Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Jan 1913, p. 9

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Ihflrmed Rumof:||§||jl! JQieL Company £;ti$£ Control \fWm&§^ ' "â- '!"â- %$?m '."'-. ijjpj]-" '.-33 SCAL ME I*'Pilli t^presentative for Tb* fci News Has Been Utial Get Statemefitf*i re-erected all of the present are Merrltt C. Bragdon, Ftank M; mMott, Frank HIT. Gereuld, fse^ftflla*^^ BarTtooa B. RUey, P. J. ScheldenUelm. ,t the Peabody CCapB^fe barber Coal ec»«pii^,. .ffl,,l.i!,^.„T, .JftFuel company haveaij;b^n|$ajwi» Jwr by the City Fuel^co|ag^a^||l^ ago and are soon tOv:1^p:lii?|fiW f nder that corporate n*W|;^^^fe about I^V.f"" "â- J~""~ 38 et-tl)P^^;?il^ Hews have undertaken a ntt^ihw ^of es to get official confirmation fl*f |bit seems to be, In certatoc00S4& letst, already public knowledge, but the pen in charge of the tftr^©;llJP^i;fj*it enumerated claim ignorance of any |pt intention uponttoff j^ If ^li (owners of the variotfs companies, and [refuse to be interviewed on tne anb- Names Show Some Chanfl*. It is known, howeVe^t^^^^lBrW [ companies are now doing business ^ toeeting of the directors is sched derstood that no changes In the offi- cers are contemplated. The present officers are: William A. ^ Dyche, presi- dent; H. J. Walltogford, vice-presi- dent; P. J. Schneldenheim, vice-presi- dent and cashier; O. H. Tomlinson, as- sistant cashier and secretary; C. J. assistant secretary, and L. J. ?^sgit;i*^K£?yr' 'â- â- â- "â- â-  ..........-â- â- ... 3er the following titles; I Coal company, agent;;-;^^: ^Birt?i|er [eompany, agent, and Lincoln Pnel coni- ' Jtny, agent, which lends enough co^or ||| die story whteh to betog bruited ^ The Lake Shore News is tn receipt of a letter which sounds a word of warn- ing, not at all ^opportune at this time, when sleigh p-rtles ere Quite in vogue. We print the communication in full: Evanston, 111., Jan. 12,1913. Editor The Daily Kew», -*; Evanston. -'J8-S:......1^L_. _......_. Sir:â€"Through your columns I wish to call attention to an accident which occurped on Saturday, Jan. 11, atabout $$$&' p. m., at Sherman avenue and Central street, loss of life being nar «mly "averted,Twblcir wb^d7»ave brought sorrow and grief to more than one worthy family in our vicinity. About thirty young ladies, properly chaperoned, were enjoying a sleigh- ride., I first saw them turning in on the car tracks in front of a sjriftly- the streets to makeM^i«*«i* moving car at the top of the incline pore than probable Jtba* if tbey yt «aiagr *remie and Central street, fai*. agents now, a - -lew*mw**^m ^^etdWe track to 8herman ave- -may see them doing buajnoaa }^^^ turned out of the fter another corporate name, And ^^ at Sherman avenue, and In Postmaster Childs Recommends Pur- chase of Machine to Care for Parcel Delivery. With the greater publicity which has been given the parcel post serv- ice, the business of the local office in packages has been steadily Increas- ing. As the novelty of the idea wears off and as people get into the habit of sending parcels by the poetofflco instead of by express, the volume of business jumps by leaps and bounds. The report of Postmaster Childs for the first fifteen days has been for- warded to the postmaster general and shows that the local office has re- ceived for delivery during that period 3,414 packages, and has sent from this office 1,597. In the local district of Bvanston just six parcels have been sent. The average" weight of the packages has been one pound and four ounces. Of the total number of pack* ages sent about 10 per cent, have been -insured*â€"-----------â€":â- "â-  â-  • ._ Henry Al»earsttB^ Who the beard of directors of the tleuaf ' sign^ bto iq*N*^ among those presented at the ....... of stockholders held op ian. stockholders to irttfrease toe Roarer of directors, and w*^ toe *esigiiatIon: of Mr. Pearsons they haye added as new directors Chaa. BJ. Ware, who ia man: ager of the Bvanston Fireproof Ware- house .company, Thomas H. Eddy, Who hits recently :%*ojito*^^ in Evanston because of Ws chairman- ship of the Contagious Disease Hospi- tal association and who Is hea^ of the^ tariff department of Blarshali Field's wholesale store, a^i|t 3^I^UMph^fti^ of (he firm of Baker, Vawter company. All three of Ihi iswiy cde^dmemb^ of the board are men Of high standing in Bvanston and Chicago business af- fair. -.a*d'^ institution. Mr* * ^^^^^^-M^^^$ ia who are familiar with both the Bite and bituminous coal situa- : in Cook county say that when the does come the City 's name will be found letters over the doors ot the offices. Business to Be It is said that W. B. Barber, who heads the W. E. Barber Coal com- wiil he in charge of the coal nsfness of the reorganised firm, and lit Frank W. Coffeen, who is now imager of the Pealwdy Coal com- lay, win be In charge of the feed apartment of the business, but when gentlemen were interviewed of them denied knowledge of any ath contemplated arrangement, al- ii both have admitted that thtf sriness now is being done under th« (Sines already desci11>ed.^|:^Ifc;p^'y £ Change Affects North 8hors. y It is said that the new consoliua wfii affect territory north to Gisii- toktag In Wllmette '*' *^-*â€" <-£s ities, the consolidation has been Patter of fact for some time, as as two years, and the present *â-  being taken to da away with unnecessary upkeep of two offices. It U said that the coal end of the eompany wm be handled from /resent Peabody Goat company's on Chicago avenue* Wirm of street, and the feed busi- .' *m he carried oa from tha yards ^•yes street, between - and Maple snma«& Tbe •« located ia the new hoildiag Jl being doing so the sleigh turned turtle, its occupants in one struggling mass on the car teicks, directly in the path of :tl|:||f^ach|hgf^le^| ^ â- â-  . ;â-  'â- â- 'ifiim iiiigfct^^suTrwkih would foiloW, if i^id Jbtleen for the l|^^^P^»eiNteP 3848, who labored strenuously for a block for the safety of those ahead, and assisted to extricating the young ladles from the wreck. I trust this may be a warn- ing for future parties of this kind. • ^^j »-€m^-%$* "3 Sfc** j, yt. Lynch;" EVANSTON SLEUTHS #. Bvanston young man- police are looking.for a ____with a horie and wagte who goes around picking^ up barrels to «juub u wiimeu« inn mawi WmTO^waate paper _^°* -a-^t-i toterre^iiaiisp^toa^i^^ garbage cans. A complaint came m Special Men for Delivering. The insurance does not coyer dam- age in transit, but merely provides Compensation for loss. Consequent- ly it was not possible for a party who sent eggs through the local office, and had them broken in transit, to col? lect insurance to cover the loss. At the present time the delivery of pack- ages is entrusted to special men, who are hired by the hour, as the post- office has not a large enough appro- priation to care for the business in any other way. ';: ;^;;;.^::'; ;v<f?,....... -â- . Wanto Automobile ^fisg^;^^.;^ Postmaster Childs has recommend- ent at Washington that an automobile be bought to be used in the parcel post service in Evanston. He believes that the busi- ness is increasing so rapidly that it will be necessary to have some such means of distribution to care for the traffic properly. To date he has not received any word .from his recom mendation, but is optimistic about the chances for ite adoption, as the machine could be used in ttie collec- tion of mail from mall boxes as well as in delivering parcels. EVANSTON FlREIpIll p*arsons Retires: Pfotn Henry j||yearaony reii^ entirely volunUry and is in ke^|in§ with his plajna of gradual retirement from all active husin||^iaiWl^nM|Oi* this account he haa f ecentiy reared from !&6igtoj^^ has been connected for many '&^%0^Mm Jiru Pe«oiis! wife.v is"' yye^P?|ipb; rp»eumoi|ja^a£ their home, 1718 Chicago avenue, but iz-wtf^h&m"'riiii^^f^^i^'.. ta im- protinpihfe-Wit Ib(# days, although :•»"? tho anif dateforaldennaa totheBeooad .t&yr'IS^iir^-^ ;jijj^^sj^#B^ sanguine of the str^l?i^eycl mtrcial association, where done euph wellent lind such . ferea1e4;wOrai^"^^^ .fom;rihrcity ;iM^Wi^ ^t^^k^^t^ . , , ^-^-^ :^ls:;:up^njn^ ,dei^'.in^::;Jtt^^ : uion^^^ao \$ffi-$0ii&$$;: to secure his election next April. 'niati^fro^'^ihe^l^e^ sens of tliat Ward a 1»la# long urged by this s^ffl^^l^ bei^ life#aa^|i#t^r^^^ on Sunday, Mr. f!e**sone is a veteraB of the Civil war, and in eompiby *ittf -^_- - ^ ^- . -. ^-^-^ ^A ^^ ilr. 1. K Ward. pre«den||||||| pt^ mfl^S^^S^^^-^ Nattona^baiik, gives many lecturea on »&m ^S^^^a^a ««• *«m^, *» *ni mitoMW tki nub- o*^ reside, but wno u^ towfto«»» «* â„¢"p^uw^ â- ; ^ ""â- â- â- ... .-..-* >::" ^â- ,.^/r,/iniaj^.o|~;auc^:'r^^ wv&X?^*qi!0fc'^ \ success' 'thai;^.^oT'^l«l^ m, Tho tneeting M ^»« ^r^rr wJf| (|»r&&iK«ra^^ heM imip^atel^*^ *© hito to* ijHopelratibii to att to* era' meeting and the old officers Were rejected, tWep ara^ Jojieph F. ^frd, president; Wttl|an^M l*aaon,, Mce- iye^^|ash? HhrS C^slock^i^ ^pafbier. %i.'^^[lk^^^ are; Frank Forgan, William i. Mason, Joseph E. Paden, ^amei A. Patten, Josep% F# Ward. Chat E^Ware. Thomaa HvEddyt !*i aj. C." CHURCH, at mm, at which the wUl iday, uader the diree- <* M*. W. H, Mami ^ pastor. Ihss^^K. _ â- axt Suaday morning at 10:4? with God,-at 5 o'clock to ("efetog o* "Asleep to the Church. '" meets at 4 yesterday from U A. Furguson of 1401 Davto ateeet after several barrels had been missed; and Other persons have aeon a young fellow drive up to^a wagon and take them. This clears up a mystery that has been baffling the Evanston police for several days: People have been miss- ing their garbage cans and barrels and no dew bad been found to the thief. Now all that the police wffll have to do will be to^koap a sharp lookout during the day and not let the marauder get away with the rest of the valuable bar- rels s^-g^stih"cs»';iiBtli-fl^'«*». get bim to their grasp. The police uy that they are on his acent wh1i*^fce-<i*ildr^^ I^g tteea. It wfll be to every boy's and girls advantage to Join the Junior League and get into tWa chorus aof. Kpworth League *•** Sunday eve|- Edward Mersch of the Evanston Are department was elected by the men in the department to represent them at the meeting of the Illinois Firemen's association, which met to Ottawa, Jan. 14, 15, 16 and 17. ... Association Very Extensive. The state organisation is composed of fire departmenta to over 200 cities in the state. Bvanston haa had a membership for about ten years. The association is partly for the purpose of accident insurance, each fireman who ia a member of the department which belongs to the state association being allowed a certain amount for indemnity in case he is injured while at a nre or in going to or tram one. The association was instrumental to having the state legislature pass the present law^rnicn provides for part of the premium* on nra insurance going to the firemen's pension fund to tha different cities. Jlo_n«ttbajr^JW| Fred ^tfk^mmM® rtt^T* dustrial fienrteelm*®m*rt&* *** ton>tha psHt two dajrar^y tog to inter* eat atudenta afHorthwestern univer- sity and other pubUcapiritea persons to ally themselvea witii jto» induatrlal movement to relation to tb^ fofaiga; â- arav..j â-  â-  in the 'eastern schools and college towns this Work is being carried on extensively. Among iUiterate toreiga- era these students go out ami teach portanlr matteri pahdtoi* h^^ ciiy^ *â-  * ^^^'^'.'^V<^-'^:.-i' Other aldertoii^i ^ .#rlim^:..:to^Sii^^ :(vaj*!inf>iifaj||^; street, has announced his candidacy the Fifth ward, and since Peter Hummelgaard hto candidacy in the Fourth wafd, n^irna«t*^||(t^^ ::,W>. Branston department was injured dur- ing the past year, and ao reeeivad i indemnity from the atate association^ by a special methodi whicb baa-met wiOi success wherever it haa beeii tried. laY; pndge made a trip with a party to fe raiiros4 yarto day^ and vlsitod to» I#^ la>^^ tt enough people"^"be mite^ sufilcienUy to agree to give; a i^rt of their time to the work, clsases will be tta^teo^^ine $fk0^^^'^ii^M^'. ami• :^|ea|pentera; ,a^; PluniberV uniona have asked .io^^sn^^^p.aji this: ^evejal locll factory men have also toterested themselves to behalf of the men to ^r|essploy^|f^^ iafluence of the social workesa. , .. Mr. Rtodge wiil return iiext Tuea- day and perfect the plans all ready 33htor^Ca»kaihouiic^ wiU.funyfor^e: sama-oiacei ^^y-W't1 %â-  William W M&to^ Bvanston and the ^ factorily in Springfield for one term as member of too lo^ibo^aaiof thai legislature,land wha wan »otot^ad| to the Republican prima^iaa laat^a^^ foil a^second 'i terns; but 'who fat*&*.: feated ||y the ;a?«ogjB#!siljr«>; "as^M^f^P^r^".â- â-  !-4g •the i^vetober ^ah^ bis candidacyii^'^^0^::^W^^§^ treasurer to succeed Charles -i|^B||*^;^^ state law provided that no .«i*y-toiBa|||i:,^ urer can succeed himself to this *fJBje^;^! and Jar^ ^lett la ^oraf^ jfffi from becoming a :-«and|daJto.SJ^|a- -:^&& understood, however, thaA Oeorg^^ cI# Mills, who^waa a cand^at» afatna> M* Birtlett two yeara ago, will prob- ably i^eiMsjtlg^ there unlfettbteurl1 %ltt^ lw awvarat other candidates, aa^her* a d^ld of Jrom aaven to ntoe aaaking • ;^:;tb^:j^s;Jac^ political "0^eev;r%M^ ; : Tha toot'that^,Mr/And«»a||i wm^â€" ,~^ acCeptobly to SprtogfleUi and secured the *oiaiaation <di"^^;#a|»^h||nigi ; ^ party at the prtoaar|ea h>t ^rO* » P-| titlea Urn, ia:*h# ayes::a|v%H^.;**-:^^ pire^ to*flie office wnto| no mop aeaka, J|jfe| Md wm undoubtedly secure certato m^r votea f or him. â-  ?>^ t c^^^ "&*d ^*Sj£M3S&&s ner. -^^sm-j Pinnae tha advent of-^•^â- â€¢*owadfi; •loawgT' aong averybedr l^i:.b^a»t ;«f |g the Or arks. Butthaf^^bavf^li greater part of •** •â€"* **-*«* «rtsia^ 'Jimf^M^&*J>^ world are made *a# ^ *e# ;^S^ mmkz :;s:iiif.

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