Wmi i-*^. ?W Store now closes at 6 p. m. Thursdays instead of being Open 11 n til 9 as formerly ^•v^v3^^$*"'^" 'â- ::m^"'^iiik!*^iH'-\^":^^g^*'^/i^S^v?^', * ^â- ""•';' " * v> Demonstrate the wrt»>»»^»"« I 11'â- .-, â- 1 - Pt %*&];£'. j$ !- A sowing and sale Women pill be quick to appreciate. Ever^^^^^mierit is new, stylish arid of material that give excell$rit^rvice ^^ Sizes to fit women and mifses of all ages. Q ^'^ BLACK COATS of aU wool serge, ele- W#IEN'S TAILORECl »un-8jlfall gant model for fall or winter wear, wofl serges and nofelty m»««es, plain tailored model, lined through- lined with good Jtraalityf aktin, out with beat qual- ^0 eTA slight or cutaway slyie <5oafc.|ew- ity satin; sizes, 34 to lg# $Q ^^.-gS flf 1g 50 grey mixtures ......f. .â- *•*â- *• *w^ 46, rft................ wOMENjap^SWBATERS â€" Women's pure worsted sweater coats; fanoy or mannish knit. V or nigh seek style, single or double breastr <y ft q ed garment; colors, j IIq grey, white and cardinal.. s-.*f â- ^ w- BLANK ST ROSSSâ€"Women's blanket hath robes, made square or high neck style; bound in plain satin With A /\0 ' pocket and heavy ' aX \SJ% cord; all sites...... â- • .^*T SlLk PtTTICOliti^Snk petticoats, made of good grade mescaline and taffeta, in black and all a aq the new winter colors; X Wf> plaited or ruffled flounce.. .** • ^ *^ HOCKEY CAPSâ€"Extra heavy, soft and good wearing, boys' hockey caps, in navy, grey and cardinal..'........ 48c long Ail Good Corsets The "Rosamond Stands Supreme It is made exclu- 3QQ sively foF us and 99 can be purchased at no other store . f^& in the ,and' GIRLS' GRAY CHINCHILLA COATSâ€"Collar and cuffs of contrasting color, Just the thing for winter wear; a f\r% sizes. 8 to M *Tȴ0 years............... â- e ^ w CHILDREN'8 SWEATERS â€" Boys' and girls' sweaters, plain or fancy weaves colors* cardinal, f\Q** grey and white; good, VOC heavy winter weight........^-ww JOHNNY COATS, in grey. navy and brown, trimmed with braid, velvet 3.50 fo&501 £&"£££"? 0.98 warm, stylish garment-----+ • * w '!$%)& >-.-'M. hAViM â- :â- â- â- . *â- â- â- : °xm â- s-m THE NORTH SHORE HOME OF HART SCHAFFNER * *»*** 6W»™M. «00«R ^OSSD KBOTCH UNOMWHII ^» INTERWOVEN H08E- The Suite SO'Goate You Waited For HcreV great, ^oodiews to every man who Wants to be well dressed. All wool and nothing else; or all Wool and silk, goes into every HartrSchaffner & Marx Garment There is some satisfaction ia that for you when there are so many cheap cotton thing» '<»*feJâ„¢** After you're worn for a while the clothes we sell ,ou, wewant yon to be as w.U *»;***£~ '"^£j ns as when you first put them on. All wool quality is the first requwite toward that end. These goods.are Z"^tZ t° g?ve sJtisfiu tion, and we will make good the guarantee. AU wool quality is a standard that many mrinufacturers don't hold to., Our fall overcoats are ready for you. Suite $18.50 and up. Overeoats $16.50 and up. We show other good clothes-ut $12.50 to $5 uu»wy/wV r -,__â- ___. __________„M .*____• />AADrri WHITE CAT KLOSED KROTCH 3.95 BOYS' FANCY MIXED SUITSâ€"Neat meoV him ana dark patterns. AH wool materials, well tailored and cut. Doable-breasted and Norfolk styles. Some have two pairs of trousers. At S&45 and............... BOYS' WINTER OVERCOAT8, wHh belt all around, single and double-breasted styles, with convertible collar and Russian style Astrakhan or velvet collars. All wool frieaea, meltons, kersey cloth and chin- chillas; plain and fancy fm f*/l mixtures; flannel lined; atse. i-OXJ 3 to 10 yra.; at $SS5 up to...... V f TT, MEN'S HEAVY WEjeHT I^OERWEAR-- Shirts and drawers aaade from selected do- S£«p^ we^nftwd wRi a small steâ€"» « to asj, enwiiBi,_______g ^r ft/ OTHER QARalENTi^T^pUP TO »#-^^ 2.00 H, YOU MEN AND YOUNG MENâ€"If ye* need a new fall Hat you will find the *â€"» showing of Correct colors and style in soft and still Hats at $5, $3.50, $3 and............ Vlft£ PATENTED HY-I.O SWEATED COAT for men, the newest thing In srwjas»t> efs; can be used as a V neck or high collar, and also has a patented chest protector. To appreciate this garment yon will have to see it They are made of the finest grade of pure worsted yarn; a /\f* different colors; specially Te^3 priced at........>.....».......••*.* OTHER GOOD SWEATER COATS 69c UP TO S7J0L MEN'S " HIGH GRADE SHIRTS â€" Extra good percale, plain and Platted hososa: coat styl , cuffs attached. The twix wnA »><«»♦«» net- - at Sl-^0 ani*.>*.^..... 1.00 COOPER'S WHITE CAT KLOSED KROTCH UNION SUITSâ€"Once a man weart^them/ be will never regret It Made Bke a pair of drawers; different a g\g grades and weights. Spe- 'T.UU eial, $1J0 up to................. SWEATER COATS FOR BOYS in Byroa collars. High neck shawl collar: also V shape neck; most every style; heavy and medium weights; all popu- <y /\/hw colors; prices range $+\f\J from gi*2S to.....•• *•<»••••...... BOYS' TROUSERSâ€"AB wool fancy eaanW- meres and wonted Knicker- ^ 4 s* boeker Trousers, weU made < I IJ sad cut full, $1.50 value at......-»e^w RAINCOATS AND SMP-ONSâ€"Every eoat is guaranteed anoT% new one for «iy that does net wear satisfactorilyâ€"S4JW up to giaitt. A special feature is a^oat, worth S1S.00. which we sell fiMr.^r-....«^*» â€" • r^fS