here has tth enth ^e Forest js#thoptowJii as packed brest peopn entsia club' Ivanston | the game t the Pavis «# itirely *mt 0 ,m see tcept ,e scarcity of nis as play ill not cany western am teres! and the at restricted every per eompetition. ingles and nfoiel d Pynchon «tt# year, the tonJrii< gard to numDel thrown open Hall keen interest and twenty entries in the the double*. Aeoording to Har- ho are in charge of the affair this M# those of former years both in re- v____ ,.., ,,„_ ~ exhibited in the sport. On August 24 a tournataent for women wiU open at the dub and, « jug to present mdieations there #U1 be no lack of interest in this play. From the opening of the^ me*i?r plfcy in singles mitil the close of the woman's totirney thW iiio^ sport at the Country club. Those who diuNlfefH^^ ^endanee at the loeal courts dur- r if yon do not go you will never fun there ing the three know how ^ Mr. J. B. W ™^........ dab hag retnrJasd wis. ■ - -:^MSI^ Mr. Melville Feiber,> 11W Chfl street, has returned from Bear's Wis. Mrs* John B. Wilder and the Misses Louise and Antolaette, lire n Holland, Mich. Mrs. Charles F. Murray, jsrt avenue, has friends/flp^.,,^^ ^ ksiting at her home. "H^^M^^i " Mr. A. C GalitS, MMfo*lit9& attended the BuU 1*^ Wednesday In C3is^iisMK£".',v=.SS^"^?r^K*' Born, Tuesday eirentafe Aai. f, to l|r. and Mrs. M, awssi*--'. aevrewi^ to again at %o«e after eeto ' ^»»*^^!^^^^^" ty?j'^'^"^ *SSSSSBSJ;'v-i^S/'^BJ^BBJ(v,, ......*7#- < ■ Mr. 0. B. Tennis, 102ft Judson are- nne, has Tetnrned from a three months'trip to Europe. ^ '\^->>- Mrs. J. F. Itfona of Omaha, Neb., who was taking an electric course at the Visitation academy, his returned to 1^;iinl«w/W:r^;;^"; • ■ ".'•. ^-^rj -^t MTs> Fred Radcllffe,; 2961: Stewart e*enuev is entertaining her cousin, Mrs. »Yed Bock and Miss Belle Mc- Chesney of Peoria. g^l^^ ^lolirst^ Park place, a Mr. Joseph Wi fey Carl Jruger, .i ten day b visit in Mrs. W. L. Hessv see, is home after Ma at Stratford, Ijlfiss Sadie » W§ Oas Light toned from Lake Dene**, If* and Mrs. «dW|n-F.r person street, are rejoictog over a fiie daughter, bom Jttly $aV Mrs. John Meyar, m Davis street. Past a veiy picaaant time at Aatige, las other places to Wtseoasin; Mitt Mary Flynh, S* Da*to street, ***-------^m ■ ^^^^^^-'^t^-.^sji^a^'. ^M^^Aa^a#^^^da^asskiL' returned from a wsw .wspBr. vase* Up spent at Fo^ di| Lae, Wis. " iliss Cora CfrBow, 8ft I*>eter street, letnrned We4ne•^^^/<K|p:-.^# *»si»' vacation la| Wlseoasin fSWa. -.;.'VMf" Airce Hastoor of , is the guest ot he j&'A Clifton, 681 Mrs. Dlbblee, 2457 Stewart a*su«*, ^entertaining her slater, Mrs. Hay *Hehouse, and friend frosa 4111 was- US, Wig. *; .f^^-^^^... {. H». a H. lilieekind son. Boy % 2229 Hanfeon **«ed from a two weeks Neh, aocompeaied by her niece end nepl^ws, Hase^ Berliert, aad Charfe* C^^ left Batarday for Saogataek, Ml^ Mrs. HL u. Klmhark and daagfatets, "' losses Louise and Mary, left Friday for a Tlslt to Wlanno, Cape Cod, Mass. *.:■..'• ,.'■ < ■■;;" '•■;'!*« >;^.^-v-v ; Mrs. Bollln A. Kejes, 1310 Forest avenue, entertained Friday at luncheon a few friends. Covers Were laid for sfat • ■ -b ■<■."i^4^" ^^^:\C:&'■:ffi:v< Mr. C. 8. Thomas of the Ahrenae oase has returned from a three eeks' vacation at the Dells of Wis- n.': v '.■■■'■ ■* ■ '-^:^>p-^.^^ Hn. Samuel DonneBon and son, Jr„ 813 Daris street, are ea% a delightfm outing at Muske- gon, Mich. " " . j Mr. Willard C. Davis of Lord's store, ljeft on his two Weeks' vacation flat- tjrday and Wfll spend It at his oM home at MarceBus, Mich. .. Mr. and Mrs. Itobert Clarence Brown, 2236 Harrison street, and dhlldren, left Mbaday fbr a two weeks'outin* at Sangmtuck, Mich. Mr. Charles B>k and sister, Miss Oene " Kirk,; of Ftodlay, 6h!o, have been the goes* of the Bev, Whiteside and family, 1677 Wesley aveane. Thej are on their way to CalifDrnia and «f.fe-' jW^y MisatttherWant ,e^ss^|ssjssf ^ ^sssjAsssaew,1. ^s,saws^sss^«BBss^^ewa;,v -isaeaisy^F. s»sskjfe:;:^as^ Branch Mick, and was Joiaed by " r sisrtar, Wsw Ittits^ Moadar^ t Js^ WllBon^ W«k^ si-...r:.7". .......... T. M. C, A^ has wtttrned froat a two home for mc« awmey to |iroIon« their parbnent at Grand Prairie seminary The litUe Misses Irn Hedbiom, Ml Grain made t. % i ;• :lfn___» ».,_._. ■ J_^ <j3Sl1j"Jj-.! *rs|-». ma urs. mi B. is i _ City, l^ati P|~S»d Mrs. «..§. avenue. ^.sadlfjK-'lt'iiL^ fcftreet, haVa aa thflr ^Prtis' mother, :1 ^••▼ine. Mlia^wai ^fc^O. M, Bg*. left last week iM«i where |ja^ij||.^ ..^..^.., ^. - ilR* laott ••BssAv^-^il^^l^^SSyi ;v,par. Jacob JsttlssBat^ IP^ha^iJ^Si^ :|P^'h«rwT|(ssM •nd ae hl« koiae to Eea> jfreemrce. Whlttier Smith and ......,oa^>ififeiri^ this week Thursday for Cherokee Park, Wyo« to remain until the first week In September. After a three weeks' visit as the gnest of her annt, Mrs. Chester A. Baali. M10 Harrison atreet, Mrs. ■ •sV^Bvfpsssev^eej'; *sjHe*#wpgsjsssy .•■_ ^ewsssssV/rf^sis/BjBwejSjssssar - .sjsjs?.-.»■»»»■>' home In Hs1gewat4ff. -^, l^:^ ..,^.*^, Miss Julia McGolre of Bvanston and Mr. Martin Follrath, also of W* saurtoii, wero nmirien at Wa^ke^ on. August »,! They are at aeana^to their friend, at «0* Davis street fB : ^W» 0^^mi^^^0f of Mr. and Mrs. Bobert P, Shlnnnin, Pioneer road and Colfajt |treet, has returned from an extended visit with her fnuidmother in Chicago. mis. jiawto a wm^mM chtt. last week fc»Oiiari4,IlL,^ arrangements for the *" mm. Ifrav'-fM^ with several fs|,„..„...................., tt M.WohlUknv lias Clara Johnson, W39 Orrlngton avenue, who haa been spending a cou- ple of months to N^ah^ia. ar rived home last^imlMmM^'-- Mr. O; A. Johnsom Wife and litUe daaghtar, \ai»^'ej^^^ Johnson's parents^ Mr, and Bifrs. Har< tin Johnson, i506 Payne^ street ^ HWPttion Terras; Tie Ciarlratre^^ Qs|d^aii;|a>d'^ son s^]jitiw««<i«4 1^' Mrs. Jennie Lamke, formerly of 782 Bnteraon street."' ;.-3!!^;.^"":. \^""%'^t, .;f,.f mas Martha, Matilda Harper of Bochester, N.T., originator of the Mkrttia Harper method, apent Thurs- day as the guest of the Comfort shop, im Sherman avenue. Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Bddy are at the Olen View golf grounds for the sea- 90m and their home at 1382 Forest avenue is being occupied by Mr. hnd J^m B^^lf^int,^^ ,_ ^:,-.f-:.," ,1806 Lake street, was married August 7 to Mr. P. J.' Johnson 4y the Befw <X A.-Wendeli, k twiT' :,.*r 4,;*>j:. '.jit^:V.^ "i Miaa Margaret Beilly, principal of tha hiah schoitf at Aqstto, Tex^ wljo i,^^S^S]^SSSJB^^.■'▼^»Sa*Sr^W;,". ^rSBSSgSi^ _igS|S^"'SS^pPVPMSi S^pSgJgr ^WSBMISSg^^ sm to C^caga^ apent it thto year to aessioat After visiting to Bonth Bend she will retarn to her •oathern 'home* ' ■llrran^ ifii llafihwiL thsrii Dr. A. Ix«ase Klehm of NUes Cen- A-i^a^Sy^ Mra, (Sbartea Harver, ^ avemte. :'^' I:::;'4 ":f ■t",;v •_^_^:--~'_' "'~ ' A beaatifal pa>ty was giv^ Thurs- day by Misa Sva Krans* S2a Mon- avanae> 'ara,,'« > Master Rowland Butow, JfJT Prat |: avemie, is th^ g^eet of fch cousin ' Bavenswood forf number W^^i Wone^;^;^<|p^ ■on; a short business tr^p to lWcJMgSA ^arrlwn street, muroed Thursday from', a two weeksv.visit to Jf^nsaa a^ ' '^toatanWi^||fe^ US 1 Mr. and Mrs. John R. )5toHllamj and family^ 242^i|rj S^tur|iiy""fi^,^ .l^ittlils^^ -, Btr. and,Mrs. WilUam Franaena^el ;, ciUldren,- 2028 HsJTison street,............ Monday for a- two .stte^^liisi^i^ visit aa the gnest of Miss •■ ■ Mr. and Mrs. Henry St Louis^'iitl "^ trip, are vi ajt,ihe Hotel Jlonne^t. \'^Jgj[: fbr^1^0'Wee»:s:'M*^^ ^:yiis^ii||l ollolel^sre weeka wj%*lr,a^l|rs. Chark^ i«o7 Pai* place, left last week for Beaver Lake, Wto, where they wfll visit until about the 1st of MN< at the hotoe of Mr. Allen W. BodeH, 826 Greenleaf street, Wtenette. drea, Owandolyn, 6wen, Robert and I The evening was a delightful social Miss Eva Hellstrom, 2514 Pioneer accompanied by Miss.Lillian " 2614 Prairie avenue; tday fc* South Haven, Miclw they WW spend about two /;;?^./^-% t- n., '?:<■■■'%' ■•■ LUlton Percjval If 4e| 1. L. FowW atadJo, l«l Odrrlngton avwue. u gotogT to attend tlie wedding of her coiatta. silsa Anna Sanders, at Cleve- ia|av|»^;;iSs^^ Issbv-'■fiWss™rtsBsWP0eT"'vtk'*'■*"y**^'^**^ '**<; " ■ *" _^ JsW' and ttfiVirv;«.: Ltotoer of Au- burn Park, Itt, are gaesta for a icf a^a a^ tii^liaine #f Mr*.Cocty^ mother, Mra. event- Befreahmenu were served and games were played. Miss rdelker was the happy recipient of a handsome1 teorocco leather handbag given by her young friends* also of a beautifaJ Wrthday cake. Plashllght plctarei were taken and ^ spent ai ^tocl^ Mabel Kniigns, |i^ ter. CWlierina pjrtnian, OiJrva^ ^ Bertha Voelker^ Alice Bedell, OatreB, crertrade x$Mm$jk^. NelUssen,. CaOeriae |tesi:': Helem Nellto Iawcn, <Jhwa Kilby, orlt Saturday ^er an ea^l trip abroad. Mr. and Mrs. pttver Wenioan HetaMfv JSfg Pine UroVe a^enuat Chicago, win accent pany them ai tor as New Tork. A interesttog bfrthdar surprise party waa given Tharsday to honor or Mtos ftetthi ToeBwr, sW Onrref Miss Marion Hunt of RobertsdaJe,AU., Miss Adelaide Olasagy of Chicago to apeadtoa/ her vacation with her |BW:;An^ ;18«^ Waah* ington straw! ^arsday evening a snrpitoe party wa* given to honor of ■MJ»-^atsis^ DurinaT the absence of Miss Leila; Trivassr 3704 Harrison street, seere- toiy s»d ti^asurer of the Bunday scheel of toe CJovensatM^ 11 church, James Oreotbamv 3834 Colfar reet^ win take charge. The superintendent of the Bvanston hospital, Miss A. K. Ruggler, is spend- ing a months vacation at Boston, MSaa., and Mrs. Laura McCellura, sup- erintendent of the Nurses' home, has «one forthree weeks to London, Ohio. The Misses tiaeanor and Ethel Gale, Lincoln street and Elm avenue, and Mrs. H Lewinsol :wiiisjp^C»r^^^ Kan., are guests of Mrs. WKaiger, j The Missee Btoigaret derson, 1922 W$9^}"' ipg their Bister, MJst Trlna Anderson, land ■Wm^;;VmrW^mmm:M0m^^^ • James land^Cnarl^ -:* tiOChi f pu'>^i«is^^ week«;a4<tli«£*B^ :B. J. Mnrphy,; ij^|i^s|i^^ f;Jdrs,' -1|tllbM--CaBs1^^ enjoying aV ten, daya*^vj|^;,if|^; cousin, Dean John F. Hwtord'a fatawr # at their lakeside home, B7i H |lirj;and i«rf,,,F^a „_ Elmwood . nave been ..enteimn1S||:^| Miss Elsie tfmmert of Mt. Morris, '$§^0^ nave/gone, to Grand Beach, Mich., where they will spend a few dajrs with their uncle. Mr. J. H. Emerson, at bis, aummer nonwC..^ .'■ ...' I Mr. Carter Smito* who aecomnanled bm parenta, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whlttier Smith, 1622 Ridge avenue, about three weeks ago to Bingham- "iim&Lrf^ remainedAthere after ,his " ""' ' I.«J|^4»nittk| wui ba ^:j^m.i9^^'^fw hoina hi mt ^*m*#m v+ also, to accompanied by his ancle and wife, Mr. and lira. George yr. Alien, and Miss Louise, Lewi|,? of^ m^, ^m® Cjity, MO^ -- ^iMfyiSS^m^m ; D^ ' Ernest JL. Mcliwen :,f js»|.-.v «^;::^g Mary G. Ij^jgiren,, i^3;CJhJh3alB^;;J^ nue, ' are.' ipendtog'^;^:/^8*^:^^^ Lonely Lake,, .qana^/.^Jp^^.'g^- P^rof. George A.'Coe.■"•""'"^'^[ '%?\.\: f}$m*> iMrs, '.Oriando Sheppard a^Waaw-^l»t Master Ned. of MetotoVe, CVH^ have be^n visiting Mrs. E. L. D. vey and Mls's Georgia; Har^ey^"^^, Colfax street,' nave returned'VM&i*';T^$i.^m ■ ; Mrs. E. E. Faulkner; 202* Ce1ttM"4:;|^"' " street, left Wednesday v'lo*^#|s ,:-,j |M Moines, Iowa, where she will join'i^i^'m^ daughter. Miss Beryl Faulkner, Who Is 1 vJeitlEg'amonrf friends and tototivesi The Misses Dorothy West of Wasa- ington, D. C, and Miss Elisabeth Gay . ^ of Rochester, N. Y., are the aammer w 0, A party of Bvaaston's, young peo- ara having a grand vacation at ^swsisli^J^ easv la^ Htomaa avenue, and Mrs. WiBsato,0. Haw^stead, 1838 Asbary avastoefe swe 4«kaperonliig the happy crowd, w«cli to ooa^pcaed of the house guesU of tlu faari^ef Dean and Mrs. John F. Hayfavd, 174 toaia* 1 side place, >,. ' . _~: . ,, ,, .-;,_ :.>?;-;f -|'^.'.:1 Dean John F. Hayford, 674 .IajB|a- > rite ptoce, who, with three othara ;*^ have spent six months to Panasaa working on th« bofmdaiy oomainwioa .between Panama aad^ Oisto. Bica, er*;-1; - rived home P^|ajriy.;- ^^....".^ ' ;,-^"1^" ;:. Mrs. ■• Afi|a7^7^ftMflilw^^.!w^^>^--"^i>J^ ts^s^wMsia-'