*' '■ . :, ,■ ".'.Sat!1,'*' ..(TP.,'.'?'1 I*-'.' "■; . '■ ■ *•> ■ V. ;. -."V •> -■■ "f ,? *i...... I -;MM& eosf at $60,000 Mil. Ja«rt« Qflf« !• to toOffttock, MIm Catliertoe Howard is visiting friends in "J**e|*§iu$p^^ *lth lliitidi^ „ ;;^; ;|*|: ;. 1 Mfc. and -i^':0i^-:S^:0iS^. last week;vfr^:»olU^ . MIa» Hel«n BCartia i» Tialting wltb relatives at Michigan City, Ind. :\ V Miss Margaret Zieaing entertained with bridge laat Tuesday afternoon. u'iSS»_ Peggy Cochran of Siou* City. I^PWlahi priests, as apostles of law pino*^jjflfliji*. are to try tp accomplish Oihtt#1&rahston baa failed in for P yeartf--4he taking of the "blind pig" !fctla#^on:%;tbe'weat'of the *&* limits. It Is said to be the moat law- -l^-b^caaae known laat week that ranston real estate dealer has imated a sale to the Catholic & of a half block of property between Florence and Wesley ivenue* and Wilder street lll^i^Polish archbishop represent the chnrch in its dealing* with Minn., U W* iflsJk^^j^ Thomas. - ■■ - "-":*' ■' ?v ■ ' -'■*"fe Mrs. Ben Newhall and Mrs. William Johnson left last ;week;^for. Xbrth Manltou Island. Miss Mary Murdow has arrived home from a four months' visit at San Francisco, Cal. /■*.v-,x%,r' * ii it%;, ,„|ifj.-. ~"■,' ,,'ii'fr%fe£ ifgl. ? !*^fPiPHi^PSSSPiPI <#: fo* x speAdIcll^^#^jU.v ,,^WTOf™, hospital ift^ftj&&^ $$# -:xi.e ■-■ - ■■ ^■^ mkummmm Mlsji %cBj*en, whohas been ;tnewi*jS issue %t^r feUo^etUje^ last week for ther home in Toronto. £' Marjory Miller entertained a num- ber of her lltUe friends with a birth- day party lasi Thursday from 3 !&:&;*; Mrs. Markbam B. Orde entertained last'week. the ladies' aid of the Methodist Episcopal ehi^ llam W^^^^Q^mi';$^:^0^^ W^dlaw»;^*efl(ti# ^ip^^aT"""'"" Mr. Isaac McCurdy and s^n, Law- rence, and Paul and Donald who have been camping on Rock River near Dixon, 111., have returned WORK ON Work on the new park being built by the city between the Northwest- ern depot and the Northwestern "L" v..:,x^«i<?/' aaid the realty man, who re> |l|^i»^d':that his name be withheld. .{ .„■..•_■*. tem^ awhbishop said J* was his •te«o« * ***» »*^ Bvanston, is g^pnrpese to conquer the lawless spirit Progressing rapidly. | ^ of the foreigners in the neighbor- P^^nof<i?«'-Plane are drawn for a $60,000 ^P^KtrW""and 'a' parochial school .; l^yTeams and workmen, already are ex- '^^eavating at the site." Good Idea. **Who Is the patron saint of muslor* Inquired the student .^pjil/:.ikpit' .ejt- musict" rejoined the professor. 'Tf you allude to ragtime ! should say Vitus."--Washington Star* ^ Many Fights Were Stagecl. - ,^t,;c- Cutllnga imd' shootings have been ^-* common lis, this foreign settlement r It is said there are now three 'men o| in Bvanston hospitals suffering with f^fwtftt.;. ■ incurred ;-'In "bHnd; pigM ;;'-|^)w^sf^i>ihe district: Deputy sheriffs have made regular ds on the district, but liquor con- j^^^^|se:,.s|^;v.. Muniolpal assocla- >wprk for nearly a /ib have the ter- Evanston.. George ha4rvbe4 personal charge the present time ^^thla ^ half doaen name* matter placed be- F city council for the purpose an election to have the to a vote of the people. » have It annexed It is necessary not only secure the permission of majority of the land owners, but .also a majority vote of the citizens | beth of the territory and of EJvans- len.^'i?^, t; The black dirt for the cov- ering is expected to arrive in a few days, at which time a gang of men will set at work smoothing over the track.. The land has been donated to the city by the St Paul railroad, the road furnishing the dirt and material, while the city has taken the responsibility of complet- ing the work. It Is expected to be finished by fall. When Troubles JU < soon as a married w< $50 saved; up she becomes oppressed by the thought that she is merely cumulating a fortune for th- ■ wift to '■. spend.--LoulsVill^........... p'/'lt has been hard work," said Mr. S'■$*&&&■ recently. "I have had /little assistance. Many of the own- ^ers ar1» sJ8cattered all over t^e United States. I now have within a half dozen names of enough to have the propositlou placed ^ ^before the couhcU to call an election tp have ^e^::pa|fcer voted «ipt>n> ^ ^ ■■">.• rr'. i||g#Hr^mpleU Names,' W$^^0i&:&9^ ,l'-will haye f«^iu0m0^^^^^^» the, ^^;:^y:i^j.kikm it favorably. put an end to the law- |i^^^t%: :tor^ ;terrUorl#:;: ' t^-1»ft*n^eS^^y^la» #nr ^Inis^^tog^ ^-Wif- !0^mMim^^^ with the con- .........inhabltanU of the diatriol are es the liav^;i:i|^i/^ P§of '&*< Wt^iSxbHmm^ 4^-&:^^ pm^m, however, without ^ funds. 1* opttaistl^ however, and is ^sm^ii^f^^r^r^^ ;Pllias^imtiiir-wirti^ U U mueta-like marriage,** Tta Inn of the Mild Henry- . The inn "of the mild Henry (sum sanften Heinrlcb) in a little town of Posen has evidently changed hands during its career, for there is at least an. intimation, In an advertisement recently inserted In a Posen new»pa* per by Hermann Dunkelberg, the present owner, that he may not be espeelally mild. The advertisement reads:' "It has come to my notice that I am accused of having de- nounced coHeagues because they suf • lered Tannebaum" (a forbidden game) "to be played in their places. As I have no desire to waste my time m court,' I hereby promise three marks to anybody who believed this report out of lack of brains, five marks to anybody who spread it be- cause of malice and ten marks to the originator of it, which he can get on personal application to me. Will pay fair price for a good, usable bullwhlp. Herman Dunkelberg, Inn of the Henry." (i :" .■ ... i^v •■ ■? s '■<-i»»ii..:iiHi»i 11'jr :f ;■:• .. .t".,; ,„■:■ #$$ ,' . - ■- ■ '■■-. • ■•■.-'■. -" ■ .*,.;• .- '>"-■'■ ■.;'-' ■•■.■ .'■"■*i«#*«s f ■" ■ Net g-"weniisj|ieJM;4S4i|flajnja^^ $ la linden the saioona are open di' '- Siwdays oetween the lMura of tifree and fire in the afternoon. A couple ' of roughs were. standing in front of one of these acconimodations waiting. for it to open wlien a iSalvatien Army E don^yoir know that when y^-enter •*Wj Star.' ' ;'^'~-,'*S""'^-^" ^J5-'w"viii 1131'GN^Ieif ^*«iii|| Ci ■i :.':Wtt^Mtillti^;M ^ ^ ^n^rtM^i to fce^ that Dubb- t^ h«v# a_si»l«dld eonsUttt- !« r^ * t-j^ |t^3 A;,:,_' & i^^^y^^'^^'J^ y^pfe?' P^SjiJ^^! illlil^^ •llli^l^ll^.^^ high •tl ^^■w^^mliffzr^j r -.r,r .w^ag life ««^-^?i^ A •. *« T^fy yc«4g geatlemaa^ after s^ wyP«B^"' yeiai^sjetBi ^ m Wi. Let T1m» inind «w^ be^^ . T_ _ th« enM^s ee^ ^ A Stan caa never be a pmttoaop^eV unUl he can >m^ strtinsjslt'tlii^ ei^ but such enwUow wiU neve> go wild if rea«» is virteallT active. fe-Ss ^a,; ICC1 I rs tt'shclch- wpfei &t1 pit^ mil ^^^■^■f.'*!^,; ji': j'.»g r^ niiii^^ »■.. rr v L; jjiiii; i L iiwjr • y^lTy h ;i.rir &■'.V:: »fl tog th#i eM many novel ?1 2®*M EltS