HELP WANTED *£*-*** SITUATIONS WANTED 8ITUATK>N WANTED BY BXPBB/ / lanced primary teacher as tutor, \ governess or companion; would \ travel; eoUese and former empfoy> srs' references. M1m I* Meek. Qelft- >-rd., Riverside, III, care flow- Goontey. *i-2«P STlDfATION WANTEDâ€"BflCPBRI- enofcd drtsnmaker desire* engage-, men In families. Phone Bvanston 1407.\ _____________________"P WISHING TO LEAVE the day of evening will potent helper to care for Idren by addressing Mrs. in, 1031 BSm-st., Wlnnet- tone 723. ________ ltp COMPETENT DRESSMAKER wishes sewing; in families; |2.00 per day daring Wly spring. Address W-746 Lake Shore News. ltp POSITION ISITION WANT! man, 19; one ytei \TBD BY YOUNG M^mMM, «,, â€"~ wear's experience as plumber's helper^ Telephone 704^J. WUmette \_____________Up LADIES DESIRING ^TO DO THEIR own dressmaking cak have the serv- ices of an expert Itter. Address Miss lona J. McCainX 828 Sherman- av. Phone 8466-W. \ 10-2tp COLORED MAN DESIRBh PLACE IN private family; man gpod chauf- fenr, wile Xl cook; good References. Address James Bridgfoikh. Wil mette. IB. \ ltp FURS NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR furs remodeled. A lady competent to make new and repair furs\ at ybor home; reasonable price. Ad- dress W-750 Lake Shore News, ltp WANTED WANTED â€"" tfSjUUU MJaaVRS WTskow, thAiloi 7lt Ma ^awwsBSBpMEEJsV ^3?^ ^smsr fBR SALE-HOUSES AT MataMt. 17-tf im orrTAom, ON ^ Winter. ••? at? For Sale-Bursalow REAL ESTATE Isjtfjmni a if fsr __ IgrssJshmt a chAoa Mtprei s|^>W real il ilLsTil aMa, OHOW puppdcs; BAjsf society** choice. TaJ/fTR- not -utoHpr^rtit FOR RENT-HOOMS MODERN W1^1iUWti\MXiM&- Call or phnne after 4 p. m* or "Bui. Phoi^«rauston 3016. 1831 CMsago- WANTED-TO BUY BOARD AND ROOM 8UlTBk»9P TWO OR THREBjflOOMS private Jsftb; (Hso single inns; exceuen^M&JGreenwood Inn. Bvanston. ltc LOST AND FOUND FOIO^-A SUM OF MONEY, er cajTiHTll asms hj^jravtng prop- erty and pavJng-'tJnarges. W-8J*-fiale6hore News. ltp FOUNDâ€"FRIDAY NIGHT, A 8TER- Hng silver belt buckle and belt; has Initial "D" on bdjSle. j*Dyner may have same by lfohti^ylpt it and paying for this nr Phone Bvanston 3W8-R. lyy £&>»*Â¥%**£. ltc 'â€"A MANUft LOST- J8CRI the places aus ttalien ton/^Return fo^> Hi Church-st Phone 842. "ONE OF Bnlwer Lrt- burst. 181S ltc STâ€"LARGE MINK MTJJH1'. MISCELLANEOUS FIRE INSURANCEâ€"ROYAL IN8UR- anmfCompany of Uvernsot largast world; insnreVAelltes, household goods, rents; loweettjatee. Charles A. Wightnuftr * Co. resident agents. Phone 208. * lte CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION CLERK-CARRIER An examination for dork and car- rier witt be held at the/ poatenaea in this city an February 16. IMS. Ago limit; 18 to 45 years, on the date of the examination. Married women win not be admitted a great deal of favorable comment In to the anamination. This proMhttloa. that commanlty, and it la considered however, doss not apply to women who more than probable that Victor A. are divorced or those who are eeparat. Rosabach. who probably will be a Marled from their husbands and evpport ----- ------ " themselves, hut they are eligible far alwaya appointment only aa dork. Applicants mast be physically and male appMcaats dldate for rejection to the seat which will be the only oppo- nent Mr. Chandler wtttbave to con toad with. Mr. Chaadlar*8 friends who _______________„_____________________. know of his popvJarity and who appre- «tf than 1 test 4 Inches hi bight wttfcswl date his bâ€"limes ability, say that they believe their candidate wffl hare llttla dmVxlty la securing his elec- Mr. Rosabach de- far taO feated Mr. W. G. Sharer two years Mr. tomakaany -f addition to the g*tf lames have already at candidates for H« ,.. Mr. Norkett, Chas. Bideo, 140* Wash- ington street, announced bis candidacy yesterday, and petitions are being ** cnlated in big behalf. The candidates Committee Will Try to Select *£*ȣ â„¢iZ£T£Z Aldermanic Candidate Satis- factory to Bolh Sides. BARTLETT FOR MAYOR John H. Hahll Will Probably Run not yet been officially announced, but for City Clerk Without Opposition. which baa been accepted a* an assured fact by his friends, who have already begun a serioufl campaign in bis be- half. When approached yesterday, Gentlemen of the Sixth ward. Ev-[Mr ^^J^^^'oTo anston. unmindful of the fiasco that ^^^l^J'TL^ to resulted between Second precinct ..----------_. nnaaihilltv that he might decide to aav bo It is considered that he would Second precinct of the warn ou w ^ it is Bhould the east side, and the First precinc Jo more W o ^ ^ of the ward on the weal side, last cnas. b. w» * b thougbt that Bartlett or Mr. Wallace would have of Charles W. Spofford, 2242 Orrington avenue to discuss available material for an aldermanic candidate to suc- ceed Charles S. Wallace, whose term expires this year and who, it is under- stood, will not be a candidate again or that office, although it is possible he may run for mayor. It is understood that R. Clarence Brown and Walter Mitchell represent- ed the west side at this meeting and that they suggested the appointment of a committee to report back to an- other meeting similar to that wbicb was held last night, with tbe idea that the smaller committee could select a candidate who would be acceptable to both ends of the ward. Joint Committee Appointed. A motion to this effect was finally presented and passed, and a committee consisting of Joseph Pearson, Frank H. McCulloch and Andrew Nelson, rep- resenting the east side, and John W. Ackerman, Roy Whitlock and H. L. Armstrong* representing the west side, was appointed. This committee will undertake to select as a candidate for alderman In the Sixth ward some man who will meet with the requirements of both ends of the ward and who will be able to cement tbe breach that was mads last year when Frederick A. Yard, from the east side, made such a sensational contest against the now Sitting alderman, William Eastman, who was elected by the west side by a very small plurality of votes, not- withstanding the fact that the west side baa aome four times as many votes in It aa the east side has. The committee will report back to a meeting of the Sixth ward cltisens to be held aome time next week at the homo of Prat U. 8. Grant Mr Grant acted as chairman of the meet lag last night and will probably con tinoe In that capacity In the meeting to be held at his home Chandler Announcement Pleases. The announcement that H. E. Chan- dler la to be a candidate for alder- man in the Second ward has elicited EllUVU, * ov*.. --------- - Witsiepe. Henry C. Geimer and W.a* Norkett. Bartlett May Run for Mayor. Friends of Chas. H. Bartlett, pres- ent city treasurer, are urging him to become a candidate for mayor against James R. Smart, whose candidacy has clnh mdmfcsrs lolmaosea '+**m*fcfa^...,.....^...-, - of hm;-^m^^f^m»mt0 •tahd^BS^^gg^ji^ !â- PaVaweJaBjemwa,â- < ^^smsmjg*,.^!. fHpggflnjgnjgej^. -- llsal gains, almost unawarea, a ^^^ well-grounded : knowledge ofvft 'itnmtnra/^fl^ sored If a betteT opportunity to secure the coveted plum than if but one of them ran against the present Third ward alderman. Hahn for City Clerk. Inquiries have recently been made as to who would probably be candi- date for city clerk, and while each year some young man who thinks he sees a possibility to get the office from John F. Hahn, which he has held for a number of years, gets out petitions, there is no serious talk of any candidate who Is qualified to make a real contest with the present occupant of tbe office. Mr. Hahn has made a most excellent city clerk and no one has been known to criticise the manner in wnlcb the office has been conducted under his manage- ment, and it is thought that the citi- zens of Bvanston would look a long way for an official in this office be- fore they would find one better quali- fied to fill it satisfactorily to every one than is Mr. Hahn. la. the anther of a now book, *Tb© â- â- P^;::ibt>;-«W»ji*";|i studies in play strnctnre for dent and theatergoer. There , usual and dtaar Indications, many wide and different soumja the lx»k Is anticipated wT " terest .-'Tlm/PI^;^^! 50 cents t*«h&:!jMmb«a^^ WILMETTE WOMAN'S CLUB. On Thursday evening, Jan. 23, at 8 o'clock, tbe second stereopticon travel lecture, under the auspices of tbe child and home department of the WUmette Woman's clnb, will take place at tbe clnb house. The lecturer of t'.ie evening will be Mr. Chancellor Jenks of Bvanston, a pleasing speaker and an extensive traveler, who last year returned from a trip around the world, and has since shared his ex- periences in lecture form with many audiences In Chicago and Evanston. The subject he has chosen is, "Java, the Paradise of the World." This island is less frequented by travelers than many parts of the world, but Is one of remarkable beauty and fascina- tion. Mr. Jenks has been able to ac- complish what many travelers nave failed to do. on account of the in- tense heat, namely: he has brought home with him a huge collection of very fine photographs taken by him- self, which have been reproduced in lantern slides. The lecture is .free to the public and the club is antici- pating a large audience of attentive listeners to this rare treat. The meeting of the Music Study class of the WUmette Woman's club, Tuesday. Jan. 28. at 10 a. bl. will be in charge of Miss Ernau Smith. The foBowing program wDJ be given: -Life and Works of B. Godard" Mrs. Bower Current Brents Mm. H. C. Ambler Piano. -Vatae Chromatiqae"' Mrs. Davis Vocal Mrs. H. A. Whitman Piano. **Maxurka* .,.. FELLOWSHIP OINNB A unique dinner was glvea men of the/ Wllmetto (kmgref _ church, Wednesday evening, Jaa. The serving was skiUfnlly done fc,, young men, and one genttemaa' heard to remark to his daughter/ has been accustomed to serving/ similar occaslone, 'TTou girls :*0hj to look out or the boys will har* j beat." To add to the evenu^! joyment,- a splendid program. given after the dinner,^Rh jiSjg as toastmaater/ His introds were graceful s^d appropriate^ greatly enhanced the numbers || followed. The principal address of the ing was given byHho B5»v. Mr. ~ who made an apeapl to the of his church for the en of young men for the mUiistry. The reader of the evening Carnes, and his readlnga were! appreciated and thoroughly enjoj The vocal srtecflona rendered igrj Hugh Anderson/met with such i ' that be was repeatedly encore Wilmette MV B. orchestra add terially to the evening's^ ment. •,':::-â- .â- ."?â- :"';**?â- '$ The following gentlemen charge of the dinner: Messrs/ W. nilf, Frank Watt; F. B. <?« W. H. Shellman, D. & Alien, (King; g. a. viitjirjPf^; Chas. Barram^;>:l&t:' . .., The following program was raj- dered: j%:K yi: ,_â- _ v â- .^';- Overture â- v!//;'.,!. â- '/-• -A, WUmette Methodist orchestrav Invocation . /i Rev. Dr. I* O. Balrd Course de raalstancoâ€" . ^ ,. • FUlet of beef (perhaps) (aftar J||| Dyko) ;" -,,/,. \^" Potatoes "(probably mashed;; Jackets. »la Watt). Squash or carrots (under the dfc|| uonofniff) .,;:â- ,.^-, Water (filtered by Moore) ;^:~ Solo .v;T.- . ... â- #" fiugb Andftf?". Imported .J| Miss Edna Whltmore, accom- ^ /% nanlat % California lettuce aalad (grown for the occasion by M. Brown, and nana by Owf Shottman) More water (sifted by AUea) lee cream (soft brick, not vtt churned and inspected by Karl) Sunshine cake (Barrow'a best present weather oonditionfl) Water again (deodorised and dis»* fected by tbe city «« Mvanston) coffee, domi taasa (a united crackers a la Bast _«p Cheeae (domesticated and rendatal harmleaa by Bl Fraa* Brown) Recitation /'& prof. Camee Selection WUmette Methodlat_orchestra Addreaa - Bev. Roy at Bowers Sou Hngh Retilation sow ir£'r Mrs. W. SL Bartholoinew which ho has rep- Bongs, LaBaby from "Jadyn- "" " (violin accompaniment) Mrs. Bart piano. "Veaetl i Bsnrarolle"' Mrs. Job. SlddaU Vocal Mm Beai. & Gasja Piano solo Mrs. a B. Roberts bJetare, by MTaa OsaL^ wBl bo cttea ». at t:M oViock. be. "A Ooae Staiy of tbo prolCarnsa LsaaaoV* Jaov ttv