Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Oct 1912, p. 14

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g^*4«#P:H?q W wmamm' *mm TIW XAK* tflOIW Kpm sss±s Wliat Peopie A » Evanston «»..........» VANSTONIANS interested in the Illinois Children'! Home and Aid society will have an opportunity the iirat of the week to heJp these little wards of the state. On next Monday the regular monthly meeting of the North Shore Advisory board of the home will occur. At this time the aunual donation of provisions and laundry supplies will be received. The Advisory board is composed of public-spirited and philanthropical women resid- ing in all the north shore towns. Though the home is run under the supervision of the state, it is to these women the credit belongs for the fine institution that has been erected here for these little unfortunates. It is hoped that the offering Monday will be a generous one. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ â- m $if Ife. |0 K Mr. Carl Suhr of A. S. Van Deussn's grocery Is quits ill. Mrs. James Currey of Bennett ave- nue entertained at luncheon Friday afternoon. Mrs. Frank Hayes. 1824 Hlnman avenue, left Saturday for a three weeks' visit to New YorJc Mr. and Mrs. Purdy W. Orvis, 2812 Hartsellstreet, left Thursday tor pre mcnt, Neb., for a short visit The Oak Leaf circle met Thursday evening at the home of Miss Adelaide Harvey, 2527 Thayer street Mrs. Van Pettan of Kankakee, 111., is visiting her son, Mr. Harry S. Van Pettan, 2323 Harrison street Miss Anna Helen Smith, 1910 As- bury avenue, left Tuesday for Los An- geles, Cal., where she will reside. Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Yerkes, 1309 Ridge avenue, sre home having spent a week at French Lick Springs, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Crosby of Duluth, Minn., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Armour, 1608 Ridge avenue. Mr. and Mrs. James K. Baker, 1240 Forest avenue, left Thursday for Louisville, Ky., and will be back Mon- day morning* Misses Nora 8canlan and Miss Helen Gaffe of Highland Park, are spending Hallowe'en week with Mrs. Matthew Beatman. 784 Oakton street Mr. and Mrs. A B. Pitts and chil- dren, 731 Oakton street, just returned from Springfield, 111., where they vis- ited Mr. Pitts* brother, Mr. George Pitts, for a week. Mrs. Wool'worth and son, Curtis, 2030 Harrison street will return Sat- urday from Omaha, Neb., where they spent two weeks as the 'guests of Mrs. Wjtejworth'a mother, Mrs. Curtis. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Patterson, who have been occupying the James K. Armsby home, 1333 Maple avenue, daring the Armsbyw stay In Califor- nia, will move to 1719 Ridge arenas. friends of Rev. and Mrs. Horace Blake Williams, formerly of 22243 Cen- tral street, now of Concord, N. BU have heard from them and find they are very comfortably situated at their new residence. Mrs. T. T. Johnston. Hit Sherman avenue, Is contemplating going to To- ronto, Canada, to witness nor son's opening performance of -Mine Ptto cess/* November 4. He fts expected Jams the eleventh. ___ Mrs. J. K. Armshy of Marion county. Cat. was the guest of her brother. Dr. Frank a Bnktn, 1134 Hlnman ave- Ight 3alardayMrn wltt take nanssUsi of nor Mr. Baser BcnmMtt. 1*2* Mrs. J. S. Barker and daughter Elise, 1414 Hlnman avenue, left Fri- day for Toledo, O. Mr. Marshall Palm, 2607 Prairie avenue, has returned from a two weeks' hunting trip in northern Wis- consin. Mr. and Mrs. William Deering, 408 Jhurch street, left Tuesday afternoon in Mr. Deering's private car for their winter's residence at Cocoanut Grove, . lor Ida. The Parents' and Teachers' assocla- ion of Lincoln school will hold an open house" at the school on election .tight, Tuesday, November 6. A pri- vate wire has been secured, and the Section returns given there. Admit- non will he 10 cents, and music and efreshments will be had. The public a cordially Invited. Geo. W. Hotchklss returned Wednes- day from his trip to Panama, King- ston, Jamaica, San Jose, Costa Rica and Santiago, Cuba, in greatly im- proved health. He was in a serious wreck on Tuesday night when nearing Buffalo on the Lehigh railroad, in which the engine and four cars were practically destroyed while fortunate- ly no lives were lost although the passengers were shaken all over the floor of the chair cars. The Young People's society of the First Baptist church has announced a hard time social for Saturday evening, November 2. The announcement reads. "All young people of the church and Sunday school are invited, and a jpecial invitation being extended to the students and their friends." All .hose attending must appear In herd .ime costumes. Competent Judges will Jecide who is costumed the most salt* able for the occasion. The new sanctuary windows for the Lady Chapel of 8t Lake's church ar- rived this week from the Wtllet stu- dios in Pittsburgh and are now being >laced in the band of five windows »ver the reredos. Drawn from designs jvolved by the rector the twenty groups (fan? to each, window) portray m Biblical scones the Five Joyful My* erles. via* the Annunciation, the rteitaUesu the Holy Nativity, the Dt- .ine Youth in the Temple. Whenden Methodist Spuwepet church save a deUghtfnl reeeptto*. Thursday o their pastor and wife* Rot. and Mm Vlbert 1* Fishier, who enter open their bird year of service. There wan a on Tankers* pastor of the Mathsdhw hureh at Lake Shaft gave a trees. Dr. W. mat tn words, of wolcosaa. MmW. F. lolls on behalf of the Lsdan\ AM a* tcty, Mr. w% sP« tsetse* president of ^ePSsBsT Jfhgmnnnjnnnnnnjn^.-_. anjsx .-nhuunn* 4sl0Si^anjBnn^n^sm^spenaj^ ew^ EX, Tuekejr^ nireessaat af who n^swann me) msk CWarrhssy % sharier ttk a Miss Ms4eiine Miller of Hoopeston, 111., visited Mr. Clarence C. Miles lasw Mr. W. A. Fridmore, 2721 Woodbine avenue, has returned from a business trip to Harwood, Fin. Mrs. A. L. Sproule, 1687 Chicago avenue, is home from a sin weeks' visit to New York City. .. Mrs. P. L. Mcl^lnnle of the Evans- ton is home from a short trip to French Lick Springs, Ind. Mr. O. W. YoungQulst, 2318 Har- rlson street, left Friday for a short business trip to Pittsburg, O. Mrs. John Douglass gave a 4 o'clock tea Thursday at her home, 2404 Har- rison street, to meet her mother, Mrs. Dorr Kimball. Mrs. Shank, who has visited her sis- ter, Mrs. S. J. Betts, 2512 Railroad avenue, for three months, left for home Thursday. Mrs. R. V. Trusdell and two chil- dren, 921 Washington street, have re turned from St. Louis, Mo., where the> visited relatives. Mrs. Gilbert Nelson JIr and little son, Gilbert III, 823 Reba place, after visiting for six months in Scotland, nave returned homo. * Mr. and Mrs. J. D, Terras, 044 An- bury avenue, celebrated the twenty- ninth anniversary of their marriage Thursday, October 24. Mrs. Frank 8. Grimsley and baby daughter, Elisabeth G. Grimsley II, of Minneapolis are visiting Mrs, Haworo Hill, 1102 Grove street. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Neilson, 2200 Har- rison street, who have been on a visit to Mr. Nellson's parents at Cincinnati, O., have returned home. Mrs. Bogart, mother of Mrs. Fred- erick Lord, 1113 Maple avenue, has gone to Toronto, Can., to reside with another daughter for the winter. Mrs. Shank, who haa spent the past three months with her slater, Mrs. S. J. Betts, 2512 Railroad avenue, left Thursday for her home in New Jer- sey. Mrs. F. H. Shuts, 2736 Harrison street, is in Baltimore, Md., where she has been tor a week. . She expects to remain three weeks longer In the east. Mr. F. B. French and family will re- Mr. W. A. Fridmore, 2721 jBTootfMl* avenue, la noma, froim a bua|iess |§i# to Harwoad,, fla. "v ;f â- ':%â-  jfe Mrs. J. Brindlerof.Lia Crosse, WW* is the guest of Mrs, Frederick A. Hoi- orook, 419 Lee streki â-  * * Mr. and Mrs; Frank Y. Jforrla hnf Miss Helen Norrw, 2407 HsWisnp street, spent the week-end, Jn Aurora, 111. f " â- .,,-. â- .:.:.â-  Mr. Henry Mitchell and Mr. Rug of Gary, Ind., spent Sunday with Mr. arid Mrs. Arthur Roberts, 2203 Central street .. 4**.. - Mrs. William Fargo and daughters, Ruth and Margaret, have Inoved an apartment at 637 Hlnman avenue front Belding, Mich. ^ Mr. J. Sayler Coon, 1214 Main street, left for Fowlerton, Texas, last week, •topping en route at St. Louis, Mo., and San Antonio, Texas. Mr. James A. Lemmon; 904 Colfax street, is home from Minneapolis, Minn., where he has been playing golf at the Minneapolis Golf club. Mrs. Josephine Hirst of Ogden, Wan, came Thursday to visit her daughter, Mrs. William H. Newcomb, Judson avenue and Main street. Mrs. J. F. Henderson, 910 Asbury avenue, and her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Charles Clinton Henderson (nee Edna De Mars),' of Rogers Park, made a short visit .to Wheaton, 111., last week. Mr. Chester B. Masslich of New York visited hia aunts, Miss M. Elisa- beth Farson and Mrs. F. M. McKay, 1732 Sherman avenue, on Tuesday night, his parents accompanied him home. Mrs. E. W. Chllda and children, Al- berta and Davis, of Bramblebuah, leave next Saturday to go to Compton, Cal. There they will spend the winter with Mrs. Chllda' parents, Mr. and .Mrs. A. C. Bird. Mrs. George A. Paddock of Kansas City, Mo., left Saturday night for Tampa, Fla., where she will spend the winter. She haa had a moat enjoyable visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Maurltson, 318 Main street Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wilbur. 716 Bin- man avenue, returned last week from a trip to Pittsburgh, pa,; Now York City and Boston, Mass. In Massachu* setts they were the guests of former and Mrs. O. B. ff thinnln restore it Wl'jiell plain tit Miss ***** ytl^%^ %ix^W to^^m%. naCMOvnn side this winter at the home of Mrs. Frances C. Diefendorf, 15*4 Asbury 1 Evanston friends, Mr avenue. They have already movedJFineM. from their farm, near Norwood Park./ Mrs. Ernest J. Ford, West Railroad Mr. Lew H. Aalyo, window trimmer tor Rosenberg's, feaa Juat returned from Mollne, lit, after hia marriage to Miaa Rive Berry of that city. The wedding took place In Clinton. Iowa, Monday, Oct. 21. Mrs. Clarence C. Raets* 319 Hln- man avenue, was noatesa at her owa birthday party, Oct U. Tne dinner was most enjoyable and the ten sneats present made the evening en- loyantsx Lincoln school heM Its regular Fri day evening dance at the school Fit day. Mr. and Mrs, Hlgga nad charge ov the program. The parpoae of taest daneen la to bring the yoang people of the school, its alumni, and the In* mediate Mlghhorhood tn lisaaant so etai concourse to press** friendships and fnreish a pleasant eveniag. Any one not knowing haw to danea Is taught the art by thee* tnetraetors These gatherings at aehaol center* ^ieveiT|io«Mstarsasds»atnts^S>oved especially ao. A weddtag of hUeteat tn Swedlst etrcsM tosh ptoco Tassday eveatag Oct. 2A, at a o'clock at the Swath* Baptist charcsv the Rev. John A Swansea eJH4altnt> The aenrtet aalted httss Jejaala fshnasn, Og Fit teeath aTeaaev Witsaettev and Mr David Nerd of 14C» Wttessllii aveaae WAsnetto Ta*hrtde>»»waedta whh pearl tstsantfag; tntte veJI w*h Httsa of toe vmRey ana shower at while hyher Mtos Rush nhnsssk aa sushi of avenue and Central street, who spent a month in Canada, haa returned home. Mrs. C. E. Thompson of Boston, Mass., Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L W. Hewitt, 92* Washington street Dainty little announcement cards matted to relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. William French of 1S2S Greenleaf street tell their own happy atory. They estOaln from Mr. Stork personally conducted Thore Elisabeth French Into Evanaton at 11:15 a. ol, Saturday momlag. Oct. H. Dr. Oar* anas Roosno says that hath little hUm K^rench and the mother are gettn Oong as nicely as «ouM ha expected. A delightful than was spent at the home of Miss Helen Dome, CIS Judson tvenne, Friday, who entertained her Sejeday school clans with a Hallowe>n party. Games were played ami re- roahmsnto ssjrredU Tha participants vara ton Mtsses Cecil Rlghy, Cathei^ na Tawaev Catherine Byasa, Martha Duthlew Vtrgteia Fellows. Loalse Car> !er, Phyllis Oeen» Helen Folga. May aesftsanw Grace Patnasa. Grace natax Sarah, Catherlno and John Dar> oa and Jutta Byaaa* cJsa>nwanad ay ttm Stewart, ton tone An tetorenttng event, the calmlna Uen of gtrt and hayheod frieadshlp, eccaned Sataiday eeendnsT at ton of htm. Fraacen Braca SXratn. aslT Wheruaan avanaa. It wan the af her lewev to Mr. hV sVstheem wWssar of ay toe chBdrea vat ixeja^chJDdreni af the cnsjgsa, ton Raw. Mr. Henry B. Walker eg Oak Park usliilsllssj Mka. WIlBma Crahl lewa CStyM taata* HENRI DELEBECQUE Mp "SB***** Cleai&tsM ,.CsU-_____ httU rtoaptly 808 ftempstef Street Evisston. IIL Ttlepaoat2S8 %fH TstsStsrtHtrStniei asw.L«i»st.,otcuft Mis* Julia E. Herren POETIC JDAM and pri- Mis* Available for vate musicales. Programs of uawmnVI inl Amateurs coacl . 743 HINMAN AVENUE en*. Jgvisftss Wicnl Letscs â- iftwwa> REr.snaaM.saMh^.

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