Young Lads, f fited by This I Met With on No r- x^"m§m^m AH of the vJllaief/,^^ shore, from ET»rBli8ti^'^^i;i%?|^^^ coe, were vl»it^"te3l^^,^W:^P5J' by three Chicago :-bli&;j*^^^ .-whose mission was/':toV;c1rlitf«^ *est in a "hiking" .q^^lj^M^^^ in time, take in e^e^0iji^;^ lage between Chicago 'ii^0^f^S^ The three lads met-:with:i^^W^: l«ess in all of the Jake >*hore,«***-' plages. As they spent l^t^fclsh^ ^Hme in each place--0vir^:00gk^: ||Me to reach every ^ii$f^g.^0^i' ifman, but those that w^'IfcikidS #L ^^*m,******mm displayed mnch interest »^ £ Noah and HerscheH :rcafr an4 ;Neigler, all three members ©f thei,ifc* ^Kinle# high school, slt&ts^pg" "t^f north side of Chicago, a« the origin** tora^ of the club. &0£ ganized a "hiking" clirt^ , „ _ _ schoolmates gome time «p,^*tt |met with such sac^|!|^§|i|K^fe tided to enlarge the otgaiiiiattoa all along the north terian church of Wllinette, ttatitif hi« v.;'. home 'y^^^^^-:^^)J% of the Sunday aenrtoea ^at the Mick/ tod besidea tbo nnmerona at- tractions of Little Traverse Bar. hat* enjoyed the privileges of th* wtotangua assmnwy. |. .w,,, /., Prtor to going to Bar View Mrs. Wll. attended the Miationary confer- Mrs. Milton "» fTisa ;*ji)ipji^ .......;*lj*"the >Wiln|#jL^ . t;':fe$ind^ , ;J^e north shore, end pi8ft$^ ___^Sjjeto^ t were.jnjtde. Real Indians, jfeal cowboys ^wefe.; !wb«i" ^nf iai^o^^^:;;io$if:; and real the 'i 5<»mpa^1ia^ 1*0 bluff bveriopking the :tit;;8arito*V':wnn^ the to*. work of the MJajionary exposition. The evening prelude at the Presby- _ l&rmn^imn^ The lads started from Monday morning on a hike to Mil* liinkee, and it was their intention lib create interest in the movement ill'the places en route. r. VX^: :y ',':'. I Separate Organization*. There is to be a separate organixa- Jion in each of the village^ bi^theM [ wfll all be affiliated with the parent Wy, the hiking club at the McKin- $tf. high school. --— -~7r^~~:'^r; * \^ I^The feature of the movement is tfctt the expense la so Blight that It The management of the *lna con- cern stationed guards at ^he edge of tbsr outdoor stage to keep the crowds not of ike picture, ^af :ibs6to^p*» sistlng mostly of childrmi, willingly stood at the i^o^reii d^stane* to be allowed to witness the novel sight* One day the audience was to a, most realiatie battle Africa, gave a f«f Interesting and in structive talk on that conntry and his work as a missionary there last Sun- day evening at the M. B. church of Wllinette.- . Thii^ryke_was to c»a?ge ot the Bpworth league and the leagues of the Bvanston sub-district were invited to meet with them, 9ome of the remarks made by Br. Tfrril were: '---VX*. "There are two hundred thousand iil not stand in the^wiiy i| imy 4ad{jhe|^hea *<> every fr%^~***- m #1^^ ^ thef watrtag twrttoM and wlw^ air was clear once more the ° X |#«W" wjw^tewiiii^ w^^daa# ft»^»| ^jgLllice«li^fnha ^ — ^ ' - ■ -'--■• r mdisn Massacre. | •^Wlb wishes to' join. Tfci^f&lL ^^fat- fine to make man*.*, tont to create ?*n interest in walking: among the :|fcger generatlo^MZ^^:'X^-£S The three lads have been devotees I walking for four years, and It is Pwuse of the great benefit they daim it has brought them that they IB* advocating it among others, /-;%:% The lads visited the editors in all yf|the places visited and secured the p»eratfon of the papers. >fc this ^t ^ef hoDe to r^>e^ tor \W*. ^Ueves In plenty of fresh air #* exercise. ..aaia#„«isJjiB>. want:.;*avjhi- boys who have not beea In the it of spending mneh time ovt- To Interest Girts. ^*« boys, however,'-Wee w»t t»a or parent body. parefEts>' who. wbdi to Fox, >I4« Haddon aveane, who. win be gte< to forward heathenism of Africa Is the worship of idols, but the worship of evil spirits.,-^ mined, by the number of wives he has. He can have as many as he can afford to bay. A good wife costing about |125. Sometimes they barter for a wife, a cow may be traded for one and sometimes Area cows, according to the value of the cow, not the woman. One chief owns thirty wives and baa seventy children, ^r ^The women do all the labor. Ifeoy carry the sand, mil the flHftar, thatch Utetoofa,tofactdesJl«i^w^ is done, carrying «U 1m**am*9*:;bi«*; dies on their bead, frosn a glass of water to the heaviest loads. fence Is causing riglit ailiglas to the only available r^ a train persons coming to the station in auto- mobiles or o*^r w«*^-^* s^ i^ WhlUthVst«4b4Pl^<»t^^^^^^ slWlHy with tWa obstruction, f^gs ■ ^iiiow^li^i^dlil: w^:'*# ie rattroad ooi»im«V erected the 40^ ^^oni^'ol^iif^ was agnta In tao fence, vitaUy the track, who art most rtsiish o»'««*. <» »t lM»t " VJgi ii^jTI Zakwinski, W^l ■f^Sff ..TT??*^ W^f^JI f^'/^T^JI^iJff.?^* -,^:^ /f ■• *H|e_ elder Zakwinski isjg ;s||ft^j^i^^^^ n^nl|^;'/c^:"'the and take tlte i:y$&f$ mr-------,J9t ww^ Hem *«, -In one of tbeae settlements the py ones to be honeflted by the new chief came forward to »*i»*^*.mttv *"" lent, as the girls are to be slonaries as fliay were *~* in later on. ir la the plan of •• organixer to gist the boyn to ngs* J« organisation first and then to» •* girl friends of the benefits to derived of hiking, and have the 1 form orgmnisatlons of tneir own ►_form clubs of their own to be ff1^1^ with -the AD snaking hands with them be snld, 1 have no objection to you niaking Chris- tians nf my" young men. I nm too oM how to learn how lo bn a Christian bat yon can make Christiana elf them If*©* want to, for is^aj^Jbe^nmn after they are Christians than before.' X-Tnero '^ are *w?«Ui*a©"; >'«ntt»n preachers connected wr* tl* Inhanv boys ^__________________ ^^^.^ . .-.»--. av J^ *** ^^^^■^fi^ iaaW district getting a smXary of it* dollars a month.' ;:'.-:^f.-^'-, w^ tjus i- local BnU Thnrwday evening In _ where *-i'.if-'?-'#-iAr'-'- On another day a picture portray- ing the life of the early settlers in the eastern states was made, fnw Indians, coached by a competent di- rector, "massacred" the whites with all the fierceness that marked the real battles staged many years ago by real waning Indians, : i The picture that created the est amount of "*rtu*»i w«» tne oito siwwing a battle between the Indiana and George Washington and his men. Dressed in true colonial style, the men, led by the man who never toM | a lie, successfuUy defended their homes. To the children, who are at the age when they study and ilm&M the fierce fights of their ancestors with the redskins, the scene was very realistic When the Indians had been driven back "George Washington** was seen to walk among his men that bad been '*kUledw dnrlng the fight . The Indians that took part In thn picture-making were all fiilfcbk>cded red men, having been secured from one of Qw western reservattona^ The cowboys were alt ftrst^laas riders, while the other actors were able to portray their parts with an anaetness that left no detail to be wanting. >': ■ ..' ■ • ■'*• Vim tlttto Protest ■■ When the company with its force of actora made its in Wilmette there were phvints heard, but the employes of the film concern proved to be very orderly, and becanse of the sight be- ing an unusual one the words of pro- tost were drowned^in the talk cre- ated each day by the scenes on the It k smder^rtood the company Is contemplating taking niany more phv tares on the Wlteetto beech before cold weather sets m, as the %| Mid to l»e as nemrly perfect for aaeto^es;j.mi"*enai,::;'W- it win eeet IWtns t& imt m W» ofXm ifis^^y^mm..frsj** obminr ^f^X%m-::mm:^^M^ the ItofiW?^^ boanl Tnesday:.'&mek-*^$B£^ Bual appropriation ortinance was •!^ied:M^';bbarda^-^ f^i»wsii*milt'* acting chairman of the Citisens' asso- ciation, MiM^Jim#*^M$M 1*^ to continue the work that the association hasil^.^/I^J^'-3^' told the board of the progress of the organisation's work for tnw nnrtlr ^|^^rniisii»:I^^ as#sd,p«r-; mission to erect a building onBta street ^ be on n into lirllfc tie other buildli^s, the l>cnrd refused to issue the permit, " having, been foond that ^:;j|astttl:^a^hfnm^ side Of Blm street between Linden ATenne and Chestnut street extend eight Inches on village property. : J:. ^•|5rne^ mmr4iWi mm «msJk«eintlmi the advisability of sending; Dr. SX p* dehnelder, village healtb commis- of-Bbi«bH OScera, which^ will convene Im Waah- ington, D-. C, the latter nart of Sep- it illegal for js 4&&&W*y*tiri** miotor vehicle to open tke mnffler witnm the Hmtta of the wlttace. All caTenders ^^S^M^'^'1^' ;^m»^:mic..mWW:<fis^::l^ ^Tneconndl decided to bny two iew pairs of rubber js^%adtwo n Jw«w" rs*|mr' ©an the nah m the rowboat "^'-JlMr^rnre^ boat and were ta^en to Jhe Chies^^^^^ market ' '411, during the snwmer ^ father had waraed the lad tp be cfU^; fish from one -bjait A.jlto'.l^^'dlg wm?m* '" reachsd -' 'thef^ ntototbos^slil^ fish. The father got into the boat: while the lad remained rdwl>Mt to hand ihe boxes of •lh^--irtwa^ 'saBCldeWt1'halppwa^ and placed one foet on the Ab^ne^;wae: fstherfiU fc^ slipper and could swim and the, father Raited for^ him to come np^ an4 wai give him a helping Imnd;^ :^!The boy:"did::n«|;^^^'^^ face The tmdewurrent cnased the lai«e pomps that i^ise the water from the JsJte to tte canat suckfd -him d^wnand beyc^ ttw aid of tis- father. SeveraJ other fishernien wer% t hand, and when the fright* ither called tor aid they to the