Lively unc Ghurcpi A note* Wrtfa* .^ tout p#&& to how cleaner than It formerly iw^riii former yeAra," he _jd, "canlftifttea used synonyms ^en they '^§^^mtika an attack on a rival. No#^«r l|«)8 Bible ojio- tgtions. But Bvanston goes this one better. People-in Bvaaston now go to church to disease politics. This was^gWU^ Uittstrated Sun- day at the Cnrrent Events ^class of the Congregational church* when_ the Sunday school room waa orowdedby persons anxious to listen to a dis- cussion of the three presidential can, didates. It was announced. that three men, one from each of the leading par- ties, would speak on "The Moral Issues Expressed in the Platforms of the Three National Political Parties * It developed into a merry three-cor- nered tussle. The Contestants. The contestants /fere t Prank; II,, Mcculloch,* w$Q^re$reaented••â- "&*$ Democrats; B. i* Harphana»former corporation counsel of Evanston, who represented the . R^pnblieanSn and Donald R. Klchberg, who was there in the interest of the Progressires. The church was crowded, some being forced to take standing room. Ifaj. Redlngton acted as. referee, and after the meeting, in accordance with the state law regarding sparring exhibitions, was forced to call it a draw. >" * Mr. McCulloch found consolation in reading the sixteenth chapter of the Book of Revelation, where refer- ence is made to Anna Geddon. He bid that that chapter most sugges- tfrely talked about big-noises and irails of wrath and thunders, and Hfhtnings and earthquakes. "Verily this prophecy has been fulfilled in the thundering Theodore," he said. The speaker confessed, there was a -food deal of bunkum in all the political platforms, but he contended most of it was in the platforms of the Republicans and Progressives. There is a good amount of coward- ice in all the platforms. The diffi- culty in the Progressive platform is that it promises everything." Harpham Spoke. M* Harpham gave a learned dis- •ertauon on the changes that were taking place in politics and In busi less and often in methods ill church work "We are," he said, "in a transition period. The old style political platform generalized about civic liberties .and the rights of men, the new political platfornf was more definite and concrete. For a dozeu years the Republican party oas been leading hi moral reforms." Mr. Harpham referred to the pure food bill, passed "in 1906, and to the interstate commerce bill. He said toat the Republican party was inter- ested in the Uvea and the occupa- tions of the people and that all the *>-caiied social Justice legislation that had been enacted must be credited to them. He illustrated this Part by referring to Congressman Mann'« white slave traffic bill. Mr. Harpham concluded his address by Indicating the fourteen points in the Republican platform that he deemed to be important moral and social tomes. Mr Donald R. Rlchberg began by "aying he had been a candidate for &« nomination of state's attorney «M had been beaten by a better man, but he wasn't a sorehead. The Progressive platform," he eaid, "em- Shaaized conscience, justice, right- eousness and fair deal. That plat- form man. was not the mirk of any one Mr. Roosevelt did not write it tut child jaDor.* the fifty-seven that are suggested- .„ gresslve platform end t£ Mps##fr^^^ ereudBk^ ejTO^fh^ Polnls Out Necessity For the Vast Audience In Princes* Theatre In Montreal Held Spell Botind Fsr Two Hours by Pastor Russell of London and Brooklyn Tab«rjiaoles> ,- "' * ItentresJi fcept 22. â€" Pastor Rus- discQursea here to- day, one in the Princess * - Theatre before J very large assemblage! America's Ubiqui- tous Preacher comes quite fre- quently to the provinces, and thl Immense audi ences that every* where greet him is proof that the Truej Gospel which he preaches has to some9 extent found a responsive chord in thousands of Canadian hearts. One of Pastor Russell's addresses while here was" from the words of St Paul: "Moreover, brethren, 1 declare unto you tbV Gospel which I preached unto youc Bow that Christ died for our Bins, according to the Scriptures; and that He was burled, and that He rose again the third day."â€"I Corin- thians, xv, 1-4. ' "Wonderful, indeed. Is so complete • statement of the Gospel in so few words!" said Pastor Russell. "St Paul, like the rest of us, would have said more without the guidance of in- spirationâ€"would have said too much. "Our text teaches that we are sin- ners, and also that our sins are beyond our power to wash away. This, is a fundamental doctrine of the Christian religion. The failure on the part of many to realize this, that we are all Imperfect, has hindered them from see- ing the necessity for a Savior, and therefore the necessity for accepting Jesus as their Redeemer. "To say that we are sinners," said Pastor Russell, 'implies a time when absolute righteousness existed in our ancestry." "Chfi-t Died For C r tins.* "For Christ to die for our sins Im- plies that our sins had a death penalty attached to them. This also implies that that death penalty was a just one, because a Just God would not punish unjustly. The Justice of a death pen- alty implies a high degree ot intelli- gence on the part of the sinner, and that he was in a condition in which he would not have needed to die If he had not sinned. All this corroborates ex- actly the testimony of the Old and the New Testament Scriptures," "The Scriptural proposition that 'Christ died for our sins,'" said Pastor Russell, "further implies that Christ was not of the fallen race, for bad He been He also would have been a sin* ner, and bow could a sinner have died for our sins? How could such a death hate been of any value to mankind? Gospel In a Nutshell. "As a great oak may be said to be in an acorn, so the great Gospel lies-* sage may be said to be In our text Bverjr time we look at it, it seems a little larger and more beautiful than before. We can almost see It grow. But the Gospel does not grow; our ap- preciation of It expands as we grow in grace and in knowledge of the Divine Plan and 1ft the Spirit of our Lord." "In his Epistle to the Romans (xt 16-24), St Paul uses the illustration of an olive tree and declares the branches to be the members of the 'Body of Christ, which is the Church.' The Israelites were the mhHtJ branch- es, and therefore had the first oppor- tunity of becoming members of the Body of Christ la fact, sU privilege was excluded>&np 4fc* Gentses until tention to the fact that this work of eiigraftlng Gentiles and making them felJow-beirs with the Jews of the ori«- iafti Divine promise made to Abraham hM' progressed ever sinceâ€"nearly nine- teen centuries. This Is a part of the same Gospel. ..because it all springs from the same gracious promise. Its value wee Intensified when God made oath to its certainty of fulfilment The fulfilment began In 'Jesus, continued through the Jewish disciples, and now has accumulated a considerable num- ber of the Gentlles-probably the fore- ordained number is completed. "When the elect number shall have been tested and shall nave been ac- cepted in the resurrection change, this 'most wonderful feature of the Gospel will have been accomplished. Then will speedily follow the establishment of Messiah's Kingdom, and the bless- ing of all-earth's families through this Spiritual Seed of Abraham.** OTHER* ARE IGNORANT. Trying to do business without ad- vertising is like winking in the dark. The merchant may know what he Is doing, but jppbody else does. 707ChyrofaSt. Telephens35iS3-R fifteen Yeas]JEhfekefiaf & Sens all Co. Ave. Wepfcone7G7 __ Jftsnaton, HI. wmldmt Tuner for W. W. 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