Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Mar 1913, p. 3

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in Kenilworth airing taw*^10^^1^; â- â- ^S^fiM. ft? the Union «*?**h w*. Stolp â- entalalned last week hrty Tuesday. â-  •-â-  -"^........^-2 Chwx- IH^^rkli^d/ ^l^M*,Ilgton lbdyn isom tort Thuredn* g :i fne art class in** at-lfis*^ to TueKhy n«min|. - Hrs. Lowrie McClurg, ^rmeriyvPt ^oJJwortb. waa .here Frldny; ':>|f^ faster Robert B»^» If ifll wj*K B||ckenpox. __ Mi* S. D. Fl<^,g»w *«f|ierjMifty jst Thursday night. ; ' Mrs. W. 8. Klea is visiting In New ifork. 'â- "": .i\:^ â- ' Mra. Claud Burnhsm entertained a [«w friends at dinner beroret-ihe lango class last Monday nighty ^i Mr. and Mr». J. C. Murray and Jion. John Robert, left Friday for a three •eks* stay In Pinehurst. Mr. and Mrs. Ifeon Allen will leave jjpril 10 for a two months' trip to ftrope. Mr and Mrs. Brown, who have been lWng at the Inn, have taken a Mine in Wlnnetka. . , Robert Lester spent the week end in Kenilworth. He attended the Wis- cJMin-Chicago game. Charles Macklin, Alfred Veness. Bertram Veness, and Franklin Bel- low! went to Peoria with the New Trier basketball team. x Mr and Mrs. Paul Schjjlze will leave Saturday for a trip to Cuba, Panataa and Jamaica. The Kenilworth dub will give a card party Tuesday night, March 18. Mra. Bessie Taylor Is chairman of the committee. Mr. and Mrs. Grimes, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCloud, have returned to their home in Portsmouth, Ohio. "t Mrs. Sanborn has been visiting her ___ have nlsheSeUrt* batbiitfiults tor Arden Snor&i::lirs^.' a/JJtefett, and Mrs. p; C. 14ttle serve* 'flottdajk, "file coheert «ia^ wan to be given hy'lttscha Kottler last Thursday was poaipoiied to tost; night. Mischa Kott- ler was assisted by Alexander Nakntln. Mr. Percy "B. Bkfchart lectured on Paris and Fontalnebleau Sunday night. Next Sunday will be the last of the lectures, Versailles, Brussels and Antwerp. Mr. and Mrs* James Prentiss left Tuesday 'or Denver. They will meet Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ridgway in Mon- tana, and from there they will go to California, returning the first of April. The Zeta Beta Pel sorority, with the help of some of the young boys, are going to give the "Kentucky Rebel" the last of March. ^ They are rehearsing the play now under the direction of Mrs. Gasque. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Miles gave a party at the Kenilworth Assembly hall on Wednesday afternoon for their children. Miss Georgene Faulkner gave a program of Russian folk tales and wore Russian costume. The Sigma Kappa Chi Borority gave sleighing party Saturday night. They drove to Bvanston and had re- freshments at Theoboid's. Mrs. Henry Taylor, Mrs. W. S. Tinsman, and W. I. Woodward chaperoned the young folks. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Armstrong have returned from their ,trip around the world. They were in Kenilworth last week Thursday, but left to visit Mrs. Armstrong's sister in Wisconsin. They will return and open their house on Essex .road today. CHURCH BUUJtTlH -'*?* â- wiWnetka. "v â- '" KENILWORTH NEIGHBOR*. What People Are Doing i! ; Grosd Point ••••••••••»'> Mr. John J. Mueller M Chicago vis- ited his brother, Frank M. Mueller of Ridge avenue Sunday. - Mr*.. J. H. Bagttell of Dwight, 111., roraerly a resident of Gross Point, is rMtiBg her mother, Mrs. J. FT Lauer- of Ridge avenue. Mr. Pred Ortegel of Chicago and . hrtpof mr children vlslUfl^hhrfc Drtfters, Mr. Frank and John Ortegel Mrs. Mary Merkel of Ridge avenue rtrited at the home of her sister, Mrs. laton Theu of Chicago one day last Mrs. Frank Kreusch of Ridge ave- i entertained the ladies of the Sat- urday Evening club at a luncheon Fri- day, March 7. Mrs. John Huerter and Mrs; Frank M. Mueller visited at the home of Mrs. Edw. Hanke of Chicago one day last week. The Gross Point Baseball club are getting busy quite early. They are anxiously awaiting the arrival of their Spalding's, and also -â-  Christ Church. Rev. Frederick G. Budlong, rector. The services for March 16, sixth Sunday in Lent, will be Holy Com amnion at 7:30 a. m. (In the chapel); Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. At 11 a. m. service, with sermon by the rector, "The Kiss of Betrayal." At 4 p. m. (In the chapel) the second of a series of instructions regarding the Holy Communion, the use of the prayer book and forms and ceremo- nies of the church. Thursday, March 20, the Rev. J. M. McGann of Trinity church, Chicago, will preach at the 8 o'clock service. The Sunday evening services in the chapel have been discontinued. During Lent the quiet service in the chapel at 5 p. m. every Tuesday. Congregational Church. Ministersâ€"Edwin F. Snell and J. W. Davies. Sunday school at 9:46 a, m.; morning worship aet 11 a. m. Sunday noon Bible class meets after morning service In the library of the church, adjourning at 1 o'clock. Tues- day the stewards' classes meet at 10 a. m. and 8:16 p. m. Wednesday evening services during Lent. Organ music, preparatory to prayer, 8 to 8:15. Readings from "Pil- grims' Progress." March 19, "Beulah Land.* Next Sunday at the vesper service Mr. Snell will give an Illustrated lec- ture on Mexico. First Scandinavian Church. "Richard Malm, pastor. Sunday school and Bible study, 10:30-12. Young people's service Sunday at 8 p. m. and regular Sunday evening service at 8 o'clock. Wednesday evening the regular mid-week service at 8 o'clock. This Saturday evening there will be a social in the Sunday school room. GROSS POINT. 8t. Joseph's Church (Catholic). Rev. Wm. Netstraetor, pastor. Fri- day, March M. 7:30 p. m., Lenten servies and seirmon. Sunday, 6:30. a. m.. first mass with communion; 8:15, second mass with German sermon; 10:30, third mass with English1 ser- mon; 2:30 p. m.. Lenten service; 3:00 p. m., Sunday school. First Meeting This Month to Be Held . \ TV***' The Neighbors :of Kenilworth wi«! hold the first meeting of March today. Mrs. Earl H. Reed, sister of the late Myrtle Reed, win talk on etchings. Music will be by a 'cellist of Chicago. The next meeting will be Thursday, March 87. Mrs. May will talk on "A Day for Gardens." The last of the programs given by the literature committee of the Neigh- bors was given laat Thursday at the home of Mrs. Kasten. Miss Larrason of Chicago read a very interesting paper on Goethe lad Schiller. Mrs. Kasten told of some of her interesting experiences in Germany. Refresh- ments were served. At the Federation of Woman's dubs' meeting in Bvanston today Mrs. Case and Mrs. Cope will be the Neighbors' delegates. .All Neighbors are (asked to attend. K*N»LWO*TH CLU* tNOKlfc Mr. Carl Baler of Chicago playsd the Qerman. ;s|lher^The.'â- ' CMeaib^ una*.; tet gave several seleottottf. the «o£ popular being the southern melodies. Mr. Collins. *wett tadwn^ to aywjwna in Kenilworth, told several of his funny stories and sang ssveral songs. Refreshments were"s<Brv^vJ|k-*v;i>> Parmetee. was . ehalrn|any^.^»< cotn- mittee. ;~:v *'-.'â-  '-r- :-M^^::^:t'ij -y;'. Arthurs, FhoneKaalhrartti tt KwJhwrUwltt. Tomaso in Bvanston Mondays and Thursdays. c.a.tho: Uvery0^d Reaming KKMIkWOHTH Residence Phone «6<f________ Hartford Fire Insurance Co. Phone Mi Ka Ube ftcntli Richmond Road .lUitor' P.O. Building TSTaUor for Well Dressed Women new suits from the opening of the season. Mr. and Mrs. John Phillips of 1726 Charles street entertained the mem- bers and the ex-members of the Satur- day Evening club at a sleighing party Thursday evening, serving refresh- ments at their home following the ride. IEICNER SENDS REQUEST FOR WIFE jetter to Commissioner Only One Received From Immigrants. While in New York last week. Rev. Stifler, pastor of the Bvanston Baptist charch, visited Bills He enjoyed qsjtte an extended enwersation with the commtsahm»r tiharge and waa aeanalntod with _ a* curious faets eoncerninf the hMsUsg of die thoswands of forelgn- »there. Cas thing wblch bothers the o«- at the island Is the numerous received aekJag heto in se- wives for tte immigrants. A ct one of tte'saoat hsdlei •••ttestions waa given Rev. 8t& any correetton the letter is publlshest: "1 trsajdet to wrait fen sains to y^ asMsg yon far inforssatkei lias *rl'a» of tj. at aattr ol poiaajft. I ^hsJag for a Walfe awt I â- â- ""Pasa gliL the aslhsislills wet «^kt ar doe. I *â- *•» freach â- ktisare note •Peaks km net maker or Carpenter by traid. l poses my own home and have money in P. O. deposit. I am Sober and yus no tobako dont gambol, wery loving and bepi disposition, pley flut I kan mak one good women heppi if she wold wisn to kome. if any person wold agry to com I wold wish her to sain the contrast wit you hay notary publik that she reslning the f er money from me with intenshon to mary me. if not anted, that she show" retern the money bak to me vldln 6 monts taime. if yon think my air that wold he bother for me fotografi to he send 1 wfl do aa I think you meet meni per- sona that wold lalko to have home. I calndly aake you to sayat me and I well' pay you trebles. I remain yavres Most Reapektfuly Anthony---------. OBITUARY. Mrs. H. P. Borah. Mrs. H. P. Bergh. wife of a former pastor of the Norwegian Danish M. B. church of Bvanston, Rev. H. P. Bergh, died at her home at 3922 North Kedxie street, Chicago. Thurs- day morning, March 6, and was buried Saturday, March 8. at Rosehill ceme- tery. Mr. Bergh was pastor of the Norwegian Danish M. E. church for three yea/s, leaving there last fall. Mrs. Bergh had been suffering for a numbe- of years from diabetes. Miss Marietta P. Stahl. The funeral of Miss Marietta P. Stahl was conducted in the family home, 1801 Asbury avenue, this morn- ing at 11 o'clock by Bev. M. Fisher. The busjal was in Rosehill cemetery ana ut Udfc r Avmmm, Chicago ion. suits. Insf*ct my and pressing, tot Ladies fa m A.BM fonMrivwithMADAMB We make ail kinds of piainlmndfot line before going elsewhere. We also do r> and Gentlemen, at lowest prices. I \ ..^^ iea' Snita Sponged, Preas^aodSbiist^emoved/...........7BC Its' Suits Sponged, Preased and Shine Removed............50C Corner KenUworth and RaUroKl Avenaea li««yw«r and renovate yoar L« Reauh&Use lixera, St»tayi»t Mixt .ii(wa':... , ..... ...... . prayer*, Prtming Tool â- ' etc.'" â- â€¢.-.â€" pletePc :3^Mi / A N N O U N C EM ENT We are making all Your^_--------- _.____jestBtoad- cloths. Setges. etc. BFBCUUU K will farnfch row Phoh«Ccnt^uW5 Ch,C*«o ~*«*i$l€- ALL WOMtMAN»mr GUARANTEED MEW PROBATHJM OfTHJEB IS BUSY Knterlng upon the dwOes of tlon and truant omcer to the Bvans- ton penile aeheola where heir prede- ceaaor. Mies Helen Jewell, left want Jwes Mies Mary June Wooda Is now fast ae- or Iryah. odernetkm- quaiating herself with the work here, ilahtad. smentmmwen Miss Woods has feed much experl- m probation work, nwhomels I wold talko ani of doe ahov Ton 111 Jeeav mm I ^ ssamr mit?'mV' m Macomb. DL She waa m her hem dty ulia Marlowe Cav&« "It gives me great ZytMjr &• pleasure to recom- mend your excellent preparations. They have been a real boon to me. "I wish yon all the success with them which they so richly merit." Indorsed by Stage and Society Fleur-de-Lis Face Cream Fleur-de-Lis restores proeTUfts from the skin. Nothiig eke is "Just as good/' .AiYe«I>r*gciet's,5tc MBV' ,L.'cim*»l »>U1 / The Evanston Dentists 629 DAVIS STRJLET We oifer to the people of Bvanston and tt»e NorUi Shore the m highest character of professional serviee. We have the very latest devtees which enable us to not only furnish to you^WjPaJSt modern dental art can give yon. but we do away with the !«£•"*; racking, tiresome sittings under which you have suffered so mlhch in theWe*absotately guarantee that a visit to our <>«££» ^fgjf* jf* no more discomfort would experience/fro* a sitting witn your hairdresser or milliner. Jr**** \J .-._ *« t^. We^erSse no fakes nor »»P°«i*^^°™ T* £*&*„£ able to suspend the laws of nature.tfotjfe^mve for *Jff!Ji*^B5eJ: forming all operaUons.wUllbut paJn^jBlr unpleaaanj»ea^riencea. andiffourdenusteanjjro wUl not «heâ- <*««>£*& 7%?£l as a trial and you wilTbe < vavlnced tEat »t ^Jp^fedone- We wisn particularly to call yolr att< aUon to some of •Trar^iieciames. oirTSrcelaln fillip, wh sh takes the ^**â„¢*&"'**i£l sUver, wMch are inserted wi bout the discomfort attendtagtte placing of the latter, and which are *actly the same color as the tooth. % ^rnSroelaln crowns, wpch nre used onlywhen a tooth can no longer beMled. and which Jnnot be detected from yourj"'JJ^V. ^^ir artHlcial platas, wlfch lit perfectly and stay In place, and which do not look like artificial teeth. . Nearly every one who has tried to wear a lower plate has had wrfoui difficulty in doing so. We make a tower plate that you can wear and use with entire satisfaction. ^^ ^^ Oureanttary bridge work, mat keeps the month clean and free from "IreTve^only eertein snd qniek proc-aof ctfing eleaaaed game end tightening tooes teeth, and we absolutely guarantee a cure in every case wo undertake. ^^ __**_*• ~a Sleof the most Important features of our •«*« to ^ "J*0*0! ..M.| earn of children and extremely nervous people. In either case m« «m not dread the second visit. On?emeWare rt autmes m charge of geaUemaaly operators. We invite yonrpssroaage and wfll try to deserve it. This serviee is at yonr door. â-  • We eave yon thne, empeaee and sanVrlag- Our charges ate leasowshle. OmceHour. » a. m. to It m, 1:80 p-m. to 6:» p. nu «:»• P-«- to 8 pm. The Evanston Dentists S3* DAVIS STRSBT LY 15 DAYS MORE and fJaliaUfe To place yo«r order f ^or^^^\ *2 5^ Ladieg' Tailor la>de Stjfafar \J 4W%#- pM Springs Home Famous -?\3? ghre AUw^mmanagement. l^hQiMaaiaBoei^ TRY THE Ol THE CIX>VBR, 2« S. Wabash At THE GURNET. 23 S. Vateah Avc^|Hli CLOVEIL S20 & Vabath Awej THE MADISON. 22t W. iiatitaani Stw maar5t. Maw rt^lWSTYCJJJ IE HEAWlCHll N.Wabaah^Avt. *1 ^Wh lÂ¥-::.:lfa#-Ci: â- A â-  â-  -. lM$

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