?m*m* •*R"*:- W>' fefeSfc «f •f . '^^R-.'»p^|k s^riU'iifg 'SaaSt •> m p:^*&^^ Wit *m m, jggBtESB&ll Dee. 'SeiBti*BS xe Mfe aad Mrs. ^*i%V Ivf *wJ|MJMjMj«mmbj to y:sftet*'V ; ::?x; X W- FeBawa, 525 Lea strtoaV MGhl ■ Jk*"-;W* ■ Jayce*.' l*0f left Dee. 24 for a* a week, of Fetoskey, WdL, V<*^™7/i*^PfflPP™*™"Jr' ^^^j?-*'?;*nBBSa* kes retarded fro» i f f^f'^tfar 'Main--#1> ' * ~'-<->2-~"r :'::!S:--y<'i-. -n- ->'f>3 ■„ 1f, -„■-: „»t.' # '3CTB>|:BBJHBafiaP»|w ts;-^^ J- ', ■"•■'Xi wwJ^ vfceSrat to Coltf BMHUft CfcifitM** ** ar two iafstod ip/l^;!^!^^1^^^! laa* Wtewed ^'ra^il^vPi*"^ ie*** an h* Urn* i* the twtmre t* tke »«a«M«^ «< tke loeal tbwter- Xta-X^f"' r^MT 1a* Mr. Basis. . 13bb' ■i ML af el* Baste 1st: the fa*^$aj...... .. Faw to vwattea; tor a few days Cispai>nt....... Myrtle Frost of S2* Iteste sllwet to hosse for Hoi hofidays .Mrmwwmmw m^m\wwmmw: aaB^aswsow^w*. 'jw^^ *p^«^ _ . ,..- ._. . MdOf ffc« ' Mr. Om» otty of ;-MMiBjte;'waa faa aaast at Alfred Roes, IWOKvis street tfflaoK lids swak te the q UifthM heaav- vtac* ins Fare** Mr. isos «re- r, Dec- 22, at __________r,____ ._ BJav^aa^ fraternity asajT CbTCTi were laid for tajawni^fw< ":; : Mr. Harold MBier of St. Loafe thm wmeU * kto mmmt, Mis. Katias fear Hetei, earoste to bis ate stadfes at the IJsirersity of Mr. sad Mrs. Loato Schantaeker of Akron* O, left for hosse Dee. 37 after aavfa*; spent the wees: with Mm Sean- 1 V 'SbMMjCoT^ mbemv oK» Jaw* 2415 Hsrtsell street, t!::-r>J correction is Ra^tttTva We wish to a»ks eorreettoo to a* .rfiele yssAssed to a reeeat Issoe of ^jl^M«».slsttooj fast the ear which * - - -- :* Isttis* H- H. Beitresdt sereral Bl«*t» S. 1^ TiBssi mm *'i^:wm ^^g^ by Mm B Bsrnett, |m^I' Masse sTome. We ksre had tse jsBstter lsTe«d«ated, after receiriB* f^TTt^" Sj,1* Setter fioa Mrs. A. E. Barnttt, 11^ A*WBi ^T^»f to« «t tfcat address, and find that tie -^'^^fjlssaossoofle was tlie properly of the TuiiiTiii & 0. JCWes®* Motor company, and that it J^TOzL 9 w^iwss drires hy a mm ot Mrs. BerniU, r Mr li ilflf srr_*--^ ^ °** Vkmm' '■". •^'•;^:-; Bsrialat Waa- Sfc. WS M Dstns' Caeca* I soa, Lorenxo, have gone to ■acre they are of Oe Battle tot eMy. I of the J a asiafBli iatvosrokea nhs,' hf wcB oa ts« vay to recovery sad „..._ to Urn oat assaettow this week. Mc iaert Baker Greea of «2S C^srtral street, who has sees is Texas taraed to F^aastoa for a short stay' srjpfk his aareats, Mr. asd Mrs. W. ML Akroa, Ohio, were the fjaesto of Mr. aad Mre. 1. M. ^aathaa^ 3415 Martr* aefi street, darfas; last week. Mrs.' attaa stoter of Mrs. "*. ~-?T^*^~-^V?5 t? 5 «MHV«i M^nL/: Kxaak ■ JCaxrla. sad Btelm Morris, 24*1 A Real Vacuum Clea sm^ CLEANER has UUM •-■fli %i fws ti^'ff'C j;r"' ■?iia«"^iiTrr. ' InllaTalwatwlp aWwwMsBW-;:W'lwwflWB>fc ■ "Msw-i 4745 Biniaii Mfc ^jLg-^if&zi/'s i 'nmmmimmmimmmm Dee. 24, for three aimsths* vtott wKk M^ Konrl r, Mrs. <3yde a^teheat of I^os Tfa* toJBffles of B. F. CMBer, SL P. Grhftoy, T, a Aafhtott, sad Mrs. Geo. of Mr. X IX ^jl av sawaufB* sav Iswey# Oaiisjt^ Aintos^ ••SDaTfs Pae. 'ft tor ltorrfstowa, la. ivMaaaV as win nstt >.mm* *^^.ii^M|^^;;;;;,^,;^0^;"^i5iJ::."' ■ ssetoty icttoa of the darfroai 1 ;fat ofthaDaniB. kata taa .....at fjBfitorrD.B*^Oawar> W:^ '. ;,dM^K^/;jaaasBjj_ JKsMBJhaaaw*:,-JlswMMJB^ .. .M^saaaaar' -- "lidatfPBi: ^, Mr.sadMxs-F. ainekarCSltCat fsx street, wffi their trleads at hridgwoaFrtsay tas^ The knaas wflL _^ ^^ ,^-_ * y Prof, aad Mra Peter Ceatral tTalf eislij arw"-'" waste' at laa Steward 2tto ' M^. aad Mrs, FJdas sfsawe, wfll aacra the of tksfr '"'"*' child. Mr. aad Mrs. Kbvj^ Haltat of Talhwalaaj ^M '. 8toc«r of Aastia, D3. " • ;; Frank Y. Not its aid lefea Korria. of 24*7 liaT Csifilam iiiilii a thxas _____ t%H to ft^'r--frsjrf*--, 1xr,_ wl^fa fke7 win Tkat Mrs. q|ds ;ter ":wiB. jreahle fa ;'--~ •"•■■-■"- ••-■■■•■--•■-■■ "\i^^'whJesjltoa of .ctoh -; af.... Ceatral tat the Bar. Kew York City hia wfll INs wtlh kto 'M9SS r.ai^» Ar- Mr. aad Mrs. X W. af" :Woiweawjr» Maas, "aad" Dr. :X» jrwftar*. aaa .of Mra> I*. .:Portor ..... at the resf- sf thaf hrl*s% psjeats ..km Dee. 2T. Dr. aad Mrs. Foe-; 0wm . oaCtoMh a>as ^aawaaaaVaa# .-«uW^^ Dr.l. North Shore Trust Compan STATE BANK CARlpg^^OOl 1 Makes loans on improved North ■cojajgg^^.^^^-^--- -1 Rogers Park to Highland Park --J ^■-'^i- connty. 1 Issues Certificates of ia denominations of foor percent iatersj 1 Otters fcr investnn estate, netting the iafearbx five ... ^»* --« «wv*-^,-- and upward.; Send for list, 'f^^^^^k OFFICERS AND DDfflO!KMH8^^^^^^^: aire. Prwndeat Charles A. Wightoaoi^OB Prasidffit Qssr.Csaasal B>C. Baiter Arthur W. ^ BanKina; Rooms Aveaas aad TUniUsa Road .; ' AJtTHVm W. TKXCOR, of aia to the n. ■'; ? ^i^^si^sfessfe'sf '?•.' E have been doing the eleaning, dyeing, pressing ^^^^--- fat particul^pco] " in we car^oir^ii^ h» gi^wn^^ir^ careful aire^ntelligent work is in this business as in every _.......__._.._............yuMit^Jr ^^HB:":3^ '.^"•^^