sh?« w "?^* w!»,: Announcement ncss ^ &. c. daily, Bicycle Shop, Winnetia. 1 We aU<^ make | jAnalty of ^awn Mower and Skate grinding, etc. **»WWM<M*^M^i^^«WW^i|^Mp^l.ii»i»iii»<W»*W«t^^».iiWi»*»i. II II Jill II Ml â- â- â- â- Ilium II y.....â€" Nâ€"^^â€"i.i'.....â- i i- â- ^^ We Call for and Marine*' ofAll Kinds FREE 7 N.E.DALLY 807 Elm Street Winnetka, 111. scoun/ ALLOWED / Telephone 248 Wlnnetka FORSIERG & LARSON HAND LAUNDRY FliILT f ASII|M1 SKIkU HICK _ra___ur «_f _& __a/_-fsni -.:_ â„¢ T TIT LM enTms im ups wdrfEcuu.ii yF 562 RAILROAD AVENUE PHONE 39$ WINNCTKA. ILL. Iq several of the adv tisements on this page^ you will discover that im- portant words have been omitted. Read them over, supplythe missingwords, and send the list to the "Contest Editor," Lake Shore News, Evanston. To the first four persons send in as correct list, prizes a follows will be sent: First Prizeâ€"CASH, $2.00. Second Prizeâ€"One year's sub- scription to The Lake Shore News. Third Prizeâ€"Six months' sub- scription to The Lake Shore News. Fourth Prizeâ€"Six months' sub- scription to The Lake Shore News.____________________ This Contest is Open to Resi- dents of WINNETKA ONLY. Scalp Treatment FacUl MaapjjT Shampooing Jtsniearinff ' lissflild â- .â- "-;. The Proaty BallHLajr.â- 'â€"hm Street Pfcone Wtonetka 541-L f^iinHHKSKAfrM^. i«tf Mrs. Estelle Nordberet French! iL^ leaner \f Cleaning, ajAsing^kepsiring* Office end Shop: \ Telepaoae 144 810 Elm St., Winnetka, III. NEW8 WANT ADS BRING RESULTS ,â- â- â- â- â- â- -mL--i._. ---»• \ â- !'&;m$it? *â- *?<#^^'fv^if«^BWffl^i^^iw«Ji%sP>E -:w__& "*â- ;'â- '•*_#â- _«e»4-i %} \ v â- • ..â- â- â- â- â- â- -â- .llgiifll^ .'{:; ••â- >..â- â- â- â- " ,J-•'&â- â- :,:\ jy^^i^lM^^vp.^ '^|»||^.alfflaii^ ^ Complete Stock of Supplies v Automobiles Stwwl* 1 â- »»»•»»»»»•♦» "Wo|ap^a»aai^ ...................liiiiil is on% of the cholqeBt pt ;t«atcri^?^iw^ ' The lot haaa irontagr .....Ii*aiia4ij|^.„ Most of the eral of tbem faff of such.' *a jnb|^£|pi>^ pJ»of ^p-.;;'• â- â- ; ':'^Km^^^^^ l;Alt^«tWif^ ., Price $16 per front foot, •^?f|| :- ••,â- •â- â- ^1'.'.>.','â- :-:,/ ,""'!;{W%'.'. â- '$â- ':â- ":'k J^fgK; Meyer Ml «w«*«»«»«aaf«»«>«*«»*«» TO LOAN N MORTGAGES Home Office WBmette D. E. ALLENy !&Co/ R.H.S 4$|rf£E Dry Goods lod Nltions Watch oar January Clearing Sales Read our advertiaement^n this paper on special offer fojpTlat Iro jf Nothing like it «lhe ijbrld. Mmxo- politan Eiectric Suf ply Qmpany, 180 West Lake street fend 62 Bast Jack son boulevard. Wimtki Statejak, ~^7 552 West Railroad Ave.> ofEimjSt. WINNETKA, ILLINOIS Telephone Winnetka 580 Safe Dep Henry P. Czowell Victor Eton* John B. Leonard . Ansnstns S. Peabody Carlton Pronty W. 6. Wmllinsr Henry R. Rale Modern Electric Light Baths Swedish Movements " >" Miss Ellen Johnson (Office of Mrj_ Miq^Ottonius) Gradua Medic use and nasi Office: Pronty Room i. Phone 257 WINNETKA, ILL. .the DiraadStasniu andGentleman's taina» Wool•â- Pf>B^,,-._., .__ f orters, Fora, Etc. AiTsoods .. Uvered. pHoys WnmsncA 150. Phone Winnettta 147 Winiiollui, ^ â- t-'-r'; â- â- â- â- » ',' Hit?'â€"1. < "'»â- #'â- ; ^ril^fi' '11 No. 8 American iGris^old Biiiiyiw Florist vi'mb PtoeSLaaaa«r.Ri1ai*1At Phone Winnetka $13 ..' WiassM â- _M-HliapMM«il A HOUSE-TO-HOUSE CEN8U8. WlJmette federatfon of churches announces a house to house census, to be taken by one hundred and fifty-: aix men Sunday afternoon, January 26. At that time, two of these genUemen, program will be Foe's Raven, with reading by Miss Marie 8tarrett, of New Trier high school; "Pilgrim's 4*rogresa." with reading by Miss Laura Flejitye,-of Northwestern University; "Rip Vaa Winkle,** with reading by representing different churches, will Miss Starrett; comic pictures: "Uncle call upon yon and invite your answer to the questiosn indicated below. Ton will confer a favor by reading the questions and deciding upon your an- swer before they call. The churches actively participating in the census are St. Augustine's Bplscopal the Fir** Coagregational, the First Meth- odist, the Wllmette Presbyterian, and ^ Francis Xavier's, Catholic, but It is undertaken in behalf of nil religious organiiatlonn in the villnge. Your name and preference will be punctu- afly reported to the church of your choice. A list of those ltot expressing preference will be each pocr- tWlpeting chnirh. Tlw following are the ejuestiona to be auaweredr s^-A nreferred Church preference In what churchu. sftj|ial%'-iat.' chlMren ~" I» what Rastus and the Mule** and "Darius Green and His Flying Machine," with reading!? by Miss Lucele Drake, of Northwestern University. Owing to the fact that the first two of these lec- tures proved to be rather long the history previously advertJaed jrOl be omitted. â- "â- " - *â- *"*â- This entertainment wiH begin promptly tt8 o'clock and be of about one and one-half hours' duration. WILHETTE METHODIST CHURCH. S:3* a. m.â€"Blhle school; rlsssrs for plays each Sun- day. Parents are invited to come and ass the work we are doing. 1#~:45 a. m.â€"Drvfase worship. Sub- ject of the sermon. "Walking -with tosfe-:J'.7' "- .- ....> p. - ntâ€"-Veaper service. - Pre^easer WsJl»r wiU play. Subiect of Aaleep in the &uuA? ".#;l|fc'p"V* firee. WILMETTE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Among the new books recently placed in the Wilmette Public Li- brary are some books on woman's suf- frage, for and against. The follow- ing is a list: ^Subjection of Women," MilL "Anti-Suffrage," Goodwin. "Short History of Woman's Rights," Hecker. "All the Children of All the People," Smith. "Women in Modern Society," Barnes. "Socialism and Character," Scudde. "Gret," Mantle. Terotne in Bronse," Allen. "Christmas," Gale. "Corporal Cameron," Connor. "Lifted Mssks," GlaspelL . "The Drifting ZHamond," Porter "The Lost World,- Doyle. "A Man's World," Bdwarda. "Ufa Everlasting," CorellL "God's Good Man,** CorellL "Dally Bread." Gihsen. ^"Flrear GjBaian.w nelson] bi/oiQers CUTLEILT AND CftDIDmp iss»«ivspsdA mmmmmun at a wFMAmmntBT. 2doon Weatof Franklin St. in NEWS WANT AOS BRINQ Rl ^JVVM-at: •a. LUdn :W itkmmm n FOR SALE ^ nearBnrr. wsaan featnre, ana Hnbbard Wooda, Now The beat th« Norm taBeta. atnceowiOi CMt*ad48>M.«rPlM*«w/iauM«*a4Sl» »:.i MASON ^ayfrjfjCcTOR Chim_ey and FSFJnacda Specialty ttlUYI MAKE ME AN OFI