b't-hjf^il^i I *m I>cr4to WlWttil'WW b&c&tiM I had * ^§iio^;irii^ii i wai """ ^'e^very 4' j*J#y ' || very :tb*t;;ir*fct they came back habits, successfulâ€" ves. , Their the same mother money iesend- •Chool, and tend) of mak> they would tti.^e wortb- ,|if^^lii:{:)«^^ bj}.i^^t#frifc out a lot ot unclean oath*, fr doesn't help In any way, In faot. It hinders. But tf yon have s^>t *6niething yon want to say m aiemptwittc manner; &ih##ijp^e1psft^ ^vas^tei^^i '^ilft'^it forlfl;^ it never fl^olstihaiiished luiyboay to the extent ^.makin^ them any better !cMe-' *»#;: ilotii«| :^|1idieSnre' a**M£ftaiv-: pie wha ha^ aoquired that habit who have' aoqulre4- als<i a reputation, but you into the best society. ~ -Y^yjEf, I know that you hare at waya«eeu">a gbod boy. We have no perhaps, Aat #ou , wouldn't again, bufc^I # t^linf-you 10$ own *ood^ It te'tieasy when yon «et thjoughjher^ will t» hotne--work~btrt It *M bea work you wm enjoy and you win be better eb^pped toi* ft and yon are i^ .30|MisliB|si*w/^ io^ of ^leaiUM and you 16^ of cbni. {ojctfc too. y|jBiSiirl8fe'^ ^W. fault thin do ;th$ for me to talk to you about it, but 1 ^didn't want yon to go away from hom> without having this little visit lii^ you; You know your mother loves you; she puts her arms around you and snuggles you up to her. hut your dad loves "yon Just as much as <riirt%ugh h*£M#%%»n :©> ybu. 1 Why, tornâ- â- ;#•-J**ve beten thinking about you all these y^ars and working, £ere, as Jbesjt J 'knewnow lo save up 'this money so you could get to college and give iw:fn opportunity such as I Vtfever had."' . ; ? tour'indthef thinks yon: have got good stuff Jn you; t, hope you haw. NoV it's up to y6u ttf demonstrate, l^et me -tell, you »omethlng-~don't forget to wrtte us often. It wift-^do your'mother a lot of good; she will want to hear from you at least once a week. Tell her all about your doings, where y^ou have spent the days, and evenings,' too. 1 expect you_to_ge eu£ ia^mpany a little hit, andftf you do go out with the girls, that's ^all right,* dofc't let it take yon away too much. from your studies, but when you go out with a girl, go out wltb/;a senBjble one* Don't pick out^ec: mm^^m. ^&*0f$'%*&; ^W0i'^ii^i:^': tifteWM M iho $sn*t|the pre%ieat one, to ther bunch, a little bit of homeliness sometimes stands for goodnessjof heart. Want yon to haveTa goooT time and have an enjoyable evening when you do go *out,f but $*at" doesn't inean that you have to have"" champagne nor automobiles; walking Is goodâ€"it's a healthy exercise and it puts strength into you and you can talk so much better, too, if you are walking. I remember when I was a boy that we thought the walks 'were the *>est thing there was. going to see a girl. There's another thing, too, I want to talk to you about-â€"that is the spending of your money. I want you to keep close tab on where you spend your money. I will expect you ^Northw^erh u^iversi^ oent&cts for the' erection of nine; of i*e/;$aw^dor&tt^^ w m m MM ':}<** ilfli!-^ m a ' ©art of the new - residence good e coldsyMnd little M bave kno |way 0. ^rtth-..;i|s1i^ |hat Stuck keptr^ -•â- â- feally sp and mo ing that do and skim Ing away of they cam ing the '«iake, &e^,._^,,.,,„,,^ ,..._, less [i^m^^l^Aii^^ -^^^ inade a succ|lst^^e> and preM| iearly broke :t|^r parents' hearts. Tou cant beginWlldl^r how sad toad sorrowful th^fp^#ition to. \pX, boy. I don^^^et^lrou are gofciaf to turn out-th|W^|ra^ your mother says you are; all Tight; and I think yoiu are, too. On^flhi telling you that a, boy may start out $^. the very best intentions and when he gets in with a bunch of fellows he forgets about those good iitenttona and he slips over into th#iW^ pat»^^^ W^ "I'll do this Just thiB one time; the folks wont know anything about it, and it isn't necessary they should know anything about It, Wsoir ttie folks are a little hard on me; they dont a^prreclsjte the fact that I am a good deaf stronger and better able to take care of myself than they think," Now, I don't want you to fool your- self by any such kind of reasoning as that. We folks might not find it out right away, but we would find it out pretty soon. It will begin to tell in your letters; It will begin to tell in the reports we get from college about your studies, et<j. 7ou hate just got to make up your mind to this â€"that you are going to be Just the _ kind of a boy that your father MMiA|©^giv© me a report every month of ngltf ayatem in the proposed der ment ?of t^-:^m^.^J^-^ houses wni be Owhen by frs| tB^^psV": 'w^M&'-fci'ii&wi.... alumni for the use of their respeetiv chapters at the university.. The totat cost of the group will be abou| m* MtfTOM mother want you to be and as you, yourself, want to be, but in order to do that yon must stick firmly, to those principles that mean stability, sincerity and honesty. You can't do wrong a single timev beclmsa that^ la where the trouble begins at the first .start. » There's another thing I want to talk to you about^too, and that is Ws, a pretty hard thing to «# to you, but I co«*|n*f let yon go with- out talking to you about it, and that j1h with reference to drinking. I don't want you to drink; there isn't any man that really amounts to anything that gets lata the habit of drinking. .There are aome men that drink some for a long, time and it apparently doesn't hurt thera, but there comee a time, a test in their lives, when some disease*or some trouble gets hold of them, and tills old habit fas- tened on them helps to carry them '°& ltdo^emt<wO^»o«a»ya»a«ter* what you spend your money for. Now, that doesn't mean that you can't spend a few dollars for some little pleasure; that's all right, you can have > little pleasure aa you go â- ifcnjb intt I want you to be moder- ate ahnnts|that,*and I want you to tell tt tne truth about your spend- ing money. I have got traveling men working for me that can't do it, and that is one of the things that keeps a man from getting up to be man- ager. I am looking for. some as» sistants in the managing department now. Some of tiiese men, that are traveling and can't mal6^<put a traveling expense account win never get there. I am hoping that your reports will be an indication that you know the value of money as we|l as other things. Now, I have talked to yon about going awhy to school and we are going to watch your course with a tnx»**d*a*«*f #*«eet. Sfcer* *•** G^tt rM&M Molded Dress Forms Made from an int^ression of your own flgnreâ€"reproducing every line and curveâ€"the only scientific method ever in* vented for making absolutely perfect individual dress forms. 'Mk for our free booklet "A" and special price offer. Molded Drew Form Co. ^7 E. Jacket Blvd. Phone* HarrtMpn B090 Auto. 63994 it doean*t^fj|»^-^ life' *m*mm*mm*imgm*mm0*^ '0i W: â- $® ..... '^!;XMf ^titzf' cm* M£ Our dsvefoolnor is the best « Chicago. K-pielt:: â- , hegatlve^ ., •:00 s. m. ;ra^:|%iplii Just on your "front"'" ,tJi|pT'r1lJlâ€"_.„,7,_irrr ' Dopoti^v,} ':^Mmmm (INCORPORATED) 334 W. Madison Street Main Floor Hearst Building Wi-'i -^mmrrmmr-jam..im, mm .mm...Mm,'. m» l^wliii i* IBR J. OLA8SER "^*^*'&&'*f!<*r-tyi 'â- 'f$ GLASSERB Ladies* TziXtggft ;: I 3952-54 Sheridan Road 8 doors No. of "L" Sts. TeL Ukm View [te 100 ____ forth AiMricmn Bids. T^Cmtri^ p It affords tu much pleasure to announce the arrival of the latest novaltiealrt; '^M KK lUtorials and Style* thatwIU be faehjonable fsHftMNHtaM. ;# and Winter season of 1912.18. and that w* are now folly prepawd to sxecota orders for Ladies' Tatar-made Garments of every descrlpdon. r « ai mm {h6kTH SHORE PKOl^fi V WE ARE HEADftUi BRANCH OFFICES: Rogt andfiigl md Pari McGuire <&? Orr ** W0tt mm* â€" r TAUSE wc serve pore food. .CAUSE we do not c*>ok in unhealthy basements. 3ECAUSE our kitchen i» open for ^ * :,- your inspection at all times. I BECAUSE if you will try any of oujl ^ Restaurants today you will return again* And ten thousand, other food reason*. irate the Following: JWP% " " -..'â- â- â- * â- • â- * Hf>"'- ** '208 &jWalmsh mm^ Wabash Avenue m-~221 W.Madison Street We 'he The OUR, The N$*r Fifth Atom* The HEARTHr-141 N.W&baBh^wmi The CLOVERâ€"529 8. Wabash Avenue Vb' "\tt â- vpiA SPECIAL F^TURES-^tADIES'RESTROOTMâ€"Gentlemen'* Smokin* R»om jMn00^gJgH>m^^^Sa'^ from S:M t0 7:0°- <^lainthe SEC0NPfLXH^% iwsswM # a mm *m**mm w' â- fi*^ %' mfmW&L lis S^SSfeM :'fii?S^llilliiilll^ii: ISSI