' -^' v'^f • â- ' â- 1M;'^'^"- Committee to Purify Water Supply of Towns North is Becoming Active. ENLIST CLUB SUPPORT Use of Canal North Will Purify Evanston and Chicago Drinking Water Supply. The North Shore Citizens' associa- tion is interesting itself in the exten- sion of the Sanitary district canal to the other North Shore towns and has recently issued a circular letter ad- dressed to "All people of the North 8hore," and signed by the officers of the association, who, by their selec- tion, represent Kenilworth, Wilmette and Winnetka. The extension of the canal north is of tin same vital interest to Bvanston, as far as clean water is concerned, as was the original extension to Evans- ton Important to Chicago, although our soon-to-be-erected filter plant will make it not so necessary here. The text of the circular is as fol- lows: To All the People of the North Shore: "Our sewer, pure water and disease- prevention Involves three-quarters of a million dollars. "It is not to be presumed that the Sanitary district trustees will put this •mount In our villages unless a strong public sentiment demands it "All civic, social, business, religious, fraternal and other organisations should unite on a definite plan of ac- tion. "We should know what we want and how to proceed to get It under well organised, intelligent and determined leadership. It Is the purpose of the meeting an- nounced in the enclosed circular, to enlist your efforts In a strong wave of public sentiment which will bring re- sults. "THIS MEANS TOU. "This association la testing public Interest In a public Question. If your easy chair la more Inviting than this meeting, do not complain If your money Is spent In building bridges or digging the Sag. Do not complain K yom are asked for a contribution for a contagions disease hospital, when by your Inactivity you permit sewers to bo emptied Into your drinking water supply. Do *ot complain if the Sher- idan drive and other avenues of tor- tare consign your awtomobQes is the Junk heap. You do not suppose for one moment that younr village trustees wfll attempt to Improve Sheridan drive and other roads until you help | A Few ! Dollars pcovc < each wear pntjutto the ; rental of abocaJgiWrSaie • Deposit Vj to be the ance ohtatjftMe of yoor imjfmilsiit wgl» fire. m cane of oar hn- steel foxes* < day ltd' NATIONAL ^JsANRaftg i them solve this sewer p^oMisa, m "With a strong, united support «f all our people, the task of perfecting this improvement is in Itself sunVfteafr ly arduous; but to carry the load of an indifferent and Inactive community in addition, Is a burden this aesoehy tlon cannot consistently advocate and will not in any measure assume. "Has this village the capacity for organization and action which Is really counts? Most of us can be theoretically right at the fireside and practically dead on the firing Una. "This question is altogether too. big for simply fireside meditation. "It is a fair Inference that If this meeting "Indicates general public In- difference, It will be many months, and perhaps years, before public-spir- ited people will be tempted again to undertake to arouse it. "The question is, are North Shore people ready for business? The vil- lage councils are ready, and have been right along, but are you ready? Must we Invite an epidemic to arouse us? You may say, 'No! a thousand times no!' but if you say this In the quiet of your cozy sitting room it has no effect whatever in starting the Job. "Let's get together and do things. The men who have studied this ques- tion tell you that large numbers et people forcibly expressing themselves in public meetings are necessary to secure the proper solution of this ques- tion. "We have the organisation, the Sanitary District of Chicago; we nay the money; now let's see that the work is done. "By order of the executive commit- tee of the North Shore Citisens' asso- ciation. "H. D. Miles, "President (Kenilworth); "H. M. Gardiner, "Secretary (Wilmette); "Samuel Hallett Greeley, "Chairman Drainage Committee "(Winnetka).** The following. Is a letter which hat been sent to all the clubs la the vari- ous villages north of Evanston: The committee on drainage and wa- ter of the North Shore Citlsens* asso- ciation believes that the sanitary dis- trict board should construct a pipe line to carry the sewage of our aorta shore towns to the Wilinette-Bfranston canal. Judge TuthlU. ruled that the sani- tary district board baa a right to struct such a pipe line at the of the sanitary district, and his deci- sion baa been upheld by the appellate court The question la now before the state supreme court If the supreme court rules favorably, than It win be up to the people of the north shore to urge upon the sanitary heard thaj they undertake the work at ©ace, Should the supreme court rale ad- versely. It will be up to the people to secure legislation that wlQ sanitary district the usrmssai Ity to do this work. A series ef lags to test public tatarest la this moat Important questloa Is to he called by the North Shore sedation aa follews: Wilmette, at Wbsaaals dub Friday. Jan. St. at day. Feb. fc at w/tatetka Wesaaa*a â-º.♦..».»•*%*« •iiasiS- ^"--r^^/^/mMi^^n-^A^'- â- â- â- •t*"'"Y '.• â- 'â- â- "â- 'â- â- 'â- ' â- -.^••â- â- ^ ,„â- 'â- 'â- •â- â- â- â- â- •-.'â- .â- .;•<; -'â- :.-,:.â- &;\ <â- â- .â- ..- â- fM iv;y.' :W^\^FJ%^^'*yf'â- â- â- "<â- "' >• ,^;4^ â- ;:'."..'*•?'^'V",':0â- â- "<â- â- *'â- •'â- ->.â- "â- :â- .'; ;",V"' -,\ ". 'JgS â- A^}A)A0A^vJyi:iAi nadfe â- â- ""-â- " A.A *•'â- â- . •â- i'&iiv â- â- '. -:'""v<;.. AA -'AjwHrn t-^fryt;. :$â- â- â- "â- •£. AA^AuA^mi^gJ ou want a Do\You Want a (rasa. * k-^rf**.â„¢'*""' ' ^ • , A '^ftigm iW*«'X-' •m 'â- "â- A^3£&£WA&' v»^^^^*^pl^sp;s'. Do ^» â- »->?sâ„¢.:â- .,P?.'^^i4^vzi'P&&- â- â- â- â- â- â- M$iA-^^^l^^Bi.cMM^MA^A--A v*M""""""""' â- fitSHirji If:' ,-:f- #S?VVi.>i»" HaveXyou old Furnitureyto Somebody wants it. Poultrk Eggs, Horsei, a^sH| Carriages Store Fixtu/es to sett? SomeoneX wants thelir. Do want to rent your /louse? Do you want tb sell Real Estate^for /ale? You ceil. Si get what yomwint - I >m-i HOW? Put a want ad in The Lake Shore News, without charge. /There is aosolutely no 'charge. ^offer not good in j'cSt'f' '••^.'""M'i i A-A^ACAA-i"^ "TfcfA All you have td> do is to write yoior «^^ ||p^||^ below and may it to The Lake Shore views, Evanston, 111, to reach As not later than Tuesdlw morning, and your ad will Appear. The Lake Shore Mews is famous for results. TGet what you wantâ€"no e*w|^ is tile blank/ Write your ad and mail \ to us flow. P-r.--M it Ad for The Lake Shore wis 926 Davis Sttctt. m. zjj&£3^-m IMt """^-Pi,;-". â- ^-*i,»'*f*S *;-'^i'ais^i â- :^A~^- A^&^i Â¥^,.Jtf*aiEfriafe^^:^* 2-S- ^fe^ftafe-i â- «esi 9P