Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Mar 1913, p. 9

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Intercollegiate Peace Associa- i tion Offers Attractive Pttr*e I to Winner jw B^lofrt \ Contest In Hay. :;;jgf SESSION IN STl THURSDAY. ^w^mf^mW^^y^y^r^m^:t ^ItMlj^l K#' ReprMentativet in Wester*?? Stett* Group Will Gather In Three Dayt' Meet for Dis- cussion. ;j$. . , A tbe prize of |10O Is to be awarded to winner of the oratorical contest wbicb will be conducted In St bonis by tbe Intercollegiate Peace aasoeia tion during-the fourth American Peace Congress, May 1, 2 and S, and Id which students of Illinois colleges will be entered, has been offered by the Business Men's league of St "Louis, one of the city's commercial or- , ganizations. . James E. Smith, chairman of the executive committee for the peace con- gress, has been notified by the Inter- collegiate Peace association's secre- tary and treasurer. Prof. Stephen F. Weston of Antlocn college, Yellow Springs, 0., that the oratorical com- petition at St Louis will be that of tbe western group, comprising the states of Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Ne- . braska and South Dakota. Arrange Group Contests. ' There will be two other group eon tests of five states each under the auspices of the Intercollegiate Peace association, and the winners of the three contests will meet in a final contest at the Lake Mohonk confer- ence In May. 7 The Intercollegate Peace associa- tion's president Charles F. Tawing, president of the Western Reserve unl- vsiftty of Cincinnati, O., has been In- vfl$ the program committee of tasVfourtU American Peace congress toieHver an address on some phase of internationalism. 'v:- a state committee has been organ- 0*1 in each of the fifteen states in |tte Intercollegiate Peace association, | and each state committee chairman Is a member of the association's advisory eooDciL The chairman of the state committee for the five states constitut- ing the western group are: Prof. C. K. Hoyt Huron college, Huron, S. D.; Prof. Manley O. Hudson, University of Missouri, Columbia* Mo.; Dean F, K. McMenamy, Crelghton university, Omaha, Neb.; Prof. Albert T. Mills, the James Mitllkln university, De- catur, 111.; Prof. W. R. Raymond, Iowa State college, Ames, la. President Wilson, Honored. I President Woodrow Wilson, who has accepted the honorary presidency of the fourth American Peace congress, is expected to head the official dele- gation from Washington, D. C. Former President William EL Taft and United States Senator Klihu Root have ac- cepted the honorary vice-presidencies ef the congress, and congressman Hicoard Bartholdt an international igure in the peace movement baa consented to serve as the active presi- dent, while the active viee-presiden- cies have been accepted by William Jennings Bryan, secretary of state; ^Theodore B. Burton, United States issnator from Ohio; Andrew Carnegie, f»*o donated 811,000,000 to establish pui endowment fond for international wace; Champ Clark, speaker Of the some of representatives; John W. Oiiggs, former United States attorney taatral, and Oscar Straus, former :;l*>Mrtean ambassador -to 'Turkey.'" ;,toTo Dedicate Jefferson Memorial. '|v- Delegates to the peace congress are "ff*i*i advised to arrive sumcienUy •arty to attend also the dedication jfswmonies of the Jefferson memorial, April *o, 'This memorial, erected m |*»r«st Park »t a cost of tSOO.OOO, cete- ^ krates the greatest peaceable aegabd- tkm of territory in the history of the .^.world,- ,visitant known . as, the Louidsaa Parchasey extending from *ke western bank of the Mississippi f river to the Roeky mountains* ean> g:mit %-±£i':.£:.:.-.: I U napiwms tlut the c«e <*os«ii for U* dedication ceremonies win be the Uitn anniwsary of tbe signing, at Paris, by Monroe and Livingston, of treaty by which the United States fettfred pnsssssluu of the Lonjaiaaa territory, and tbe l*4th an- ot tbe iaaagmration of ^. - Washington as the tret praat east of the United State*. ^Z&vA W* ssAiffm Mr. Paul Faulkner, 248» Central street left Friday evening for an in- definitetrip to Omaha. Neb.. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. BL B. Mao- Leod, »30 Michigan avenue, a son, Frl- isjdj^'&ont^ '.-; * ;;'""-; The seventh of a series of musicales y^giyen Sunday evening at the home !; An informal dance was given at the Wlnnetka ^Woman's club Friday even- ing by the Kappa Alpha Theta soror- An informal dance Was given Friday evening at the Kenilworth hall by the members of the Phi Kappa Pal fra- ternity. Miss Gladys Beyers, 1017 Ridge ave- nue, left Saturday for New York, where she will join her mother, Mrs. Harry W. Beyers. -March 25 Mrs. Robert 8. De Oolyer, 1745 Chicago avenue, will entertain at an afternoon tea In honor of Mrs. Abram W. Harris. II. Miss Helen Judson, 912 Ridge ave- nue, is spending a week with her brother, Bryant C, at Qhampalgn, who is attending school there. Mrs. C. A. Taylor; 1713 Ridge are* nue, gave a luncheon Saturday for her little daughter, Dorothy, to which were invited twelve of her friends. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Snyder and lit- tle son, Robert of, 111., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Snyder, 2715 Woodbine avenue. Mrs. Herbert F. Flak, Mrs. M. C. Bragden and Miss Mary Harris gave a missionary tea at the home of Mrs. Fisk, 1625 Judson avenue, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Otis and sons, 2703 Sheridan road, returned Saturday from a southern trip, stop- ping at New Orleans, Jamaica and Panama. - Mr. and Mrs. 0. G. Stilea left Sat- urday for their home in Caldwell, Ida., alter spending two months with Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Moore. 1300 street Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Frank B. Payne, 1810 Sherman avenue, gave an informal tea in honor of her Bis- ter, Miss Bthel Bumham of Adrian, Mich. Mrs. E. Warren Coburn, Forest ave- nue and Lincoln place, gave a lunch- eon Saturday in honor of Mrs. Warner Green Baird. Covers were laid for eight- Mrs. Warren S. Williams, 823 Hln- man avenue, gave a children's party Thursday afternoon in honor of her little daughter, Louise. Baster deco- rations were used. Tuesday, March 26, the Visitation Alumnae auxiliary will entertain tbe members and their friends at a lunch- eon at the Dixie Tea room. The lunch- eon will be followed by cards. Mr. Donald Butler, who has been taking an agricultural course, which he has finished, in the Wisconsin uni- versity, returned borne Thursday. He Is tbe son of Mr. and Mrs. Morton Butler. 1555 Ridge avenue. Mrs. T. M. Knox, 117 Forest avenue, Wllmette, gave a seven-course dinner party Monday evening to twelve guests at her home. Decorations were carried out in St Patrick's novelties. After tbe dinner the guests danced *t the Wllmette club. The Helen club of Northwestern university held its' Initiation Fri- day afternoon at Willard halL Those admitted to the society were Misses Helen Campbell, Helen Schnlse, Helen Phillips, Helen Lewis and Helen Pad- dock. Supper followed the ceremonies. The club* now has a membership of about twenty. Mrs. a M. Fairchild, 2700 Lincoln street, was hostess at a delightful luncheon Friday. The decorations were of the fairest, consisting of spring flo#ers and rainbow, tinta. Fes* lowing the luncheon was a mualcale. Tbe guests were Mrs. George K. Hill of Chicago, Mrs. Geo. 8. Valentino, Mrs. M. B. Huribut Mrs. A. V. CofiV man, Mrs. Homer G. Tate, Mrs, W. I* McKay, Mrs. Donald H. Mann, Mrs. J. N. Eisenlord, Mrs. Paul W. Dug, and Mrs. Arthur L. Goodwlflie. . Friday night a^very delightful card party took place at tbe Country dub. Progressive auction bridge with Mrs. J Mitchell Hoyt to charge, was played. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. J. Mitchell Hoyt, Mr. and Mrs. Chan, H- Barry, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Kirkman,Mr. and Mrs. Warren Coburn, Dr. and Mrs. Francis P. Horan, Mesdames Kimball. M. M. Kirk""*". R. G. Kirk, R. B. Whir ney, William Ford Johnson, Bugene Willoaghby. Brnest Mayo, A. P. Dean. Parker, Charles BL Morse, WiUlam Montgomery. Miss Henry. Miss Bthel Kirkmen. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mitchell Hoyt won the first prise. Tbe second fell to Mr. and Mrs. Charles BL Banr, Mr. and Mrs. Warner Cebur* captured the third and tbe foerth became the of Mrs. and "" Mrs. B. J. Shlpman, 1127 Human avenue, is in Urbana, ut Mr. H. V. S. Tracy, 1553 Oak ave- nue, is spending a week in Milwaukee. B. "ft- Hawkeaand family, nog Oak Avenue, moved to Kenilworth this week. The Delta Gamma sorority will hold Its annual banquet this evening in the Mission Tea room. Miss Agnes Bradshaw, 1031 Forest avenue, is home from the Bast where she spent two months. Mr. A. G. Nicholson, 915 Davis street is in Ft Worth, Texas, and la much improved In health. Mr. and Mrs. M, A. Dean, 1228 Hln- man avenue, expect to leave next month tor a European trip. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Sexton, 2711 Harrison street nave returned from an extended trip South. Mrs. Hugo C. Wagner, 1247 Hlnman avenue, has as her guest Mrs. William Calhoune of Milwaukee, Wia. Mr. William B. Bogert, 1818 Sheri- dan road* has returned from an ex- tended trip through the South. Miss Katharine Williams of Galva, 111., waa the guest of Miss Sue Pitkin, 2526 Ashland avenue, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Pajeau and daughter, Grace, 325 Greenwood boule- vard, aire visiting in Pasadena, CaL Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Shlmmln, Pioneer road and Colfax street have returned from an extended visit South. Mr. August Rodellus, Mr. Chas. H. Burkett and Mr. Lara Larsen will re- turn this week from a ten days' hunt- ing trip. Mr. James Rood, with college mate from Wisconsin university, will spend his Baster vacation at his home, 616 Greenwood boulevard. Miss Janet Hall, 2310 Grant street, who is now in Maltland, Fhv, will re- turn in time to act as bridesmaid at the wedding of Miss Katherlne-grcnch, March 24. The Oak Leaf Circle gave a St Patrick's pot-luck supper Tuesda] } evening at the borne of the Missel : Bertha and Esther Moore, 2403 Prai § lie avenue. >| Today Judge Richard S. Tuthlll â-  1142 Judson avenue, his son. Richer* ' Stanley Tuthlll, Jr., and son-in-law James A. Linen, Jr., of Scranton, Pa. H sail from Key West, Fla., for Panama 2 Mrs. Joseph H. Lawler, 5722 Mad! | son avenue, Chicago, gave a tea Satur - day from 4 to 6 o'clock at her hom< || in honor of the Alpha Gamma Dalti || sorority of the Northwestern univer sity. " || Tbe French club will meet March ti ' at tbe home of Mrs. W. Irving Oa f| borne. Ridge avenue and Greenwood ff boulevard. Mrs. J. Mitchell Hoyt an* | Miss Nina Winans will give the pro gram. â-  Miss Adele Badger of this city wil || be bridesmaid at the wedding of Mist â-  Dorothy Dyrenforth of Oak Park to || Mr. Harry Runkle Auracher, April 18 ff at 8:30 o'clock in Grace Bpiscopa ; church. if Mr. and Mrs. William D. Dean, 1121 |; Judson avenue, will leave the last week in April for Europe. They wil f| meet Mrs, Dean's sister. Miss Alia M Haugan, who has preceded them by ;;, several weeks. A Junior Bpworth league baa been %,x organised at the Covenant M. â- **& church, meeting at 3:45 o'clock Wednesday afternoon in the Sundaj school room. About forty cbildra have already Joined. The class day officers of Northwest era university were elected Friday They are Donald Robertson, donor o class gifts; Pauline Pearson, dasi will; Grace Strickler, class prophetess Harold Clark, orator; Frank CockrcH class statistician; Elsie Green, poet and Dally Thompson, ivy orator Miss Alice Haugan, 1122 Judson av< nue, and Mrs. H. F. Hunter, 1119 Jod son avenue, sailed Friday for a cruis< of the Mediterranean on tbe steam ship "Caronia," Cunard line, Mrs Warner Baird (formerly Miss Julii N. Dole) gave a "before going abroad' luncheon Monday at the home of father, Mr. John N. Dole, 1104 Mlcbl gan avenue, for Miss Haugan. Tw especial friends were the guests. Invitations have been issued for thi wedding of Miss Adele Persch, daugb ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frederic] Persch, and Dr. Harry McPbersoi Brandel, which will take place Satur day evening, March 22, at the home her parents, 4517 Beacon street Chi cago. Miss Persch is a graduate Northwestern in 1911 and la a ber of the Alpha Phi sorority. Dr Brandel is a graduate of the North western Mftdifsl ' The Misses Ruth Low and Aha* D- genfrlts are i^edged to the Phi Deltas. Mrs. W. B. Barrett, »06 Forest ave- wtorhrat tar Bs^tl. Creek sanimrlum. Mrs. a R. Switssr, 1821 Blmwooi avehUA ha« gone to Wiater Park, Fla. Mr. John W. Low, 1207 Miobigaa Panama, trip. ^;;|i:«^ T**~t ,:"' Mrs. W,M.Thoinpson of tbe Green- wood Inn has moved to Chicago and la •topping at the Virginia hotel. 1 Mist Gertrude Gladden, 1981 Or- rlngtdn avenue. U spending a week with Mrs. John M. Fiske In MUwan- '-•»* ' :'-'::?â-  â-  Mrs. a H. McCall, 21*7 Maple ave- nue, is visiting aer mother In Carnla, Canada, ....';..â- .....'uf". .-. _c:^t-i$Su^i&.:. Souire Rush^^Harrtti, !^i8?-|tilsOB' avenue, la taking a leisurely trip through California. Mies Madeline Richards, 2528 Harri- son street baa as her guest Miss Haaal Hemmina of Belvldere, 111. Mrs. John Blade, 9W Forest avenue, is now convalescing after undergoing an operation at the hospital. Miss Mary Gatea, 2752 Woodbine avenue, has returned from the inaug- ural festivities at Washington. Mrs. Carl S. Williams, 2288 Orrlng- ton avenue, has aa her guest Miss Ruby Handle of CentervUlc, lad. An Ym 1 Loifi r? Slmrâ€" KnlgkUot oeUtyBiHNi'- •na*r.Scft«et- •etâ€"Sorortt?-SoffPUu WHttRlP A CO.. Fgsfs 7074-1 Isjmk Tpft. TAKK CLCVATOH ctNTRai iseo CHieaao, at. "â- â€¢A TTsat BaWlellik < iCSMrkilBwi BRO fAHD Sskefi flail s^s) 89M 8S« WJ»tA»l»«M\ST.'"--p| Sbopglms Here sad ««wOt«iwy > BepeWnc imw gtssiieis st )\»rto# Bat. Itsakun andafwlntStp. : OUCAOO ALE tsWBMrtesTsstkWI* 1 f tsMnsssvliasf In W. N. CHATPIEtD est Washington Street Chicago i£'lP|S^S^OJtS^BRSj^j^^|lwgiS^^ mmmmmmtm An "sr%'best i Jflsv^'l^ursaftall, '**tmm isss nnnaoMi avb. nvAwnroii «3E.#;#f^ NTER ;:.---'|] . CAJ#ITO AB1> WUttTTAL mm. tr I'll! m$m ]wm fm& ^ffif^4'$'M OTCL88 w ** 'Jf^^^^:^KK^^^0W9m^9^t^^'J mssw is on j- Chandcal XajMiatafT Cannestsd ; â- â€¢ WsIIBssbsVI •nsesiet 94SI "Msjels Are* .Tit.' Upsets ill IvsaatM, ttl* OntaetM ItttJhwtMMsM >^i? ISIS Offtaat- Aw;, ttl. TveMMellfr T'T^WTmM i •* ladW ««MiBcaew«ees4eJwiks, - T>ias>eiiss'aa< <a»'iala< aspeetalty. .dgisyeVsteaasd^sbsftaai.a|^^ *"'^gimif^ •SSa Tfil M ILWAUK CtlANBH $H -?S*!t: ^Mj'^ll ii>ii;iiiirtiriifijim»ifl 47411 ^SM mmm UntdBtt la*** •â-  Improv«dNortk 8a«rere«aJaVt«fr»« - v**^%Wct;^- '" ' "^^^ ' â- â€¢"â- ..... in dan«mimatia«a a^JrYak and aniants m wUcIl fonrporcestin fl Offers iVr inveatnuayifbi â- oilssps e^HrSntwvod real ««of J^oo and usr^rift. Send far list *^ tm J.FredModnir Ira J. AjfDDIRBOTORS wA. Wii Chariee A. Wightmaa. Tice-Frestdent km W. Veswae^ Caabiae BaiailUng Reding it. V^BMoaVdsnalee THAT NEVER GIVBS SATISFACTION SHQP&BVILDWG *i9N.Weba$kAv. • CkicQgQ x flffirffff Porier'/s 'ALSTON. SON forSpri 'Office: 1T» ' H MJXJB WBST OF OA27A2V f M. Tekpbow-Wlmd&m â-  Large treee tranapmated isnniaiNMj at SlMdl* i^*;^-'isSi£%^feli!i;i isVJU&StlAWS?!

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