..........mm< in Glencoc »>mm.....m» low Jessie DeLan* to home from, Mr. and Mrs. 0pcrry Pane tntsr* ajorooe, taincd Mr. and Mr*. J. L. Lane <* Mr. vd Mm. Robert Hall are to <«•* â- &â- «•* wsek. New Tot* city. I Mr. and Mrs. Arttwr MeDoogal es- Mr. Roland Harford if ob to ei- tertained at a danee laet evening at tended trip to Mleeo, fie, tne Winnetlca Woman'* dub. Miss Ethel DeLang to teaching do- The Ladles' Aid society of the Meth- mettle aetoaee at Hull aouas. odtot Bpiscopal charch n*â„¢-** Mr. and Mr*. Arthur Howard are at the homo of Mr*. William Md- guests of ate mother, Mr*. C. H. How- wards. __ art. Mr.'Kenneth Ufare to home fre%t Mr. and Mr*. Paal D. Sexton have an extensive trip to the Paellle coast, returned from a abort vtolt In 110-1 Mrs. John Dietrich to visiting In waukee, |Kaneae. IIMMMM1...........*••........................"o | What People Are Doing :,.........♦ in Kenilworth...........» tone aai J !GH A. HA»N... PUBWIS, GENERA Pirk Avenue CENT'S OS AND ANDISE Glencoe, III. are In Casque and her company will be a pleaeant *nrprtoe to all. It will be wonderfully well pretented. In fact, it will be nothing abort of a revela- tion, it to not generally known that much dramatic talent exists In the Mr* and Mra. O. M. Rath Florida. Mr. John Howard Jonea ia on an ex- tended trip in the southwest Mr. F. E. M. Cole to in Minneapolis Vat is expected home this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Dodeon have re- village a* baa been brought out In tamed to Kenilworth after a long an- this play. It will be a presentation Mnce, I of the highest order of amateur dra- Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Armstrong'matic art. The minstrel will be one aare started on their trip around the world with the beat wtohea of their friends. The double entertainment to be given by the Church of the Holy Com- forter and consisting of a play, fol- lowed by a minstrel, all by local talent, will take place on Saturday. Oct. 26, at 8:15 o'clock, at the As- sembly hall. "Everywoman" 1* a modern morality play, written by Har- old Browne. It deals with every- woman in quest of happiness, making her way through the wile* of the grand round of fun and laughter. But in saying this there to no Implication of coarseness and unrestraint, which sometimes mars entertainment* When in need 2 of ice, phoneys this kind. Instead of being the a***1' r/xil-, />rrlt*r« it^fe/lll clap-trap conglomeration of black and yUUr U1UCI, IjTY"* hideous costumes, it will be a finished fprtpiV production of real artâ€"light, airy, iCWwlVJ pleasingâ€"Just aa might be expected |pn|| from the high class talent of a vil- l*mi lage such as thto. The costumes are dainty and pretty, the songs tuneful and catchy, the mirthful element ting proper and in keepingâ€"no amount of • _ labor or care baa been spared to ,wc vu. # cant explain why, but kno ouwjfrl •t yoi^rf^et- best and purest he market. We world to final triumph. Every child »«>* « «• *" "*•» "*'*rea w " and young person, to aay nothing of Mk6 lt ***** * lloUWe »«rfonnance. their elders, ought to see this splendid £• S^J^Sr? nandTw"^ SGftiehoW Or Other OW Ice depiction of the triumph of the things aBa wUI "• m «*W»w » a*00* Wlâ„¢ . worth while. The production by Mrs, At Our Hew Some is TheNorth AmericanBldg. 1fos Can Bay a Genuine Dnntlejr FneomaUc Cleaner Msstftty PaysiMisas ______imatfe >t*«T«ry boa*. COMS 1* •** ** ** workâ€"••• htm It wfll a»v* hewra «*«ry d»» and kaap jroor turn* dâ€"nrr than by any ih- r pnemm, Â¥hon4 or wrlu and we will mmm to yoa. DlTflTLaTSSKSifiR 4tb rtoor north smirks* aid*. Cor. State A M >anw8m. Pkena RaodolphJlM in the next few in town is daya. The busiest scems to last longer than i Mr. Edward D. . . i*^ ^ Mim . other ice. Phone us to- day for a trial order. W. H. POWERS Distilled Water Ice Co. Your Own Form CAST FROM Your Own Fipre Molded Dress Fi for oar free booklet *A* and aaealal price offer. MeMii Ureas Form Co. •Sfa^JeafcstmBlvC Aps*. 1932 Ridge Ave. PHONE NO. 7 Manufactured in EvsnMon Jtr-ll soon be asking "What abaft* '^VtWmp iou aw puzgled by this question just think of lh«s ^ ^tore and the enormous itock of be«trtifu^c|^li<!sr ^ mounts we carryâ€"probably the largest in Chicago and crrtainlv the finest • â- j^^^ym .: | Taer nor be hs4 In two colorsâ€"Queen's Gray and Quaker Brown, tBto offering an harmonjoas moantlng for both black and whit* and septa pictures. In eacb ease the mount Is a shade darker than the over- lay; which Is of the finest Quality of ^sy0*^ ^ortT ^lltt JV^^ tt^rreapond'i with thd^^ oTjiiCtnre for which themOuntlsJg^lded. the orerlsjd^Bted with an artlstlew^order to match te color of the card proper IOJf.. tassel cords are also in- serwsi ,, .â- -â- ~-^rrr' ' The Calendar Mounts hare a distinctive eharacterâ€"they are truly artistic^ They are made in eleven popular siset â€"five rertical and six hori- zontal, ready for. picture to bt inserted. i CALENDAR MOUNTS RATC8 AND COLORS: Queen's Gray end Quaker Brown . For Horixoniai and Veftleal Pictures < 8Ue No. FOrPrinta Outside Price I .. .2%xS%... B%x 8 ... .10.10 t ...*%x«4... t%s'7f4..r. .10 * /,.»ttxd%... 6KX *%.....10 Sise No. For Prints Outside Price 4 ...*fcx«»;.. 7%«io%.....U 5 ...4 x5 ... 7%xl0%.... .15 6 ...6 x7 .vlljH..... 4f Western Merchandise & Supply Co, 324 West Madison Street 1 Mam Floor, Hearst Buifdinf CMICACiQf tLL. Subscribe for The Lake Shore Ne^ mm SSF ANNOUNCEMENT H. KNAPP â€" n*c*vtor j^ VOCAL MI]$1C u Freezing wea Ev^anston ha Irics that are noted for Cold weatherâ€"-Hard on the hands and the health to hang out clothes. ^^^ ^J0^\': Coudy wealli râ€"Hard to getifl^g^hifaf Rainy weatherâ€"Hard to dr^jj/m whei^ want thtm. j. tlheiy^-Hard on fine linen. i sevfcraVlaundri their fine work. | ^^ Send all your washing to any of them for a few weeks' trial and see for yourself that you will get the kind of laundry work you admire but seldom achieve. Nelson Bros. Laundry Co. - Washington Laundry Mutual Laundry Co. Evanston Hand Laundry â- i i:i * ' U' E«0Ks!^Sj3SiB4ilS'-3S^! **jr:-^«»Bf-waspf»Sf.WMt*