L Theory BWimaftlV- Lous Boston m^m |utHisTheorle$ireS<f^ By Evar^nitfli |t so, sAVr â- ^everything t*oi* J***« «£ CTnipple to tobacco *4 «£*«£ have launched a new light, this e against the ->lrtm«toV.e*e of n«m m *e home ot ***•* b6fM culture an eminent physician Hat Juced the universal cleansing 718 really a carrier of bugs and i«*bes. According to bis theory. In* time a man lathers *i| face for rtai he IB applying a. coating of mi Lake shore people laugh at sp Sterne* of the learned Boston foysician. Dr j J. Mullowney of the Boston m^i 'of health is the man who Sd avoid the germ in a cake of m by throwing the soap away and dig a solution of carbolic add. goao manufacturers and soap scion- tots "have come back at the doctor rife satirical denunciations, Jeering wghter and with seven pages of exploiting ot the matter in the "Soap jaiette and Perfumer." Miss Ui the YeJIowstoilCNsUoaal Park. j telned^lth^bridge Saturtar evwiing. • Miis Iwiiaibtth Packer has returned from Brooklyn, N. tl, where she spsnt â- thes^mnxer. . . „. ,v x> â- t^ikl Air. and Mrs. Sperry pope have re-1 turned from Columbus, O., where they spent the summer. ' â- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Clyde are the proud possessors of a baby boy, born last Weflnieeday morning. Mre. A. P. Crume, 314 Park avenue, Archer McLeiah has again resumed 1*1* studies at Yale. â- ;V.%i,^^-^i JMiaa Florence Weeks is hdme after aa extended tour through Europe.. The Ladlei' Aid society of the Meth- odist church met fuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs* W. A. Fox. The aiencoe BQual ^Suffrage associa- tion held a business meeting Monday at the home ot Mrs. Sherman N. Booth. *' ' R. L. Crume, who has been con- nected with the People's Gas Light 4k Coke company of Chicago, has re- signed his position to accept another through northern Canada. w â- â- ; hat returned from an extended trip with the Mlshawaka Light Manufac- tyring company of Mlshawaka, Ind. 'Mtimmmm^M 'tit Boston Doctor's As a carrier of germs the innocent appearing cake of washing soap, al- ways supposed to be a purifier, was the subject ot a warning by the Bos- ton board of health. Not only are the minute particles Of poisonous matter transmitted from one person to another by the public cake Of hand soap, but often the very com-s position of the soap is of itself .POi- wnous, according to the Boston doc- ir. Dr. Mullowney, in his report, is ho- lered to have been thinking of Chi- to when he wrote: "In my ex- ence in the west where much of ., soap used In America is made, found that all of the diseased ani- mals which are condemned by the [foternment inspectors in the big packing houses were used in the mfaciure of soap, which Is a by* induct of the meat 'industry. I think that uo animal soap should be mi ia i he washing of food uten- Wheii tht. soap scientists heard of [this report, one of their number, who |n|icribed himself simply "A. M.Min- Jtbfated that the "dog days" might fktjje been responsible for the attack Mhe poor little cake of soap. ^hiring the dog days," he said, "etrtain people are subject «to ha> fWnatious. Some see sea serpents, •tiers see mad dogB and still others |fet a glimpse of heaven and forth- [vtih start a hew religious cult, and [a few discover deadly germs in most j unexpected places; for instance in 3 on soap which we have always eved to be a potent agents when ts^Ued with water, to rid our person mf linen of germs of various [••Pfcles and degrees of ferocity." I Dr. Wilson, pastor of the Wilmette Presbyterian church, will speak Sun- day morning at H o'clock on "Abra- ham's Intercessory Prayer," with a sermonette to the children on "The Three Rules for the 'Cubs.'" The evening program at 7:45 o'clock will be a people's responsive service from the Gospel of John. Everyone on en tering the church will be p with a copy of the Gospel of John and the responsive passages will be from the first chapter, interspersed with ap- propriate hymns. The wen's chorus will sing two of the numbers and the male quartet one. The subject of the sermon will be "The Glory of the Word Made Flesh." The prayer meet- ing Wednesday night, Oct. 2, 8 o'clock, will be a young people's meeting and will be held at the home of Mr. Low, 1320 Central avenue. The Westminster circle of young la- dies resumes its meetings Tuesday at Miss jkigeimann's home, 1011 Green- leaf avenue, at 2:30 p. m. , The Men's league holds its initial meeting of the year at Mr. Bradley's, 1J04 Forest avenue, Friday, Oct. 4, 8 p. m. ; ' Mr. David Dangler of the National City Bank of Chicago will address the men on the subject, "The Contrast Between the American and Foreign Banking Systems." TBACHBK Aaanuion, CMtaao BVANSTONXTUQiO~r^m^l*â„¢M?i CHICAGO STUDrQ^Com&U^jk^Z Art, 9th Floor. Auditorium NEXT MONTH SET FOR LONCLEY'S CEREMONY arry 8. Lohgley, rector of St. Mark's Episcopal church, will be con- secrated as bishop suffragan for the Episcopal Church on October 23. The ceremony will take place In St. Mark's church, Bvanston. The ^ew bishop will at once pro- ceed to the diocese of Iowa, the plan of having a suffragan for that state being approved as'preferable to divid- ing the state Into two districts/ Friday. INERY EXHIBIT. ,nd Saturday, 3|Pt- 27 and 28, Mist" M. Fly|n^825^«rts street, WliyShlbit thWfcte*Jttodels in stMet and dreslKats^irer /all and winter. !*w rfv« 5 s Ladies* Home Journal Patterns Fountain S«|tiare Read AH the Latest Books for Only 2c a Day Our circulating Library, contaiis ab< volumes of late fiction. W&* bookJ*re ^ day of isauei To* We always able t> choose a good selection of the latest novels.! 4here are NO INITIATION FEES and NO DUES further than the RENTAL CHARGE OF 2c PER DAY. No charge made for less than 5c. Pretty Things That Small Babies Need Scientists Defend Soap. |>r. 0. C. Rnhland, chief bacteriolo- I& at Milwaukee, is one of the men **o has come to the defense of the •fteged germ-laden bar of soap. He Mlerted that the process of making jwip would kill the most Yirulent â- icrobe and this, in brief, was the i.'fjstrtlon of practically all the other •ofentists who hare taken np the sittrtlet. George A. Schmidt, *> Chicagoan, ••other defender of soap said: "It j*|a waste of time and energy to go \ details in regard to the atate- •^ats made by a person eridently ***y behind the times." The soap defenders agree that *jfo may continue shaving and that **men may contintie washing the *§Ms and use soap in the dperation ^faottt fear of contracting poisonous from the anireraal cleanser. No end of them can be found in our Infant's Wear Section, with its fascinating *bpw of beautHul dainty gar- Sou Accessories and nursery fittings of all sorts, and ^dless devices for making the mothersVdaily asks mm* a pleasure than a care. Dainty little gift things too. ' Infapts' Dresses in pleasing variety, 5cc to $500. Flannel or White Shirts, up from 50c Booties, crocheted and knit, at 25c, 35c» 5°°, *!.<*>• ; ^ Shirts in cotton and wool, silk and wool and pure wool, hands incomplete assortment. Figured Animal Blankets, in colors, large size, 85c Agents for those Arnold Goods for Baby. Toilet Sets of plain * celluloid. >0^ in UIRM! il i»:^» iLL or hand painted r---„&:-a&* lletldeaee Phons, Bvaoatoa S43I4-W. ARC UGH SPACES. THE HO HEATERS BEST AND CHEAPEST CONVENIENT R STO «$CBȣpbHTS RANGES, RADIATOR R HEA The Northwestern Gas Light and Coke 161 i Benson Avenue, Bvanston Telephone 93 Evans ton, Illinois Evipstoit^. Phone 1024 Wilmette Phont 600 Connects sll North Shore. No chsrfe k%&& me A N^w Departmentâ€" Q 4«fhie Decoration â- Wfe hive opened % new department devoted to II ih 1 ill III IF under the supervision of * com- iTdirebtor, who h*s had several years exper- ience in this line with the foremost firms. We show a large and exclusive line of fabrics, suitable for upholstering and hangings, and will gladly fur- nish suggestions and estimates on «W Pjw | Home Decoration. We can assure you that all work will be done promptly, done well and done at a reasonable price. <1H '-iii':?.a PMMWMM1 ,mmmmmmmt 11A11I D iV •^ ' ' THE MILLINERY SECTION presents a complete display of the Season's most desirable Models Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday September 30, October 1 and 2 "&i*v: jiggss.:': Ji^ii-i^^.v^' â- Mi iS 'MM*! ^M: ^^Mmm...mrâ- . ::.â- â- â-