Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Dec 1912, p. 8

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m $%*r "......"^ â- â- â€¢â- â- â- - master BY MAIL .._ American People Opportunity te ^•nd Farm and Factory Product* by Malt From and to Any Point In United Stats*. bo accepted for mailing when .:|P' **« ^-i^gHi nrtlclee, snob as mflttasJT, toys, musical instruments, etc^ and g£ tides consisting wholly or lit part -r^ff w,, of< |B)n/aaa^$iia;TSl* . . .-. ,^.. m â- â- * small spaeo brmean* «f "^SS ool, but ample spaoe ntost *«^M** tko address aide for the full addressi in legible am*^****0* JSSJ^ ceaeary postage f^S^ |!^!SS!! »ooh a* nierry Christmas," "Please glass, or contained In flaaa. mutt o« 4* no*Ope* ^ma^^\^lll ie^rriy packed and the parcel stamp- ,N#W fohr^#yitb beat ^*fBf^J â- â- â€¢-, .v.;.*_-w..-^-*â- *â- -*. --.......^b^i^^ ti*ffnf th«i parcel 111 sock inannerja •d or Ubetod "FRAGILE.- UmaailaMe Matter. -««; %* •'-'"'Shvn^rB^samewmnmswW â- â- â€¢â€¢pw-^wpw â-  ^|IUJ ^ y* 'fp*' â-  â- f"^'^' ~â€"- .â-  â€"^t-- . The following nmtter la declaim un- ^jigl*^^ Postmaster* General Hitchcok Jo**' approved the regulations which oover in detail the articles which may Of may not be sent by parcel post These regulations are now beta* turned off at the government printing oftce on a "rush order" and they will â- â€¢ distributed a* rapidly as poeslble. %e rules as to what can he sent 0*4 frfaat cannot be sent and the in- structions for the preparation of mall* les with other "oracial ad- mailshl* by law. . ...... -W; Matter maalfestly obscene, le wd, ^r lodTkms^attlcles liUended for pr*. Yenting onaosptjon; articles intei " * forirt&eent or lnunorul purposes pnattor otherwise mailable by law, . , ,. outride oover or wrapper of wl â€" t hiiS lad «mae«a«ror^fiia«iii|« has) * libelous, scurrilous, defamatory ____K»aHl»Ja*.._„______ ttaa4* are4 gltcn here as they have jus* •^ prepared by the postomce de- partment In Waihlngton. The inimmum rate wfflbonVoeetttp for the first pound and three cents fbf oach additional pound to any point not. exceeding fifty miles from the office of snalling; the local rate* which is flvo ' cento for the first pound and one cent for additional pound, applies to all parcels the delireir of which does not Involve their transportation on rall- each successive one of the eight zones, , the maximum rate being twelve cents a pound, which wiU carry a parcel across the continent or to any of our possessions. Parcela will be limited to, cloven -poinds in . ._ .. .. feet in length and girth combined, /= MaHabla Perlahable Artielee, : Butter, lard and perlshaWe articles such as fish, fresh meats, dressed fowto; vegetables, fruita, berries and articles of a similar nature that decay owlohly, when so packed or wrapped as to prevent damage to other maU matter, win be accepted for local de- livery either at the office of mailing or WW rorsl route starting therefrom. ,Whe« incloaed to an toner corer and » a^rong outer cover of wood* met* a^yneavy cofrua^teidv murteboard or other euttable material and wrapped ao that nothing can eacape from the package, they win be ac- cepted for mailing to any offices wlOi- In the first «one or within a radios of 8* miles. Butter, lard, or any greasy or dly substance intended for deUv- «ry at oficea beyond the fint aone muat be suitably packed. TegeUblea and fruit that do not decay Quickly wflj bo accepted for mailing to any aone if packed ao aa to prevent dam- age to other mail matter. Eggs win bo accepted for local delivery when container. Bgga will be accepted for mailing regardlesa of distance when oach egg is wrapped aeparmtety aid packed in- a .oontatoor.^.4-% W*0:-;~0iThere Is no reatrlctlon on salted, tfrled. smoked, or cured meata and other meat producta, but freth moat in any' form will be trjaiispoirted only ^_^_.j^»;#j^.;ione.: '^mrC':.:Je^:X:-k.-W; .......t^arceto containing i>erislubte arti- etee muat be marked "PERM^BLB,- and artfclea likely to apolt within the ttnW reasonably required for ^rana- |«tatloB and deUyery wiU nojt be ao> S:,j;,; :^«^iioa)o«aatorid}- ArtlcJoav^^*: -;..: v J*>aafa«turera or dejslera tntonding to tranamlt articles in considerable 3ni|a^lUes are asked to aubmit to the | poatmaater for approral a specimen f iM^roet showing the manner of pack- |:^ia|K». "â-  ««â- â€¢.'„â- !•,.,. r "â- â- '.' -â- ,-.'"â- ': -.'-..-••â- â€¢' ' When shairpototodinatruments are oCered for maHtag, the points tni at be to each other or wfthto their -fnfc Fowdera, pepper; snuff, or other almilar powders not exploaire, or any â- | Oh|9t9ar pulverised dry aubatanco, not :' potao«>ottji, may be sent when lncloaed ifo oaaos made ef metal, wood or otaor cape of any of the - contents, ^riour o<^ kind| BAnst be pot op la l^mamnav as to ' prevent * the I breaking or the flour being scattorod tJm tho mafla. v' - ano* ftersery •te«lc.r, Hro iaecta, and dried twpttles akay bo mailed in accojrdanee :jjafjfc the reguyationa that now apply to other rmstftf of maiL -• # geads of fruit, nursery ateek, aftd oJl other plant producta for preparation • may bt* wpjtfd. ,Bod^^ fte^ soap to bard cakes, etc* nsast be ln- cloaed in boxes and ao wrapped aa to prevent injury to other mail mat- ter. â- â- ""â- .-"â- ' v:-v-.,.i&£. : ::iV m »t"ealea1in character. • All such mat- ter, wlien depoattod in a post offlco or found in the malls, shall be withdrawn and aent to the diviaioM of dead la*. tors. "'•â-  :'x'- :-:,':"*r:.. 'â- â- .,'..:•â- > 'â- ^^â- :v intsxloanfa, Pelsona and Intlam Tinoua, malted, fei ito^catlngllouoraofa4y of overy kind, and art> kind; cles and compositions containing _ son, ponaonous animals, tosoets \ttM repUlea; Mtpa^veaofeYenrkiiid^to- flaimnabto moterlals (which are he|d to include matchea, |eroaen« oil, gaoc* Itoe. naphtha^ benxiie. turpentine, do* natured alcohol, etc.), internal mi> cbines, and mechanical, ohemkal or other deuces or eompoeitk>tie watch may Ignite of explode; dlsesaO germs ot scabs, and other natural Or aftlfl- rials of whsterer kind which may kill, or to any wiae toinre another or damage the mail or other property^ Platola,: Animate; »n^i - Birde. ^ ' Platols or reTolvers, whether in de- tached parte or otherwise; UVe or dea^ (and not atnffed) animato^ bfrda, Tided; raw hldea or oelta, gimno» or any article having a bad odoi* WIU not be admitted to the treatment of Undellverabls ....... . Perlahable matter win be delivered as promptly as poaaOMe, but U such matter can not be deMvered and be- comes offenslre and injurious to health, postmaatars may destroy it, or the injurioua or offensivo eortioa ^haraoC""'"**^^"^ ^^: . Un4eh^eraWe perlabAbli which to im nature does not.... offeiiaiTeior Jajiiiloim to l^th m^^ be dellrere* by postinastera to the proper local municipal attthorlty to be diatrfbnted to nospitals, aaytnma or other charitable or reformatory insti- tutions. If thew to w> such municipal authority, the matter may be dellTer- ed to any charitable tostitution or or- ganixatlon makto« application thorori for. If no application is made, the matter will be deatroyed at the ex- piration of two weeks. J;, â€"-.-? p^t^jntpi^ptrly Packed. Postmasters will refuse to receive for mailing parceU not properly to- safe shipment When parcels on which the postage to whoUy Unpaid or insufficiently pre- paid to deposited Jar local delivery and tlM aender to unknown, notice of f||| detention need not be sent but such J matter will be delivered and the defi- cient postage coUected from the ad- dressee by the carrier. If the ad- dressee refuses to pay the postage tho matter wm l» neat to the » Ttoten Of Dead Letters. â- ^ 0&:&>: - ^vy&m 'fiigurtiioe-on- Parcela. '*;' * '^%;. ^ mailable parcel on which the postage la *fuUy prepaid may be in- sured against loss In an amount equiv- alent to 1U actual Value, but not to exceed tW. on payment of a fee of ten cents to parcel poet atampe, aucb stamos to be 'amxod.""^*^^^?^*•*•*'";- When a parcel Is insured, the sen- der will be ejveit a^reoetpt abowtti the office and date of matting an*! number of the parcel. When a return receipt is desired by thO sender of an Insured parcel tic postmaster at the nuiltog? office wfO. note tho request on the margin of the insmnmce tag^ ane the poatmaater at thS office of address wffl obtain from the addressee a receipt aAd mafl h to tlm'sonder.-',;^ - ^^^,, ;,- The liability for indemnity Shall ceajw^ when dellveri^ has been elf ectr sn^"^^'.:-i"'^^^^m':-^^' i^ffâ- ' â-  % }: ->1JL Fofwardlno or Porosis^' Parcels may be remalle* or warded on the payment of ^ . postage at tho rat© which would chargeable if* they were originaHy mailed at the forwarding office, Is which case the necessary stamps will I* affixed by tho forwarding postmas- {4ar^^.Sa^nMBjt'^maa«^am saad» evofy time the parcel to forwarded- Ptsparatlsoi for Mallino. muat be prepared for mast- that the contents can be eaatly examined. A parcel not »t accepteeT -for maittng unleaa it the name H-tr,. r,.=4 Oletinetlve Stamps. Ilto' tomvrodjiiros that the postage on Oft Ipntter niuat be prepaid vf diattoctlve parcel post stamps Affixed. Poatmasters cannot receive for mall- tog parcela that do not bear such m ifa Parcel poet stamps are not valid for the payment of postage on matter of tho' first, aecond, and third classes. xnoT when uaed for that purpose, the matter to which they are affixed shall bo treated aa "Held for postage." «-#v%;r;%;: Maps and Quldea. Parcer post maps, with accompany lng guldea, are to be sold to the pub- He at their cost, 7S cents/through the chief clerlt of the post Office depart> ment fo ordering maps care should be token to specify the post office from which the postage rates WrU^R^AloR IS WOUNDED Ww^**1^tyMâ„¢ He Flooged For Allefled Insult â€" ^--w^to Hflfe. '"â- ;VVr rfao '»mw- Decatur. I1L, Dec. 23.â€"-A quarrel ex- tending over a period of a year be- tween J. B. Porter,. former mayor of Olney. ia. and David Bates, a city en> ploye, ended in the shooting: of Por- ter by Bstes after Porter had flogged him publicly in * local store. The qnarrel had Ita origin in an insult which Porter alleges was offered his " ifo-hy Bates.., r-"\ â- " ,' .....-â- â- --â- " ___.__.â€" The flogging and hhooting attracted A crowd, and flnaUy the police inter- Bates waa surrounded and cries of j^et^iopiF~*o,io"'"b^»J£t Ho . was; ^^lllllea) away lo^lckly/^ All^the crowd lacked was a leader to make it a mob. GEN. DOMINGO DIAZ DIES lean Polltl- iuccumbs In Ne>r Yotit » Pnsumonia. 'jEt; widely known hi Central ArneH- can politics is a soldier and patriot, died here of double pneumonia, aged seventy-one years. Before the seces- sion of Panama from Colombia Gen- eral DIa« led a liberal faction in Pana- ma and even led an armed uprising against Colombia. # WANT AOS BRING RH8ULT8 baskets for .10* Uvapston. No [.g^oien P«*w, o|) They "frflEHftFr.-* .......,eases of croup.""v^rSt: :â- â- '^'$$..... omember the -Poorâ€"isTtt tho yea|r Aromid^ -They bAve.^JJrtaT^. ......'^Ch^stmos'is over. .',:^»--.yg fH our towliiJOOchUdren never have 1 overshoes,. The law compels ^v^;&em to go to school every da rain or shine. '"^ 'â-  'Â¥> Stuffing a family at Christmas anf letting them starve the rest of * the year is not being a real "Good Fellow." Tommy llkei turkey; but he needs '^^rouieif4^ ary wants a pair of shoes. Johnny- '" needs a sweater.. Are you riding; in automobiles? Give ua shoes for the poor to walk to school. ;.i ,?â- ' Some people will go out of town to give a basket rather than give what is needed here. Would vou. Edith L. Reider. Not Much Disconcerted. A workman on a building to New work city waa recently buried under tons of earth. After being rescued ho shook the sand from his clothing and announced that he was "all right** and resumed work with a shovel. CLOSING EXERCISES. $ The seventh grade of the Central street school, Evanston, gave an illus- trated talk on "Evangeline"'/Friday in the assembly room. Many beauti- fully colored slides were shovrn on the lantern, illustrated by a recital of some part of the poem, or a folk dancer The afternoon was thorough- ly enjoyed by all of the pupils as well as many of the mothers. One of the special features was a tambourine dance given by four of tie children. MAS01*3»N«!ffiCT0R CWmney«n»aPlflyaSi)«ctalty WfuEfimMIlDWOODS a^fOMt W1NNCTKA 1M mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm^ 'Xiii m Ar«8»tisSedbyiMfn<onrap«el«l ABDOMINAL SUPPOR* A^DtWJSSBfi ""'â-  Appdntnwwitay phone attviillsttd. REHTH ALER 0RTH< e APPLIANCE 8 N. Wabash Ave., C«r. *w '" /^;^*0hcaoo^ 'From.'f addresa aemder |»recoded by the word In addition to the name and addresa of the sender, which to required, U win be permlsaible to write or print parceL or on. 3o Celebrate the 50th ASSnrm*a1^)f ,*4 ^fmmi^s&

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