half-holiday ments WtflTJI^. era) closl»« 6JSl But neit a -be women for the ing in this5 isfled wlfh ginning they was the --„ .___ ^.-._.-;VJ_..;,;,,, dosed. ^i^im^^Bf^mm^ £ifi^ m As it was l«te atthe the agitatlotf^i^ month later before i^t» fere Uined, the woiiie^^ possible to inatigate «| here this aeMOlli-w|S#:|-, J^#^»^m^ One of the^a^ona a^yMM^agalwst the Saturday <^f^^ppi^l^r people are paid on thAt 6^ that they are forced to wait unm after they re- ceive their wages befoi^ 0ey «^ pnr- chase their goods for Oie^oat To oflset tWa committees iHf women ar* at work .tiurontife^^|^i|^^|i^W endeavor to l^av^|lm^i^.^^^ 1' universal pf^,tf|a8i^"::i':® ^^:T:^. *■■■& K' One of thB*t*m&*rtumw if in favor dEtii ;l|iip|^|ij>»^i^ V that It wottM «lvo the <dera^ *«| pppor- I tonlty to '^*j*fftoi^ !: of oeii»« act aa^ aa It hito Cwiada, Ei ta a day ©*;ili|h4^^ fa In this state t^ a great holiday de- W voted to jifteja^jji^^^ l|. The merclianta are Tiot oppoaed en- jt tlrely to 8atnrday elosina; hoi ^ :|pP^a*a#tlP4§ perintendent; at the building/ The ina^rwtor^ injury Tecb^c^/rtjh«a WW ho in the Haven school bui^^ *da^4fg»jN?&^ to conanlt with pa^t^U regarding the ■^Hy^tr the «wWi«a|^M^ ft§I§> views give a\ fair Idea of aaaton jaw4e*a^$»^ , holiday ojia^|p^p^^:' OaKAAj^KMg^§k§j§^^^"jA §BaaV' • * IIV|V^npiPa^||9ir<|k - -I believe the 8atniW half lathe only Way to....." .laid WlQIaai & Iiord.' ^at*itoav painty that ttwi Igeda^rtayha^ pmy la a faJlnm It reaolto lfr altt/oat Ufa complete loan fo* the day. ay basto< ■n along tta »»tk »6re. MUrt Chicago atmea «l« te s^orea to tba jontlylng JaaUlito ws^ atone the In tov^sa^ile^l^^ "It wo*! todoaa^i "Womow^OBttOro on phe peo^ to th^itttlytiig oielrieto a Sntf^day* that it ha' smbci to totnoaathto to got toto tho laaat t|t parfhtotog on :^S^" iDiha* hitti ^e> -.,.»..>.=.^^.f^,,.,.iy'.^iiiiiiil && MJ&^ t« the Silftr^rs From W^M&^fM to AugTiat imtU mid-September "o|i|fiiii»^^ :cto1ifci#b^^ ^littme thirty-eight years ago ^ a Jfla«#i^^ UTANK : Eighty girls and boys of JJvanaton took *i^ to the swimming e^iM Saturday; afternoon m tte tank of ^rthweaiein gynaalum, toider the direction of Tom Robinson, swimming ^ It *>**Ii»^^ ed^thl^^ before 8atajrday. The fol^wing Inter- over the ahow vjpa%^^ Siala^^iai^ S^et^^|»80)^i^ tontans were to the crowd. Their purpose in hoi*©!^ <^^^ faoetione.; • S^/glitt^ poke i^^r&-iBifcsmvi^^ amnaing experiences and see wno could ye>te:,;^>::tt^^ Original venie was compoaed and read for the delecatlon of the aneea- Ing aodience. One of these elrttaioha. tSi' by Adaltoe Blrain, aocond; Third claws Won har ««*• .wjfff aeM; Helen Sobatx,; Bobate third, tt jian; Dorothy Havdontooolt aeoond; Hargaret Wolcott. third. K aeeonda, 'i fifth: olaaa Won by J*afa>hw::.;;||fh ^^^ wards; j|iawlil» W #R*^^5B7torisiw «i imam***** fancy divtag and ^roogh howse** awtm- isimg, aa^ ttea eoinpotod to aevoral races, the winners of whtoh are a* follows: -- Btohtysyard awim--Won by Ilaa Hayfofd, l:tt. ' t-y,- .■■*; .'. . gfrrtyvyMd 'swtoa-^W««^ :a^g.|ie% Bayford. 0:5S. . -.-^.^.^..^ v Itarty-yard awtoa--Won by Gocdow ,^_.:. . ,,...... Baaaamy, 0:e* .. '■-,"•;>-..^-:;^v--',':jr vwy aiafllaj J^^^-||jj|^^ avtolg ot ;lias*a*|lis1i Ska la K years oM. sM «l_ ««*•* hn«*« aba swain the fkB qg M;- •PCEDalRg TAKCM. ajMt¥^oit;|3|sk; mer aephyra begin wafting the toxl<r dies haa brought forthnea to hundreda p9 ^a*^;"-. - --:■"':--■ -^'.v "'. '4.' Just :^^-M:^t^S^S&^i^M This sneesing mim* &;.2&*^m& I've tried itf"-la]aW:^-lM :if«»i^^^. rvo hailed aU o^tacka with fond be- S i$}. -. ■.A--3f!.f"/r*?^?*\" . "--i"t * <*. '--Vi ■"'•'■"';- j ^ ? . '^a'.^!r**"i "*'X'-v*' *£$£*$*'* ."Bnt "ip»#: wild. ^eajs^V-'llvv^,^^ My nasal l|bifiBg%r^y-^^^^^^ It to to suffer anTforget g:^|CM; -Wtotto^ .lajisjsjttaejr ,ihro;. met-- ^r.r-; rve got to A-whoe* I: »i*i*^%* ;^^ ,3k i^Si^b r; Th« Kvaaaton largo nwrnber of apeodera aatardny asd Snnatoy. Vtorty in toe season the l»cJk» wen a«tlv^ and arrests wore fre^sMt, to fa^thero.wero asn^ny as tolrty to ono day. ^ srreat aa thto cajswrt tb« ntotortoto to a littto bettor. "ItmtmH^^ W ©sr «m*ea to tM l^VSv??^ •stok too -^■if^v?-1-*^ ;,-|f;i,jjiri1i iguTrf-Hii.iit^it^ 323 W. ICADIdON «T SPEC1AL15 ^^^2^S."'s* '?■■ PMMH :»^, -*--i,* ft fe^te^s e:c «i-: ■■... «!Ff ■MM* peai ■*i-"i^*»; ;.» w FaUa*& W&Sp^!^ i&m£: .-■u.5 «fc*.»j;i= ?"4i^ai" !«• ■P|WPi^«S<iflW»*»*W**»«««*--P"