Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Apr 1913, p. 2

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What People Are Doing ********* in wilmette * Mrs. J. G. Osgood Is ill at her home, 521 Central avenue, with the mumps. Lorln Myers la iU at hie home. 627 l«ke avenue, with the mumps. A 10-pound son was born to Mr. and Mr*. Harmon of Wood court last week. Joe Glllson la confined to bin home, 70S Forest avenue, by Illness. The children of J. J. Kelley. 525 Central avenue, are shut in by illness. Mrs. R. J. Burrows, 1525 Lake ave- nue, will give a luncheon Friday. Boy M. Kirtland. 824 Lake avenue, is confined to bis homo by a severe case of bronchitis. Mr, Fred Harwood and family, for- merly of 1022 Oakwood avenue, have moved to 60« Groenleaf avenue. Mr. and Mrs. John Spear of 1035 Lake avenue will move to 1045 Elm- wood avenue the last of this month. Miss Helen Phelps, 203 Woodbine avenue, has been confined to her homo with the mumps. Mr. and Mrs. Dearie, who have been living at 1023 Ashland avenue for a short time, have moved to Kenilwortb. Mrs. H. P. Gerhardt, 1214 Forest avenue, is able to be about again after several weeks of severe Illneaa. Mr. JF. 8. Steffens, son and daugh- ter, spent Sunday In Chicago visiting relatives and friends. The Misses Delia and Anna Witt, 718 Twelfth street,, spent Sunday in Evanston visiting friends there. The children of Dr. and Mrs. E. M. Stanton, 645 Park avenue, are ill with scarlet fever. Mrs. W. 3. Faherty, 157 Kline street, is confined to her borne by serious ill- ?' : new. The store building occupied by Miss I - S. H. Cramer is to be enlarged ana otherwise improved. JS Mrs. A. MeCannoy, 202 Doyle court, has been confined to her home for sev- ll^eral days by illness. If Mr. N. E. Hudson and family of fif,; ; 200 Fourth street have moved to Park $:?T; Ridge. Mr. Andrews Vernon of Hill street has gone to Alberta,. Canada, where ho will enter into business. Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Baker of 607 Lake avenue returned froaa Boca Grande, Flaw f! Mr. and Mrs. 8. H. Seeley have moved into their new home at 815' Gregory avenue. ' The German club will meet with Mrs. 0. P. Van Schaack of 614 Linden avenue next Monday afternoon. The Tuesday club will meet with Mrs. Charles Harrison Smith, 919 Forest avenue, next Tuesday. â- â-  Mrs. L. L. Earl, of Doyle court en- tertained several of her Chicago * friends Saturday and Sunday. |',y. Mrs. Bote Casper, 220 Wood court", ff rT will return from Plymouth, ind., this IU'week. || Mr. Harry Hoff of 290 Doyle court ftr- will move to their new home on Lin- &-. .den avenue April 25. ip;-- ' Mr. George T. May and Mr. J. K. |y|: Blackman and families will move to g^cMinidsJe on May 1, ________ |||;..': -The Drama KeatftHg~cTrcTe~was en- i tertained by Mrs. Donald Gallie for H| luncheon Wednesday. If1. Mrs. Frank Paul of Meade, Kansas, |||f a former resident of Wilmette, is visit- ' Ing frlenda here, ©$•â-  M have near M>,'-and Mrs. 8. H. Seeley nioved Into their new home | Woodbine avenue. M|r, and Mrs. Herbert C. Aims, 33 II Crescent place, are visiting Mrs. Arms' parents in Atlanta, Ga. HP' Mr. and Mm, Patterson, formerly of its Weat Railroad avenue, have amoved .to 60S Park avenue. The children of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Rand, 511 Park avenue, are out again after several weeks of illness. Mrs. Slpes, 180« Wilmette avenue, has been visiting friends in Zlon City tor aeveral days. Mrs B. Klrchberg, Jr., 918 Linden avenue, entertained the Fortnightly club Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. B. B. Dolan, 824 Oakwood ave- nue, entertained her club Monday af- ternoon,' ~ The Fellowship club will meet with '"v;Mx. and Mrs. M. B. Skinner, 726 Tenth street, Friday evening. W. H. Lea and family have moved from their »former residence at 1010 Castral avenue to 1084 BBmwood, with IgJIr. J. 8. Gage. 1H Max ZaWe and family sure new occu* "fin* the house at 1011 Central ave- nue, moving fwm 9300 Greenleaf are* Mrs. Helen Murray and her daugh- ter, Jean, of 737 Park avenue will move to Ravenswood April 20. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith and daughter, Georgia. «07 West Railroad avenue, visited relatives in Chicago last Sunday. Mr. and Mro. John Spear will soon move into the house on the southeast corner of Elmwood avenue and Elev- enth street. Miss Anna Hnrnar of Ravenswood visited at the home or ner uncle, ». I'. Gerhardt, 1214 Forest avenue, sev- eral days last week. Miss Spauldlng of Boston was the guest of Mrs. Wm. n. Bradley, 744 Kleventh street, Wednesday, stopping oft on her way to California. Mr. Cedrlc Smith. son of Mr. and MrB. C. R. Smith, loi!) Thirteenth street, recently returned from a four weeks' trip to the Pacific coast. James A. White, ]04f. Elmwood aw- nue, has rented the Kidder Jiome at 81V Central avenue and will move bis family there the last of this month. Mr. MeCoombs, father of Chas. Mc- Coombs, 1154 Central, left Monday for two or three weeks' visit with rela- tives and friends In Bloomlngton, 111. The residence occupied by Mr. E. B. Kenneckar has recently been pur- chased by Mr. Geo. T. Appleyard from Mr. F. 1. Jacobs of 524 West avenue. Mrs. Wrifenberg of 223 Doyle court has been seriously ill with rheu- matism for a number of weeks, but is once more able to be up and around. The Reading circle met with Mrs. Edward Scheidenhelm Monday after- noon. The book, "The Glory that Was Greece," is being read. Mrs. G. E. Fcrnald, 1025 Blmwooo avenue, entertained the first division o*f the Ladies' society of the Methodist society Monday afternoon. Mrs. Walter Baldwin and Mrs. Clif- ton Keith have been entertaining Miss Mildred Bredbeck of Ohio the past week. Mr. Charles R. Smith returned last Thursday from a delightful trip «o Panama, where he went as one of the Chicago Association of Commerce. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Spear are to move into the house on the southeast corner of Elmwood avenue and Elev- enth street. Harold and Leland Flnlay returned Mast Saturday from a four weeks' visit with their grandparents in Bat- tle Creek, Mich. Mrs. S. M. Dingee and Miss Dingee will entertain a few friends at luncheon Saturday in honor of Miss Ward, who is soon to be married. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brown are go- ing to make their home with Mr. Brown's brother, Mr. Frank Brown, Lake avenue and Fourth street. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph V. Potter, 710 Linden avenue. She has been named Mary Elizabeth. The three Roger children, of Lib- &' Mr. Fred Ward and son, Cyril, who have been lltlng at 030 Park avenue, have moved to the B. Sennits homaon Ftta etnet* -. Mr, B. «sK •» Uke avenue, nas miiaiiiUwjiii fete fomasr beau at MS Laka avenue, and wtB mart there the Mat of this f Mm a J. I «se trat dlrWen ef <aa Latw Aid atatity af eTtyviIle7~were guests at the home of Rev. L. O. Baird, 67 Crescent place, last week. Mr. Harry Baldwin has gone on a two weeks' business trip to Iowa. Mrs. 0. D. Jones, 1616 Forest ave- nue, is spending the week in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Crampton, 012 Lake avenue, have gone to Chicago to make their home. Mrs. Parker, MrB. Cramptona mother, is staying in the house until it is sold. Lester, the small son of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Galltz, 1206 Gregory ave- nue, spent a few days at the BvanstOn hospital last week, having bis tonsils removed. A son was born to Mrs. A. Kinney last Thursday at the Evanston.-hos- pital. Mrs. Kinney has been staying with her sister, Mrs. E. W. Case, 102? Central avenue, for some time. Mrs. Warren M. Vandersluls of 61* Hill street entertained a few friends at luncheon last Friday, In honor of Mrs. Smith of Grand Rapids, who is her guest. * Mrs. -Wm. Freeman, Mrs. C N. Roberts and Miss Marlon Roberta are expected home from their trip to Cit- ronelle and Mobile the latter part of the week. Mrs. E. A. Benthusen of 1322 Cen- tral avenue, announces the engage- ment of her daughter, Grace £mml- line, to Barton Emory Buckman of Wilmette. Announcement of the engagement of Miss Lottie McFarland of Cleveland. Ohio, formerly of Chicago, to Mr, loan Hopp of Wilmette was recently made. The wedding win take pleoe la WQ- matte on May 4. pglm'W" Mrs. Wm. D. Bradley, 744 street will entertain a fei on.Saturday afternoon. Mra. «*. F. Butler, who goes to Attica, IneW the first of next week to make her for the next few years, wm be at Mr. P. J. Sullivan and family, for- •ly of Wilmette, but who have\»en living in Chicago for a short time, have returned to Wilmette and are living on Crescent place. A pleasant party was arranged for the homecoming of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse W. Tuthlll at the bride's home on Monday evening, the guests being a few friends and neighbors. Mrs. Frank T. Cutler, 1001 Lake avenue, will entertain a few friends at luncheon on Friday to meet her sister, Mrs. Brace of New York, wno will be her guest for a few weeks. Mrs. A. H. Aylesworth, 857 Michi- gan avenue, who has been in very poor health for months, went last week to a sanitarium in Hinsdale, where it is hoped by her many friends that her health will be restored. Last Sunday afternoon in crossing a street in Chicago, Thomas Jones, 1022 Lake avenue, was struck by an auto- mobile and thrown to the curbing, suffering slight injuries to his knee and left side, causing him to remain at home for a day or two. Harold Smith, Louis Bruch and Herman Pomper, students at Ann Arbor, are home for the spring vaca- tion. Mr. Smith brought as his guest Mr. Leon Oreenebaum of Newton. Kan. The wedding of Miss Madeline Will- son Potter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore B. Potter, 829 Elmwood ave- nue, to Collins Hathaway Slayton, Bon of Mrs. J. W. Slayton, 1009 Grove street, Evanston, took place at the Oullmette Country club Wednesday evening, April 2. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Howard have purchased the home owned by Mr. Jas. H. Kimball and now occu- pied by Mr. Chas. Clegg McKinney, 1055 Wilmette avenue. As the Mc- Kinneys have a lease till October 1, there will be no change of occupants until that time. Mr. Reese, father of Dr. Chas. W. Reese, 727 Forest avenue, died after a very short illness of pneumonia. He was stricken Saturday, March 31, and died the following Wednesday. He leaves a widow, one son and a daughter. Mrs. A. E. Barber, 621 Linden ave- nue, has received word from Canada that her brother-in-law, Mr. W. S. Ellis, died the ratter part of last week. Mr. Ellis was dean of Queen's university In Kingston for a number of years and was one of the foremost educationists of Canada. The marriage of Miss Ethel B. Jor- dan, daughter of Mrs. B. N. Jordan, 605 Hill Btreet, to John A. McCarty of Youngatown, Ohio, took place at the home of the bride's mother Monday, March 31. Rev. J. M. Wilson offi- ciated. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schlosaer, of Rogers Park, are occupying the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Dunbar during the letter's absence in New Orleans. May 1 the Schlossers will move to the home they have recently purchased at 229 Doyle court. Mr. W. K. Saunders of 1058 Linden avenue, one of the village mall car- riers, was absent for several days last weeJ^JEJeâ€"Wjant-^OL-iraledOr-OhlOr to attend the funeral of his wife's mother, Mrs. Harrington. Mrs. Saun- ders has been with her mother since last Christmas. In a paper of last week It was stated that Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Cramp- ton, 612 Lake avenue, had gone to Chicago to live. They have returned under the doctor's advice that Wil- mette air is more conducive to good health than Chicago air. The home is not on the market, aa stated. The regular monthly meet! Woman's Foreign Missionary socle of the M. B. church Is to be held at the home of G. H. Pattitoiu &23,-Aafer. land avenue this afternoon at 8. An effort has been made to attract a large crowd, as Mrs. A. H. Vollentlne, pres- ident of the Chicago Northern district, wflFbe present to speak. Ladles of the missionary societies are^ cordially, invited to attend the meeting of the Wilmette Woman's Christian Temperance union which is rto be held in the jWllmette Congrega- tional church Tuesday, April 15. Mrs. Mabel ,V. Dlvelbliss of Chicago will give an address on "Co-operation." The Parents' club of the Wilmette Logan school held the first meeting of the month Monday, April 7. Those present listened to a very Interesting talk by Mrs. L. K. Glllson on "Child Training In the Home." Mrs. Glllson brought with her a picture of General John A. Logan, which was sent to her by Mrs.. John A. Logan of Wash- ington, D. C, and which Hhe presented to the school. Mrs. A. A. Rogers, who formerly lived at 729 Eleventh street, Wilmette, but now at Portales, New Mexico, is stopping at the La Salle hotel in the city for a few weeks, and is being en- tertained by her friends in the village. Mrs. W. T. Whlffen. 1120 Ashland avenue, entertained her club Wednes- day at luncheon. Marriage of Miss Jane E. Furman, 511 Hill street, to Mr. Jess W. Tut- hlll, 125 Fifth street, took place Fri- day, April 4, at the Congregational churoji. Rev. Roy E. Bowers, rector of the church, performed the cere- mony. Mr. and Mrs. Tuthlll went to Minneapolis for a short trip. Mr. J. G. Barber, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Barber, 621 Linden Btreet, returned from Dayton, Ohio, Friday, where he was doing Borne electrical engineering work for the Western Union Telegraph company. Mr. Bar- ber left Monday for Sioux City, Iowa, where he la engaged In the same kind of work. The Ladles' Aid of the Wilmette* Baptist church will hold an all-day meeting beginning at 10:30 Monday morning. April 14, at the home of Mrs. Howard Bowen, 1215 Elmwood avenue. Luncheon will be served and 4- For Bakery Goqda of Superfine Quality Goods yon can placebefore the most discjjmjutlnsfaaest, call WIKSOVS North Snore Bakery 1148 CENTRAL AVENUE Phones Wilmette 413-414. WNmette Auto Delivery -fei ~/ J. B. HECKLER 1137 GREENLEAF AVE. HLMVKTE Rial Estate Loansntful Insurance Telephone Wilmette 500 those who intend to be present will jMiaa notify Mra. Harry Dlllenbecav lcB Hhnwood avenue, not later than Friday of this week. All the ladles in- terested In thla work are invited to come prepared to sew. Postmaster Edwin Drury received Instructions from Washington last week that no employe could be hired or retained under the age of 16 years. For the past two or three years Har- ry, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Kirt- land, 802 Lake avenue, has been faith- fully delivering the special delivery letters, and has made many friends by his kind and courteous manners and the new rule bars him from longer performing this work. Some friends have taken an Interest in this to the extent that a petition has been drawn up and is being signed by village offi- cials, merchants and other prominent citizens asking that Harry be permit- ted to remain in this work. b. p. s: f W. 0. BEYRER'S HARDWARE 8m System INVKSTiaATn AMD SAYS so* TEETH a«,..« WITHOUT 85 T-r. PLATES Our Standard 8. FullSrtTMtlkj Terth Without] FUmOoM imXatrtiaiamsliac... Consultation irfe PafalMS Op«aSaifWs.»t»tt; __r Dna. MeiHSSHKT * BTCOWX, Im. 8. B. Cor. Randolph and Clark Bis.. Chtaae* .50 AYRES&BQLLT.=; OFFICE 1137 \/ Willi IRCENLEAF AVENUE INOIS VTr»f yxmstv.M g&m^,f»|f:M.^ v^«^»««yv AUTHORIZED TO DO A BANKING BUSI- NESS UNDER STATE SUPERVISION CAPITAL ind SURPLUS Safety Deposit Bjxes THE Bank is now cquij with one of the t Safety Deposit Vault! ity «f Chicago/ The patrons ab^ffhute . valuable pape*, etc., against fire and burgla^T^'ide* *te conyajri- encevof having this^paaftfetion right hereartjaW TOTerjmpment contains tfiree hundred boxes and they are becoming very popular at the reasonable rentals asked. The â-  officers of the Bank invite inspec- f, tion of this new safety deposit box -| system. %â- â- .',â- â- ' m: ________________________________________________________________________________________________^__ •- ••;#.â-  mmmt^mmm^^"^m^^sgs^mâ€" â€"^ CENTRAL AVE. AND TWELFTH STREET Wilmette, Illinois. Telephone Wilmette^ltaety^ Full Dress Suits Made to Order JOHN T^ROSBERG J GOOD CL Ttl.232 1126 Ctntral A»$.,Wibnehe Special AttefatfonMb Carpenter Jobbing. Estimates cheerfully furnished. Phone Wilmette 458 Se He CRAMER. / P**y Goods and Notjpni Spring weigh "ride T. PhoMSM Stop * Rm. Pbon* 168 A. C. WOLFF TIN, SHEET METAL I FURB4CE VK0RK Spring Rains Office, 1124 Central Ave. Shop, 62S Perk Avo. <Mtr), WilSMtto RalphW.Faui>el The Village Electrician â- BKBaBBaasarasaassssassEssssss In connection withes regular Electrical raJtracttnglbostaeaa. baa put inVfaU Vt&/ot Colom- bia OrafpnoU and Records. Ton are Invitee1 to coma and' near them. e» W. RAILROAD AVI. Wilmette Atomizers Whsa a thing is best it cannot be improved. (htratomixsnaieactnaUytbe best we can lray. ^V Ws gaatanlieuaAisnct in If 4° needal aotomim, 1st I sell yon snp«-o«aUj|e> at rest price. ~ ^0^^ A Ukw» â-¼arter/exstyles and 1 of the best grade*. 50c T!% SO Henneckar Drug Co. The Rexail Store flam n sat 11 llsain,ii. ___-------------- Scbultz & Nord / TdaaiMM WUawtte S20 » & TAILORING New Process Cleaning and Dyeing 609 West Railroad Avenue WILMETTE, ILL. . f Jfjnenia Un&eri05tar f& Ladpe and Chddren napnn. Also neiP&ash govds of all kinds Sp every quality. Phone 588 1146 Central Ave. A. A. H0TH WISCONSIN ICE GENE 'te#<m)ng 1208 CENTRAL AVENU WILMITTB, ILL. Carrtactt, Caba and 728.734 IS Wilmette BeajUyJ&op * Bdith M. Kilmer Second floor Tie MakBUg/flekCcatial Ats., Wlhfttttt High Class Beauti- Hnir fint^^^*^" tying Hone MMUit \JUUUo Wt ^^ „„ ^ WDBM w ILMETT IRY e^ Cream, 1819 Elmwood Avenue TKLXraONC SS4 WILMETTE. IU. GOOD Dress- ers demand art in clothes, the nice toucl^the distinctive nhef charac- ter, stwe and the^flhest workrian8hii>^eM>e had. GEORGE J. EBER Ladies* Tailor, and :â-  . â-  â-  Custom Tailor 1131 CreenJeaf Avtame WsLNETTB Mape It :: ResMeac* Tfw-L sldence 1026 Office 1079 JAMES A. SrtAkE 0 REAL ESTATE, RENTINC, LOANa^RSS INSURANCE 1128 Central Avenue / \ J||miili7llliiinh We also have some choice bargsins in North Shore property. 5? North Shore 'V inha^toU^of"- tmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Mge on thcJtorth ShoV from T m. tt Chicago ta^ke SWt. Lots, Homes facGuSijkpri ^sa> ^aaaa. ^bbw i^an ^^ ^^«m ^sav ^a* *^ajwa» a^Baa;f^a*uHB^B^Bnn| annj|B| ^^anmfsi and Acres 7.we*watjffi$^s^a*ase â- ^â- BnBMn.«nHMMMiH 5 Branca Offices RAIN COATS A very attractive display of these populajf gaYments/nily y be^Tkdat /-JT C/ Csflengo'a Heaflauartera fir ^^^0** RUBBEntGOOBT •f 9vrr deacrtptJaai ;/•;,' W. H. SALISBURY 6 COMPANY, Inc. les-ief «o«th Wanaeh Awe. Juat Owotn ef Menroe Bt. ^»Sll|atii^^iWil*^ r^wmmffl

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