s^sjiirai^$^ $pt^;%*$s^ if* m^:- St, LottteliWriilf to V)$W0Mffi$ 40,000:: #|p^§CL ... ttrtto^^ife* ^7th da* i (flecttott will b« Jt«ld ai lull Wllm^t^ 1^ flplic,-___ l%IMn«ee<k McP^ertrwbdlTlf^ the Tillage;yef Wllmette, oounty '*;**: - * V i»**|e Of l«*fioI*,< The ppUs of ^^JJ^JMilllif^^ :^)i^J^:l^?-^ip^5i^ tffii H ,!v-<'"i' *4. .'Uti*;^ 5#I*fe til Mjflft." il it'«miMIWMm»wmmrW1imriMW^ *«£S«feJKIMiS*^^ st. i^i^-^^iiii#^ Dr William H. Palmore of St Louis told Sunday. of^ l|la^^^W^^it«,'tffU* ^ Europe ands^hf 01 WfiH *-" ^ He said hfiT moW*^i»uM*iit!* ef* pioit was a nocturnal expedition, at the risk of his life, to the tomb on \Tount H6r, fit^^ f a^ ^iabla» o* Aaron, brot^ of J|p|ea aw the first i.gh priest or ^HStfrews. ;t Dr. Palmore, a confederate veteran, i? editor of the St Louis Christian Advocate and 4 leader In the south- em division of the Methodist Bpis- cap&i church. j' For three days Dr. Polmore jeered in Petra among the Bedoui^ plan- nirnr now to reach the littte ;*pso.t*e, the white dome of which hAoouId juh' perceive on the mounta^sjj^ bar- Custodlana Quit Wos^Pi^ To his aatlsfacUon he,learned that the custodian of tie sanctuary locked the mosque every night, and descend «"» into ffetra to steep; His guide succeeded In possessing himself of a key .to'Jfef mosque. ^ i Ate on the last night of his etay in Petra Dr. Palmore stole out •«< the city, attended by his guide and by his soldiers. £'•'* When the little party at last stood on the mountain top they found the mosque to be a ramshackle building rof white atones, rudely plleC to- gether. The guide applied, his stolen key to the lock,, and the door swung open. Inscription JW^IT "I found myself 4^ a cHapel t4o feet," says Dr, Palmare. .'fy^C* iding to the Moslem custom it con- tained no seats. It was bare* aave that iu the center stood a cenotaph, u, taipty sarcophagus, covered with * ^reen cloth. Carved In the atone w a an inscription in Hebrew, so uca.iy obliterated by time that J could not decipher it I calculated that the ins^pUfln was mom tb4» 2.0U0 years .oV&vi'$i§M waa also a ' Ickci.j carved on the cenotaph in biodem Arabic. " iV i had little time to waste, for I >^ confident tbAt U the Araba, in th« valley discovered my departure ana traced me to thet raoso^e tney wot i kin *n^i| %mwm$, ?:,.<■% covired a hole in the"ffoor, repealing a night of stairs cut in the rock and ■ lfcadiug downward!" & ,-. ~r. '■■■■,■ $ 'Holding my candle aloft, I ftfe- Bceuded the steps an^^ound myself in au unlighted cay^ pjy^geat- ' Like the mosque* ^fSSS^6 rude But across "one'. m& were Btreuned two oh^^^J^Hpobtln^^a afeaiust intruders, and SHA IfHft ,huii6 a UtterM^ilirtSiM^^B- ?^- "i stepped over the chains and 8**11 the curtain aside. Thje sealed^ entrance to a natural vault was re? Sealed, and ^^anir j&t yip toin^ Of Aaron." : There was little'time for sacred reverie, for, if day broke before he desceoded the mountain, his-.«rran4 ^&ht be detected and avenged by the Arabs of the valley. 9% Dr. Pak.ure, after touching 7the seaJed ▼auit reverently with Ws hand,^S^ cen,it u the stairs, passed through the mosque, and stc^ akain $ii ^ie dpen H..- guide gravely Kicked the door I and c yncealed thike^dwee rno^e In ais garments, t^^&^j inade ,l*s ^a> safely back to Petra without dis- covery, and within a few hours was \fr£2?:$wm ;-.r'/ -i:-: -■'c.-i. M "'■■■■ ."!-:■■'■;•'■>- '••■■■^\V>*m:- rvVJ.,v'^V ;;^:;i;A*;V /.■;'■• ' Travelers'^mpl#8;:#l;^ fresh, new fall ai# wiite^^ chiffons and ttiessa'ine sitfe rifet^ and laces, in S^ shades and staple black taffeti^lks. l-M*1 3m • *"S -fay THESE ARE GREAT |BXR- GAlfcS AT THESE PRtdlS ru M% *mmm ■!*.".&! :WI &V0U |d $10.00 I i^ m s^ I'.yf' ! *f *>. ar * '$*":r$!t^ -\ i# '12'6^1 <te>ri!V> :.^', Tan Mixl Black Sen 40; Tan ure, Hue Serge, size 40; f» Stripe Mixture, size - P*i rge. ?H5*f# ^« Tan stripe, sizes 1| and 38; gfeen mixture, size 38;grey stripe mixtures, size 38; grey mixtures, sizes 34 and 38; blue serge, size 18; blue voile, size 4Q§ tan mixture, size 38V «! . mm Kl ,':-3 '■*■■ mil '**8 away oft- trip north. 3; TRANSFlEfW. *fyr^T. pjs- ■ RWflevMle. :" |:«ick Setai«ig^j^j^^ of We offer a unif0tiai reduction of 20 per cent on all Furniture during August. Special Close-out Prices on all Porch^ furniture, pieces are suitable for house use. m :':l l^m lf% ■.■% Evanston Phone 1024 Wilmette Phone 600 .;*»'-tf; ■•* •?'?: Fountain Square mi /isf ,.^^i'; ^ygiMiii .- ;* l3