&.' ' si> â- .. â- . !*>**'•. ?**;*tf"!>i: i- ••'Sw-ftwiiSeift'S !f-+K2iT«'; â- £*.. ,-^yj;-^;^, ^^, a 'Aii«^AAAAAa>AA^A^^aWaafra^»aaawSaa##S) ,!^^- vv-iy â- ^B^,,JWW>W .-.^wl<Hfc-:Mr?^fe ; '•â- â- 'â- '-Jm â- â- ' *Sk\«P^l *â- " I r;^K'^ii"/â- 'â- '"* j"-aB ^"-•â- '•; 8*ftW ^ ii^si^ John P. 01*ta and have taken i"lW!0^,£N»* I'"^m^flffc Ho* Thompson and ^ |ft*| week it Casaopolis, Herbert C. Arnef to entertaln- J her mother, Jtfra. Greg; of^Atton- iV'^W. P^^^«* Pewla if guest of Mrs. John Orcig for two "f;/ Lewto, daughter of Mr. B. F. j# 908 Central avenue, fa in B!ng- itojli«*YV, , IrsvIX 1. Johnston entertained her ter, two brothers and sister. of igo several days last week. V and Mrs. Byron a Stolp re- *e4 1&&- *:**** from their trip They were gone abont three ithav Jean Jamison of St Louis and lerly of Wilmette is the guest of sister, Mrs. Morton Patterson, 925 rot street, j. Arthur Howard and daughter, Jpi2|| Lake-Avenue, will leave Thursday if-' ^ ;fo§ Boston/ Mass., and expect to be three weeks. i. ,|ra B..Pord, 1109 Greenwood _ Supine, returned recently from Paw 'â- Pair and Grand Rapids, Mich., where fe>^rttflapent two weeks. p gfr. Herbert V. Mellinger, 1234 Wll- p l^inMte avenue, has moved his office from his residence to the- Brown Wilmette avenue. Jrk tiydk Wiener; sister of Mrs. George Saunders, 901 Forest avenue. dle^f at her sister's home on Tuesday, October 1. Mrs. Wiener had been ill at a her sister's home - for several milths. She is survived by her bus* and three small children, two m,: ^^^ifj^'boi. Funeral services were hefij^ the home of Mrs. Saundere at. 2 4yc|ock on the following Wednesday. K-HWmMvaAc Study class, a depart- ^^â- nu&tc'Gt the .Woman's club, held its |||; fclf* ^neeting this year on Tuesday mdrnlng at 10 o'clock. The program was arranged by Mrs. J. Davis was devoted to the life and works of Gr|eg. Th« class which is one of the m^ important departments of the <'ltibTts" composed of enthusiastic mu- and their work speaks for ie following program was ton Life and Work, Mrs. L. K. it*.- -"- • on Current Events, Mrs. lotter. io solo, Swedish Wedding i. Miss Email Smith. :^V#ls«^,I«h-"-'LIeb Bich," Mrs. C. io duet, Symphonic Dances, Mrs. Itth and Mrs. D. V. Webster. ss4, The Swan, The First Prim- A T*rejpttnt A Water Lily, Miss ino Poem Erratic, Berceuse, Mrs. ^iano, Peer Gynt Suite, Mrs. J. J. Siidall. . ? feet, violin and.piano, Grieg Sonata inlp minor, Mrs. Macauley and Miss lu Smith. ..- , /ocal, Solrig Songs, Mrs. Whitman. Miss Nulla Buck. 1W Spe*cer *r* m* â- spent Chmday at ^^m^mm inBvanston. Mrs. A. A Barber, 621 Linden *re- nue, entertained at luncheon lj|kNiiir of friends Friday. Mr. J. D. Cdtt left Monday night tor Springfield, HI., with the Chicago As- sociation of Commerce. Mr. Fred 8umner of Canton, Mass., was the guest of his cousin, Mr. Ly- man Drake this week, ytpffh:^\ - .-?|| Mr. Boy C. Osgood, 835 OsJifwood avenue, returned recently from an eastern trip of a month. Rev. Roy E. Bowers is entertaining his father and mother, Bev. Bowers and wife of Ashland, Ohio. ' Mr. Kenny of Chattanooga, TenJL, fe the guest of his sister, Mrs. Le Roy Hill, 1520 Columbus *venue. Mrs. Skinner^ mother of Mrs. Fred White, 1021 Central avenue, left Sat- urday to visit friends out of town. Mr. and Mrs. Thorns* Moulding left recently for Canada and the Pacific coast and expect to be away a month. Mrs. M. R. Knox, 1617 Lake avenue, was taken to the Bvanston hospital Saturday morning. Mrs. Knox is suf- fering from typhoid fever. The first meeting of the Common- wealth class of the Congregational church will he held next Sunday im- mediately following the morning serv- ice, at 12:15 o'clock, and will close at 1 o'clock p. m. The speaker will be Mr. W. S. Reynolds, late of Indianapo- lis, executive secretary of the County Board of Visitors. Mr. Reynolds is a man of national reputation and has been brought to Chicago at great ex- pense because of his ability in this line. His subject will be "The Child, the Institution, the Church and So- ciety." * ts^sS^ ... . an iccoW'will be htW insfhe Evif^ff^ofwil district, being Townsh?p 4l0oVthPgi^t|gTs Principal Meridian in the County #^i|j^il| lie purpose ol vofntg Nor" o?[p^0n^J§^0':,i-^ as an addition |o^ District *trac^OTland not to exCc^|p|5iun<Jpd in widthrasnHr south ol and adjoi^nf lfc|^W m â- â- â- â- Â¥} AUpr*9w Some in h American Bld^. Yon Can Buy *>â- 'â- â- ^-^":- • ennine Dnntley Pneumatic Cleaner Mostshr rsyaiesis as lowssfio J100 in and m« it work-see boir H wfil «iv« boors every day and keep your borne cleaner than by any oth*r aroeaif â- Pbooe or write and we wttl eoBae^oyoo. 4tS floor Notts ABMrtcaa Bldg. Cor. 8Ute A Monroe 8ta. Phone Handolpb HAS >S**>i# Evanston f^ftsrap Hi m groundsjaiicl tlf^the purpose «C,M^?^#r 4'agf | sition to erect upim^i^ site selett^r^ Hiah School Building.and for4ta--pi£i^^ the proposition to issue tbe fandC.0^^ School District to tht amount of Two m^i'0.MW^^i^ Dollars, due.'is follows:'- - r--ir'â- '^â- â- â- '^"v-^'â- ^â- 'i-'-^^':^>^^^^^^a lm $ 5,000 due one ywjrfter date. $5,000 doe two years after date. $ 5,000 due three years afterdate. $11,000 due four years after date. $14,000 due fi $14,000 due $14000 due $14,000 due $14,000 due $14,000 due .•â- »•?" after date. t date, alter date,^ after * ^ r date, date. ^4,000rduer $14,000 due $14,000 due $14iO(K) due $14^000 due fift $14,p00 due si $14>000 due seventeeu yearsja^srl^fcat^ M OOO1^© eipleeii^ years* alter ^a|e. T 4,000 due nineteen years after date* $14,000 due twenty years after* <la*». ;&*' Spid bonds are to bear interest a$#e rate of four (4 <^pw cei$ per annunt^payable seftii-annualtys ^;r^,.; -:-,'X-- - %^/^:' ^J^ The polls wili^e opened at 2 o'clock P. Si: aM closed at 5 ^eipc| K'M The ftfrtHnf pli&e %ill Ibe in tBe High SchoorBmifing of sm^m^^m corner of Elmwood Avenue and Dempster ^treeti in the City of E^rtca^ IHiriOli #â- day 1)1 mm$^ ,'*tr.>- â- **?â- â- WINSOR GHASE^ Clerk •^'li|^;"*0 P MERRICK, PresiA -*-W! i"M$L â- ***" jfe»S^.tt; ext pliced IMS ntotttal tailor-male. O ^ Neweaf shades faehlonajlatest d Da Jd A N Jv Ivs Ladlss* Tailors STATE »T^ CMtCXOO . lions Csntrsl S840 Suits ra0-72« Stswsrt Building %ai; .*di -•,-. .-/.^ "{"â- :& '•â- %<• i ;ttphe. ex|>tr*n4|l in very few!If tstonsbe teetterr t "'% IT isrnot uni^^^ people traydiiig abroad to sar^ all"their fine linen until tl^j^l^fi *feto* Evanston, Ivhere they send it t<J the hi|b-|I^e ^d^--*-:. ;â- ;' â- ' • - /*:; "':,;;â- ' : â- ^ ~ " ^m People going to iFlorida or £?&^ not prf|^ E^lislsli. â- • iS:" reds'of tb ^.^ .Ci,f|r..^,:;^,..^,,,: :^jmfie^.si^ inie city•:#&JK|y- r«?/~r;^ l»-f'!;» atyc« iese staieine m :WS- n^Mand Laundry mm zA&. iÂ¥^+i 'y»!^-|*-"-^.: :l ;:^ &W) $f$P%& 'i^Mi W£ ^^' .$£'" -^;;; «ss$ ^Hl ^i.- II