husband Ts Rev. J ReT. Maurice Grigsby, pastor of the Presbyterian church of this city. Two Weeks of the time were spent at a re- sort on Wall LakO, sixteen miles out of Hastings, where the scenery is beau- ;ti*ttL.' •:v^:J, '-'-:,.r;Mjx0^w.^-^* About tb^ n^st of September there wlU be an extensive addition made to the North End branch of tne Bvanston Public library, located in the T. M C A. building Central street and Prairie.. a venue. ^ Qitrin«T the absence and hw; sister, 4JLir'|fe©^«tr^ Crosst^::^!^.^/-^" ■ '•-. .i>'■. ■v-r^H^ Mr. and Mrs. Hudson and two chil- dren, 635 Judson avenue, are spend- ing a three weeks' vacation at Chan- nel Lake, 111......>•;. ,...*Lji- "-■■:: liri and Mrs. Gordon W. Bull and two daughters, Dorothea and Virginia, 1106 Maple avenue, left Sa;turday for Waupaca, Wia;v , ^n> ;-:.-.'*:v^:'^'-'*;'. Mrs. C* F. Farwell, daughter, Fran- ces, and little son, John, of Florida, are the guests of Mrs. H. W. Dring, i|.?23 iB^inerv'piaee. ;.^r. ^.... -«-., *, .- Mr. L M» Hershey, who has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. McKay, 230G Central street, has left for his home in Ohio; Mrs. H. B. Williams, 2226 Central street, who has been visiting her ;bro||er|; Mr. ,Qfcajr^esv# son, NeD., is expected hpme' this week. Mrs. W. L. McKay and son, Dayton, 2306 Central street, accompanied by Mr. Jt, M. Herahey and Misl Anna Stedtler spent last Monday in Mil- waukee. ""~ Mrs. B. E. Hlndman and little son, of La Salle, 111., is visiting her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hardin, 2135 Sherman avenue. She arrived Thurs- day evening. Mrs. R. S. Risset and Mi's. W. l: McKay, m* Ceifl^ atreet^ejite^ taiiiedllrM 3. :ie*& MrkilCIara Schenck, Mrs. R. H. Boyd and Misa H. J. Boyd Thursday afternoon. Mr. Benjamin J. Moore, 2325 Har- tray avenue, has sold his bungalow to Mr. Raymond Y. Sanders and will oc- cupy it in the fall. Mr. Sanders has entered into business in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Wade, 2304 Cen- tral street, have rented their home for the winter and will move to Chi- cago to spend the winter months as Mr. Wade will travel extensively. Dr. Taylor and Dr. Levick have taken the house. Rer. A. L. Murray of St. Matthew's church has resumed his regular serv- ices at the church after supplying the pulpit at St Mark's church for some weeks during the absence of the rec- tor. Rev. H. S. Longley who was away on his vacation. 4 . ■ < Mr. H. Ross Bunce of Terre Haute, bid., will take up the position of Mr. C. £ V. Munsey, former director of physical training at the North End department of the Y. M. C. A., and will begin active work October I. Mr. Bunce is now attending the physical training school in Chicago. STAR WHO Suite" "~- See our OurStai HeavyGoldBid AU0ti^C£w%ni>< Pine Qttld ™j^**$***m**^^ Consultation free.,, PeMew JgUwectt^Sk*^ Open Bund^vWm 'Mmmmwt *®l DBS. ^CBKSIfSV ^Bl S. E. Cor. Baodolph and Caaftk^WP^ --------------tif1V? ir'vfjiitliin,fi9tifi Under tn direction the Visitfttipu- An ior characflr and equipment The moat kindly peMonal attention given the needs and^oterests of' every-studeat. Academic CpSne, Preparstory Concpe.' Primary Dept, Music, Art, . _ Building new, sanftkr; ana" absolutely firepi For further 4nfamiatk>n oill on eir SdAress ■^,... htm ■ W&t&WiiffiWM they motored homev havlnt ~m ^^9 m. maiids of tlie iiraneh ^ X. GLAS8X31 ! fjs^js|ggap^^^ ' '""" <*&&■ V«R»NB»i^^t»«is^e^NiBisai.* i

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