pilpfl^^ ill Kenilworth ;#•***•• isr. Mark Cretan returned Wedns* l ^ from a. business trip to Now Tor* Mrs- Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Maher. whohave ran to Cuba, bare retoned. Miss Kate Morrison of Ja«fao% J pnn., visited the Misses Louise and ; Mabel Lovedale last 'week. .;v â- â- â- • ?**f . The many friends ©t Mi* ttfteiito will be sorry to hear that she Is ftm confined to her bed. , ' > ^ Mr. and Mrs. Grimes of Portsmouth O.. are visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. I* UcCiond of Cumnor road. Mr. and Mrs. Bnf are now occupy- ing the house on Cumnor road for- merly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Hand. BIr. J. C. Murray was in Toronto. Canada, last week, visiting his old friends. -^v- Mrs. Stolp and Mrs. George Keehn returned last week from a two weeks trip through the east Mr. 'White, formerly of Kenilworth, was calling on his old friends last Mrs. Hurlbert of Oxford road enter- tained several of her friends at tea teat Monday. > > <â- Dr. and Mra. Charlee^Adains of Ken- Uworth have taken an apartment In the Chandler building: Mrs. Walker, who has been spend- ing the winter with her sister, Mrs. 8. c. Eastman, is now visiting her daughter in Michigan. Mr. Lynn Willis, who has been in holiness In Detroit for the past year,, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. p. C. Willis. Mrs. Allen returned Tuesday from the east, where she visited herdaugb- Mr. Haslem, formerly of KenUworth, wiis'ia tafmisstjresfc.; '.â- : v" ' ; Mr, and Mrs, * * Lwnjlrita gave a dinner Monday night for the tango elsjs. They entertained seven cou- iplsk-^r: '• Miaa Dorothy CooUdge, who Is hero from Detroit, visiting her aunt, Mrs. vTw. Coolidge, played before Mme. Bloomfleid*?elsler Tuesday. BMward Parmelee was given a book of bowling tickete last week for hav- ing the highest score ever bowled by a Kenilworth boy. He bowled 202. Miss Charlotte Freise entertained the oast of "Lady Patricia" Monday night. Much merriment was caused when the guests burlesqued Lady Pa- tricia. Mr. and Mrs. R. Gtlkey left Thurs- day for* New York. They have closed their home at the head of KenUworth avenue, and expect to make New York their home. , The Misses Carol Horswell, Pris- cilia Allen and Lucy Chandler, former New Trier students and Kenilworth girls, now students at Wellesley. re- ceived honors in mathematics in the freshman class. Mr. Percy B. Eckhart lectured n Heidelberg, • Strassburg and Ingols- helm last week, and will lecture on Paris and Fontainebleau next week. There will be but one more lecture, on March* 16, on Versailles, Brussels and Antwerp. ^ Mr. and Mrs. A. Shreve Badger have sold their home on Essex road and have taken an apartment in the Chandler building, 33 Bellevue place, which they expect to occupy after the Invitation Sent to Voters to Attend Meeting in Kenil- worth Tonight. ter, Priscilla, who Is attending Welles-1 return of Mrs. Badger from California ley college. Ithe latter part of March. iliiMHIIHtttWW< What People Are Doing in Glencoe »*»......... Mrs. Percy Hood has returned from ' jNew York. Jin. Siege!, mother, of the village â- marshal, is ill with pneumonia. Art Lundqulst had a stroke of paral- ysis Monday. Mrs. R. D. Coy entertained infor- mally Thursday afternoon. lira Otto R. Barnett entertained the Friday Afternoon Bridge club Friday. Mrs. John C. Parry entertained with a luncheon Wednesday. The Royal Neighbors met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Arm- strong last night Mrs. Fred Bbert entertained the Ladies' Sewing club on Thursday aft- ernoon. Mr. Robert Davis and daughter, Miss Dorothy, returned last week from Florida Misses Leslie and Helen Pope are boarding at the Girton school during their parents' absence in the south. Mrs. Harry B. Boardman gave a small informal car4 party Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Max McDowell are ex- pected home Saturday. They have heen traveling in the south. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Borgwardt of Chi- cago visited friends in Glencoe and Schermerville Sunday. The all-day meeting of the Woman's guild of the Union church met Tues- day. Luncheon was served at 12:15. Miss Ethel De Lang was hostess to the Thursday Evening Bridge club. Teh. 27. Prudence Goodspeed entertained a number of her little friends Monday with a birthday party. Mrs. E." T. Bush has as her guest "her sister, Mrs. Schulte of Houghton, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Meyer, Miss Elsie Ray and Daniel have returned from a trip through California. Mrs. vVUllam S. Southerland and daughter Jane left Tuesday, Feb. 25, for Pinehurst, N. C. Mrs. H. H. Brigham. Miss Edith ♦ and Master Henry left last week for Maitland, Fla. The Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Casper was christened Sunday, March 2. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Lawrence Saturday, March 1. Mrs. Muellenhauer entertained a few friends Thursday afternoon, Feb. 27. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Behrens en- tertained a number of friends Tuesday in honor of Mr. Behrens' birthday. Mr. James Abbott announces the engagement of his daughter, Bonnie Edwins, to William 1* Pattison of Chi- IP Mrk 8.*^ q^^ r from Maitland, FU. Mr. Goss and Mr. Henry Taylor, who has been with the People's Gas Light ft Coke <My*pM»y for forty-seven years, has been retired on a pension. Mrs. Albert Olson entertained a few friends at dinner Saturday evening. The Henry T. Smiths left for Flor- ida last week. An illustrated address was given Sunday evening bar Rev. A. W. Patteu. D.D., professor of Biblical literature at Northwestern university, on "How the English Bible Came to Us." Twenty-six young people enjoyed a sleigh ride Thursday evening. After the sleigh ride refreshments were Berved at the home of Miss Elsie Jost, Vernon avenue. The Men's league of the Glencoe Union church will hold its annual meeting and banquet on Monday even- ing, March 10. The speakers will be men who attract general attention, and assisting in the program will be some artists from Chicago. "Mrs. Temple's Telegram" will be given at the public school auditorium Thursday evening, March 13, for the benefit of the Community gymnasium. Reserved seats, 75 cents; general ad- mission, 50 cents. A fellowship dinner was held at the Woman's Library club by members end friends of the Methodist Episco- pal church Thursday evening. Mr. T. C. Northrope was toastmaster. A mu- sical program was given during / the evening. Dr. and Mrs. Fred P. Patten, Dr. and Mrs. Dwight C. Orcutt, Dr. and Mrs. Harrison L. Mettler attended the banquet given In the Louis XIV. room at the Hotel La Salle Tuesday even- ing, Feb. 26, for Dr: S. Wler Mitchell. Mr. Hayes has purchased the Bell greenhouse. The Glencoe Equal Suffrage asso- ciation met Monday afternoon, Feb. 24, at the home of Mrs. Sherman Booth. Mrs. Atchison, former dean of Northwestern university, gave an ad- dress on "Suffrage the World Move- ment," and Mrs. Booth gave an Inter- estlng report Of her work as chairman of legislative work for the state of Illinois. W£' pMmghteri Mies Hazel, will remain for weeks- Umg&$IW&&^ &.. AA-- Mrs. James P. BrewsW has oeon a series of afternoon teas, the The following letter m called to the attention of voters in New Trier town- ship concerning the caucus to be held in Kenilworth tonight: Dear Sir:â€"You are Invited to at- tend a public township caucus for the purpose of' selecting candidates for such township offices ss are to be filled at the election on April 1 next. This caucus will be held In Union Church hall. Kenilworth avenue. Ken- ilworth, on Thursday, March 6, at 8 o'clock p. m For many years township affairs have been neglected by the majority of our citizens. As a result the town- ship government has been in the hands of a few interested persons who have selected our officers In private caucus. A condition has followed in which the interests of the tax payers have not always been fully- guarded, and the ticket being a "one name" ticket has created a condition in which any voting has been a farce; The offices referred to must not be confused with the several village ad- ministrative boards nor the high school board. They are as follows: To be elected this yearâ€"Supervisor (township treasurer and poor agent), highway commissioner.for the Kenil- worth-Wlnnetka district, township school trustee, five Justices of the peace .(to serve four years each), five constables (to serve four years each). To be elected laterâ€"Township clerk, township tax collector, township tax assessor, two township highway commissioners, two township school trustees. The five justices, the supervisor and the township clerk constitute by law the township auditing board,. Although the principle is now well established that all interest on public funds must be turned Into the public treasury, our township government has never received Interest upon the large sum always held by the school treasurer covering all township school fundsâ€"which means all our village schools and the high school. It will doubtless be news to many tax payers that the township is com- mitted to a Commissioner of Canada thistles, who spends our money every year and who is engaged In the liquor business in Gross Point. In New Trier the quality of citizen- ship is exceptionally high. Its people should be satisfied with no less high and progressive a standard of town- ship government than they endeavor to secure In their villages. Come out to this caucus snd become a charter member in the movement for a more efficient township govern- ment. Robert Stoddard. H. M. Gardiner, S. M. Singleton, Wllmette. Herbert D. Miles, Bruce V.* Crandall, Percy B. Eckhart, Kenilworth! R. H. Wallace, F. W. Burllngham, Albert Kales, Wlnnetks. H. P. Williams, H. C. Johnson, E. M. Kimball, Glencoe, ;W The fwtivai choral •rensong was given by the parish choir of the Church of the Holy Comforter on Sunday at 7:30 p/ m. The satire offertory will be devoted to the sum- mer choir encampment fund. Those who took part In the festival, are: Elbert Jones, Luther Hammond, Bu- gene Imglsr. David JSvans, Geo. IB. 8hlpman. Jr., Howard Jones, James Snydecker, Stewart irtdsbl, Robert Ely, Roger Brbe, Raymond Brbe, John G. Baylit, Myron Hart, Clarence Franck, Park Abbott, Wallls Evans, F. W. Coolidge, Jr.. Gerald I. Coea, B. D. Wheeler, Austin Phelps, Wm. Reichman, Luther Evans, Stanley Wisdom, Harold Haliett, Walter Fafft. Tommy Spratt, Merton Jones, Hltmer Zimmerman, Alfred Van Ness, Robert Grlce, Albert Rockwell, Allen Bully. Wm. C. Englar, H. D. Saurer, Geo. E. G Shipnian, 8r.; choirmaster. John Bay lis; Lloyd. organist, Miss Louise HEW TRIER C. A. MEETS A meeting postponed from Feb. 10 was held Monday evening, Feb. 24, by the New Trier Commercial assocla. tlon at Library' haH. The nominat- ing committee presented the following ticket for election for the ensuing year: For president, Mr. John H. Scbaefer, renominated; vice-president Mr. Jos. Teske; treasurer, Mr. C. E. Renneckar, Wllmette; board of di- rectors, for Wllmette, three to be elected. Dr. C. G. Smith, Mr. Aspergren, Mr. L. Dean, Mr. F. A Wilson, Mr. C. C. Schults and Mr. C. F. Bdlnger. For Winnetka, Mr. W. T. Wehrstaedt; for Kenilworth, Mr. John Keane; for Gross Point, Mr. Ben Buscher. The association will ssk for repre- sentation on the village board at the coming village election, hoping by so doing to secure some needed im- provements In the business section of the village. KENILWORTH NEIGHBORS MEET. Today will be German day at the Kenilworth Neighbors at the home of Mrs. Kasten on Melrose avenue. Mrs. Kasten has been able to obtain the services of a Chicago woman* who will lecture on "Germany USE I ffl53i m |~SJr^?W^^SJ||j aasaesssssassss 'tMmnow W.W. BARNARI t 9SW|MV -|pSj*fJSJ5s'Asffâ„¢**'.#"Jwâ„¢**'*"B*â„¢"Sâ„¢W***Bâ„¢hWSSJ|;.:." p^^ilBi rt*tr ssii§$ â- 4'i;M""""t"Ai -p?: ms-- v. whose ith Death iLLmmlflif elusive an4".^lto tice to yours^firwul^ into them befopb you dei cofllain We -|^w»S^ to have. and the Literature." This will be the last of the programs given by the literature co«nv»t6s^wf-the Neighbors. Mrs. Paul Schulse and Mrs. Henry Taylor received at the last meeting of the Neighbors. Mrs. Bishop and Mrs. Stolp poured. Mr. Whitman, bead of the Chicago Bridewell, gave an Interesting talk. Miss Snell, a pupil of Miss Plllsbury, played. Mrs. O'Connor, president of the Ravtfnswood Woman's club, was the guest of the club. The next meeting of the Neighbors will be March 13. Etchings, Mr. Earl H. Reed. i/C. A. THORSBN Livery aft Teaming Building Material Insurance Co. & " HE' ._ Residence Phone 264 irtford Fire Insurance Co. WORTH Phone 361 Arthur S. McKenna PLl PhoJM Kenilworth ft Kennworth. rJL JLbe lten Richmond Road atlor P. O. BuiUktf KENILWORTH BOY CIVES MUSICAL Thursday evening, March 6, Maurice Kottler, assisted by his uncle, a very fine musician of Chicago, will give a musical program at the Kenilworth assembly hall. Maurice Kottler is a very fine instrumental performer and is well known among the women of Kenlrwdrtfi7~an^^ before the Neighbors. Tna proceeds of the ontertainment win be used to help complete his musical education. The tickets win be 60 cento, jad_ltla hoped thai «?etyone in Ksnttwortn win k«y * ttoks*. Thursday s^sghMt, »iJM^,l«ss«»Bhty-.*al^ Tailor for Well Dressed Women R.B. CAHH, tt&gSJKSE'* We make all kinds of plain 1 line before going elsewhere. We all and Gentlemen, at lowest prices. MM Krmnui, OhtewS*â€" 70IB. suits. Inspect toy rngr and pressing, for Ladies and Shine Mfnoved. •and Shine Removed. Ladies' Suits Sponged, Pressej Gents' Salts Sponged, Pr« Corner KenUworth and Railroad Avennet PHONB KBNILWORTH Us 75C .50C Write for :3Si^^ ::. -• •â- '.'â- M':$\MgMs.%M^^^:'^mmk':-'â- 'â- : ?;.'â- â- â- 'â- Si^%^^^s^a^S.;:â- ,,'â- â- '"â- •'â- - :i';- â- â- ';â- / I Greatest Illinois North Shore Adencw ffiM Sherman Ave. Evanston 1 /D&lLI.,iMiEiMlU^^ EXPERIENCED AGENTS WANTED wâ„¢,......_ OUITCEMENT Ladies' Tailor- Yaw*w* galaction of Special. If yon will xtirni ALL WOftKMA SLADEK, Ladies SB0m$^0i'i X Your mmtearance :~w*mg your health, your cot^^^ It will p.a^ vou to buy i ifed cdi^fei .*.«*?: are tl^|^^i:TiTwBy are^ikii^^ "Mm This me^ps that they will (it right, fashionahly and comfortably. The New 1913 Models are on aal^ now SPECIAL WmCE^HlS weM mm? We have secured the servkes of an A ttociate De- signer for this week only. She\n prepared to diacoas corsets, fashions and styles and tojnve $r-~"~* ^"^ 10 the^|i|§£J;tj^^ fl.. ,...T, :^^i^^^Mi HHCLHl S. \LOrCl EVANSTON, m slii msmaf:.^. .sm