Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Oct 1912, p. 13

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'â- "• ~'(L"â- â- :'â- â- :"• 'â-  -â- â- â€¢ â- â-  <>â- .-•;•,.• ;-'V'..-^»-..-~^»:.;v^'--, J1....1.:,^ â- â- â- â- ,,- â-  "l^l•.^.â- '^l^".^. - :m- ',' ""i"1"1' â-  â- .»â- *)>â- .....jr. ran> jrt/iiM»lli«i»PiM y^iM.,,,^ n.^"^^ - v an ftiM«iw^»!^i"'«llr ifiw».« ,'^mmmtmm.n . u i.. i â- .». i.i.j ...â-  ..^.jffi ifilj&i^ A beautiful town served by{ Progressive iferchtifnia A good place to live, - -" - _ A good place to buy. fcs#MSM»»*#»M»»^»a\a#S«a»MS#as»S^^ |: What People Are Doing jj .....â€"^ in Hri1nt£i4"f£i .............o iâ€".......m in »»•«♦♦♦»»»»»»♦ Mrs. J. Melville Brown entertained the P «adlnj circle on Monday after- noon, jvN --â- ' Mr. and Mrs. Q. C. Murdock re- turned recently from a two weeks' trip to northern Wisconsin. Pr. and Mra. Veach have aa their jue-tB their daughter, Mrs. Le Roy, and two children, of Pittsburgh, Pa. Mrs. Burt of Champaign, 111., who has *>een visiting her ton, Mr. H. J. Bur', recently returned to her home. Mrs. Cope of Champaign, 111., was tb* puest of her sister, Mrs. H. J. Burt, 1027 Blmwood avenue, last week. Mra. L. B. Springer, 430 Hill street, entertained the fifth division of the Ladies' Aid society of the Methodist church on Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hall Nichols, 8in Forest avenue* announce the birth of a son, born Oct 10. The little iran's name is Richard' ira Nichols. Mrs. James H. Kidder, 817 Central avenue, entertained at luncheon on Friday last and will entertain at bridge on Friday afternoon, Nov. 1. Mr«. wm. O. Belt of Washington avenue entertained on Friday in honor of Mrs. Lee of Minneapolis, who is the guest of Mrs. W. T. Smith, 615 Lake «v enue. On Tuesday evening, Nov. 5, elec- tion returns will be received by spe- cial wire at Jones' hall. An admis- sion fee of 25 *ents will be charged to defray expenses. Rev. L. L. Hammett and wife moved their furniture from the M. B. par- sonage, Tuesday to Berwyn, their new field of labor and the new pastor of the Wl«ns«* church..|lev, & J& P*!0 and family moved into the-parsonage. Miss Madeline Wilson, 829 Klm- »ood avenue, assisted the ladies of Evanston on Tag Day, Tuesday of last week, In their effort to assist the Francis Juvenile home, and several hundred dollars were secured on that d&y by the Evanston women; At the Ojoilmette Country club on .Saturday evening auction bridge will be played, and there will be refresh ments. On Thursday evening. Oct. 31. the annual hallowe'en party will be held. The decorations and re- freshments will be appropriate to the HEAR BISHOP VINCENT occasion. in the hope of saving the litvd of <a r D. L. Taylor, 6757 Woodlawn ave- nue. Chicago, and formerly of Wil- wette, who has been very ill for sev- eral months with nervous prostration. a zone of quiet was established on Saturday by order of Lieut James McCann of the Hyde Park station, be- tween Fifty-seventh and Fifty-eighth Mreets,-and two patrolmen began en- forcing the order at once. Mr. Taylor i« president of the Taylor-Critchfleld Advertising company of 238 West Jackson boulevard. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Colt, 1286 Green- wood avenue, spent last week-end at Sidell III Mrs, Frank L. Koontz is spending a couple of weeks at Lake Geneva the guest of her parents. Mrs. M. R. Knox, who has been ill for several weeks with typhoid fever, le improving and expects soon to be able to leave the hospital. Rev. L. L. Hammitt, who has been pastor of the Methodist church for the past two years, moved on Tuesday to his new charge at Berwyn. Ladle.) of the fourth division will give a hallowe'en musical, Monday evening, Oct. 28, at the home of Mrs. Volney Underhlll, 701 Washington avenue. Mrs. Mary E. Springer and Mrs. Underhlll, hostesses. Everyone welcome. A special meeting will be held in St. Augustine's church this evening at 8 o'clock and the address of the even- ing will be made by the Rt Rev. Dan- lei S. Tuttle, presiding bishop of the church. A cordial invitation is ex- tended to all who may be interested to attend this service. The members of the Woman's guild are holding ail-day meetings at the parish house on Friday of each week, making preparations for the annual bazaar which is to be held shortly be- fore Christmas. Luncheon is served to the members of the guild each Fri- day at a nominal charge. The ladies of the Fourth Division of the Ladies' Aid society of the Metho- dist church will give a Hallowe'en musical on Monday afternoon, October 28, at the home of Mrs. Volney Under- bill, 701 Washington avenue. .Mrs. M. B. Springer and Mrs. Underbill will be hostesses. Everyone will to© wel- come. Free will offering. The Central Avenue Circle of the First Congregational church will com. bine with the Neighborhood circle In a sale to be held on Friday, November 8. which is the day of the regular monthly luncheon. The sale will in- clude fancy article* suitable for Christ- mas gifts, and there will also bo a fine bakery sale at this time. Orders will be taken for any of the articles for sale. Several of the ladles do very fine tutting and will be very glad to take orders for this popular trimming. ;â€"£ P The Woman's Club of Wilmette will hold its regular meeting Wednesday afternoon, October 80, at 2:80 o'clock. The program will be in charge of the Child and Home department and the speaker will be Bishop John H. Vin- cent of Chicago. His addreas will be "The Vanishing House Mother." Bishop Vincent founded the Chautau- qua Institution at Chautauqua, N. Y., in 1874 and at the same time started the Chautauqua Scientific and Liter-1 ary circle which has done more to- ward bringing education to the homes of people who could not afford a col- lege education than any institution In the world. At Chautauqua when Bishop Vin- cent wishes to show great appreciation to a speaker be greets him with the Chautauqua salute. At a signal from the bishop everyone In the audience waves a handkerchief. In an audience of ten thousand people this is a very beautiful sight | Mis. Pieison, president of the club suggested at the last meeting of the club that the ladies greet Bishop Vin- i cent with his familiar salute as he steps forward to speak. See E. S. NORDBERG SSptSBB THE SANIT WttmetU We have established an Auto delivery service to Evanston, W Give us a trial to show yon what we can do-for you* AT THE PRICES THIS WEEK AT NILLES= d the Goods Are Better than the Prices Laic** 5»ho«e banlisrium Oar Specialty* th%8a<wwfol RHUHU invalfria i rates Mcd| nqrB»i 2237 Sherman Hve. Evanstoa, 01. I «m J.'EIER 1131 Greenleaf Avenue WILMETTE, ILL. Tdepkoe* 9eS-J Wilmctt* MISS RUflSH ELM .. treacf&Mf Pro.. R.ftwci 1603 Uk< z AT WILMETTE LIBRARY. A list of new books in pur public library bought this month; "Romance of Billy Goat Hill," Rice. "Rich Mrs. Burgoyne," Norrls. "The Hollow of Her Hand," McCut- cheon.' "Pujol," Locke. "The Lone Portage," Buldloss. "The Littlest Rebel," Peple. "The Would-Be Goods," Nesbit. 4 "The Promised Land," Autin, "The Principle Girl." Snalth. "The Wind Before the Dawn," Mun- ger. "Grey Friar* Bobby," Atkinson. "Melting of Molly." Daviess. "A Woman of Genius," Austin "The Unofficial Secretary," Maim "Chip of the Fly In* U.'\ Bower. "Burlod Alive," Bennett. "The Beast," Lindsay "Pla> Making," Archer "Stud/ of the Drama." Maui**.**, "The Drama," Woodbriuge. "The Magistrate." Pinero. "The Thunderbolt." Pinera "The Voysey Inheritance," u<..hv. "As i Man Thinks," Thomas. •Don," Beselr. "The Sunken Bell," Hauptnuun* "The Honey Moon." Bennett, "Woman of the French Salon' "Bungalows," Saylor. "Cathedrals of Southern *'»«.«. L.iKoun. "Cook Book' ttorer Full Dress Suits Made to Order JQHtWT. BOTBERG Baldwin Apples......peck 3Sc bW. .....AJ»*a$3.28 Light Moifee cyEarTcA...4c Charm Faft.ilyyqfjp, ftaCrs 25c Vanilla Viaters&b.., .^^g#8c rlamburfr Stcak^sjsme whi^ you WftTlh..... 15c Whole or half hams, lb___20c EXTRA SPECIAL 4- Sewed Brooms only.....23c Ft U|| I CO GROCERY * â-  Jl NILLCOf MARKET 1215 fr'metii Ave. Phones 278 a 278 QUESTIONS ANSWERED i^'"%' Laying** Scraping Cleaning : Rcilnlsltlng j, tp E.B. Moore Wy«. FINK HAEDWOOD riO0*W*f * osasstte WeW*^ ninfn. 129 N. Wabaab AstMfti CHICAGO •«** >0 .«nM baa .iCE i lUiu uu UUUFa l. cJrambo PHONE 467 1! I RAM BO NoveJpVbr Work •5#* J168 WilmetU Avenue WILMETTE, ILL. SG ette. Ill xf GOOD ci "â€" M. 232 1126 Central A ve., Wu... Wibrfette B Edith MpKtitner Second Flooi Hai High Class Scouti tying Done ' O'XjShop J0 Bldf/uolctntral Are., WUmstte vttO Wm mmUuli MIT MffW W* fiicii ymr Office phone 53 Res. phone 36 Stable phone 560 i/ J. A. H0TH/4jA u i»,.il Teaming 1208 Central Ave. WlimcKc, Illinois Wllisna i|V Hesldeace 779-L /LPARN SHORTHAND ^Individual, personal instraction at tbe oldest and best scn^i BIG SAI modern onice «, , -i one, Adding Machines «xe ea.ned by those combining a ances like the Comptometer,'jfcltlgrai etc. Without cost to those tfklng fnifcftt Write now for interestini iBnstra«Sirand copy of new School Macazlne to the PATERSpN INSTITUTE, SHORTHAND AND OFFICE APPLIANCE TRAINING SCHOOL, 59 B. Van Buren St.. near Michigan Ave. vr n m w PRIVATE INSTRUCTION IN WILMETTE. Call r* V.J a r* Tuesday evenings at 418 Tenth street. Store Telephone Si 1/ WilUamj G. ^yfk Electrical Constjkctitoaf:: mroware Gas and ElJctrica^ U50 Central Avenue WILMETTE, ILL. Cakes that have that "homey" taste that comes from good Latter and plenty of it We have alrao^iain loaf cakes like cakj^pyWyCTe and not the Mar Die (JsifP, GoToXake, Haxlettut it Cake andSptce^Jgflflnd Cafes. these cal^fflffnaa^for this week, to October 31. that will please those icin^. Yellow Fruit Pecan Cake, Molasses Special sale on one Uoffl Friday, Octob Large Cuts, 14c, Two for 25c. Wihon's North Shore Bakery 1148 Central Ave,, Wilmette telephones 413-414 Subscribe for the Lake Shore New* Li m

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