Illinois News Index

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Apr 1913, p. 3

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People in Gross Mrs. M*t Bone has returned from a ^ur week* visit to Chicago friendt. % Mr. Breltun* and family or Soger ,treet have moved to Lake Forest, 111. Mrs. N. P. Miller of Charles and Sldge avenues has been reported ill. ' Mr. John Bleser of Ridge avenue las been- reported HI, but Is recover- ing. â- ".'â- â-  â- â- -'â-  -â-  " '>_"vV- "[ Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Emerson of Lake avenue, Glen View, are the parents of » baby girl, born Tuesday, April 1. Mrs. Peter Schaefer of Charles ; street entertained i^lattvW** and friends on her birthday Tuesday* April 1. ' - Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoth of Fif- teenth street will entertain the Satur- ., day Evening club at cards Saturday. \Aprll 12. Mrs. Frank Schaefer of Ridge ave- entertained relatives and friends on Monday, March % In celebration of her birthday anniversary. vMr. and Mrs. John Strel*; of Ridge and Lake avenues have returned from Tipton, Kan., where they attended the funeral of Mr. Streit's mother. Mrs. Cecilia Wagner and her sister, Mrs. Mary Merkel, attended the fu- neral of Miss Katherlne Wlnkel ot Chicago Sunday. Mr. iohn Miller and Peter Wagner attended the funeral of Miss Kather- lne Winkel of Chicago, to act as pall' bearers. , The dance that was scheduled by the Gross Point baseball club for last Thursday has been postponed to Sat- urday on account pf the Inclement weather. Tickets for Thursday are re- deemable. •MMIMMMMiMIMIMliMIMMMMIMMMMMMMM What People Are Doing iwMMiHt in Kenilworth *«»<......»! Miss Charlotte Parmelee is out of quarantine. Eugene Stearns is quarantined with chicken pox. Mr. Benham has returned from a trip to Panama. < Repairs have been started on the Kenilworth Inn. -,£ Mrs. H. A. Foresman entertained at tea Sunday night. Mrs. C. K. Parmelee left Sunday for Hot Springs, Ark. Mrs. Howard Durham gave a dinner party Friday night. * Mr. F. B. M. Cole has purchased a new saddle horse. Mrs. Sblpmaa gave a party for her youngest daughter Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Hall are remodeling their home on Abbotsford road. Mrs. Cbarles Ware entertained with a dinner party Monday evening. Mrs. Charles Armstrong is entertain- ing ber mother and grandfather. Miss Katherine Drake entertains* several of her friends Saturday night. Mrs. W. L. Serrell entertained her Edgewater club at luncheon last week. Mr. and Mrs. Laughlin spent a few days at their farm in Oregon, 111., last wek. Mis. Ruth gave a. theatre party for her daughter at the Evanston last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ware have re- turned from a two months' trip to Europe. I The guild of-the Kenilwortn Union church did ndt hold a meeting Mon- : day, April 7. Mrs. Walker has returned to Kenil- worth after a visit with her daughter in Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schulze have re- turned from a trip to Jamaica, Cuba, and Panama. ' Mrs. Spaulding (nee Miss Falrlee of eKnllworth) has a daughter, born Easter Sunday. The- Travel club met with Mrs. Percy B. Bckhart, on Tuesday even- ing of last week. "'* . Mr. Dana Pierce, formerly of Kenil- worth, visited his sister-in-law, Mrs. Porter, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cresap gave a dinner for several friends before the dance Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. S. Holden expect to be iu their new home in Norwich road the middle of the month. Miss Frances Stevens has had a slight attack of diphtheria. She is in Atlantic City with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Lon Allen left April 10 for Europe. They, will return In time to see their son graduate from Cornell. Mr. and Mrs. Grant RTdgeway and Mr. and Mrs. James Prentiss have returned from a four weeks' trip to California. Mrs. A. F. Reichmann and children, William and Harriet, have returned to Kenilworth after spending the winter in California. The luncheon which was to be given at the Union church on Monday next has been postponed, but tbe guild will have its regular meeting on that date. Miss Charlotte R. Everett will en- tertain the Lambda chapter of Alpha Gamma Delta sorority and their es- corts at a five hundred party Friday night. Instead of the children's party at the dancing school, last Friday, the class met as usual under tbe direction of Miss Hinman herself. The dress party will be given April 11. Mr. Roy Keith gave a dinner party before the dance at the eKnllworth Assembly hall Friday night. Several Chicago friends and Miss Frances Benedict of Evanston were present. Dr. and Mrs. E. T. Snydacher were box holders at the ball given by the Woman's auxiliary of St. Mary of Nazareth's hospital in the turn ball- rooms of the Hotel La Salle last week. The Rev. E. Reginald Williams has been honored with a call to St. Mark's church, Milwaukee. Mr. Williams came to Kenilworth nearly seven years ago from the diocese of New York. He has not indicated whether or not he will accept the honor. Dr. Denys, who has charge of the mission work for the Dutch East In- dies, spoke at the Union church Sun- day. His talk was so Interesting that he has been asked to give another On the "Wild Man from Borneo." The date will be announced later. Dr. Denys is a former pupil of Dr. Hors- well. «. Tho members of tbe Wilmette Wo- man's club, emulating the example of the Evanston Woman's dub, have started in on a lively campaign for selling a perfumed bath salt and with the commission thereon hope to reduce materially their indebtedness on'the club house. Domestic Selence Dmy. The Wilmette Woman's club held open house on April 2, a day of in- terest for all classes. Its success was due to the widespread interest and generous attention given to it by out- siders, as wVll as members of the club. The merchants, so often called on to assist in the public affairs of the vil- lage, deserve kindly mention on this occasion. About $230 was cleared, and will be used for the support of physi- cal directors in the schools for the next few months. The children receiv- ing first prizes are given below: Gertrude Gillette, Hazel Brown, Frances Zipf, Margaret Macauley, Katherlne Scheidenhelm, Alice Galla- gher, Dorothy Dennett, Frances Hogle, Kenneth Dennett, Cybleia Hoffman, Lillian Johnson, Francis'Brown, Edna Esentrot, Lucille Beaumont, Florence Gillson, Josephine Schultz, Dorothy Hardenbrook, Bobsie Skinner. 8econd Prize. Barbara Duenrt, Virginia Olwin, Beatrice Segsworth, Elizabeth Sander- son, Rebecca Fitch, Helen Beel, Flor- ence Gillson, Miss Wright, Florence Emerson, Ada Raynolds, Katherlne Calhoun, Helen Dennett, Margaret Dingee, Helen Dennett, Bertha Lieber- man, Elizabeth 'Wilson, Grace Hess, Elizabeth Sanderson, Virginia Llllien- field, Elizabeth Wilson^ .Elizabeth Fisher. • Constance Dibble. Emmy Rosberd, Miss Feltman, Wllhelmlna Baumann, Annie Cumberland, Marjorie Mann, MIhs Lenards, Margaret Smurr, Mar- garet Couffer, Halley Crossley, Fran- ces Cutler, Grace Eager, WJlhelmina Baumann, Isabel Baker, Gertrude Schlacks, Marjorie Marshall, Ruth Specht, Florence Emerson. WILMETTE MUSIC STUDY CLASS GIVE RECITAL ILL CIVE PLAY TO AID FLOOD SUFFERERS A unique, entertainment tor - a worthy cause, will be given Tuesday evening, April IS, at * o'clock In the Evanston Woman's club building. A delightful little play, entitled "Henry's 8tudy Hour,** will be acted by two of Evanston's most noted artists* Mrs. Guy S. McCabe and Mrs. B. A. Daw* son. All who are familiar with Mrs. McCabe's truly remarkable child im- personations will be more than pleased to see her sketch of a little girl In church. ' When the 80,000 odd people, who were made homeless in the Columbus flood, had received enough clothing and food to supply immediate neeo and were allowed to return to their ruined homes, a great need for aprons and towels wail felt. An Ev- anston woman, ojreatly interested In the flood sufferers of this city, having herself worked among them for se\> eral days, has secured the cooperation of several sewing classes of various schools heTe and together they nave provided many aprons, but it will take more effort to provide even one apron for each of those who need them in clearing out the debris of their homes. The entertainment is to be given tor the purpose' of buying material for these articles and all who wish to help may come to the entertainment for 50 cents or for two gingham aprons already made. WILMETTE BAPTISTS. The Wilmette Baptists held their first reception Friday evening, Aprirf 4, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. Major. Between forty and fifty people enjoyeji _ ifee _e*cejllent „firojffs^ Jjad partook of the delightful refresh- ments. Among the many who are showing their desire for a Wilmette Baptist church are quite a numoer or trained church workers and much en- thusiasm is being displayed in their religious as well as social meetings. Lawn 8eed-Barnar(T$ Per- petual Green; a mixture par excellence; 25c lb., 5 lbs., $1. Barnard's Seed Store 231-236 W. MADISONâ- "•T VICTOR AND EDIS< RECOI jtMkotSMNd! near Osfssoi KCIErtWIK SNf FOR SALE NEW TRIER HICH SCHOOL DRAMATICS "Phoebis Romani," a comedy of four acts, will be given at New Trier high school Friday evening, April 11,'. at 8:15 o'clock, under the auspices of U»o> senior class. There are twenty people in the cast from four villages of tbe township. Frances Flentye of Wilmette takes the principal girl's part, and Tom Brown of Wlnnetka the principal boy's part. Miss Farrell and Miss Swain of the Cumnock school of oratory have been training the cast, and Lachlsn Mac- Lean, assisted by Mr. Stevens and Mr. Harper, has attended to the business management of the play. The play is to be repeated at the Wlnnetka Woman's club on Saturday afternoon, the cast to be entertained for luncheon at noon by the club. KENILWORTH NEIGHBORS The next meeting of the Neighbors "will be on Thursday, April 10. In- stead ef gymnastic dancing under the â-  direction ot Miss Churchill, the pro- wanr will jbo given by Mrs. Minna \ 8*m» Grainger and lira; George Bass. I^foalc win be famished by Mrs. Hunt. ^. The nominating committee of the nounced the following ticket to be voted upon: For president, Mrs. Cal- vin Case; vice-president, Mrs. Leon Allen; recording secretary, Mrs. Cbarles Ware; corresponding secre- tary, Mrs. Frank M. Chaffee; treas- urer* Mrs. Howard Jones; board of directors of tbe chairmen of commit- tees: philanthropy, Mrs. Thomas I. I<ovedale; education, Mrs. H. A. Has- ten; literature, Mrs. C. F. Chandler; music, Mrs. Rufus Stolp; social, Mrs. Hugh Dyar. worts InvesjHsatlL- Rapidly laoMooin*-1 W.N. 69'Wert Washington Street NEW TRIER NOTES. Miss George has returned from Ann Arbor, where she has been since tbe death of her sister. There will be a track meet Saturday between New Trier and the Evanston Y. M. C. A. Miss Dorothy Brown, who has been In quarantine on account of scarlet fever for the past nine weeks, is out. Miss Charlotte Parmelee of Kenil- worth has returned to school after be- ing a "shut in" for the same reason. The latest victim of scarlet fever la Helen Roberts. NEW TRIER C. A. MEETING. The New Trier Commercial associa- tion will meet Monday evening, April 17, at the Wilmette Exchange State bank at 8 p. m. Every member 1s urged to be present. Special invita- tions are being sent out for members to visit Highland park and Investigate the central delivery system in opera- tion there. _ *3i&& asfejSii *wm m The Music Study class has ar- ranged the following for an evening's entertainment Thursday, April 10, at 8 o'clock. Members of the club may take one guest; members of tbe Study class may have three: Pianoâ€"Scherzo, D flat minor..Chopin Mrs. Leta O. Snow. Pianoâ€" a. Norwegian Bridal Procession .......,..................Grieg b. Marcel .................Godard Miss Man Gates. Vocalâ€" a. Silver Ring .........Chaminado • b. Birthday ................Cowen Mrs. Ethel Austin Gage. Violin and Piano Suite........Scbutt Mrs. D. B. Macauley. Miss Ernau Smith. Vocalâ€" a. Requiem.......... Sidney Homer b. Dearest ........-----Sidney Homer c. Mi Fanwy............D. Forster Miss Louise Robinson. Pianoâ€"Pomposo............Sinding Mrs. Edward B. Rathbone. Pianoâ€"Autumn.......... Chamlnade Miss Ernau Smith. Vocalâ€" , , a. Villanelle....... Eva Dell-Acqua b. Birthday............ .Woodman Mrs. Antoinette Abel Whitman. Pianoâ€"Valse Caprice.....Rubinstein Mrs. Ethel Wilson Rogers. Vocalâ€" a. I Drink the Fragrance of the Rose ......H. Clough-Lelghterpn^ranceCo.^jril b. Farrar Waltz Song......Hawley Residence Phone Mrs. Florence Tutler Snlte. Violin Quartetâ€" a. Romance........ Hellmesberger b. Serenade ..............Sluniclo Mrs. Macauley, first violin. Miss Eleanor Serrell, second violin. Mrs. Tait. third violin. Mrs. Bennett, fourth violin. Gertrude Lees Roberts, accompanist. TO HELP MISSION SCHOOL. A class of young ladles of the M. B. Sunday school organized a few months ago and decided to support a girl in a mission school in East Af- rica They named their class "Sodi- ani," the name of the girl picked out for them to support Last Wednesday they met to send off the fifteen dollars required to keep tbe girt in school for one year and to choose the Christian name they are permitted to give her. They chose the name Carrie, being the first name of their teacher, Mrs. F. A. Buck, 1215 Lake avenue. Miss Erdle Bateman is president of the class, A^Cmn bard Hub. rotdfctinVtfimly'ru- by natural Ban and suWMonoy on pramiaoa at V4 prtoa 335 W. Madkoo Street Bat Franklin and MarttatSta. CIUCAOO Superfluous Hair la Naadla the oab* Cms. fooo. Boetrfe Naadla the aiM,N« ~ " IsvwBtora (Over »»Years' Inbad caoaawo tima, ass hour! •* la Oar Ffajavn w/wlll stadtr t fVaa of Chant. Ow Motto UbonHtr, Hoooat DasitnC Wonamttaa oattrfootkm. _ ||.M wfg ooamooyoo. CoaaaJtadaaa lavttai (fim.) Writs te Booklet & Mme. Stiver MOT Aodltortam tower, Obhago TotepboM Han law *Vfl C. A. THORSE ggggggggt Livery aA I Building Mat* CAOO I r KENILWORTH CHURCH MUSICAL. The Kenilworth Union church choir gave Kenilworth the muslcsal treat of tbe season on eWdnesday night in the Kenilworth gymnasium. The choir was assisted by Mr. Vernon Archibald, a leading baritone of New York. He sang as one of his numbers a group of songs by Gilberte, with tile composer at teh piano. The acoustic properties ot the elCfillwortb gymnasium are rec- ognized as unusually fine, and a very pleasant musical evening was enjoyed by all. ming artford Fire ranee Co. Phone 261 West Ke Nursery Native Ha â-  and pessnn R. R. Avssoo. tw mk â- â- Â»< tssfsiils Issil, Tilfllll Tlllim ITT Arthur S. McKeni Phono KoaOwortfc 1 Plums it»* A.K0TTI tXDe IfentWrtlVjaUor Richmond Road P. O. Building Lillian Russell Aai/*i • "l am pertly de- iJdLyO. lighted with your Pleur-de-Lis cream. I want a jar every two weeks sent to the above address. Plesse send me s fresh jar at once and thenevery two weeks after. Send tbe bill and I will re- tarn my check." Endorsed by Stagehand Society Fleur-de-Ljs raceCreaj rey| ^tVfci Fleur-de-Lis FsWCreai restores ^and blaw the corrdptexion~clflthse8 the porfgpioroup^ily and removtfsl ALL waste products'from the skin. Nothing else is "Just as good." At Tonr Druggist's, 56c Mslvia B. Ertesoa, Sols Agent 94 S. Wafcaah Av*., Chiaaso Tho following drocslato aril Floin*oVUa FaooOvam CotwoB'a..............-.........DavloSt. Goorgo I*. Corko.............Daamotorflt. Trlor-Loffincwoll.................Main St. Contra! Pharmacy.............Control St. C.H. Borkott....................DartoSt. North wootara Pfcarmacr........DsviaSt. RULoflbwwon............Doojpotor St. Daaiola' Pharmacy. Pootor 8t A Maplo Av. -/.M MsJr^;:l*^M^s)tt fa r;:i R»g^fukt»mgbimndPuktma4 mm hnm , lfSt*Hrf V*/*^Qlt^TTf TT Iff ' ia dsjtMsnisariwas *f 9i< -" fittf fjs^cejit ipittrant. Metropolitan Electrical Supply Company V;V,^ EVERYTHING BLECTmCAL -'MM 18a W.Lakt Street 103 So. Wabash Ave. Phonm: Mmin 4194â€"Rtmdolpk OtO-A»tomtstk 31079 VtmrMmrmStm* M.OLABB1I GLASSERB Laulie#*Tail Now SWwing Esclssive Isjinocted 3952-34 â- wttfiJ SdooroKo.of'ira*.. TaLLaowTlowSMt tmtft lINMsV M44 ftV X^g^P^JS ;. All under one management. Each one an excejttionaUy oKa^uit place TRY THE OHe\J^B£&TYO}^ THE CLOVER, 206 S. Vabath Ave. *TOE HEARTIifltlN. Vabnth Aw THE GURNEY, 23 S. Vabash Ave. THE CLOVER 329 S. Wattes* AnTHE MADISON, 221 V. Maditdo St.. near5tb Ave. :$ V RVANBTOK&tlit* EMERSON STR.EET, Pbna saonlcl be made now for Chicago Office: l! Bfii^S r«#tWa

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