There'll tion in wiJ Oct. 15 J»4 days decide Residents pelled to in this cities are the reaui For a required <, ^*?*^yp^sTj . in only t^o cities ^?.|^^|^tau. There tprtWicityitifoiay â- k^l hate aT«4 In " factory to t^M^hodi/^;^^"^ w^im«si# m wis : FtJ^ers of the ^ ban tsejn were far from^ #^ the gfrowtng npule by the eleven in 4 the sute to* oii« y««f, ninety da/» in the couaty, an^ tnlrty daya in his polling precinct, to become a fully qualified voter, Anyone 'complled;:^pi3SS!^^jpyay^' #t' eleV tlon day, i^^SilWW^^ â- â- :â- • - '-f â- ' 0 i Muirt:lH| Sworn III*..". Thfo, howerer, will necejiiUte W» having bis votO »wom in, ahonld ^ be challenged by tho election Jndgea. To obviate thla delay it wffl be found far easier to be property registered. "There havo 1>een more inquiries made this year regarding registra- Uo than t^-:illiii^^-:i0t^^ Clerk Jo^n. F. Hahn this morning. "Everybody seems to bo anxious to know the law in regard to registering. One reason for tnis is, the light they are putting up in Chicago to check voters from ~repe8*iir f ;^v "The county clerk this yeat has been slow in posting bis notices in Bvanston. Even tho judges did not know yesterday when registration for this year was; going, to......... to the co«^^|M^^i|k|§pi^Mv fornwtio&Ji^mw^ and Oct. $9. *'-' ' "':Ur Reg fstratlori Places. â- The following will be the places of registration; First Wardâ€"First precinct, polling place, city hall; second precinct, poll- ing place, «04 Dempster street Second Wardâ€"First precinct, polling place, 1640 Maple ave.; second pre- cinct, polling place, im SberSaaa ave. Third Wardâ€"One precinct, polling place, 607 Main st • Fourth Wardâ€"One precinct, polling place, 838 Custer ave. > Fifth Wardâ€"First precinct, polling place, 1910 W. Railroad are,; second precinct, polling place: 1420 Ashland <we. I Sixth Wardâ€"First precinct, potting place, 1911 Central at; second pre- toct, polling place, 2007 Ridge^a*C ) J Seventh Wardâ€"First precinct, poll- lag place, 713 Gnurch st; second pre- dact, poUing place, 2001 Maple ave. ing the n^t and aggressiveness of :; At w time during the match^^ ball. The heavy lipe was outcharged time and again by the light forwards from Lake Forest With; the' excep- dld not got into the game with nght and •peed, 'â- ',":':â- In only one quarter did they outplay the visitors, that being in the last • when they made a game effort to •core and snatch victory. Old style football was relied upon throughout to advance the ovaL :: 'â- ^'â- â- ^:^-.M^y>i Lamke a Star. Ray Lamke played his usual stellar game. Several times he advanced the pigskin la a manner that brought the crowd to Its feet His playing throughout was bard and clean. Fish, the giant guard, also played good.balL 11 His kicking was grand and far ex- celled that of any Purple toe artist Jsn.years. \_". '•:-.%.- The team will be put through a hard week of Vcrimmege practice for " ie with Wfcconsin next Ssfr evening are proceedings Mi . „.............,...., ,.T.. ^.:$&^ifomM biiilding. befort winter seta ia.v^ :"s'<9 tfWWtm 'nSa'ai^^4"fiiifc^"jjl»**^^e'ft'^,v'-ja^ Jt>M^i-' the superatructures aboWthe m an7building. within forty-nv» after the time of its arrival. ; 'The outlook at present is that the quadrangle wiU bf conipieisd by Sept The iiemi-annual meeting of the «frji$i<|^ |g^jojl^' poned by reason of the absence of some of the l|p^|^|^picl.. IB to be was dissatisded with the way his team played against Lake Forest Saturday, expects it to make a much better showing against the Wisconsin team. The men will be put through sev- eral hours of scrimmage each day this . week. Several minor changes win probably he made in the line-up. Cruse will be tried at left tackle and Bobbins at right tackle. Fish, the right guard who did the punting in the game against Lake Forest, will be given plenty of practice this weak. GIVE FREE Barrett BiWScel institute Will u**W * series of puhlSe lectures for Octo- ber. They are grren under fhe aua- i|Bes of the institute, not simply for - hie Ktndenta of the sesaiaary, but lor «at benefit of the gemeral public, and Itia hoped that fise public generally « avail themaeivee of the oppor- •sity to hear tkeae ahle speakers. I^sdnesday* r4(|r -J&li&j**-**** F. Hajrford of North ass|ei u â- â- !• ' lesuea Tte Ceatral ^dftsA^|o^W'»^: .Jpjsjel a Ayrea> for twenty^aVe "Wm librarian €< Drew TAouioglcii *eiary, *Ote Itodred Thousand a ~$\^m'.. _ ~IAA*- -.^ElSBS^M-1' SR-*" â- "â- •--â- ,v..,^* â- ..-â- - "* FROM HeaTtt BuildiriS ' -&m-:-mtar~imx'_:-Mm'. C. Henry Jacobiro pub of will resume on iy, October »tb. ifv*.-^* ["â- 'â- i-i 1^#?^ ilil HHR§ MM i â- 'i".-jj(:. DO' ">• ff' â- /!?" m i n ;S^|| 1 IB 1 llffil ffi^^H,f«pur ,^, ,::., f.,, »-*y;-.i' > .from., ',v.:the.. r^lfo^ttiipi'^j â- â- ^•:>Vâ- â- 'â- ^,',V^'.^ ^.iw*.' II W. Madison Street .'jam" mas', "mar nmf.:wsk :wm. mm.. nm m& â- sm-"- ypsic LOWKTCtif CYMNAST1C DANCINC CMUirgn'M Oasis* Saturday 2 P.M. $4tMrd*y,9~4*gagm*mt% for private ciat*** â- â- soiictod. >' â- Maili Office^ - Auditorium Bldg. Wabaah Avenue Entrsuce, SUi floor. m-'^" ••'"- •â- â- "â- '" ?i ' â- . 'â- : ;- $â- '• T ."â- ? â- â- !..â- : -• * - •'â- ,:â- â- -:â- - * â- â- n I TELEPHOIfF*HStlfOON 1307 awery One _ ttBly .etoitinc mettod wr fa- . veattea m» With M. Kilmer 8econd High Class Beauti- LI tying pon^ * f ^ mmdMADETO j;|iriBij|f>,.v, S AMU E LA; NA«iJI Chicago's most fashionable Lad! nounce that his tailoring estab lar Fall season^gtf-13. _ Ladies of inejTOkh Shore are co my esta Place your orde^ for a Fall or Winter Positively tho^hjejgVMSd suits for the city for :&&%'â- m in to visit .', . i~ V V* •i'lsS"!*; &~'*<r'-"~- -** Phone Central 4562 Smite 804 > MttomicTempl* fSB wei *crr« p^rfe food. ^AUSE w«4o ftdt c«ok in . "i ,^m^:^wnhfatifcp bastipunts. ., BECAUSE tmt kitchen J* open tot your inspection *t all tin BECAU3K ff yo« wfll try *«y d^ MJ ^ j^::^ ^^#^i^pj^r««». ^^E^T *'l^i;i^^K^^.S^?lii^^^^"£;