• ,$pp [in i ii i ii i ititf 'v; ^*^n» â- â- ' " ' »"»"* " "' Ml tf IJIillii'Sftfl^aj^^ Mrs. S. P. Burden, t21 WfcMngtttn street, left Wednesday for «gia^H|, Fla, MrsTE: Mftthle, 2425 CeuUal street, avenue, tr out again after, an llluesa. ia in Montana, where , stttj^af-eailed; by the death*f her «aught»r*a4aw. The annual France* Wlllard Memo- rial meeting will be held at 1730 Chi- cago avenue on Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock. â- *;â- â- â- "•'V'4 v'.:,<-";',- Mrs S IK FairtHffik-returfied Sat- urday'to Jacksonville, 111., after vislfc ing her sister, Mrs. Edward C. Carter. 412 Greenwood boulevard. . Mrs J. D. Vail of. Hartford, Conn., formerly of Evanston. is visiting for- mer friends here. Her husband will be here the last of the month. Miss Helen Hancock. 1239 Asbury avenue, left this week on a six weeks- trip to St. Louis, New Orleans, Hous- ton and San Antonio. Tex. Mrs. C. F. Balch. 2229 Harrison street, entertained her Sunday school class informally Saturday afternoon. About twelve little girls were present. Miss Elizabeth Sharpe, who has been the guest of her sister, .Mrs. Keith E. Kellenberger, 2003 Lincoln street, left Saturday for her home in Dayton, Ind. H. H. Walker, 1109 Grove street, IB in Eustis, .Fla., during February and will be in Bumrnervflle, NrC~d!ur|tig" March. He will return about April 1. Mr Harold Bennett, who is attend- ing St. John's Military academy, spent the week-end wi*h his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bennett. 2508 Hartzell street. . . .Mr. and Mrs. Charjes Harrer, 1827 Orrington avenue, entertained thirty- six guests at a dinner party Sunday in honor of their twenty-sixth wedding anniversary. The next meeting o*f the Dancing class will be tonight in the kindergar- ten of the Central Street school. A cotillion will be the feature of the evening. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Halberg and Nor- man Halberg, formerly of Evanston, now residing at 568 Hawthorn place, have gone to Jacksonville and other Florida points. On and after March 4, the Sunday morning collections from the street letter boxes will be discontinued, but the afternoon collections will he made same as "always, from 1:45 to 4:45. A valentine party was given at the home of Mrs. John Ahrens, 2031 Dar- row avenue, by the West Side Pleasure club. There were fifty present. Danc- ing followed refreshments. Decora- tions were in valentine colors Justice Charles Voight contemplates a .Florida trip in a few days. Mr. Victo^ Ortlund, 1127 Elm wood Friday a* 1 o'clock the Ladles' Aid society of the Christian church, will meet at the church, M. A, Ware of Granville, 111., and John Allen of Wanatab, Ind., are guests of the Avenue House. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Jones, 1515 Davis street, entertained at bridge Tuesday night in their home. John Welland, Jr., 1516 Greenwood boulevard, has been In bed a week threatened with typhoid: fever. Miss 'Helen Sayder, 2715 Stanley avenue, will entertain at an informal dancing party Saturday evening. Mrs. C. C. Lintbicum, 2134 orrington avenue, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Eben o. M6Nair, at Danville, 111. Mr. and Mrs. John H. S. Lee, 1431 Judson avenue, left Saturday morning for a two weeks' California trip. Mrs. Edward A. Schroeder, 2300 Col- fax street, gave a children's party Sat- urday afternoon in honor of her son, Hampton. Miss Dorothy Gross, 1100 Ridge ave- nue, has returned from a two-weeks' trip to Clearwater, Fla., and Wash- ington, d: ~c Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Soniervllle and daughter, Miss Somerville, 1228 Forest avenue, left Friday for an extended trip through California. Miss M. McPherson, 610 Davis street, will leave Friday for a trip to New York. She will return in a week with latest millinery fashions. The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Home Missionary society of the First ML E. church will be held in the chapel tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Mr. Charles Brayton, 835 Sherman avenue, was in Auburn, 111., where bis daughter, Elizabeth, was taken ill with pneumonia while there visiting. He left her much better. Prof. Walter Roloff, occupying the chair of German in the University of Washington at Seattle, writes that he is enjoying his new field of labor and the invigorating climate. One week from next Sunday the Christian Endeavor society of the Ev- anston Christian church will give, a missionary drama which promises healthful entertainment. Mrs. H. A. Whitman of Wllmette, so- prano, gave a recital this evening at the Northwestern School of Music. Miss Mary Moore, pianist, of the sen- LAKE SHORE MEWS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 80. IMS. ;.M,ii,niij<liil.iii^iy.W.»Ji.;i .l'"»li'.LlH>.!ji"!,WI.!lS>r i.iii)ii|<Mli|ii'iu mi Mrs. Irwin Rew. 1128 Ridge avenue, left this | week on a short trip, to 8outh Carolina. ----- Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Neilson. Jr., T$>8 Forest avenue, returned Saturday from Cincinnati, Ohio. The "Coterie" met Monday after- noon at the home of, Mrs. F. H. Biggs, 649 Michigan avenue. â€" Mr. Charles R. Roberta, 2444 H*> from a Mr. and Mr*. Charles O. Dawat, Sheridan rlpad and Greenwood boute- rard, left Saturday night for Callfor- uiax-;':'i;':j|v'-.;- .,</ *>} a^aA-'S-M Mr. and Mrs. b! F. Homer and daughter, 114* Hinman avenue, have gone to Augusta, Qa*, for a eonnle ©t month*. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Da Golyer Hub- The Oak Leaf circle held Its bi- ior class, assisted Mrs. Whitman monthly social meeting Tuesday even-1 st. Paul's English Lutheran, church ing in the parlors of the Covenant M. are feeling quite happy over their suc- E. church. Miss Louise E. Hollister, national organizer of the W. C. T. U., spoke. Each member was requested to bring a guest A patriotic entertainment will be given by' the Mothers' club of Noyes Strer,* school this evening at 8 o'clock. The *Boy Scouts will open the pro- gram with drum and bugle call. Miss Edna Storms and Miss Mabel Godding- ton will read. Music will be rendered by Miss Blanlca Marzln, violinist. The Neighborhood club of North Evanston announces an entertainment this evening at the Central Street school, Central street and Stewart avenue. Mr. Joseph- F. Ward of Evanston will tell the story of "The Yankee Schoolmaster In the American Revolution," a sidelight on that great struggle, Illustrated with slides of "Ye Olden Time." This story will Include "Paul Revere's Ride," "The Boston Tea Party," "The Battle o* Lexington," and many other Inci- dents from 1776 to 1780. Many patri- otic songs will be rendered by the eighth grade pupils; a male quartette, composed of North Evanston men, will sing old time songs. This meeting la open to the public and a large at- tendance is expected : PHONC 2898-2S90 V Wt»a3tT^fc**ioc«. ******* iMM^Iii^i^:1 cessful class of one dozen stewards who are training under the intelligent instruction of Mrs. Philip Eichllngfor "The World In Chicago." The A. B. C. club held Its first meet- ing Sunday at 3 o'clock at the home of Miss Florence Mersch, 1007 Sherman avenue. The plans for work were dis- cussed and officers elected. The club agreed on pins and colors. This evening the Fort Dearborn chapter of the Daughters of the Ameri- can Revolution will hold a meeting at the home of Mrs. William J. Fabian, 1509 Ridge avenue. Prof. H. Hi Kings- ley will give his illustrated lecture on "England." Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Gross and Mlsa Gross returned Saturday from Clearwater, Fla. On their return trip they stopped at Washington, D. C, and had a most Interesting time vtalt- ing congress. Next week Saturday Mrs. Gross and Miss Gross will leave for southern France and Italy and will be away for three months. They sail from New York March 5 on the steam- er "Mauretanta." Mr. Gtoss will Join them later. Rev. Orvls F. Jordan, pastor of the Christian church, quotes these inter- esting facta concerning his denomina- tion: ,. JThe statistical calendar shows a growth of benevolences and miaateir work in the United States. During 191L $1,080,000 was given. In 1W2 $1,281,000 was given. Every society in the church, benevolent an4 mission- ary, have made splendid growth over the previous year. There are now 1,347,000 disciples of Christ In Ihe United States. Saturday evening, Feb., 15, at 6 o'clock Mr. Thomas 8. Gordon, Jr., district manager of the Kellastone Sales company, 1706 Sherman avenue, assumed his most Important contract, being- united In marriage to Miss Re- bekab Arthur,,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W^ W. Arthur. 1965 Sunnyslde avenue, Chicago, at AD Saints' Episco- pal church. Rev. Anderson ocVlatlng Tha wadding wan, a vary quiet «**. tray avenue, r has returned short business trip. Miss Helen Armstrong, 1509 Forest avenue, entertained Monday evening at an informal bridge party. Mrs. Warren S. Williams, 823 Hin- man avenue, entertained at a bridge breakfast Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Banks, 1204 Sheridan road, are at home from a short trip to New York.. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Jones will entertained at bridge Wednesday even- ing at their home, 1615 Davis street. Mrs. Catharine Waugh McCulloch, 2336 Orrington avenue, has returned from a short trip to Springfield, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Oestlng, 2653 Stewart avenue, entertained at a five hundred party last Saturday evening. Miss Dorothy Gross, 1100 Ridge ave- nue, is home after two weeks' sojourn in Clearwater, Fla., and Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. T. Bwen, Jr., en. tertained Saturday evening at their home, 1316 Judson avenue, with? a val- entine card party. A^very interestinri?rogram^was^g4v- en Monday evening at the valentine so- cial given under the auspices of the Ep- worth league of the Covenant M. E. church. The Frances Willard memorial serv- ice of the West Side Branch, W. C T. U., Chicago, which was held Monday at the home of Mrs. H. L. Clark, was addressed by Mrs. Minnie Harnlng, editor of .the Watch Tower, as princi- pal speaker. The next regular meeting of the Bryant circle will be held at the home of Miss Alice Houston, 1426 Forest avenue. The papers will be: "The Be- ginning of Journalism," by Mrs. J. J. Tufts, and "The Old Book Shop," by Mrs. J. F. Ward. The second evening musicale of the 'Music Study $lub was given Tues- day evening at 8 o'clock at the home ot Miss Louise H. Moore. 2131 Orring- ton avenue. The artists were Mrs. A. G. Corrtgan, soprano, and Mr. Wans Hess, cellist, both well-known musi- cians. Each member had the privilege of inviting five guests. , The members of the Twentieth Cen- tury club were entertained Monday ev- ening at the home of Mrs. Howard M. Carter, 726 Forest avenue. The en- tertainment for the evening was "an old fashioned school exhibition," which consisted of a program ot readings and songs. Following this there was the spelling bee in which every member will take part. A reunion was held .Monday evening by the resident members of the Monday Evening Sewing club. A progressive dinner, finishing with a valentine box, were the features of the evening's en- tertainment All of the members met at the home of Miss Oestlng, 2653 Stewart avenue, where the soup course was served. They then proceeded to 2316 Harrison street, where the meat course was served by Mrs. George W. Risley. Another stroll and at the home of the Misses Stephenson, 2420 Grant street, they found the salad course awaiting them. Miss Madeline Richards, 2526 Harrison street, was hostess at the dessert course, while Mrs. A. B. Dale, 2327 Central street, opened her home for the final course and entertainment fornla. To Passdan* sha we» accom- piuded by her cousin, Mrs. Thomas ClewOngton of Aahlan* »r, who joined her hare. Miss Moore expects to saU from San Francisco March 1. for Japan;' Before doing so she will visit in Los Angeles. After a aummer abroad she wiu reaeh Boston August U ; ^| ^ ft It ralrba»k oi Jacksonville, day '^^ii'mW^^^^^^SM Mr. Wm. *. Lord left Satiirday «o> to an apartment at 3200 Sheridan road, Chicago. W. L. Steele, 716 Michigan avenas, left Monday for the Isle of Pines, Cuba, to visit his plantation and spend several weeks. Mrm-Gr-Ci Brothers-of Racine, Wis., - was a guest ot Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Dring, 1713 Boomer place, for several days last week. Mr. H. W. Dring, 1718 Boomer place, returned last week from a wast* em trip through Washington, Oregon and California. Mias Matilda Hutchison, 927 Wash' ington street, haa gone to Brooklyn, N. Y., from where aha saila tor Eu- rope Feb. 22 on the steamship Canada. Mr. Thomas E.- Connor, 606 Davis street, left Monday morning for Spring- field, HI., toattend the state hardware dealers' convention. He will be gone a week. Mrs. John Welland, 1516 Greenwood boulevard, was hostess at her own birthday dinner party Sunday. Twelve guests shared the honor and enjoy- ments of the day. Mr. George B. Winter has returned from a four weeks' combined business and pleasure trip through the south and west He visited California, Mex- ico and Alabama. Mr. Henry Dubreull, who has been at Twin Lakes, Mich., for four months, has returned to Evanston and is at present the guest of his sister, Mrs. L. J Rioux, 808 Dempster street Mrs. George W. Smith, 1462 Ridge avenue, who is In California With her daughter. Mrs. Luther M. Kennett,at Coronado Beach, will stay until spring, when Mr. and Mrs. Kennett will return with her. Miss Mary Moore of Catlettsburg, Ky., who has been the guest of her sis- ter, Mrs. E. J. Bufflngton, for several months, left this week for Call- mr. wa «»*•. »»iva. wv vnnfyr ami- â- • Mr*. Fred S. JamOS aftd hST daUgh- . ^^^v^^^y,'* +fcfaM*i1i bart, 748 Hinman avenue, have moved tar. Mrs. Q. M. lhdK&tmb-mmrUhFm a*rla* vhie*** will vis*** eus* thaa l» tfe* _,-, â„¢-„,- p,,.,.,. .____., .â- JplswlswPifeisiBj; f^^w--;,^rjf^^ m the Children TTbese J i * le coughs and colds that &^:'to^$)to:. sifsfc of frosty ra< preventable. An El nous Radiatorâ€" the at an instant's notice ne&^oijarinteiLWi dirt or odor. The are m iterâ€"-is vetu ibrm â€" r-^^ ...,„., gloom and damp- It/heats without'-^^jM^MZ^" vm___^^^^.^rTT^owe^ above is esoecialiv^4ii^ ^^^^^^^ 1^*^ ^^S voltage of y««ir llgattag etefait;. Tour el»etrfc Ugfct ^M0^l^ Over ao:0jpfc^ii*»^^ ; Electric mtic&-^^ Wm. Vitii^ entertalnm 1/ &HL "t-WJ-'-r. /£M-^% â- :V^:^Wi:^< M .':â- ';! ill."i' Tea Cups ... Coupe Soups Plates, 10-in. . Plates, 8-in. . Plates, 7-in. . Made by Ridgway, Stoke-on-Trent, England anlcoSce^ duction of this famoua design on the market. The quaint old shapes and the tkh,j velvety, blue colorings appeal to •vttyone. Made in^»bmt:^aiM^LTg^^: semi-porcelain. A large Import shipment just pUced on sale. 11§ Platters from 1 Open Vegetab Jugs in all sises, ...19c ...20c ...20c ...20c ...18c Plates, 6- Plates, 4-i Fruit Distes Oatmeal gjishes Sugar Bowls LEGE THEATRE 17 milnsM Thnra.. Smt, Sun. N. W. «!•-' vttad to Faltartoa or Wantar An. $1.50 Sorosis Petti- coats, 98c A Special Sale for Thursday and Friday 20-in/wk] to $250. 40c,VBa*k>c. 86c. : i'i;.:^.< Itcher ,.. *. "Sauce Boats....... .•'•"*â- ••!? **v Egg Cup*, Dei _ ,'â- , *•. fcjji.±;:M Casseroles ;-....j...>_. vvv:*:*'^£*|xj Covered Vegetable Dishes .. silts CAI35TE (mm As arttepc OTfrUlaar pnaaittinK .____Md ntntKyia- tervratstiaM glgMMMtnW tMWtlM 1M. Edfwwstar Three new models embracing the latest ideas in dress for this springâ€"one of ai heavy and one of a light soft satine. The third model is of a new soft twilled ma- terial that will give excellent service. All are perfectly made. Taped seams and carefully sewed. All sizes. Special Price, 98c Exclusive Agents Ladies' Home Journal Patterns SAID A DRESS- MAKER RECENTLY After Many T%%U of BOWSTRING BEST SIX CORD SPOOL COtTWt T-H-R-E«A*D "It is a real pleasure to work with Bowstring Thread. It has no tin* trums. Several ol ray pa- trons first sent it to line. I bought a supply, ind hav* since found it satisfactory in every way.* Bowstring U « «nv jpraotevf â€"Hlu tun* Cotton Throat* •*•**?*, Read all the"lW<M " â- â- 'â- ":' â- ' '" A-A^A*m$Mk Books For Only 2 Cents a Day'"; :-3^ Our Circulating Library contains ebout 800 volumes of the latest fiction. AH | new books are-added on day, of piABcayj tion and you are alwayi aMa--t» ehoog«|| from a good selection of me latest novels. | There are No Initiation Fees and Ho ^ Dues other than the rental charge of 11 cents per day. than i cents. No charge made far less, William Fountain Square Lord ^a#aitston, IUIwiis Kraaatoft i done 1034 Wilmetta Phone 600 Nocnargefoi conneetiona