Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jan 1913, p. 5

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THE LAKB SHORE NEWS, THURSDAY, JANUARY M, ltlS. r*?S ^j^l UHitifmtnM<<MMM<Mtlnltfttttftfttmtmi,, \ What People Are Doing jj in Evanston............» Dean and Mrs. J. H. Wigmore, 1206 Hlnman avenue, reached home Mon- day from a three weeks' eastern trip. Mrs. R. C. Fenner, 1514 Davis street, gave a luncheon Tuesday in honor of Miss McClary, who will be married Feb. 3. f Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Pettibone, 1225 Oak avenue, left Friday evening for Pasadena, Cal. Miss Witter of Green View, 111., l» the guest of .her sister, Mrs. C. Jan- sen, 2617 Broadway avenue. Mr. and Mrs. James Byers of Lau- rel Run, Pa., are the guests of Dr. Amelia L. Taylor, 901 Lake street. Mrs. Agn«s V. Palm, 2607 Prairie avenue, has a« ner guests her sister, Mrs. Carlson, and her little daughter, of Sweden. Mrs. Harvey G. Edwards and daugh- ter, 1435 Dempster street, returned Tuesday from Dayton, Ohio, where they spent two weeks. Mrs. N. W. Ely of Evart, Mich., for- merly of Evanston, 1b a guest at the home of Mrs. Henry Vick, 1020 Demp- ster street. Miss Helen Kelaey, of Toledo, Ohio, and Miss Lilly Kingsland of St. Louis, Mo., arrived Monday for the wedding of Miss McClary. Wednesday the Misses Bradshaw, 41V Lee street, will be hostesses at a luncheon followed by bridge in honor of Miss McClary. Mrs. Thos. D. Sexton and children, 2711 Harrison street, left Saturday night for Southern California for the rest of the winter. Mr. Fred Winter and wife from Quincy, 111., visited Mr. Winter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Winter, 1948 West Railroad avenue. Miss Elizabeth Shoemaker of San- dusky, Ohio, is the guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Shoe- maker, 2400 Hartzell street. Miss Eleanor McLelland of Madison, Iml.. came Saturday and will be the guest at her brother's, Mr. David P. McLelland's home for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gardiner and son, Jack, and Mr. Howard Jacobs of Chicago, spent the week-end with Mr. and -VIrs. Geo. Frederick Knisely, 2720 Woodbine avenue. Mr. and Mrs. John Hadden, 1714 Chicago avenue, are entertaSfing their daughter and her, husband, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Murphy, of Fairmont, W. Va. Mrs. Marie V. D. Caagrain gave a tea Tuesday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Blanchet and her daughter, Mrs. Van der Velde, who are on their way from Antwerp, Germany, to Portland, Ore. Mr^and Mrs. A. B. Smith, 2324 Ht#ttell street, have as their guests Mr. Smith's sister, Mrs. C. H. Brake, and her son, Paul, of Norfolk, Neb., who are on their way to Utica, N. Y., where Mr. Brake will attend school. The Beta chapter of the Sigma Alpha Iota sorority entertained Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. William Knapp. 828 Simpson street, in honor of Miss Elisabeth Gamble, who will be married Satur- day of next week. The committee of management of the North End T. If. C. A. has asso- ciated with the two resident ministers of the north end. Rev. A. L. Murray of St Matthew's church, and Rev. F. 0. Beck of Covenant church, who will co- operate in directing the affairs of the branch. This completes the organisa- tion of the North End Department, so far as its plan of management is con- cerned. As already announced, the committee of management will be as- sisted by an executive council com- posed of younger men. *»M......Ml..........»♦♦ Directors Frank H., Thomas Bataa Wm. W. BoefcMM ; ; DsvM&fViraaa WTOfaunS. Maapo Joaaph K. Padan Janaa A* Fattac *Jcaaph P. Ward ] C&arlca E. Ware and ho^on- our^Board irectors is a tee of care- dicious man- / t av ; _._ agement. CITY «4lNATIONAL Mrs. Laura Russell Allen, 936 Hln- man avenue, sailed Friday for Europe. Miss Marie Vance, 1654 Asbury ave- nue, left Thursday for Ocean Springs, Miss. Mr. William Lally, 1117 Main street, is on a trip to Montreal, Boston and New York. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mobraaten, 1818 Sherman avenue, have moved to 1920 Greenleaf street. Mrs. C. M. Fairchild of 2700 Lincoln street, entertained recently at a luncheon. Covers were laid for eight. The Roya) Arcanum will give an in- formal dance to members and friends Friday, Feb. 13, at I. O. O. F. hall. Mr. H. H. Windsor and family, 1026 Forest avenue, left Wednesday to spend the balance of the winter at Daytona, Fla. Mrs. M. A. Waldron, mother of Ser- geant John J. Waldron, 1708 Orrington avenue, has come from Riverside, Cal., to reside with her son. Mrs. Harland Updegraft of Walnut avenue and Hartzell street is enter- taining her grandmother, Mrs. Bar- tholomew of Oskaloosa, *Ia. Mrs. Edmund Adcock and Mrs. Geo. I. Haight, 1000 Lake Shore boulevard, are home from a two weeks' trip to Boston, New York and Washington. D. C. Mr. H. G. Haugan, 1122 Judson ave- nue, has issued invitations for a din- ner, to be given in honor of Capt. Roald Amundsen on the evening of Feb. 4. Miss Katberine James, who has spent six months in New York and Philadelphia, has returned to 1139 Jud- son avenue. Miss Huldah Peterson, 1430 Elm- wood avenue, returned Friday from Es- canaba, Mich., where she went before Christmas, to visit her mother. Miss Louise H. Earll of Washington, D. C, who is en route to California for the winter, left Friday for the west, having been for a week the guest of Mrs. G. H. Kelley, 1203 Elmwood ave- nue. Mrs. William C. Gilbert, 1571 Oak avenue, has been quite ill for several months, but is now much better. Her mother, Mrs. Henry Ogden, of Fort Atkinson, Wis., arrived Thursday and will be her guest for some time. The next meeting of the art and lit- erature department of the Woman's club will be held Tuesday, Feb. 4, at 2:30 o'clock at the First Methodist church. Dr. Howard Woodhead will speak on "Civic Art," and will illus- trate his talk with stereopticon views. The Associated clubs of Northwest- ern University settlement held a court carnlfal and dance at 8choen hoi en's large hall, Ashland and Mil- waukee avenues, Friday evening, for the benefit of the settlement build ing fund. The king and queen of revels were enthroned, and in their honor a series of national dances in costume presented. The official board of the Covenant M. E. church has placed Mr. A. B. Dale*. 2327 Central street in charge of the dating of services and functions in the church. Any individuals or organisations planning to use the building should interview him in order to avoid conflicts of dates. Mr. and Mrs. James Huxtable, Sr., 431 Sherman avenue, will go this week to Detroit, Mich., on a business trip and also to visit their son, James Hux- table, Jr., who is living there. A trip to Canada is included in their Itin- erary. Mr. and Mts. F. M. Bobbins of 1713 Central street, entertained a few of their friends Saturday evening at cards, their guests being Mrs. Ger- trude Benjamin and mother, Mrs. Jane Bobbins of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Byars of Wilkesbarre, Pa.. Dr. Amelia L. Taylor, Miss Stella Taylor, Miss Olsen. Miss Hatlan and the Misses Myra and Lila Kobblns. The party was in honor of the silver anniversary of. Mr. and Mrs. Bobbins. Mr. Samuel A. Gardiner, 1608 Ridge avenue, left Monday for Pasadena, Cal., and will be gone four months. The auditorium of St. Paul's Eng- lish Lutheran church is being en- larged and plans made for a pipe or- gan which will be Installed by Easter Sunday. The work is already under way. Mr. Andrew Carnegie has made a very fine substantial gift towards the purchase of the organ. Miss Violet Copeland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Copeland, of Han- cock. Mich., and Ernest A. Welder of Chicago wart married Thursday after- noon in the pariah house of St Mary's church. Rev. H. P. Smyth officiating. Herman Welder of Hancock, Wen, a brother of the bridegroom, served as best man and Miss Jane M. Copeland Hancock, a sister of the bride, as bridesmaid. After Mare* 1, Mr. Mrs. Welder will he at homo at Twin boys were born week before last to Mr. and Mrs. Simpson of Har- rison street Mrs. Ellen C. De Golyer, 1307 Jud- son avenue, is home from a five weeks' visit in the east. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Wilcox, 1733 Hlnman avenue, have returned from Hot Springs, Ark. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Vickers, 1014 elmwood avenue, will be in Boston, Mass., for five weeks. Mr. E. P. Woolworth, 2000 Harrison street, is in Omaha, Neb. Mrs. F. D. Brooke, 1113 Grant street, is suffering with the grippe. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Smith, 2131 Sher- man avenue, have returned from a trip to Palm Beach, Fla. Miss Josephine Balluff, 2115 Harrison street, entertained eleven of her girl friends at a party Saturday afternoon. Mrs. John W. Leslie and little daughter, 318 Hamilton street, who have been in Green Bay, Wis., re- turned home Saturday. Mr. Hiram McCullough, 2414 Pio- neer road, is in Detroit, Mich., this week on business for the Brooks * Boss Lumber company. Mrs. A. Kohr of St. Louis, who has been the guest of her son, Mr. A. Kohr, for three weeks at Hotel Monnett, leaves Sunday for home. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Scheurmann, 805 Michigan avenue, have gone on a trip to New Orleans, Corpus Christi, Texas, and other southern points. Mr. Charles M. Cartwright, 2215 Lin- coln street, is going Thursday to Ot- tawa, 111., where he will address a life insurance convention on that even- ing- V M. C. Armour and family, 1608 Ridge avenue, left Saturday for Pasadena. Cal., and will be away two and a half months. Mrs. Geneva Higgins is again at home at the Hotel Monnet, after re- covering from a serious operation at St. Francis' hospital. Miss Mary L. Longley, a teacher in the Central Street school, spent the week-end with her parents in Des- plaines, 111. Mrs. Albert Graff, 846 Judson ave- nue, entertained the German club last Thursday at luncheon. Covers were laid for twelve. Mr. and Mrs. James Huxtable, 431 Sherman avenue, have Just returned from Crystal Lake, where they visited their daughter, Mrs. Dwaine Saxon Al bery. and family. Mr. William Holabird, 1500 Oak ave- nue, sailed last Thursday for Paris, where he will Join Mrs. Holabird and their son, William. Mrs. John R. Polthoff, 2621 Harrison street, entertained at five hundred Wednesday afternoon the North Ev- anston club. Luncheon was served at 1 o'clock. The following committee has been appointed for organizing a men's club at the Covenant M. E. church: C. F. Balch, J. H. Witter, A. B. Dale, F. E. Baker and J. A. Peabody. Miss Edith Knox, 804 Hinman ave- nue, will be the guest this week in Louisville, Ky., of Miss Helen Mc- Candless. Before coming home she will visit her uncle in Columbus, Ohio. Miss Violet A. Copeland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Copeland of Hancock, Mich., was married last Thursday to Mr. Ernest H. Welder of Chicago at 4:30 o'clock at St. Mary's parish house. An interesting affair last week was given Friday In Evanston, when Mrs. Kirkman, Mrs. Ella G. Kirk- man and Mrs. Marshall J. Kirkman were at home from 3 to 6 o'clock at Larchmere. The assisting ladies were: Mesdames J. K. Armsby, Stew- art Barren, Andrew Hazlehurst W. G. Kimball. L. A. Robinson, Harry Pat- ten. Irving Osborn, O. B. Tennis and Edward Perkins. Red letter night at St Luke's Men's club came Jan. 23, when the men of the club presented Primnose and Dockwallinger'B Mastadon Minstrels; Harold Dyrenforth, manager. The fact that Mr. Dyrenforth was direct- ing this minstrel show was in itself a sufficient guarantee of the excellence of the production. Three classes have been formed In at Luke's church for the stewards who are to represent the parish in "The World in Chicago." The trainers and classes are as follows: Mrs. Mont- gomery's class began on Jan. 26, at 8 o'clock at 1636 Chicago avenue, and will meet every Saturday evening at that place and hour. Mrs. McGlnnia' class held its first meeting on Wednes- day, Jan. 22, at 510 Lee street the home of Mrs. Maury, at 4 o'clock, and will meet at the same hour and place each Wednesday. Mrs. Shep- herd's class began on Monday even- ing. Jan. 27, at 8 o'clock, at 1M6 Chicago avenue, and will meet each Monday evening at the same hour and place. Fifteen or twenty more stew ards are needed from St Luke's pariah and it Is hoped that during the coming week there may be a large registra- tion of new volunteers. Mrs. J. T. Montgomery, secretary of stewards for the perish, 1«M Chicago avenue, will Mrs. B. M. Pierce, 1414 Forest ave- nue, has gone to New York for a visit Miss Helen Hawks of Goshen, Ind., Is the guest of Miss Ella McClary, 1202 Hinman avenue. St. Cecilia's Guild of St. Matthew's church gave a card party at the parish house Friday evening. \'l§f Theodora Chaffee, 2501 Harri- son street, has as her guest. Mist Edith Wemple of Waverly, III. Mrs. N. W. Ely of Evart, Mich., is the guest of Mrs. Henry Vick of 1020 Dempster street for a short time. Miss Pearl Munro, 810 Washington street, will spend the rest of the win- ter in New Orleans, leaving next week. Mrs. Harry W. Byers, 1017 Ridge avenue, entertained her card club Sat- urday evening at her home. Mrs. M. H. Barton moved Saturday from 1628 Chicago avenue to her New Holland Tea Room, 324 Dempster street Miss Elizabeth Kartheiser, 1618 Sher- man avenue, is in Aurora, 111., for a week visiting her father, Mr. John Kartheiser. The Auction Bridge club gave a luncheon Friday at the home of Mrs. Otto L. Braunbold, 2715 Harri- son street. Mrs. Clara Yeomans, who has been the guest of Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Rich- ards, 630 Central street, has returned home to Logan, Okla. MIbs Grace Pynchon, 1731 Wesley uvenue, will leave February 3 for Paris, Texas, where she will visit Miss Ella Wade for six weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mann, 2827 Harrison street, left this week for a two weeks' trip to Portland, Oregon, and other western points. Miss Viola Dailey, who has been visiting her sister, Miss Lora Dailey, 1127 Hlnman avenue, left Monday morning for her home at Richland Center, Wis. Mr. Nicholas J. O'Connell of Temple, T?x., who came here to attend the fun- eral of his father, the late Timothy O'Connell, last Friday, returned to his homo Monday. Chief of Police Fred Shaffer was called to his old home at Lansing, Mich., by the sudden death of his father last Saturday. He expects to be gone only a short time. The social program at the Covenant M. E. church next Friday night will Include travel talks by Mrs. F. 0. Heck on "The Black Forests," and by Mr. Beck, "Scotch Highlanders." Mr. J. J. Charles, 1310 Hlnman ave- nue, left Friday night to Join Mrs. Charles and the Misses Charles, who are spending several months in Pasa- denn, Cal. Mr. Harold Pynchon, 1731 Wesley avenue, will go, February 9, to Port- land, Me., where he will be best man for his college friend, Mr. Harrison Chapman, who will be married Febru- ary 15. Charles Richardson, 1727 Wesley avenue, has returned from a trip to Louisville where he went to attend the funeral of the state agent of the National Fire Insurance company, of which he is assistant manager. Frank E. Merrell, who is a favorite among the younger set in North Ev- anston, has resigned his position with the Northern Trust company and has become connected with the financial investment house of Weil, Roth ft Co., of Chicago. Miss Ruth Ward of New York City, who was graduated from Northwest- ern in the class of 1912, has returned to Evanston^and will enter the Music school. Miss Ward has recently re- turned from a six months' trip abroad. The Misses Emily Butterworth of Marion, Ind.; Charlotte Leah of Indian- apolis, Ind.; Esther Morey, Clinton. Ind., and Mary Goodwillie, of Oak Park returned Thursday to their vari- ous homes after being the guests of Miss Florence Jones, 2204 Orrington avenue. Miss Josephine Balluff, 2109 Harri- son street, entertained a number of her girl friends at a dancing party Friday. Her guests were Misses Mildred Bent, Barbara Sonnen, Inabel Branch, Elizabeth Risley, Mary Valen- tine, Nanine Watt, Margaret Mohr, Mildred Jay, Mildred Bodach, Myrtle Bent and Marguerite Gradler. Covenant M. E. church will devote the month of February to special work for the boys of the community and to the training of workers for boy leader- ship. The first meeting in the move- ment will be held Saturday evening, February 1, in the North End Y. M. C. A. Mr. William J. Kellogg, who for some years taught and traveled In Japan, will give an illustrated lecture on the subject, "Boy Life In Japan." The annual masquerade ball of the Evanston Country club was given Fri- day night at the club house. About 350 persons attended, many of the women wearing colonial and domino cos- tumes. The men dressed in Indian, Mexican and clown costumes. The masks were taken off Just before the dinner, about 10:20 o'clock. Mrs. Howard Hart had charge of the ar» The date of the ball was _ wale* #Bt#I<eat The Misses Janet Hall and OherrUl McNeil will leave Saturday for Halt- land, Fla., where Miss Hall's parents have a winter home. The Inter Frat Council of North* western university has issued Invita- tions for a dancing party to be given Thursday evening, Feb. «. Mrs. G. W. Smith, 1462 Ridge ave- nue, went Friday to spend a weak at Springfield, 111., where she will be the guest of Mrs. George W. Bunfi. Invitations have been tsued by Mrs. Frederic W. Chamberlain for a tea to be given Monday afternoon, Feb. 8, be- tween the hours of 4 and • in honor of Mrs. Paul Warren. Mr. J. J. Charles, 1310 Hlnman ave- nue, left last week to join his wife and daughters in Pasadena, Cal., who are spending several months at the Maryland Hotel there. Miss Miriam Heermans. 1210 Judson avenue, entertained at a theater party Saturday In honor of Miss Ella Mo- Clary, whose marriage to Mr. Horace Lathrop Dawson will take place Feb- ruary 3. Mr. and Mrs. Nels Erlckson, 1138 Sherman avenue, entertained at a din- ner party on Sunday. Their guests were Mr. Minturn, Miss Leicester, Mr. and Mrs. Satterlee of the Evanston Theater Stock company, Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Funck of Evanston and Dr. Wil- liam Cooper of Sheridan, Ind. The next meeting of the Men's club of St. Matthew's church will be held Thursday evening. Mr. A. L. Carson will address.the club on "The State of California." A number of very at- tractive pictures will be shown. AH men of Evanston are welcome at these gatherings, whether they are members of the club or not. The class for the study of legisla- tive bills presented to the Illinois leg- islature, under the direction of Mrs. Catharine Waugh McCulloch, will meet every two weeks on Thursday morn- ings, at 10 o'clock, in the parlors of the First Methodist church. The next meeting will be on Feb. 6. The class is open to members of the Woman's club and non-members may enter for a fee of 25 cents. Mrs. Marguerite Bernhardy, super- intendent of Logan Home at May wood, and ladies of the G. A. R. association, were hostesses last Wednesday to a number of officers of the association, who visited the Logan Home. The guests were Mrs. Ella Jones of Pitts- burgh, national president; Mrs. Emma Pierse of Springfield, Mass., past na- tional president; Mrs. Lizzie Field of Chicago, president department of Illi- nois; Mrs. Katharine Swegart of Chi- cago, of the national council of admin- istration, and Mrs. Delia C. Hlnshaw of Chicago, president of the Logan Home association. Miss Mary Glenn, 11S1 Forest ave- nue, left Monday for Scranton, Pa. where she will be one of the brides- maids at the wedding of Miss Mary McClave, one of her classmates at Mrs.' Somers' school in Washington, D. C. Miss Helen Glenn is now in Scranton and will be one of the bridesmaids. Miss McClave will be married on Sat- urday to Mr. Harvey Warren of Bridge- port, Conn., in the First Methodist Episcopal church of Scranton. SCHAEFER BROS. UNDER74KERS/' TCLCf 1573 unt Iff â- *â-  161 EilltTOI. Ill Tta Horthftstiri Gk U£M ii«rtrti 1511 Benson Avenue. Bvanston Telephome 99 "^fft........ Spring Goods and Styles Have Arrived I wish to announce to the 1 Shore that wejbavef receive and Styles. uvajL^xhe our tailors busf^rfices wil Suits regularly sold theN rinf Gooda on, to ki greatly reduc Respectfully, H. NAKUTIN Ladies* Tailor, Importer and Habit JH 808 Dempster Street - Phone 258 North Shore Reference Gladly Furnithed - -:W.-jfe$*--- taa fâ€"mammmmem* TftlANGU IRON GUARANTEED FOREVER THBONi^i;.;;;;!^ Electric Iron ConitracliommidBmdLicy, sndst e same tiihe the p«W te Prissy haV» ak-bufimtkr* m &. st take tmk at a Triaugt* LekfrOt ron. You csa sJwsyYteU^flsVlfas ty e asms and tgja«efvjr««feSw0^ \*W Wee eJttaB<l*S Metropolitan Electrical Supply Compdi • EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL 180 W. Lake Street 62 E. JacksomBtodX Telephone*: Main 4194-Harrieon 783§ y Announcement Spring Opening, 19£3 ImportslfDns consjfefag of Hut latest Foreign Nwelties are resJj^rinsj DiscoaWtof 15$ foMDdayatmly. Inspepfcvynr offerings and pri< orderinsGbtmr gait elsewb* EvanstoflTiisatiT PHONE 2S«e-280e ROBERT BLAVLOCK. MaNaOCft ALL THIS naton Company PRESENT ^j^^ JeaaphinCTorek BakeOTDrsssa The Burden --------of-------- The Strong Week of Feb. 3rd Her Husband's Wife Sewyealf saetofraphs of Mr. Hstff M|atara will be given away FEBRUARY SALE 7/1 FOSTER SHOES FOR CHILDREN BEGINNING Monday Morning, we REDUCTION on every t This is the best opportunity of t riority of Poster Shoje* and the children's shoes. Sisea* Sisaall to 2 Sixes 2% te 6 JOW LIBERAL In the store. am the snpe* £thofls of fitting I SPECIAL VALUES to 10# SboWsAi Slippers, \ 2b~»f7l0 values at fSc Shoe^s/d Slippers, 250 to 8.00 values at tt.00 Oxfords A Slippers, 2.50 to S.&0 valaea a* $1.95 We suggest that oar North Shore patrons come to the Evanston store as we can give quicker service than at the main store in Chicago. F. E. FOSTER & CO. CHICAGO AVE., near DAVIS ST. EVANSTON PHOMBS: CBNTBALtM THE FRAN Momsrs Gowns, Dre

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