Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Oct 1912, p. 12

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m.ZiXK&i Vu- !;mi??<€,«#** _ WJyit Pewle Are Doing !; ,, Wilmette •••»•*.....** llw, B. nVHJrde, 727 Elmwood ave- nue, baa been entertaining ber father, l|r. C. F. Solleck. (lilts Beatrice TUerk, 1441 Forest avenue, to attending the Chicago Kin. dergarten Institute. A sop was born to Mr. and Mrs. R,' L. Waters, West Railroad avenue, op Monday, Sept. 23. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Haigb of Bvanston spent Sunday in Wilmette at the borne of Mrs. Haigh's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gale Meginnis, 518 Washington avenue, have as their gttest Mrs. Winter of Grand Rapids, Mich. Mr. Charles Cumberland of Elli- cott, Md.f is the guest of his brother, Mr. Harry Cumberland of 179 Fifth street. Mr. and Mrs. Blankington, who have occupied the Snider home, dur- ing the summer, have taken an apart- ment in Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Gillson, Forest avenue, returned from their farm, near Grand Haven, Mich., where they spent the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Hill of 1454 Wilmette avenue left Monday morning for points In Alabama, where they will remain indefinitely. Mrs. C. H. Klemm, 420 Park ave- nue, will leave tomorrow with her mother and sister to spend several days at Matson, 111. Mrs. John May and children of 1445 Wilmette avenue left this week for Seattle, Wash., where they expect to spend the winter. The second troop of Boy Scouts of America will meet Thursday evening at 7:3© o'clock; also a week from Thursday, same hour. Miss Leo Partridge, formerly of Gross Point, has occupied the lower flat of Mr. Anton May's building at 1443 Wilmette avenue. Mrs. Rosenthal of New York City is the guesf of Mrs. Joachim Decker this week* Mrs. Bellamy of Chicago is the guest of Mrs. Simeon C. Colton, Cen- tral avenue. Mrs. John Jenkins of Washington avenue is in Sandwich. III., the guest of her sister. Mrs. Balch, mother of Mrs. J. B. Ott, 1228 Lake avenue, left last week for Euguene, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Angel of Cedarville, 111., are guests of their daughter, Mrs. Earl Smith, 208 Woodbine ave- nue. Miss Jean Jamison of St. Louis, for- merly of Wilmette, is the guest of Mrs. Morton L. Patterson, 925 Chest- nut street. Miss Pauline Lewis has entered Chicago Kindergarten institute at Gertrude House, Chicago, for the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Snider, 514 Wash- ington avenue, have been in Colum- bus, Ind., for two weeks, the guests of Mrs. Snider's sister. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Latham and daughters, who have been at Les Cheneaux Islands, near Mackinac, re turned homte on Saturday: Mrs. M/ron Kirk, and children, who have been visiting relatives and friends since July, returned to their home in Dallas, Tex., on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Lewis ana fanrily, 900 Central avenue, recently returned from California, where they spent the greater part of the sum- mer. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Smith and daughter, Dorothy, of Spring Valley, 111., and formerly of Wilmette, were guests of friends and neighbors over Sunday. Mrs. Charles Sanford Clarke, 526 Washington avenue, left Monday for Bar! P; OowinW W&ifcfcs* tb* <^ cago Latin achool tttfs *•»*• ***** Martin, who fonriori*flit** ia Wfr mette, is stopping with Bar* Cowing. He intends locating in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Jaj»*4^J. MohrUle, 1128 Greenwood aventfe^i^mpattlaa by their daughter. M*s* Jonathan Hutt and child left Wsdnesday tor an extended eastern trip. Before re- turning they will visit Boston, Now York, Philadelphia. Baltimore and farm lril^i^:9^@pisiil^ **©ed*fc *o*wrl* iA» . nan. ooWly, as he prepared to d ' -'ttti*sn^*:::#al^ tho parlor scene. â- * lot me remind ybii thsl you-can __ . phone me in the morning ever so much cheaper than you can send a messenger, an4yon*si^bMOao a^ of chocolates with the difference." mmmmmmmm^t^m0mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmKmmmmmmmmmmm ^^ mi. .1, \f , k.,ii ,i . v^wiw ..........♦♦♦♦»»...................%^^0^90i%^^i U of . Herbert V. Mellinger, M. D., an-: the east. She will be gone a month, nouncee that he has removed his and will visit friends in Connecticut office from his residence to the new and New York. Brown building. 1167 Wilmette ave Me. f Mr. and Mrs. Ray Procter, formerly of Isabella street, will occupy Mr. John May's residence at 1445 Wil- mette avenue during Mrs. May's ab- sence. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thomas, 725 Surest avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Carnaban, Central avenue, have re- turned from a two weeks? fishing trip I* the wilds of Wisconsin. Miss Alice Armstrong, daughter of W. C. Armstrong, 225 Central jnue, Is taking a part in the play the Evanston theater this week, le Strength of the Weak." Ilss Nulla T. Buck, who has been Miss Beatrice Turck, 1231 Forest avenue, and Miss Ruth Lasher, 124 Laurel avenue, will attend the Chi- cago Kindergarten institute at Ger- trude House, Chicago, this year. The first meeting of the Music Ninth street are at Plymouth, 111., this weak; Mr. James G. Barber, 621 Linden avenue, has returned from a trip through the northwest, visiting Min- neapolis* Duluth and Winnipeg. Mrs. S. J. Brtce, who has been the guest of her daughter, Mrs. J. Parker Gowlng, 680 Washington avenue, left Wednesday for her home in Philadel- phia. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Klemm enter- tained a number of Chicago friends Sunday. They were Mr. and Mrs. W. Nlemeyer. Mrs. W. Klemm and daughter Helen, and Miss Medy Hill. Mrs. John W. May and sons, Har- old and Raymond, 1445 Wilmette ave- nue, left Monday night for Seattle, Wash., where they will remain dur- ing the coming winter, visiting rela- tives. Mrs. E. M. Stafford left last week for Laporte, Ind., because of the ill- ness and death of her sister, Mrs. D. L. Crumpacker. Mrs. Crumpacker was the wife of Congressman Crum- packer of Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. R. Lloyd of Mason City, la., have returned home after a month's visit with Mrs. Lloyd's mother and grandmother, Mrs. T. G. Winnet and Mrs. J. S. Wheeler, 1247 Chestnut avenue. The Crescent club will give a dance Thursday evening, Oct. 10, at Jones* hall at 8 o'clock. This dance will be held under the management of Messrs. Karl Magnuson, J. H. Herbon and Richard Ames. Admission, 60 cents. _ ,. The regular monthly luncheon of ♦^Wj|>J><MtMMM#»###Mi......»»♦».....»»+»»*+«+4* the Ladies' Aid society of the Metho-1 *»»~~T~--------------- dist church will be held Thursday, Oct. 3. Luncheon will be served from 12 to 1 o'clock. Business meeting at 2 o'clock. Hand-embroidered sofa pillows on sale. Mr. Leonard, who was head of the commercial department in New Trier High school for a number of years, has accepted the United States con- sulship to 8tavanger, Norway, an im- portant seaport on the southern coast. Mr. Leonard spoke to the Senate and their friends on Thursda/ evening at New Trier. He spoke of his travels last summer, when he traveled through Bulgaria, Bohemia, Servia, Turkey and Roumania. Mr. Joseph J. Bransby, 1527 Charles street, who was head of the manual My new colored mixtures for Fall and^V*- Jr ter wear arc ready for inspecltambv ftOTwho J â-º f jr demand the best. Jh more J * these cannot be ftund any^j^e, and || woolens are con Aed to my ska Be text placing yfiyfder, it wTOfd be to your advantage to ins\tJ*CLOTHES\rjROS& FRANK A. ROSE 310MALLERS BUILDING 5 S. WARASH AVE. Telephone Randolph ^$t â-  «• £• Corner Madison and Wabash <•-*â- -- â- â- '- V rne nrsi iue«w"6 <» *mw *â€"*-â€" •"•â€"• ----- _ _ . Study class of the Wilmette Worn- training department at New Trier, an's club will take place at the club I has accepted a position as head of a rooms on Tuesday, Oct 8, at 10 a. m. A cordial invitation is extended to all persona interested in music to become members. Miss Jessie Rudisill Lowry, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Lowry, 1720 Columbus avenue, was married on Wednesday evening at the church of the Holy Comforter, Kenilworth, to Mr. Ralph Wesley Varney of Chicago, Miss Nulla T. Buck, wno nas oeen Mr. itaipu nw»y «,UB' •** ~-*~-o-» visiting relatives in York, Pa., and formerly of Boston, Mass. The serv- other eastern cities for the past two ice was read by the Rev. B. Reginald weeks, returned home Thursday nsorning after a very pleasant trip. n iThe Oullmette Country club an- nounce the following program for October: Thursday, Oct. 3â€"Cards, auction fridge, 2:30 p. m. Luncheon will be served at 1 o'clock. Saturday, Oct 5â€"Informal dance, 8 p. m.; refreshments. Saturday, Oct 12â€"Lecture, "Ire- I," Rev. R. A. White, D. D., 8 p. m. embers may invite resident or non- . ident guests. "Saturday, Oct. 18â€" Formal opening dancing, 8:30 p. m. Refresh- f--ltS. Saturday, Oct. 26â€"Cards, auction l^tdge, 8:30 p. m. Refreshments. iTfcatsday, Oct 81â€"Annual Hallow- |fen party, 8:30 p. m. .Saturday, Nov. 2â€"Moving pictures, f&. nt . __ technical at Fond du Lac. Wis. His place at New Trier has been filled by Mr. Blesmeir. who has been on the faculty of Lewis institute for several years.________^; When in need of RUBBER GOODS Don't Take /2fl^>$M Expc^cc of nearly M years guarantee^ best of^iJsTOial and construction, W. H. SALISBURY & CO. HIGH GRADE RUBBER GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION 105-107 S. Wabish Avenue CHICAGO ft BUck Narth of As^m* Stwtt "L" Swtlon 1 4 'M I Williams, rector of the parish, and the Rev. Edward W. Averiii, rector of Trinity church, Fort Wayne, Ind., with which church the family of the; bride has long been connected. The* bridesmaids were Miss Elizabeth Crinns of Fort Wayne, Miss Mary Kllpatrick of Little Rock, Ark., Miss Martha Hahn of Wilmette. The ushers were Messrs. Frederick B. Schmidt, Scott C. Dyer, John F. Sur- mann and Frederick Dyer, all of Chi- cago. Miss Gladys Lowry attended her sister as maid of honor, while Mr. Varney was attended by his brother, Mr. Frederick L. Varney of Portland, Me. The music- at the serv- ice was furnished by the full choir of the parish. Following; was a re- ception at the bride's home. After an extended wedding trip the young people will be at home in Winnetka, where they already have a homer j GEORGE B. BARWIG Furniture House . L. Station. Prices. Look at :c inspection. R GREAT STOVE EXHIBIT Siiiit Ottrtw ClnplN SIM ESMt This Week! FREE! Ten-piece Set of Aluminum Ware! Worth $7.00. with every Champion Interchangeable Oas and £L& CfCoal Range. Cast Iron Stove, like cut, with coil.QJ) • 31/ CEO. E. BARWiC Solicits Charge Accounts FREE DIUVEILY twico a week fEvsastoa sad WBsaette IP*1 '• â-  '• e Columbia Sc l*iai£iA^oice^i<4iia^ ;*,- »rmatl«a and Lat«at Catalog. Ada***** M- »• HALL. 1 ^tf^lusic lixrSchQol Music Evanston Branch sx*«d Suilding - fcAfJS, Director *r. ObT7B«»ildl0g, 50! At*. Tel. 0arrise» 2580 Winnetka Branch W*na**» Club

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