2&A& mora fog*}, fave |^..iMl4e$..M.:^.l&^ "aoap of Evanston debutantes Ior Jim *Baexm, latest addition to the Hit is Mis* Ijorraine Mead, _^h#oi #r. laid Mm M. A. Mead, 1810 Etonian avenue, who will be presented at a tea to be given by her mother on November 12, A change of date has been announced lor the presentation of Mws Katharine ^^lllteii^ Keith, on Saturday, December tei®rt^ Member 30, as,was the original plan. />^»n^^ betoremtod are Mise Theodosa Clark, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. i$afc3*^ns^ Cable, daughter of Mrs. Herman *^^ jmS?mL Josephine Dole, daughter of Mrs. John Newton ie. ichigan avenue. ♦ ♦ JSi, Harry T. Green spent the week- at Grand Haven, Mica. 'IPttl. 'Theodore Reese, 1670 Oak ave- nv*,]* entertaining Mrs. John Goebel, formerly of Evanston. ifajter. George Taylor and Mr. Oscar Bwjsdman are enjoying a few days* va- catton at 8augatuck, Mich. ^ M«M Bertha Moore, Prairie avenuo and OoUax street, has returned from |i short trip to Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ludwig, 2046 West Railroad avenue, announce the biifch of a daughter, Sept 22. I; grs. Fairchilds, 2700 Lincoln street hae returned from Louisville, Ky., I whwre she spent three weeks. II fllss Ruth Aker, who is teaching school at Dundee. 111., spent Sunday at^er heme, 912 Wesley avenue. f firs. B. M. Bennett, 1942 Sherman avenue, has returned from a week-end visit to her sister at Lorraine, Ohio. Mr. John Branch, 2101 Harrison street, has returned from a fishing and hunting trip la northern Wisconsin. i|,'ilrs. Frank "W. Dustan of Clarkson, wish., is eh* guest of her sister, Mrs. Ijfora Hoicpmb, 724 Michigan avenue. Miss CaiTie tfetmers of Forest Park, niu was the guest of her sister, Mrs. William A. Dubreil, 1862 Sherman ave- nufej last week. The home of Dr. O. F. Barry, 1640 Chisago avenue, was gladdened hy the arrival of a seven and one-half pound daughter Oct 8. TUbmas McBlligott, Main street and We*hy avenue, has just returned honte after a siege of typhoid fever at 0t Francis hospital. James R. Paul and her sister, Blanche Lowry, 2227 Harrison return from a visit with their in Milwaukee this week. and Mrs. F. 8. Bund of 2509 »n street are entertaining their Mrs. Jesse Lee Emery of Mem- fc Tenn., formerly of Evanston. IsP Daniel W. Bower of Doming, WMm. ;la here for a short visit to his .____ r, Mrs. Minnie Bauer ahd sister, Mia* Anna Bauer, 2118 Maple avenue. M^a Mildred E. Griggs, 1118 Jud- renue, left Sunday for Madison- t^Ky., where she wiU teach in the â- â- KfarTMi..,.. * department of the public ^â- /schools. Isabel Kidder Grant of New La., returns Thursday to her Bw»r after spending the summer with her hrother; Mr. Warren E. Kidder, > S3ff Harrison street v JflSs Ida Mae Shotwell, 630 Univer- sity place, who has been making her ^mother, Mrs. Ida J. Shotwell, a visit, v returned Monday to the State univer- si^ at Champaign, 111. ^ The Music Study club held their I flr#l meeting Monday; October 7, at thiihjome of Miss Rose Bates, 2112 Or- rtngttm avenue. Miss Bates and Miss were the hostesses. O. R Dryden, 1314 Ridge ave- __r has been at West Baden, Ind foVft^s^efcano:Mrs. Dryden and Ellen MArTT tfryflen went Sunday to Join lil^^WHWW'm&ffmr they wm now staying at C. NorrhV 232« and haa e: , ;â- «!#_ ' Northwestern .hand Is has $8 H at the home «f Mr. Arthur B. Dale/2337 Central « iseaption win be given ftw """"" ~'i&&m&&&M^#&< to the Cove- A special ia- yosmg ♦ ♦ Mrs. Adelaide B. McCuilough, 716 Clark street, after a week's vacation, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Verge Sweazey, 239 Greenwood boulevard, will spend the winter in California. Mrs. Helen Robertson and son, Dean, of Omaha, Neb., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith, 916 Lee street Mr. Philip V. Griffin, 1127 Forest avenue, expects to go to Pasadena, Cal., about the first of November. Mt. Edgar Gray of Princeton uni- versity has been the guest of Mr. Philip V. Griffin, 1127 Forest avenue, moved. Mrs. A. B. Smith and daughter, Jeanette, 2324 Hartzell street, have returned from a two weeks' visit in Oes Moines, la. Mrs. M. C. Glle and daughter, Miss Lillian Gile, are spending this week as guests of Mrs. Arthur Pierce, 120V Hinman avenue. Mrs. Thomas Russum, 806 Colfax street, accompanied her sister, Mrs. Honore, who had been Mrs. Russum's guest, home to Seattle, Wash. Mrs. C. A. Goodnow, 1627 Wesley avenue, has just returned from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. William Shields, Hill Crest road, Glen Ridge, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Marshall, 1218 Elmwood avenue, have as their guests the latter's mother, Mrs. H. C. Gridley and Mrr. L. E. Doty of Winona, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. H. Rapp, 1304 Ashland avenue, announce the marriage of their daughter, Martha, to Mr. Herman Ar- hendt, which will take place Oct 26. Miss Harriet Calvert of San Bernar- dino, Cal., returned to her home Wednesday, having been the guest of Mrs. G. F. Henderson, 919 Asbury ave- nue. ' / Mrs. William Winkly and daughter, Mrs. Frederick Koebelin, have returned to their home at Janesville, Wis., after a visit with Mrs. William French, 1325 Greenleaf -street, a niece of Mrs. Winkly. Mrs. George B. Winter and sen, Robert, 1239 Chicago avenue, returned Friday from a two weeks' trip to Winona, 111., where she visited her niece, Mrs. Charles Burgess and Mr. Winter's sister, Mrs. James McEach- era. Mrs. G. A. Grant-Schaeffer gave an entertainment Wednesday to the fac- ulty of the School of Music. A de- lightful program Was rendered and refreshments served to about thirty- five friends at their home, 1101 Davis street. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. James, 239 Greenwood boulevard, have rented their home for the winter to Mr. and Mrs. WbKcom of Chicago. Mr. Whitcom is vice-president of the Grlf- fen Car Wheel company. Mr. James and his wife will go to the BlackstOne hotel fpr the winter. Mrs. Howard Hill, 1102 Grove street, returned Wednesday from Phila- delphia, pa., where she accompanied her daughter, Miss Eleanor H. H1U, to Brfn Mawr, where slie enters on her freshman year. Mrs. Hill's sister, |t^;^arlej| *&, Evans, of German- town, fea, returned with her to Braas- fbn -Jpf. *fvtsit - ;*â- Mr* Gilbert M. avenue furnished a delightful ***ft- einoon at coffee" Wednesday at her Home in honor of tfaedosatUueof her itt^er,-:!^^^ leave' Saturday for Pasadena, CaL, for the winter. The following ladles of Mrm Weeks' hos> g«M of PfttaftsaudL* nue, has reforaed front ftotfertsoh, in.': â- â- â- -^V â- v^*^ Mrs. Frances Taft, ii33 Grant street, has gone to Canada to attend school. " ' ";%-~-\-^* :"'".. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Whitney, 1037 Judson avenue, will leave soon for Atlanta, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer H. Adams, 214 Greenwood boulevard, left for Lon- don last week. Mr. Wesley L. Kno* and daughter, Edith. 804 Hinman avenue, are at homo from Lawton, Mich. Mr. A. W. Baker, 831 Michigan ave- nue, is in Chicago, Ohio, called there by his brother's sudden death. Mr, and Mrs. Chancellor L. Jenks, 1217 Ridge avenue, are entertaining Miss Mary Houston of Mayfair, 111. ' Mrs. E. P. Woolworth, 2100 Harri- son street, is spending two weeks with her mother at her home in Omaha, Neb. Mrs. L. L. Smith, 740 Hinman ave- nue, who visited relatives at Franklin and Pittsburgh, Pa., has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Peabody, 2512 Hartzell street, left Saturday for Quebec, Canada, to be gone several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bell and lit-, tie son, Herbert, of Elizabeth, N. J., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mat- thew J. MacAdams, 2021 Harrison street. Miss Louise Graves, 2109 Colfax street, has returned from Eldora, la., where she visited her sister, M^s. J. Smallpage. Miss Elizabeth Baker, 1240 Forest avenue, who spent the summer with her grandparents in Virginia, has re- turned home. Miss Gladys Neely, who formerly lived with her cousin, Mrs. Walter Peck, 2724 Woodbine avenue, is teach- ing at Nampa, la. Miss Rose Mary Connor of Lbs An- geles. Cal., is visiting her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Devine, 1600 Dewey avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Knox of Tupper Lake, N. Y., are visiting Mr. Knox's father, Mr. Wesley L. Knox, 804 Hinman avenue. Mrs. Alfred Gross and daughter. Miss Dorothy Gross, 1100 Ridge avenue, have returned from their summer home at York Harbor, Me. Mrs. Frank O. Thompson of Cody, Wyoming, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Charles P. Whitney, corner of Church street and Judson avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Walter -Peck, 2724 Woodbine avenue, were called to Alden, la., by the sudden death of Mr. Peck's sister, Mrs. A. E. Tay- lor. " . Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Bund, 2600 Har- rison street, are entertaining their sis- ter-in-law, Mrs. Jesse Lee Emery of Memphis, Tenn.» formerly of Evans- ton. Rev. and Mrs. O. F. Mattison, who were the Conference guests of their daughter, Mrs. Carleton H. Pendleton, 1736 Orrington avenue, have returned to Barrlngton, 111. While at Stratford-on-Avon Mr. and Mrs. John C. Shaffer, 1704 Judson ave- nue, spent a most delightful evening recently with Miss Marie Corelli, the celebrated English novelist Mrs. Charles E. Cameron and daugh- ter, Marjorie, of Hamilton, Ont, left Sunday evening for home after a de- lightful visit at the home of Mr. and Mm E. W. K. Baillie, 730 Michigan avenue* -" Mrs. Ruth B. Bllckhahn of Corona, Cal., is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Albert F. Dean of 1106 Church street. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel1 Reed of 1708 Orrington avenue have gone to Mo- bile, Ala,, where they will spend the ' winter. Miss Elisabeth Dunn ot Bast Or- ange, N. J., who has been the guest of Miss Helen. Gerenld, 1200 Judson avenue, for five weeks, left Friday for Wyoming, Ohio, to visit her aunt, Mrs. Stearnes, before returning to New Jersey. ^ " â- J\[,""'^'-^:/: George and Elisabeth Rialey, 2316 Harrison street, entertained about forty of their friends at a hard times pai^ h^ Friday. All of the guests ' the nppeejmnce of Iwd add the evening was spent to games and dancing. " Mr. and It^S. H. Bl Ktogsley have moved from J3M Lincoln street to 13» "Hinman avenue, Kelson, 1207: .»|bn^|stteiB|;||;| MUM Do Made from your oirn flgun evepr Illy an< onl#Jsmtific method^smF'in- venpHfor maldnjs|ffiSoluteiy perfect individual dress forms. Ask Iter our free booklet "A" and special price offer. Molded Dress Form Co, 57 E. Jackson Sh/d. Phone* Harrison SSS9 Auto. SS894 the la'emsn^ Club of; Wilmen^ will fCsnnte on Ssturdsy, Oc^ber I6;h.' BAL^ m GYMNASTIC ;inc (*£?. VitiisM, Children] Msin Office, - Auditoriiini Bldg. Vsbssh Avenue Entrance, 8th floor. TELEPHONr» MAIIlSOff |307 - Jtts»rish^,iall^^,; SAMUELA.If e cordially in Chicagp'^ most fashionable Ladles* Tailo nounce that his tailoring establishment lar Fall season, 1912-13. Jtadles of the North S My establishment. f Place your order for \f Positively the beat tailor *^ the city for the price. Winter its for fashionable women in Phone Central 4562 SuiU804i MnsonicTemple Chicago, Illinois Smttmmm hi ii li !â- â- CARPETS AND 01 2649 S Chemical Laboratory Connected RUGS CL and Works JLD A f and ie Branches: 2451 Lincoln Art., Tel. URoli < 32. 4604 Sb«rT3S »^., Tel. SHrtwiVeed 373 Srantoa, ISIS Otrlofto* Ave., Tc4.Evan«(ra 1S?7 ~ Speelal ear* tnfcon of ladiM' «veBtBg-Sown» «nd elonke. Dmp ••MOinlty. eior«*eI«nnedoaslB«rtnotle*. i-.M, â- â- •••./..i ,:;;'V- I,' |rriTiJ:jr-r(rjTi3iffi;Ti 'â- iiri-M3i B. Altman smnssmsrssjssssimsssssssi Pifth Ave., Thirty-fourth & Thirty-fifth Sts., New York will place on exhibition st ":^: %V: s <3c«*ber filtli to their latest Importations Women's and Alisses' Evening a^a Street includidt