Wm The North.Short Hort« of Hart 8chaffnl||4 Marx Clotliet, interwoven How, and Cooper Klossd Kt-e^eh Union tulte f j VVVVVV* * I V« vW *< v*» EVER before in the history of c 1 o tit e s- m a lei n g hav$ the welf dressed young men of this city offered better clothes, livelier styles, triore new and snappy features than we fe now offering them. Mart Schaffner&Marx Suite upwards frvinJ&lS&O Hart Schaftner&Marx 0'Coatsum.kom$W.SO 'lil'rZi<m NO MAIL or PHOKE ORDERS FILLED For the man who does not care to pay so nfuctf fof c we offer them full value for their money ufwards •ton* Milk Pansy deep shape, can be used for roasting In oven (House Furnishing Dept) ....1«c Pictures, in heavy gilt .frames, the subjects, are copies of celebrated mas- ters; 82 values (Furniture Dept) ............. .S1.4S Men'* Underwear of heavy: :e-llnediJtoapn> regu- 1 (Clothing _ ,...*•© ibray and_____ Iain colorChjaJSfKy and one tat^^ffinted Voiles, 12%c quality. Mondays special, as long as it lasts (Dry Goods Dept), yard.........3</ac SrlfS*iy%ii::- toe^^P^*^ Int* p** %!&&0i^&&!^; Kingsford's 8ilrer Gloss Starch, per 6 lb. box.,.82o Armour's Extract of Beef, 46c Jar for,.........'36c Carnation Pink fancy â- - Z pkgs. . Hamburger Steak, striotly fresh ground, lb., only 14© LitUe pig Hams, best cure, 4 to 8 lb. average, per lb* only1 .........V;.'. â-º.. .1*%e Fresh Breast'of Lamb for roast or gtew, lb., only 7c Cottolehe, 4 lb. pall _ for...............v.•-•57c >â- •_» iii||.m M W4n The Grocery Sale of the Year Including Our 4th Animal Dozen Sale Affording an opportunity to buy all kinds of canned fruits and vegetables at a big saving. Buy your entire winter's supply during this sale. The saving is worth while â- *â- !â- â- *â- SWEET POTATOE8. . Fancy ViramlSe* 5 pounds..>..........12d Mason Fruit Jare, ^ pints, per dos.......35c quarts, per dos.....39c CANNED VEGETABLES. Com: 10c Sweet Sugar Cora, per dozen cans.........77c Pumpkin: Van Cainp's p. Pumpkto, peroan..-----10c per dosen cans.........85c Beans: Van Camp's Red Kidney Beans, can.....10e per dosen cans.........See Hominy: Van Camp's Hulled Hominy, can-----10c per dosen cans.........sac Beans: Van Cams** lima Beans, per can....t....10c per dosen cans.........S5c â- Tomatoes: -Suncy solid pack Tomatoes, No. 3 can, per can......, • - • Is© per dosen cans........81.48 Beans: Richelieu Brand, Refugee Strtngiess -Beans; per can..........-.....1S« per dosen cans........$1.48 Peas: Honey Sweet Peas, per can-....;..........15c per dosen cans.....„..$1-28 Peas: Champion of BtaST* land Peas, per can.....19c per dosen cans........S1.48 Peas: High Life Brand. fancy small Sifted per can ..........._____ per dosen cans........81.73 LentUs: Boyal Brand, fancy German t^mb^h^ can...IBs per dosen cans....... .Bt«05 13 cans to the dosen. Peas: Fancy French Peas, „per can...............18c per dosen cans..------ -BUS Mushrooms: Florida Brand I Mushrooms (pieces and stems), per can.......v^Jg per dosen cans.......-81.88â- Corn: Richelieu Brand Maine Corn. pVr can........ii^S1 Per dosen cana.......-B1.3B Asparagus; TflPrfit*^ Brand,: California Wnlte Aspara-• sus, per can.. per dosen CANNSO SOUPS* : Solder's__________ij- Per can ..^..~>.........w*e Per Peaches: Kan Brand Peaches, No. 3 can, per can.....20c per dosen cans........B1.85 Pinâ€"potest WWte Horse Brand. Grated Ptnespptes, No. 2 can, per can.....20c per dosen cans........81.85 Pineapples: Fancy Ha- waiian Sliced Pineapples, No. 2 can. per can......30c per dosen cans........B1.8B Raspberries: Angora Brand, Black Baspberries or Red Raspberries, in heavy sy- rup. No. 2 can, per can 20c per dosen cans----------8146 Strawberries: Angora Brand, Preserved Strawberries, in heavy syrup, per can..a0e per dosen cans........81.85 CANNED MEATS AND FISH. Meats: Armour's Verlbest Potted Meat. Ham or Tongue flavor, per can..8c per dosen cans.......4714c Ham: Underwood's Deviled Ham, per can .......v.*55 per dosen cans........81.50 Salmon: Richelieu or Savoy Brand, fancy Sockeye Sal- mon, 1 pound flats. per can ................28c per dozen cans........82.96 Sardines: Vera Brand Nor- wegian Sardines, olive oil, per can ................10c per dosen cans.........88c I Eggs: Fresh laid, guar- anteed, per dos......27c Flour: New Century Flour, best ever muled. % bbL sack.........S.71 £ bbL sack.........1-g y, bbL sack.........2,79 Sugar: Best.--------__. 10 lbs. for 53c, with SI order* or" over <e© Flour or Soap Included) Salmon: Bird Brand fancy red Salmon, per can....22c per dosen cans........8225 Salmon: Puget Sound fancy pink Salmon, per can..12c per dosen cans.... ^. .81*10 Bouillon Sardines: Pure food Imported Sardines in bouil- lon, per can*.......««-â€"jf% pec dosen cahs......»..48o Herring: Fancy ' Kippered Herring, oval .tins. Per can ...........•••••-v52 per dosen cans....-----81.10 Sardines: Bismarck Brand, fancy Mustard Sardines. per can «...............10c per dozen cans.........85c Fish Flakes: Burnham Jb Morrill's Fish Flakes,- * per can ................10c per dosen cans.........85c Lobsters: Royal Blue Brand Deep Sea Lobsters, per can...... -----.-25© per dosen cans......•-*?*25 BOTTLED GOODS. Salad Dressing* Yacht Club, per 20 os. bottle........42c Catsup: Richelieu BrandV per pint bottle-----......21c Pickles: Dodson's Sweet. Sour. Plain. Mixed. Rehah or Chow Chow. mmL_ per S> ox. bottle...-----.28c pickles: Dodsons' Sour gr Din, per Mason Jar....18c Chin Sauce: Solder's. per 26c bottle..........IBs Peanut Butter: McLarenJs, per 25c Jar..............fae per 15c Jar............ .IBe per 10c Jar........ ......Sc "*p: CanspbeBa". afl varle- °eB mm TUiiain and Cfaickca. per can...___IBs Per dosesfcansT......SIftfcc Savoy TTnisjis Chicken or Ser can .-. Per MnrriB*a CANNCD MILK. Van THE TEST THAT TELLS f*~*A TUT**** AT THE LOWEST GOOa Meats possible price. 3 lb. pall tor-----31c meat order, no Ham iaeroded. Native Pot Boast or Chuck Boast, from choice Beef only, lb-----13J£c Beat Sirloin Steak, tender and Juicy, per B>~...............t-226 Beat Bound Steak, tender, lb.. 18c Native Shoulder Steak, tender. 16c Beat Flank Steak, tender, lb..17c H*ttre Porterhouse or Club Steak, per Hl, only..................*** Beat Veal Chops, rib 20c; loin 22c Best Lamb Chops, shoulder-----17c BBs Lamb Chops, per lb......20c Loin Lamb Chops, per lb.....23c Little Pic Pork Sausa*e, extra fine, aer B*. ............. .........14c Pork Sansage Meat, IB, ......................14e Beat quality Ham, A No. l, mild cured, 8 to 10 lb. aTerace, per lbu, only......-^------ ..«*« Beat quality Breakfast Bacon, mild cured, 4 to 6 lb. pieces, per lb., only............. ....lie Bent Veal Steak, per w..... Best grade Rump Corned best earn, pss* B*, .-...f-•••••»•â- Veal Kidney Boast, from choice milk-fed calves, per »-•••••• -^S Native Shoolder Veal Ronst, best grade, par lb....... ........Wnfi Choice Veal Stew, nne meat.l^t Jones* Dairy Farm Saosase Mast per lb.........................*** Fancy Norway Breakfast % also .......----------~ Best Codflsb. absolutely. _ , 1 ib, wooden box, only-.:r.....17e m^m SPECIAL SATURDAY. Fresh dressed Sprint: Chickens, Plymouth Bock, \Hk «» 316 »- «r » prime Bin Ronat Bent Best wssl- ity. tender and *a«ar. par lb, o«dy....---^-f-'-^f^ These New Silk Plush Coats Are tlie Very Values at $18.50 Women's and Misses' Silk Plusn Coats, with extra large shawl or sailor collar, handsomely lined in heavy colored satin; coat fastens at the side with rich silk frogs, full lengths....................... 18.50 WOMEN'S DRESSES $8.98â€"Women's all wool serge dresses in navy, cardinal and brown; trimmed with silk; pearl buttons and small lace jabot... 8.98 at CHILDREN'S C OATS â€" Stylish little coats of an wool materials; high neck style; colors red, navy and/ brown; cottar and cuffs of black velvet, lined with good qual- ity sateen and interlined through- out; Stsea, 2 to « yy qq yean......................&*SrO CORDUROY DRESSES $13.98â€"Street dresses of fine quality corduroy; Robespierre collar, open front, edged with silk frogs; plain skirts; women's and misses' sizes, | ^ fl|Q Misses' Dresses MISSE8' DRESSES $6.50â€"Misses' all wool- serge dresses in navy; waist prettily piped in red silk; silk loops and buttons; lace collar; sizes for misses g% £>** only..... ................OmOU SHOE SAVINGS WOMEN'S, PATENT COLT AND VELVET SHOES, with Cmvenette tops, made on the new bJgfc toe aista; also low flat a S\fheels, with medium high heela....*fm%J%J MISSES' QUN METAL CALF SHOES, made on the now "school laaV with low, flat heela and good wide.toes, ^ /^w~ aJseff \V% to f.... .........&%4?D WOMEN'S OUN METAL CALF SHOES, wit*, elstn or dnB kid taps, made on all the new, mp4»4ate, CaB lasta, in lace or button, and & very large assortment to 1 f\fselect front ............ .......^OAJxJ MISSES* TAN RUSSIA CALF HIGH TOP SHOES, nu^e on a^od wide toot- ^ fifk 11% to 2.......-3.UU BOVS* GUN METAL CALF SHOES, 3n Jastton or blneke^ saade on the atsvJIb; at M ^1:'%*? 'â- &M :"W-':'*SI!?f^J