Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Mar 1913, p. 8

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â-  »ti ii mil imii mij*Hj|j|*jl:__ _ Want Ad Department; i The Lake Shore Ne\tfs i 1 MISCELUNE EVANSTON 585 Mil Hill III.............n*«..»â€"«- m<t TELEPHONES WINNETKA241 i >»......IIIIIIIMM HELP WANTED WAfClTBDâ€"A COMPETENT WOMAN for geneqd housewgxk: two In fam- ily; wlthor>riJEfiout laundry work; good jtacjfea' PbotteOVilmette 205. â- ^-'" "~ --^. Up. WANTEDâ€"A BRIGHT WQjtAly'TO handle the SpireUa eoftets; mu«t nave some bustnssri abinp. Phone or address Ml«^<'*»tifrnes, 1235 Chlcago-av., Phone 1384. ltc â€" A GOOD LAUNDRESS days a week; references. Phone W^haette 205. ^ ^ ltp WAjjTED-A GENERAL housework tntanilly"of.4hree. Tele- phone Wjjasette 1280 or caH.^t 72i Washlarttofrav. "Hp SITUATIONS WANTED WANT LAUNDRY WORK ON WEI nesday. Phone 73Mt, wnmetteyfll UP STHIs4ALBâ€"NEW : ROOMMBCfio house.^tjast.. hot wat;i r-neat, only 16,250; modern 7-tuorn house, large lot, only^a»«>00; terms. J. B. Heck- ler^phone Wilmette 500. "S^ ltp WILMETTEâ€"1S22 COLUMBUS, six-room cottage, bath, electrMTUght and paved struM^ Stftk at |2,700. Payments. Phot^KvWfston S358-W. IV>H dAA-sV-e-KOOM U< tea? tenae OaC\ â- â-  REAL ESTATE FOR SALEâ€"SPECIAL B in upright pianos. These P%*<" **• overhauled aad in fine playing or der. Easy payments. __, |350 Stafford * Son.............I 65 A. WightmdlK * Co., resident! ^ Adala gc FIRJBJ INSURANCEâ€"ROT^X. felSCR- ance Company of LUtrpool, largest fire Insurant company in the world, tasm^ttwellsngs, household goods, rents; l/wefttjrates. Charles agents. Phone 203. MONEY TOiLOA ISM $8,500 BUYS A 15 investment in cbolc anston real estat rented and des Owner, Theo. Sch 538 Evanston. ESTATEâ€"IMPROVED SITUATldN WANTED â€" SffENOG- rapher, competent, long^xperieace, North ShoreSw Chicago. Address [ Miss E. S. Ree\L General Delivery, Wilmette, Phone Tffftmette 1339. ltp DRESSMAKER the day; can Phone 1159 aiTUATIO INTO WORK BY llsh mod reference, ltp raws. . g|||lH^tya»a< WANTEDâ€"B*. PRAC- iener, tor greenhooae and tie gardens; single; \pfer Address 926. Lake 81 1 WASU1G1#. oAttetf for sad Tits. !«• CO fork: at ll Mo- tSt*. ftt â- ^js^jjljg FQR SALEâ€"BY OWNKk-tt-KOOM ,j:>,.; hdnse on good residence street In ^|£:V/3ifwl(IWi» : near . unlversltyy" two 7';p;jblooks^r>ftm L station; artist sell Igs'i quickly. : Amress W 833* Lake Shore -:â-  l#:^«ws. ; ^y / up ; "||^;::S^iJ^WlLMteB. ELEVEN room house ? ^tji^iJBwh. htpttnR plumb! Ill etc. TjbJs 'Is a rare cb JftCTfr -,Mn Wilmette 800-L. strictly lighting, for lt» RB4LESTATEâ€"IMPR ertyT^!»JMUnijw^i*»r'tTTper foot, 55%x80. ^Addfess-^L^l^ Evanston NejsV"""' For Rewtâ€"Aptiwts. «RRENTâ€"ONE SlX-ROJ>M'*,lT!iAT andoBff' flyo^mjay^rtth"bath. Apply 815J6JB*e«fln^st. """'"•-w^ ltp FOR RENT-ROOMS KQR RfcNTâ€"LARGE FRONT ROOM in"p>4*flte home; convenientlo^S! ft M. elecmfrand C. & NVJME Phone 958-R, Wilmettev^ ltp FOR RBNT'-LAftGE FIJRNISHED front ,i*6om, near L s Bester-st. stalNkW7 LOST AND FOUND MMJTâ€"A GOLD WATCH, BETWjBfctN Ken^rworth station and Qlaticoe, via Chicago<4k Milwaukee- Electric rail, road. Nant»,o|-owner inside. A reward wijktfe given for its return to T.Jef Stevens, RiMunond Road, worth, 111. *S^S^ V® WANTED â€" J*5£g--Skow Evanston, Chicago's Most Prominent Teachers Iffi^&ymOy Voice and Dramatic Art This directory will appear in these cehnaas •ass a month. Clip it for future reference. w^mt 75 85 135 350 Brown 400 J. C. FJsbe 500 Melvtlle Ckirk. beautiful colonial case, the highest grade upright, almost new.. 250 450 Gram Rtchtatelg, used six months -.»â- â€¢â- .................. **8 Patterson Bros., 1522 Sherman-av. ltc in.tra|loi^;our newfefllnpfr Rotary. Thcsii^Wpa machlnea guar* anteed. Imperial .../.. .1 .V.........• - -t 6 Wheeler and %UcoVJ drop-bead.... 13 Wilcox * GlbbSj. .y. >yf.......<» 1* Wilcox * Gis^si droUCead........ 20 Wilcox * Gibbs, dJB>head........ 25 Patterson Bros., 1522 Sherman-av. * ' lte LADIES' WRITING sale at 1235 Cnlcsfe I a»icr ofc i«u(i v/u. This Is equal In i at much higher Patterson Bros. RobertaoaofPsl.. of two houses, to vrhieh heirs to her father's esUte,. claim, ,I»;^:-*|^h^^«woe*1^| es to her friend, Mias Margarei rle Miss Carrie U said t« bsvs .opf:;oeed*;;t#in*h^ •'i'-' - Ai^^Mi^^. )*;*m :;:iater^ ertson made a tri|> to the t^t ^' Wait an4 upon ^^^^r^^ 'â- "â- "- ii -------......»â- *«â- .â- Â».. ^he^seoon^':^eea^v;ii^ TROUBLE IN WINNETKA^p^a^ A peculiar case in real estate tran* fers of Winnetka property is now be- fore Master in Chancery Charles I FOR SALE-S. C. WH^i horns and Indian B«#|r--%!*|. fggj^for batchmg^rto^p^^ |gfalso one goo^^n^hj^i^^wi-, egg capacity. HQjJl ^"^"'"^S^' Glencoe. H» ',;,:^" poasession of the property. tjoallasit auale for These Offerings for Thursday, Friday and Saturday, March 6th, 7th, 8th ring Dress Goths You're Planning New Spring Clothes You need Dress Goods. Rosenberg's c*n supply you with the latest, most fashionable cloths. Bulgarian Silks are now on display, fashion's most recent fancy in dress adorr- ment. Ratines, Messalines, Poplins and many other new Spring fabrics are being shown. Bear in mind, "the Early Bird Catches the Worm." Now is the time to bu>, with the whole Spring before you, and the stoclcyas)yet unbroken. New Press Cloths of __^ Raime_Dress_Goods,-._-, Fancy striped Ratine Dress Goods, 36 ti*-* ches wide. An excellent value <JQ, for, per yard..................... */iTi Linen Finish SuitinW 11 the fashionable shades. ClotHi tLat is well worth the price, yard! * •** Ramie Suitings 36 inches wide, all colors. Ramie | o^» suitings are worth your notice, yd. * "** Satin Foulards * Soft, clinging cloth that is graceful AQ*% and charming, per ^ard............*r«7W mie cellent matar^al in all the Spring col- flprs, fashionajHe suiting, price, |^#er yard These! Offerings for Thursday, Friday andV Saturday, March 6th, 7th, 8th e and Charm Lia€n Suitings ng 49c Voile Suitings 36 in. double width, all light even- ing shades and colors,, yard....... 29c Fancy Striped Voiles An assortment of light colored 1 &m% Voiles, in pretty patterns, per yard * £JC Dress Pique Fashionable shades, wistaria, pink, ^Q-»» Copenhagen blue, heliotrope, yd... ^'«rC MdCall PettenM 4«W,Ceat 40ft3,Skarl Pries, IS teats each LADIESr SUIT McCall Patterns plan your Spring Clothes. Advance Spring styles dis- mm played m the McCall Maga- fiiT /*% zme. Now is th« time to McCall's Magazines are each â€" â€" â€" McCall Pattern No. 5066 •nee, IS cents MISSES' DRESS Rosenberg's Red Trading STAMPS THURSDAY lls%l^ Infants' Bonnets, nade of silk and fine lawn, lace insertion and ribbon trimmed, slightly soiled from handling, regular 98c value. ...... Shoe Polish, any toe g^ box or bottle, at^!_^J^^,^sj||li Carmen Hair Nets, all colors, xdoz.... ... .< MONDAY Infants' Dresses, made of fine aaiasook, bishop style, lace edge at neck and sleeves, 6 montha to 3 years.... Cotton Chaflls, to* >1. ptttt^tps to a^CCt flCOaV, Many Dry Goods Offerings _________Hoary wool Nap Blank- ista,regoiar ft valaea j ^q MOW CatSS. 4Sb|0 aa4 45x30^ •oftfrush mnalia Pillow Cases, q^ oacli..................................^V With Chains, for '"â„¢Zâ„¢5c Baadiog and In- sortioOH worth op t* 29o, | tyX^ 'i$^0i&'..............*••••• *iK2C EakroMery rknraciag. Worth op to Toe, 27 in. wide, '^Qf* * CsBafciM s> r e a 11 a g Ccssss, Rejralar 25o Shell oolor. Conba, for^..........,.M.......... Garter lUaatiiCS. Plain and laaey colors, par yard gr at......................................OC Kahts>« Msinars. 25c and 50o MofBera, wbila they last g»- only...................................OC' lesohed Crash Towel- ing. A splendid value, per *jlg% yard...............................„/2*' Wool SJdrtBreM. Something ton oaa always one, 6 yards g» _ for........................M............v^' >. All 10c Soaps, 3 tyX/* UagerieTas«. lOotape c_ for............ .*........................Ou Hour Sales Wednesday, t to 10 a. m.; 9 to 4 p. m. 12H cent bleached shaker flannel, a yard,....... ~i. m.; 3 te 4 a. at. Calico. 8 cent quality, best grade, light patterns Alw or quilt pat*eniSvyd..v«2v Priaay, t to 10 a. m.; 3 to 4 b. m. ^ Aprom Gingham. Extra good quality, all iS*-^ staple patterns, a yd.,^2v Saturday, » to 10 a. m.; 3 to 4 p. m. _ ..10.:y^^s|!r nurse striped, worth isi^>2r^dis:^^i *M

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