Orrlngt«J»f Monday Wis. MlBft and llr< wood park. :-.-3§fg8 The MiBW» of Cedar Miss M street. Mrs. place, Monday at Green Mr. Fr$d bankriOMl a vacatiott i; af. Lake 0jfip{§||| Mrs. OT^||$f Miss Eva Jf^ Iting relaHiiife six weeks/:iii^||ppp||p|^^ i Prof. W.;!^"^;;/'"" >. department* W^^mmsmWW^^M £ and family will ■ their vacation, at Sayner, ^fltfo Cover* were arranged returned Saturday from a delightful f Custer avenue, ;. geant Johnson* h from fr-tm>t&*&&,.. .s,,.f,.-.„,,._,1„^,..,._ ) 'vi:t#dar after. a viidt . t|^»*^ { Mi» Rose Moore, of tfie I in the Rood build I Mr. William sen's grocerf! I 'tion. Mr. ^__ ^vacation ^^^M^^f^^tt ton of Chicago., more H^elles and" ft Madison ; atreet^ m Hammed fclft m for home' will ^rr^i||p?i|pp^i|i^_^ ._,.., " Announ®6l|j|i^ ^gagement^ ^722 OiTiili^g|| -Moore of *t Palo AH^™^..v„_, ' g«et for the *edd Henry B&nW|iii,._ ..^ ie, will fnllppp/"^^ morrow night at- So the nad^i^iilp^fi^fHll^ W^tflJ JHifllife Mwo* an* her rtrter, Ml* HeJfH Fel- """............."...........;?|iMj^ avea for bl|«njwwi lis friends Mr. John ^western barber ;.^^4PWWfc^i tol^ililr1;! Hue, has bou |:||lellus Sweet, tad is bulldta* jBrbslow si^'l0^^^IM0^^0i0 im^e next w^J^p|^i«i|^l^ jjpue to 17M, jpg^jj||^^|^^8 | Annouu S$jg|i EvanstoBi _ pltpth "The," **-*-to--**J Cr**™^ the National ~ ^premperance ;;P^te abont;Jii p^arried oaoi; tth to »tt; w% & IWi at lijiUpsfo*1'** W* antfu%|jri »■Catb4i^:l^|i^ip|p ■apt^lit. trom Hwaifaner, i»ju, :~f^'C^j: '^^■lii^i^few* ilii|ker ^oi the ,Ear^i||ii|ii^ '^^■.■..■oi.-Jf apartments, after spending several ' moaU« in the south and east, ifl a*%ln ... /$£$*■. tbe; 'ittejtti ■ #•' |Mi--"iNiQM!ii^v-'.|ifc.. Mr. and Mtb. ^TanK ua.reu, mm» street, are <m a trip to the Thonsand $s ,wood apartments :|^:Ja^v i^li^^. for*week^«^^ outing at Lake Marie, 111. Street, has ^ne with Mrs.' Harold Gria- ' wold, 1232 ;.|)p^^alj^^' i%f*#>#' AtiaX^Mi&l&^. •- :'"vV^ ^^ :'^V!»' ■' '■ ,;iteiilpGr#ii#;ai#:»^ ^a^^'^le^e^iB. •fi^ijttfjf^^| Creek, Mich, has returned to his homa gnat'? Jfc" ^eriitic^m^rb;^, iepnei- J|ri|fc.^'%ya^ Leonard son, ^0l3^Mpl^v|^^ ' ;a^i^^hb^^llla^^'..;--'-^; ; ^"f ?•" 1 ■£&& ^andvJBfr^i .If^pjK^:, Franien and tsofcs' ^-'^^^Bfl|i^|o^5:8^^ turned Saturday from a t^:-#ieic»^ 0«tin« at Saugatuck, Mich, v ^* *J'* ..............f^^^WtiS9i Bend, infl^ afe th#:gueftfl of Mra. C. W^ elle of _____^l^r- ^^^^on^'Slar Lak^, ^ " #>•-!. ..#.!• |ii^ife~iT^^and^ ^^to< '/'v;^^a^^ib« .Bn^:|>#r^, ^^l^tf^^aiilMN^ ^;?*^%- '"" ll^l^fe^ile. from Nllei^ _^ j^ll^^^^M <^cajfc> KiflB during tha ;a^iiliB|^iif*........... ■|^;.A|:^;3|iirriy:v>ii speaking S(tttta*yt^jife^^ ^i^aiildra^ ^|(ht^':iiM»to» :'^:m^§0^ ^i#^^:pi!^':^i^^,-l^. f__ •rei^'ltei^ I Hiifr^ortaw.Vltt, liter spendingai ^^^^P^^l^^isol stTeet, and her two nephews and nieoe j^i^^l^^attw weeks camping there. ■ •■ ■ "^ a : \-';:#^ The engatement of Miss Eteanor S. Anderson* danghter of Dr. and Mra* ^B^^^M^J^mo^^ <& q&loraM is announced. tt^^ estate fl^ the Chicago Title and Trust Company ;ifend»^: ;t^ai|^s^BI^aa^v^|^ Bennottresldeaat street her Ridge avenlie residence until the flrat of n«xt l^f^ an4 will spend the Fffitim*. Mr»? ^tiii .i^i^^^^ ii*i#i^^^ Announcement i» made of the wed- ding of Ml« GndTonGi^afton,.'■• «ra*>' ate, '•Ba0^iik^M^^0Mi^^ cnrr^iai*id|^^ 'be.;;:iit:"J n^^f'llGP^^^^ ap^ding the dimmer ^itb heV dan^^ ' ter, Mr* Merritt MoH of Bflckiorxlr lil/haai^tortted totlM>^h^ exp«c*» to more j(nto home 6J' "KliiK* wid te'"' jfi%i^- iiSw^^^lsii" weeka*, tod ChorcheR joying a avenue, who has t lakes of " Ji|-f^|^ia^;W <r™. ..•■ '■Ai\Vr;-i ,^J'ff ■,'.:,U ties, • 't't< ■■: V;..->i'.V..Vi:Jr«u,1 t*tira^; ;C|a«ii^ll^:5i|^^ l^rllaizor, R^ger Kllby, 0«<«r Rothbert, laiaabath Thoma« iMMa