Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Oct 1912, p. 9

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â- mSS^ I iiio n r u mm. The cimittain for $4,000 to three dtys conducted I* jutf taoog the ool- ©red est of &- 1^ fpiurtdeT.j|fe^^ ^ |*edgedV :^.4ii;f^^S^'^' r^*frfc / | These plf^fit «|^«U p«y»ble with- to eiz moatlMiv>ig<|r# ieid »y thoee familiar with ttgetodiBC of the „p^tte tinoe^;ogjna|^^ y5j'V" • *»© e^tpeeOBBBjBaBjBjlj^wwl^p-'^pp'iBi^WIBMr^^ll' .WenbeT|r;u(p f central eonimlt^ coiultttog of &r. W. F. OaroeU, oheirmeJt j A. K 7«rr7 and ,pr« ww« s^ejMWsjwliMswBjg# ewsWsJ * e\p^l|w^,';l^â„¢^apBfl^.,WB Twiggs. Jerry Reed, X a Priettl/ kd Tv M» Norrto, Theee men hU worked tsitfcfutty and ascured amounts ^ M fell©wgt^£^ 163.50. The ......... . $$*. netttag became a reel tgtrt committee h* work l» eheJtie; Mr. lohii ». WtWer, if the board ef t4vtseey directors; Mr. J. B. Moerlsad, toternationei secretary if the colored J. M. a A.; A. B. Dele, general teoretary of the local agspoia tKm; IUv. L H. Thomat and Bern L R Denials, local peatore. ,.v - -J:-â„¢:^r Plat* have tee* drawn for the BO* lUdtag e*d witt be Ttftfcii %> detailed completion to that Oat work ma? be beg** taeoam •lift**' to the aprtog and the work **> Used aal department of the Bvaa* Y. JfciTiT If* %H be raider the tamediate meauwneat of a eommtt- of itattgtroma eahlnnt to the »» >r^oaefta«ejeneraleecretaTyaBd the heart ef ettoOfcore. m*m&& l,WH<Mccetsful wet* Is The CaeÂ¥rOgaAivna} Itatetoa are ietttM ready »w anaaal W. B» 'let- l*^l«iW|i> bee of Oct SMI. m aettfcloa :*» the cealrmea ef uwlHsot to- ted. thefOUewta made: Mra W. J. g# ef the w/ittftwe? U..BBa* w»"Ku' wftt hjamAia tto.i^ndyv^t||i^ du^ilfp^ trnveled dhleagoaii ^ewery UtUe bon> net hat a charm that'e qulto 1U owja,*' rarled a«id rarie«atM aeeortmeiit ot matmtflim headgear from all tfver the 'W^tfld, ;ir^ rooit}' In- a*BHtiah mnaenm. While many are â€"pith helmets from Indta, horee-hatr cape and hate of weird ihape from Korea, fessea from Moroeoo, queer cape from aneerer placee In Burope--* scarcely less Is the number of the nets in which this much-photosTaphed This dme we Mrs Mr. Holmes weafr ' Ing a Parses hat, a brtmlessf stiff, oil- spotsâ€"the very last type of baad«ear one 'ir^^cit^ *â-  ,,,,-iiliilli^ r Nor fa this hat aeleoted Iglijq^l^^a^ because It pleased ttieir eetheUc no- Uoos-no, this hat, shadelees, home- ly, black hat. nvwie in the shape of the hoof of the aacred oow of India was forced upon them by the Hindoos, when tome 1400 years a«o they led from the persectUoas of the Moham- medan Petatant-into India, they them- being fbllofere of Boroaster. Aa the Jews fled from the craeltlea of Pharaoh to did this hand of .m roastrians fly into India, where the then ruling iw^I»Ib« foMffwaii of Brahma. i>ermitted them to remain only under ceitato conditiona, one of '^^'^^Â¥5^^. Jjiyi/i) Tiji iti'lM".!! ,â- â€¢,;,-,;"/x^<\ft'V'?f$.^ffi u!zi iCliiii^ expert. Only/recently, ': v/-1 A*i^iiej^y%|^'-f '^Bj'Mj^l^ 'r^B^^yi.^:" ^I^'^^H^^1^ Mr. De Bray , Mies Ed wd», members of the quartet are ;*^^&:*^& autumn it has church' sUns, auperintendent of the Massa- chusetta goclety for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, was tha speaker. He Ulked on "Problems of the 8ubur- Jl;i" '11* Urgee I^eator tor City ChlWrsn. in the oourae of his remarks Mr. Carstens said the tendency to spctal reforni is toward the appointment of experto an cWldren Mi cities. These ^Blait^litS municipality and are limbs of the dty government; "^#$/\'^ l^yk ^g-' ,,!• The expert's business is to watch aU of the chUdren ot 1$* town, es- peciatly those who are unfortunate or to ref om schooto now, said Mr. Car- stens, who art la ; need of medical atr which was the obligatory doaaiag of *raah Mt MeOuUoc* toured what ' • ^*' â- â-  â-  W* . â-  _»_„ "- " at- ' â- â- *â- â-  â- ' â- â- â-  -- I^Ua' J<aa . !&â-  >«kU .AM* * - ----- tha ^graaHreat ;;• anoaator of Mr. Holmes* Partee hat, shaped Mka hoof of the holy oow, to indlcata fstA l|a w^MMiF aeeA the feet of th^ tacred animal held hy tha naople who gave aybxm. Today, however, the Paraeaa lumber amoag them many of Jhe Treat merchanta aad moneyed mea of tndta, deaplta which fact tha hoc* itga hat It atm worn, aa matter how or how poweffal the wearer Mr, Hdfaaat la aow grrtag a triple «Ha**it Orchaatra hati. hit Travel. Mtag -Tim Weat laalea,* ttit from Bowahay to DefM," taa Tt) tt tha Hlsaalaya«,M aad Ctyioa,-a eJfaraat ttttWEM THIEVES Alt AGAIN ACTIVE tTcQuently punishment inakaa the boy or gW a criinintL melted oases in which ttudy of the individual had re- salted to inaking refrMtory teys and girls a credit to their communltlea. <aThe child axpert doeant totertere in homes where parentt are attaadlng to their ba^toeaa,** he said. **He la act a crltto; he la a ooaatructlonist He is a,friendly couateUor In beha«f of tha oommunity. He would do to Bvanstoa aomattlng Uka the work Mist Shaw I* doing in halptog back ward children ih the achoola, ftuch a .w^rlspayt for Itself." v ^ Ptlaita Ow Jiejaajtv; ^ ^gl»e>wFfP^ â-  ,eWfc*W"v' ^^WtTeBw^gatW' ^gsjSBMB,.r^tmagw)tsa^e>veag wat belag doaa ta thit dty to pre- vent caildrea beeomiag crimlaalt. Q4 cited the raoeat vice eapoaurat in the village, and aaM coadltloaa c< moraV tty are far from what they ought to Mra. Rohart B, Banla, one of the leaders la tha Womaav duo. replied tt* crab aaw a anlctac aa tavettlga- ^ of ^ tltuattoa, f^a«ed that hiad Mr. Carttaoe urged. A oomfalt. too wat awatatad to take a» tha bmrV tar with other ohaieaea as^ aoeletiat. n coaaltm of Mrs. Banla, Mr. McCu> loch aad tl & Warrea. , 3^5^.,;; churehat far the cltfeoajiio^i^ ................................ Plans are now contemplated to " ;ai:.©J*ciri;i:,,i^ '|fll«Swis^,^^ Plans looking toward the appoto^ ment of the e^t1>ert were dltcussed at the meetliig of the Current Bvents 'oitjiii'" ' ........'"^^~~^WV& 21 to be treated in a single morning ilji^j^^^'if^^ &|jp*9h^ •The Meetinghouse^ and was given itBB*iMat4^ fr i^alnffl^ ^ - during f:thfi morning tervice and the Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Karl King' was baptised. ti'i â- ifV {£$$ffi$~;j '^ 3 J.1 J$t^mi â- â- 'fo& ^ "-MiHt ' I\>r tha tiM)ommodation <)f children living in, the suburbs on . tha 4iorth shore, a brknbh of the Saturday Juve- nile c^ass of the Art institute is eatab- lished at the Winnetka Woman's club. The class is to session from 10 to 12 every4'Saturday. The autumn term opened Oct 5, twl8. k&>.J#:,^. ^) ^Th^epls^Jit^^ 8aturday school under the direction of a new taacker of the Art initl- ern Univeraity, and the th4 Law Bcbool, this bel ^p^lili^pi................_....... ber registered at th^ .The fretliman law class exc^edi ?y^|^|SK!#l^l^ l^;,#?|^smce^i^^i§ late registration, many are QlaMea beforo rogistering. ^rigjstratiolk-""'" m ing; «ok>i^ chalky pen^nd-ink, water odor, sketching from life, composi- tion, design and applied. design. The inst«iction Is given by individual critldsm and careful attenUon It paid to each student Qnce a term the work is examined at the Art inst^ tute with the work of the regular ]u- venUe department Qlder persons wha with to wofk to water color or. illtts- tratlon, or to further develop their draftsmanship or appreoiatioa, are received in fhaaa Ciasees. , ,- ;. ,,{ The students are oonduoted to the Art inttituttfrom time to time to at- tend lecturea, or for the piirpoag of vlawinjt the. collectloaa and natttok exhlbltloha. " ^ Bitch ' ttudent * receives a ticket whichLknttUes the holder to admission to t|| gaUeries and library of the Art iiitjjalii at aU timea, and also to the .,.,.,....... Tuition IS, lAree. months, payable In advance. â-  *â-  ':^kVi â-  for further autorinatioU s/io^eta can upon the registrar at the Art In- •*O0>^O*^^^ * >^'. . ""^Ti; v,»"" ' ? Lr . . '* â-  * j- â-  * * School of Commerce, ^althou^fr from complete, are certainly ' -aging^^::fa^i^:tt«^ freshmen, have VegUtered, ' average of from 25 to B0 a day â- pe^^;fp^^-'/Ji^ axceeds ^UM", y^s^/^ireaSl^ there being )^^$^^^isi^^ 1911-12. Sixty more men attended classes on the first night than present at the opening last yea|; debating club of thirty memberi : been organised and wUl meet with Liberal Arts debaters inr m^mm,p%^Q$^^ ai|iett^i^i|je«%^ anston under^;J%^Bey^ iectureB on b^stoest law on Taaa>^ dayt and Thursdays in the? tog building to a class of ' The new .members of the are W. E. Lagerquist professor of. Beonomice and Commerce; Pro£ A^ B. Anderson, h,ead of the Aocounflk department; and L. G. Qroebe and ; TV* JOWHH^f *IMIHUvW*-> ATTHE WILMETTE The paator. Dr. J, M. Wttton. wfll apeak 8ame>iy morning at the V«- matte ftaahyteclaa church at the rally aervioe la the cciigesgatiom and the 8«adty achool cccsbtoed on the toga from a Trunk," bring forth from a large trunk things new i uefng these as the tnapl. ration of ahiaaraiesk service from the ef Jeaa at T:45 with terssea ea ~T*e New BUta a»d the I^ve of Qot\M cat the third chapter of Jcoa. ils chorea wlB stag -f^ MUtt Agate,- aad •l^twer Dfvlae.- «^:* i-WK^V:'£kJS3&£?&&Mi .i^S'fe&ltl.StSvSL A total of 476 persons have the Dental School,^ an tocreaae^ of over last yeaj:^ n^uek Of tito tmm- .â- gg^gg)'- Jg'g^F". Baa^ay ^ aVgtgBsjpsggd^BBge _ .\ eMPis^'-ieRt^sa^ajssjaj^;^^'^ hat returned to hit place on the ^ttaJI after an absence of three years, speat" tra^oBni'aiiroad^^^ : The Schcd of Phjunaacy ti^ pracUcdly the ssme tocreaae s« t%t othera. - The total .earoBrnjittl'. to data is ilO lunlors sna aanlora, aad ItV aiatost ixi last year. *^y^^#f; promoted »to the ^ead of hla datar^ ment, and, M&.., Ogleaby^haa Jhfj||: added to1 M' *taiL ' .â-  • ^ ^:,,?fc^ to the Medical School SS fre^hmea have been enroUed. ea coawexed b| S3 last year. Fourteen upper emtaf men have ' registered^ emkiBg th» daU of harvard and Dr. Beeht froas the Vti^c^oity of niinoto have added to tbO;fa««lty»:/.'\ :*Vr*;^ meet at Mrs. Qotylo'e, Bi Oatcaat pIs^FMdar.Octobwll,atS:Mp.Ja^ to reorganise me circle. *&:â-  &mm>- Tbe prayer aad social msetlaa) wftt .. be Wedneaday. Octeber Ifs at tharetK^ avenwe. The work oa the new church It gi weeing and the ti eat St far ^a reef areaow baOdteg ts attracter. While U to the eaaaat aehott tartof the cenrca fJsi tgr large at the anlorHy. af %h' it? I .a^^j mfiaja if Paetaf

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